
Decluttering Quotes

There are 3411 quotes

"If you're feeling overwhelmed, I understand that you also then don't have any motivation; you don't have extra energy to declutter."
"As we get our house decluttered and simplified, I feel like it frees up our time and energy, so that then we can think about helping other people."
"When you start clearing out the trash in your life and taking out the garbage, then you start to live a peaceful life, a happier life, and you make space in your world to then attract good people into your life."
"Get rid of clutter and you may just find it was blocking the door you were looking for."
"Our marriage has definitely improved since we decluttered our home. There's just a sense of peace and relaxation that wasn't there previously."
"As we have highly simplified and decluttered our kitchen, not only do I enjoy cooking more, but it is so much easier to keep clean."
"Declutter, detach, delete. So the start of the new year is honestly the ultimate time to have the biggest reset before the busy year ahead."
"Finding a home for every piece of homeless clutter in our home changes everything...it's been life-changing."
"Getting rid of just-in-case items... clears one's mind, frees up their space, and takes the weight off his or her shoulders."
"You pick up something and if it doesn't spark joy, you dispose of it."
"When it comes to decluttering, prioritize peace in your home over keeping all the stuff. It's about making your space work for you, not the other way around."
"There's a new pathway coming in for you, but it's not going to emerge as long as we are way too cluttered."
"Removing the clutter in your life so that you discover what you truly value."
"Minimalism can be used to declutter your life of excess things, fear, guilt, worry, stress, and consumerism."
"By decluttering a little bit each day instead of one massive swoop, you're actually developing a habit of decluttering."
"I am letting go of what doesn't spark joy. And another reason I want to consciously make this committed effort to switch it up in my planning system."
"Decluttering and organizing is called life-changing because it literally is."
"Spending 10 minutes clearing off one shelf is better than fantasizing about spending a weekend cleaning out the basement."
"Declutter closets and swap out seasonal clothing... It's the perfect time for me to declutter my closet and reorganize things."
"It's a time to reevaluate, it's a time to redo, it's a time to declutter, it's time to make room."
"A lot of success is just learning to decline [ __ ]."
"I had to make that change. And so within that, I started de-cluttering. And within starting to get rid of my stuff and really paying attention to what I owned, not only did it make me understand how much I had spent. But it also, over time, helped me sort of curb that compulsion to shop all the time, because I had started to familiarize myself with what I already owned."
"Sell anything that does not bring you joy... get that instant boost for your savings."
"I'm not taking anything else out of here besides like trash. I'm literally just cleaning."
"It actually feels really nice and light; there's something very cathartic about just getting rid of these things."
"Focus on what you want to keep instead of focusing on what you want to get rid of."
"There is never any pressure to get rid of everything and always do it at your own pace."
"I really want to go much more minimal with all the things that I have. I'm tired of spending so much time cleaning and organizing all the things that we have and I want to own my time."
"Whenever you are decluttering, think again to yourself: Is this item worth the time that it's going to take me to clean and the effort that it's going to take me to organize it, and also, is it worth the space that it takes up in my house?"
"Take decluttering at your own pace and do what feels right for you."
"By breaking your decluttering into just small little tasks that you do every single day, it makes it way more attainable."
"Doing decluttering and living with less definitely makes me feel like I'm more in control of my little world, especially when the world outside is out of control."
"Letting go of things can really be a cathartic experience and it also allows us to be generous to others when we are able to pass on or donate or gift the things that are perfectly usable and good."
"Decluttering also helps you realize what you need, not just what you need to get rid of."
"Everything that I declutter today is one less thing I have to declutter tomorrow."
"In two years' time, I decluttered my entire life and we got rid of close to 90% of our stuff."
"Decluttering cleverly disguised itself as the opposite of a capitalist, countercultural movement but actually became one of the status quo's biggest tools."
"Decluttering is not organizing. Organizing is the next step."
"In my experience personally, there's been a huge benefit to be gained from decluttering the excess and working to be really intentional about what I bring in next."
"Guilt is a waste of time... decluttering is about growth, it's about letting go, it's about making space, finding ways to get your time back, and help you find ways to really get genuine joy back from your wardrobe or whatever it is you decided to let go of."
"It's amazing how something as simple as decluttering can be so satisfying yet so challenging because of the memories and sentiments attached to objects."
