
Overwhelm Quotes

There are 810 quotes

"If you're feeling overwhelmed, I understand that you also then don't have any motivation; you don't have extra energy to declutter."
"No matter how much I tried to organize every single piece that was overwhelming, sometimes you're just working with too many pieces."
"Asking for help because sometimes on us can just make everything feel so much less overwhelming."
"Everything was just too much for me; I had to turn to God."
"I've been overwhelmed by my apparent responsibility, but I think it's also kept me alive."
"You can feel overwhelmed when our things are organized just because you have too many things. So even if everything looks beautiful and everything is nice and organized, if you have too much of something, it can still feel very, very overwhelming."
"I love what I do, but I just haven't been loving it because of how overwhelming it's been."
"We want to be overwhelmed because it takes us away from our day-to-day problems."
"I understand that notion is really overwhelming when you first get it, because there's a lot that you can do with it. And that's what makes it so great."
"There's just so much going on here and almost no time to process any of it."
"You start looking at all these numbers and all this text and you get down here and you say oh yes."
"Life can often feel like someone's literally drowning you, especially if you're in an extreme case of anxiety or stress or depression."
"The Wasteland, so much going on, so many things to process."
"I was getting overwhelmed so eventually thank god I don't even I don't know how I don't remember how but I did fall asleep."
"It's like all of a sudden every front started getting taken."
"Sometimes it just feels really overwhelming and you just need someone you can talk to."
"October is notoriously such a filled month that I call it broke Tober and I can't freakin possibly be review every single freaking game in October."
"But sometimes life gets you bogged down, and you may feel overwhelmed or like you're not showing up the way you want to."
"This is crazy. It's all crazy. Everything is crazy."
"You ever have too many options you don't even know where to begin?"
"I want everyone to just stop, just go away, this is too much."
"I think they saw that I was literally, I felt like I was drowning in the workload."
"This is one heck of an overwhelming live performance to put together, how do they do that?"
"I feel like I'm always getting overwhelmed by all of the different selections that I just end up getting the same few wines again and again and again."
"I was 14 years old... but it was also overwhelming."
"Oh, I'm overwhelmed here, you know, it's like that, I mean, you've got a drone and I've got all these sweets, personal gifts, t-shirts, messages, all sorts of stuff, and I appreciate every single one of them, guys."
"It's just too much, I don't know how to judge, but this is happening."
"I'm definitely at the word vomit stage of life right now."
"It was so easy for me to get overwhelmed. You just get unit after unit after unit."
"I think they're gonna get overwhelmed with the Nostalgia."
"Whatever words they could find are soon drowned out by the dragon."
"Just try not to let it overwhelm you as much as it can, and just know that everybody believes in your potential to play."
"It's like a nightmare, too much is happening."
"What I see can be overwhelming. What I hear can be so depressing. But when my heart is overwhelmed, remind me of what you said in your word."
"Nobody's ever been swamped like this. And nothing's been so contagious."
"I just couldn't even begin to unpack every weird thing."
"It's actually a little bit overwhelming at first."
"As soon as you end up getting overwhelmed I mean there's not really any way to pick and choose your target as the Fate trickster."
"I don't think we could have pulled this off without AFT because anybody else would have said I'm a little overwhelmed with all the details."
"I think the main reason is that they take on too much too quick and becomes overbearing."
"There's dozens more that I could throw out at you right now they just keep coming."
"We felt at a complete loss because now we see okay this is a bigger problem we thought it's not just the kitchen it's everywhere."
"I'm just staring at the ceilings I'm just in awe at this point I'm just like holy fuck this is insane."
"I feel like I'm the Frog getting boil to death by all these plants in the house."
"Cyber Monday can get really overwhelming just because there's so much happening but it also is like it can be really beneficial."
"There's something really fun about being overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff when you first reach endgame."
"Every time they can't have something these feelings overwhelm them."
"The amount of leather... it's honestly seriously overwhelming."
"I guess sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed that I just decide not to do anything... if that makes sense."
"There's so much information out here that was not available in the past before. I mean, it's mind-boggling the amount of information that's available all over the Internet."
"It's just everything smacking them right there."
"I'm just feeling very overwhelmed and very stressed right now."
"It's overwhelming right now, it feels like we've done even a bigger thing than we had expected."
"The man listening to all these explanations was getting a bit overwhelmed as he never heard of such a spell."
"It's very difficult for me to respond to every single person due to the volume of emails that I receive but I do try my best."
"Absolute Peak twitch chat puked out, I'm all worm holy moly."
"Everywhere I look, memories are sparked by things, and, you know, we're not big on stuff, especially kind of collecting lots and lots of stuff I find quite overwhelming."
"There's no words that you could describe what I'm feeling right now. It's overwhelming."
"Eventually like it just keeps piling up until eventually like it just like kind of collapses."
"I am tired of everything. I am tired of everyone. I am over it."
"Every decision you're presented with creates some of that same overwhelm."
"I'm just having a hard time comprehending how much of this stuff there is, like goodness."
"There is an absolute disaster and they are completely completely overwhelmed right now."
"It's almost like there's a bit of a squeeze, and we're all feeling more overwhelmed by all those things."
"Once you pull it all together, it's overwhelming."
"Even with how much I feel overwhelmed with my life right now, I feel within 100 that my existence is made beautiful and whole and complete..."
"Every day there was something else I'm supposed to talk about."
"How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. If I look at the big picture I will get totally overwhelmed so you do one thing at a time."
"This isn't what they're used to, this is too much."
"The urgency has to be bigger and bigger and bigger and at some point it almost feels too overwhelming, and then I just don't know how to start."
"This week is deep... so incredibly overwhelming in kind of a way."
"Thinking way too big. The reason you're overwhelmed, is you're telling me to my face, you're the next me and you haven't gotten out of the gate yet."
"I'm so sorry if i didn't get the chance to see your build it's not on purpose i know you know this but i like i don't want to make anybody sad i so badly do not want to make anybody sad there were just so many more builds than i was anticipating."
"This is terrifying. I'm shotgunning everything down."
"I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all these releases right now."
"It's just so exhausting, there's so much wrong that even those of us who've been opposed to him from the beginning can't keep track of all of it."
"Doesn't that just make you want to curl up into a ball in the corner of the room and cry?"
"There's so much swirling around them all the time."
"Unreal, $100 donor! I can't cope with that dude, thank you so much!"
"Sometimes, just sometimes, if things get way too overwhelming, you just have to take some time to really sit in, be quiet, and have some time to contemplate."
"When I feel overwhelmed with the amount of things that I have to do, the best thing to do is to prioritize."
"...that does come a point where you look at a space and you just feel overwhelmed by the job at hand and that is where the concept of Mias or most important areas come into play."
"Tongue takeover, shock the senses, surge of tears, jolt to the gut, voltage overload."
"It felt like a weekly bomb was dropped just one thing after another without a moment to breathe."
"Our love was too intense for me to handle."
"I have a lot of emotions and they overwhelm me sometimes."
"If it's just happened to you and you're feeling completely overwhelmed and terrified, I see you completely. I've been there and I totally get what that's like."
"If you are feeling overwhelmed, get the support that you need."
"It's okay to cry and feel overwhelmed during this process because it can be overwhelming, but it is all normal."
"You're also a human being with real emotions, and you may just be feeling overwhelmed in this moment."
"Do you have a space in your house that you're completely overwhelmed with when you open the door?"
"I have so much jewelry to deal with right now, I don't dare buy anymore."
"Do you ever come into a place like this and just your brain starts just getting overwhelmed?"
"How do you know when it's too much? It's when you don't know where to look."
"The whole world seems to be crashing down on me."
"No, just tired. Everything happened at once."
"I feel like I'm hyperventilating stressed out right now."
"I'm always right on the tip of full, you know what I mean? Like, sometimes I have a little bit of breathing room, but before I know it, every drawer is pretty full."
"They played with so much passion, we were simply overwhelmed."
"Tears came to my face, this was all so much."
"I don't like having so many things on my plate where I can't enjoy the taste of said things."
"I shut my laptop, I was like, 'No, no, I can't process this right now.'"
"...when there's too much in your closet it becomes really difficult to know what you have and so you just get overwhelmed and end up choosing the same thing over and over again..."
"Dealing with something like frost can be stressful and overwhelming. One of the biggest things we want you to get out of our videos is the confidence you need to overcome overwhelm in your own life and homestead."