"Decluttering and organizing is an ongoing thing...it's not like you do it once and it stays that way."
"The definition of decluttering success is just stuff leaving the space."
"People, you don't have to buy stuff to get organized. The first step is decluttering."
"Decluttering means actually getting things out of your house, not just tidying or stuff shuffling."
"When I get rid of stuff, I just feel like I and my house can take this sigh of relief, as if a weight has been lifted."
"People start decluttering and... they find peace."
"I have taken a year to get rid of over 80% of my stuff."
"We plan on decluttering a lot before moving because a lot of our things we don't think it's worth moving cross-country."
"Decluttering time goes so much faster and is so much more effective if you just focus on taking out things that don't belong."
"The cool thing is whether the size of what you're decluttering is big or small, that kind of clutter that builds up really does kind of have a subconscious impact on us."
"Letting go of those items really does feel very much like a release and it's very freeing too."
"Decluttering responsibly can be challenging but it is hugely rewarding in the end."
"I really personally believe that it's important that we're kind of trying to declutter and get rid of things in a responsible way, in a way that's not going to be harmful to the environment."
"Every time I declutter, I'm always just struck by this renewed sense of intentionality and purpose and peace that it brings to my home."
"If you're looking around your home saying I don't know if I have 500 items to declutter, I would just challenge you to see how far you can go in this challenge and you might be surprised by how far you can make it."
"Once I get started, I get in like this mode, especially once I start seeing the things going through and organizing and seeing how much I'm getting rid of and what items I want to keep. I get excited and motivated to keep going."
"Another decluttering project is done, and it feels so so good."
"We got rid of 90% of the stuff in our garage."
"If you're looking for some real-life decluttering motivation, you are in the right place."
"Being honest about the stuff that I actually use, not just holding on to things because I might use them in the future."
"If I have the option between decluttering a linen closet or watching something on my phone, well, it actually takes a lot of willpower to choose decluttering the linen closet because I don't get as big of a dopamine rush from that."
"The goal starting today is to turn the space from a cluttered, unusable mess into something that is a lot of fun that we can enjoy as a family."
"First of all, go make a folder called DMZ and drag everyone of those emails into that folder and then stop doing that."
"Decluttering your closet... go into the year with only the clothes specifically that you love and enjoy."
"I'm basically I want to just take everything out of here because I just want to brush start."
"Clear out the clutter. Get yourself as clean and organized as possible, you know emotional clutter let go of the baggage."
"At least it's not cluttering up my space anymore."
"We want to keep the decluttering positive and a good experience."
"For me there is no need to have so many like 47 palettes like i can't believe that i've been able to declutter 47."
"If you were just to put those things in a trash bag, you'd never look at them again."
"Declutter your collection and make sure everything you use is definitely of quality and of substance."
"It's always a good day when I'm able to get rid of more than I'm keeping."
"Many many hours later I am decluttered, I feel so much freer."
"I always end up with five drawers still so I don't really get it down that much."
"I'm very happy with how many we've got rid of so far."
"Decluttering one thing every day helps to build a habit and turns me into someone who declutters."
"A good clear out and reorganized and declutter gives a very good feel-good feeling."
"Let's get rid of this stuff that we don't need so that you have room for the good, room for the positive, room for the growth."
"She says the key to successful tidying is tackling your home in the correct order, keeping only what you really love, and doing it all at once."
"I just can't imagine where I would want to wear this to... I just think I'm gonna get rid of it."
"So guys, I think we are done here... I feel really satisfied with the amount of clothes that I have."
"Less is more: Removing clutter makes the space feel lighter, welcoming, and airy."
"I'm not gonna physically read it again... no need to hold on to it."
"Decluttering... This is going to save you so much time."
"I'm about to have a big clear out of this so before we do so I'm going to talk you through all of these items."
"I love the creativity of getting dressed, but I declutter regularly and mindfully."
"Apply this to your own life. What would it be valuable for you to declutter before 2019? How would that make your space feel more simple, more breathable, more peaceful?"
"Use the 80/20 rule... identify those items and then slowly let go of the things that aren't actively adding value."
"Even if you don't think that there's something to declutter out of a spot, it might be worth a couple of minutes to just take a look."
"It's beautiful but I'm gonna declutter that one."
"Declutter the imaginary self associated with those items."