"We don't need to get overwhelmed don't need to get stressed out about it."
"The best way to learn something that feels overwhelming is just by breaking it up into manageable chunks."
"Sometimes I find it super overwhelming seeing other people SC reset and seeing how perfect and productive their lives are."
"When you start to correct these hormonal changes... that feeling of overwhelm may dissipate."
"We all know the problem: too many projects, tasks, and reminders to keep in our heads can mean that we can become overwhelmed and end up hardly doing anything."
"My body and brain would just be like nope that was way too much processing you know."
"I don't have a voice anymore, but oh my God."
"It was NE organized and then it suddenly was not once it was very overwhelming with a lot of orders."
"It can be quite overwhelming when you turn up to a large body of water and decide that you're going to fish it because you can often just not know where to start."
"There's a really big difference between someone saying, 'I'm overwhelmed, I don't know where to start with this,' versus sitting on the bed and saying, 'I can't.'"
"I feel like now there's like so much information on the internet that it's a little overwhelming."
"Your brain couldn't even hold it, your mind couldn't even hold it."
"It's just like there's so much and it's so easy to get caught up."
"I'm just getting insanely overwhelmed by it all and I just need to take five minutes, reevaluate, sit down, enjoy my iced coffee."
"They're deeply submerged in something that is weighing them down and overwhelming them."
"Your clutter might be pretty loud right now, saying 'I'm done, I am so done.'"
"I'm literally so overwhelmed right now."
"Do you ever feel like you're in over your head when it comes to organizing your creative projects?"
"...it's getting to the point where it's like this Convention Center I had a birthday while I was walking from my hotel to the [ __ ] booth one day is it's it's that you can't watch that much."
"I've had to admit defeat, I cannot keep up with all the things that I have to do, nor ever cross these things off my list."
"Egypt at times was a bit overwhelming there were so many new sites and new experiences for us to have but it's been absolutely incredible."
"But there's a lot of gems here and I'm overwhelmed by just how beautiful and stunning it was."
"I'm responsible for them and their reactions and teaching them and training. And so, while I love being a dad, and I love taking care of taking these opportunities to teach them, when they all need something at once, it's overwhelming."
"Well, I don't know where... This is so overwhelming, but it's so such good energy for me. I'm very excited now."
"I'm overwhelmed but in a really good way."
"If you're feeling overwhelmed you can start with just 15 minutes."
"I want to encounter God and I want to lose the wrestle because I want to be so overwhelmed by him and overcome by him."
"Sometimes the idea of organizing your house can be really overwhelming."
"Try out a shorter school week if you're feeling overwhelmed."
"I literally have so much anxiety lately about literally a million different things in life."
"You expect the unexpected anything could get thrown at you and yeah it's like you know you hope it is then all that stuff but no it's not it's everything gets thrown at you all at once everywhere all at once."
"I stayed frozen, my mind was so far beyond boggled, I didn't even know what to think or do."
"... oh my god, I can't swear. Oh my god, oh, oh my god, I'm gonna cry."
"Haphazardly using freelancing platforms is the easiest way to get overwhelmed and not see any results."
"There's so much going on, it was a pure sensory overload."
"Nursing school is very fast paced, it's a whole different world, and a lot of people feel very overwhelmed going into nursing school."
"Whoa, girl, we need a moment to breathe."
"I think these people, it's, people are just checking out because they're just like, you know, it's too much. You know, this is too much."
"I'm overwhelmed with how good it all is."
"It's a little overwhelming now. It's kind of got that, uh, long-running MMO quality of 3,000 systems, and all of them interact in ways that no one's really willing to tell you about until you ask your friend Jarvis and he teaches you tech."
"What's the number one reason that most people fail? It's because of information overload."
"We all get lucky every now and then where we're like, 'God damn, this **** all over my ****.'"
"My life looks like right now is insane. It's out of control."
"Decluttering and organizing are not the same thing. They're both great, they both have purpose, but when you think of them as all one thing, it is very overwhelming and can cause decluttering paralysis."
"There's an entire semi truck in this room... there is so much going on here."
"...the single best strategy for curing overwhelm."
"People who are neuro atypical may perceive the neurotypical world as very overwhelming and it can be very traumatic to them for a variety of different reasons."