"I definitely kept more than I got rid of, but I do still feel really happy with how this went."
"Let go of all the excess baggage in your personal life and let go of any clutter in your mind."
"Selling what you aren't using really can be a powerful way of literally being able to save thousands of dollars."
"Decluttering is ninety percent of the battle." - Mike Kelly
"Let go of any sentimental items which don't bring you joy."
"Lighten your load, decluttering could also be helpful."
"Simplify or declutter, free yourself, take a risk."
"You'll see at the end I was actually able to open up a ton of drawer space again so I hope that this motivates you to do a huge declutter of your mail receipts, old electronic cords, or pens."
"I'm just so happy with the results of this junk drawer and I hope that it inspires you to clean out your junk drawer today too."
"Decluttering just really declutters your mind and your head."
"If you don't love it, it shouldn't be there. Get rid of it."
"Decluttering and organizing in the digital arena can be a really easy way to take one less stress out of your life."
"Start with easy stuff, get rid of stuff you don't need."
"Identify and remove any information that is useless."
"Just take another pass over the areas in your house and do quick little decluttering projects like I did."
"I hope you guys enjoyed coming along with me to the different areas of my house where I did some re-decluttering and reorganizing."
"Go through your little things, your pile of little things that you haven't seen or touched in years, and you will be super happy you did it."
"Be ruthless with the stuff in your house and not to let your clutter control you."
"I got rid of ten trash bags full of just shirts from my closet."
"You'll feel better and more focused if you'll take the time to clear away clutter from your living and workspace."
"Practical actions, shaking up your routine, clearing out clutter."
"I've gotten rid of so many things but I've also sold some things which is something I usually didn't do. It's been really fun."
"Chances are you don't need the stuff that's in there. I hope at minimum this inspires you to declutter a little bit."
"Cutting down the programs, defusing, deactivating them - that's what it's called. It's not being selfish, it's called cutting down the programs."
"Our house is decluttered, so it's not as hard to clean and it's enjoyable."
"The clutter has gone and they have a light and airy space."
"Excess clutter affects our productivity and, most importantly, our mental health."
"If you haven't worn a piece of jewelry in a year, you probably don't need it."
"Clean out your closet, if you have clothes in your closet that make you feel unpretty or not handsome, donate it."
"I think it's a good just mental exercise for you guys just to get you've been carrying around all this stuff that's equated to carrying around debts and just getting rid of some of it I think it's going to bring you a lot of peace."
"You can't declutter wrong, and there's nothing in your home that you could get rid of that would be so awful that it's worth living in a home with so much stuff that every day you feel like crap about yourself."
"Regularly audit your wardrobe to remove clutter."
"You can get rid of some of these things and still be a book lover."
"If we can learn to get rid of the things that aren't sparking joy for us right at this very moment, then we can be more present in the right now."
"Declutter your space, detox your body and mind."
"My real secret to staying clutter free isn't that things never get disorganized but instead knowing that even though things get messy and disorganized I can always get it sorted out and in order again."
"Look at being clutter free as being in the constant state of decluttering... it's not about doing a few big declutters every few months, you really want to get in the habit of constantly decluttering."
"Clean up your life, release what clutters your space."
"Delete all that trash and make room for the future."
"Purge the less stuff you have, the happier you'll be."
"Sometimes you think you don't have anything to get rid of, but if you just go through your closets and cabinets at least every couple of months, you can always come up with a bag full of items to donate or sell that you're not using."
"If you're in need of some organizing, decluttering, cleaning motivation, then you are in the right place."
"I feel like I'm at least cycling through things, I'm not hoarding all these many phases of my life."
"I think it's really good for just total trash it used to look like before."
"Maybe soon I'll get some like major old clothes purging decluttering videos going on up in here."
"Just by getting rid of what was on that wall, that board, and removing that from my life has been like lifting the world off my shoulders."
"Wow, I kind of forgot how great it feels to actually declutter products."
"Decluttering is a powerful re-regulation exercise with very good fringe benefits."
"Power is what you need to declutter - whatever the step that you need to take is, the thing that's going to propel you into that step is inner power."
"To keep your decluttering steady and sustained, you'll need tools to help you face and release the friction that arises."
"I'm excited to share the things I no longer love or need with people who will love them more."
"Clean out your closet, be generous in all aspects."
"95% of the things that I get rid of, I don't regret decluttering."
"Every time I declutter a category I learn so much, whether I'm keeping things or discarding things."
"Declutter your entire life... make enough space for everything that you do care about."
"Stop worrying about possessions. Lose the [expletive] and the clutter."
"I thought about selling some of my old stuff that people might want."
"Declutter videos allow us to dwell in the material space of these questions to feel our feelings about too muchness and not enoughness."
"It's worth it for me to have one less thing in this cluttered space."
"Happy decluttering! Have fun getting organized."
"There is so much that you can get off of it. I almost need to get rid of it immediately."
"Declutter your schedule... make some room for what you want to attract next."
"Decluttering is a really good place to start."
"Only hang on to stuff you really, really need and will use."
"Clearing rooms for the first time in years, amazing."
"I miss me cuddles, that's one of the benefits of decluttering."
"It would be nice not to see clutter everywhere, you'd be happier because I'll be happier."
"The first step in all of this is unsurprisingly to streamline your wardrobe and get it to a place that you really, really love."
"Once you've done all of that you can move on to the next step... honestly have fun the thrill of the chase I think is really nice."
"Clearing out my wardrobe was just honestly, it's made me feel so much better."
"I am so proud of myself i got rid of an entire box full of stuff so my kitchen feels a little bit lighter and way more organized"
"Life lesson: if you don't use it, get rid of it."
"Good stuff in my storage. What don't I need yet?"
"If there's something that you're questioning, should I keep this should I not, go ahead and put it in a maybe box."
"I do think both of them are super important but if you have to start with one definitely start by decluttering."
"Clear out the clutter and open to infinite possibilities."
"The demon fox who killed Naruto's parents ended up sacrificing itself to help save Naruto and the rest of the world."
"I didn't throw away anything super special, but I know if he would have looked too closely, he would have found stuff to pull back out."
"It's not about what toys you need, it's about what toys to get rid of."
"Maggie's home is not only starting to look dramatically different, she's got a brilliant cash for clutter total."
"Does this item spark joy for me? If it's a no, then toss it. Your future self will thank you a lot for having fewer useless items."
"Declutter your space by asking, 'Does this item spark joy?'"
"Decluttering advice: start by taking everything out of your kitchen cabinets and drawers."
"Clear out the clutter. It's time to cleanse."
"Everything you should have should spark joy... there is no room for the stuff in your life."
"I want to be free of all this clutter that's taking over my life." - Sharyn
"Our goal is not to get rid of everything right it's to get rid of all of the extraneous stuff that is making your house unlivable."
"Join me in this great purge of excess items, it's gonna help the economy."
"Cleaning out the house has saved my heart, my marriage, my kids, my family, my siblings, and me."
"The important thing about tidying is not choosing things to discard but choosing things to keep."
"I feel like I have a ton of product that I don't use, product that is expired, and I just need to go ahead and just clean that out and just have organized drawers and just all of that."
"I honestly don't even reach for these at all, I think I use these maybe once or twice, so I'm actually going to declutter these and either donate them or give them to somebody."
"It's important to let go of items that have served their purpose and are no longer functional."
"I feel like it always feels nice just to have a clear out."
"As I got more and more comfortable with getting rid of my things... it became almost addictive."
"Move stuff on that you don't use and that'll help bring a bit of money in."
"If I haven't worn something in over a year, I'm probably never going to wear it."
"I've got to find a place to put all of the stuff that I'm decluttering so I can get you all a good after shot."
"Take inventory to find duplicate items and products you didn't even remember you had."
"Your world will expand once you let go of the clutter in your environment."
"Allowing yourself to rid yourself of some excess stuff that is asking more than it gives frees you up."
"Going through your wardrobe with a fine tooth comb is really the best way to work out what you do and what you don't wear."
"I'm convinced that I'm gonna use it, so I keep it, and then it just kind of sits here for a couple of months and then I will get rid of it."
"Get rid of all those old dish towels, only have the pretty and nice ones."
"Quarantine declutter sessions: making room for more makeup adventures!"
"Saying goodbye to all of this clutter in my home is so freeing."
"The rule of thumb is if I haven't worn it in over a year, it's going."
"There is no point in trying to make your house organized and beautified until you get rid of all the stuff."