"...I think it can kind of distract a little bit. Just too much stuff sometimes."
"One of the most surefire ways to get overwhelmed as a new maker is being unorganized."
"It's really easy to get overwhelmed in this homesteading self-sufficiency lifestyle, believe me, I know this for a fact."
"Don't wait until you're overwhelmed to say no."
"Tying everything together is where most people get overwhelmed."
"I've lost my mind apparently. Oh my God, I can't believe what's going on right now in Star Wars. I just, I can't take it anymore."
"One thing drives out another so to speak. I'm that busy tonight, my head is going round." - Mr. Butterbeer
"Hurrying is so normal, right? We all do it. We do it all the time. But when you have CPTSD, hurrying very easily turns into overwhelm."
"Too many things are going on too many demands on your attention too many hardships and hurtful experiences keep coming at you."
"What do we do in the face of this overwhelming burden on our brain when we have things that we want to accomplish in our lives?"
"I really want to do something different, I'm so overwhelmed because I do not have something to fall back on financially."
"I have so much work to get done and I don't know what to do."
"because you know if it's so much work to be done and sometimes I get you know several assignments do and at the same time and I find myself rushing to get assignments in and you know it can just be a little daunting it's just overwhelming sometimes."
"I'm a bit overstimulated, I'm not going to lie."
"Overwhelm can go a lot deeper than that because not only are we aware that we don't have the resources to complete something that needs to get done but we're also very quick to start attaching stories about our elves that relate to that sense of overwhelmed."
"Overwhelm happen to all of us it is nothing to be ashamed of but I know how hard it can be to manage your own emotions when these things come up."
"Honestly, when I looked in my calendar on Sunday night, I nearly lost my [ __ ] when I realized I'd said yes to all these things."
"The problem is not activity, the problem is too much activity."
"If you've been feeling overwhelmed by the state of the world right now I hope you can find something small in your life where you feel you have some small control of."
"I turned off my phone for a day because I was like, right, this is too much."
"I was honestly so overwhelmed that I was getting another Hermès bag."
"They don't stop. The emails just come in, bro."
"The greatest enemy of making quality decisions is making too many decisions."
"You get a little overwhelmed and you don't know how to proceed."
"Task freeze, where you see like 15 things you need to do and you just stop, it's because you literally, the planning motivational Center of your brain can't make plans for 15 things at the same time."
"Most of the time our overwhelm tends to come from too many things that we're keeping in our mind rather than organizing in some other way."
"If you've ever felt confused or overwhelmed or intimidated by this stuff you're not alone pretty much everybody has."
"It just your head wants to explode."
"That's kind of like what I was just talking about, it's like so much change and you feel this excitement that the world is your oyster but then you're so overwhelmed by the amount of choices."
"I can't believe I'm saying that I'm saying it a ton of times because it still has not hit me. I am shaking."
"This seemed a bit too much for me at the time."
"There's just too much stuff, I don't know what to focus on."
"There is time in the day but a lot of the things that we want to do in our homes seem so overwhelming."
"There's only so much information I can gather and we get so overwhelmed with the amount of information."
"...and it just took up all of my mental capacity."
"Wow, you guys are going way too fast!"
"The amount of decisions that we as human beings have to make every single day is ridiculous."
"I love this kind of stuff but it can feel a little overwhelming sometimes."
"Damn, imagine everybody staring you down like this is too much. I do not blame George for feeling overwhelmed because this is a lot."
"But sometimes it's okay to not answer the call, especially when you already feel overwhelmed."
"It's too much, that's what I get, what sensory overload. Oh, that's what it's called, sensory overload."
"It's a little overwhelming but all right do you remember we tried the chicken Philly cheese steak it's not the same."
"In the beginning of the year, we get pushed with so much media of how to change your life and what you should be doing. It's really overwhelming."
"I get overwhelmed when I have too much stuff, honestly."
"It's getting really really heavy and there's like just so many thoughts in my mind about everything right now it's kind of overwhelming."
"Start by decluttering. You know this can feel overwhelming and oftentimes people feel like they have to declutter their entire house."
"It's too much. It's too much to be quite, you know, unbearable. This is our living space as well."
"Wow, this is amazing, this is wild, this is a lot to process."