
Finance Quotes

There are 33945 quotes

"Predicting price is what this is. It's future. It's why they call it Futures Trading. Your clue is in the name."
"Learn from your past, grow as a person, become a better person. This includes your personal finances."
"You change their lives first, you don't ask for money first. You change their lives first, and then they will literally pay your bills."
"With the development of AI, the advantages in things like finance and the military will be so big that an AI arms race is almost inevitable."
"Financial experts thought we were in the clear... then the inflation data came out higher than expected."
"If you borrow a hundred thousand dollars, you're afraid of the bank. If you borrow 10 million dollars, both you and the bank become a bit panic. But if you borrow a billion dollars, the bank is afraid of you."
"Your status is gonna elevate, your money's gonna elevate, your career is just gonna explode in a good way."
"Drone attacks on Russian oil refineries represent a strategic move to hit Russia financially, targeting the high-value products of the oil refining process."
"Real wealth is built through your investments."
"Income follows assets. The more assets you have, the more income you'll earn."
"We started this portfolio with $50,000, it's already at $3.5 million."
"Value investing is like shopping for deals but instead of shopping for a new laptop or a new phone, you shop for stocks."
"True passive investing in index funds actually beats 83 to 95% of active money managers."
"The most best thing to do if you want to invest for the long term is index, and it's the S&P 500 Index."
"You do not want your money to be driven by emotion."
"Everyone is a financial genius in a bull market because all they've seen is stocks go up."
"When the tide goes out, that's when you see who's been swimming naked."
"Making money in the stock market is just as much strategy as it is psychology."
"If you're swingin' cash you don't know what to do with it, well, that is a good problem to have."
"George Soros is known as 'the man who broke the bank of England' due to his significant financial actions on Black Wednesday."
"You're going to discover a whole lot about yourself when you start trading with real money."
"Your number one rule is to preserve Capital, not multiply it as fast as you can."
"You are never wrong trying to preserve Capital."
"The interest rates are the real fundamental driver if you want to look at long-term macro influences over the marketplace."
"Passive income is when you do a majority of the hard work upfront so that in return for that hustle and hard work, you can make money passively."
"I want FTX to be a place where you can do anything you want with your next dollar. You can buy Bitcoin, you can send money in whatever currency to any friend anywhere in the world. You can buy a banana, you can do anything you want with the money from inside FTX."
"Money doesn't fix everything, but needing money sucks."
"I have a 100% guaranteed way to save you money."
"Financial advice should be tailored to a person's unique financial situation."
"Your environment is improving, and so is your financial and career situation."
"Money will come more easily to you; there can be an increase in your ability to attract finances."
"Learn how to invest in stocks from somebody who has six figures or seven figures in the market."
"Money is pursued, riches is accumulated, but wealth is created."
"When people talk about generational wealth, they believe in the traditional way of building wealth, where there's a whole different way where you could finance your life, build your own wealth, finance your family's life, and borrow from yourself."
"ESG is a real thing. It is an absolute thing."
"Dogecoin above four cents...a historic day for the markets, a historic day for Dogecoin especially."
"We are changing our own lives; Wall Street is no longer in control, we now have the power."
"We are seeing spectacular numbers. Everything is changing now. Everything is truly changing. Our lives are never going to be the same again."
"We can beat Wall Street. The time of Wall Street taking advantage of us, of reaching into our pockets and trying to get one over on us, that time is over."
"Every one of these ideas will change the trajectory of your earnings, your income, and your wealth."
"Master a skill... each new skill set that you add raises the value of your work so that you can earn more money per hour."
"Money is just a game, and it's impossible to win the game of money if you don't know the rules."
"Let's get that $50,000, and then we can just get the IMF loan."
"Money will play an essential role in all of the events of the future, including the end times."
"Money is important because it is a symbol of your mastery and comprehension of life's great journey."
"If you want to get any kind of loan or credit line, you need one of these three things: cash flow, credit, or collateral."
"The best options are always available for those who have their credit game locked down."
"Gardening is the single-handed most overpowered way to make money, especially when you're first starting out."
"Your income is your most powerful wealth-building tool."
"When you put the smartest people in the world in finance, you can't hold back their imagination and their creativity."
"Nii Color lost 18% of their stock over the last 5 days."
"The way to make a small fortune in real estate is to start off with a slightly larger fortune."
"Compound interest is one of the wonders of the world."
"The basic proposition of value investing is that when you invest in an asset, the underlying value of the asset is what you're investing in."
"I think the entire financial structure of the world is in flux."
"The most important thing you can do is have a family, make money, no joke. Then in 10 or 20 years, you will have well-adjusted, intelligent, capable children who control industry."
"Good debt helps you in the future, it makes you money, it increases your value; bad debt is debt used to purchase liabilities, things that take money away from you."
"Just make sure your credit score is good; that really does matter when it comes to debt."
"I've made a fortune by using debt, and if things don't work out, I renegotiate the debt. That's a smart thing, not a stupid thing."
"We're definitely in a bull market, and this bull market is definitely going to melt faces."
"Your next big major life change has to do with wealth, luck, and finances."
"We need more investment to scale up climate finance, with investment instruments and funds available for everyone."
"Credit everyone has a credit score, and this shows whether you're worthy of borrowing money and paying it back."
"The movement encourages people to invest, it encourages better pricing for retail, it encourages faster settlement, it encourages transparency, and community due diligence."
"The TFSA is a gift offered by the Canadian government to encourage Canadians to invest in the long term."
"If you hold high-yield dividend stocks and ETFs in your TFSA, you will never pay taxes on these dividends, and this will allow you to maximize this exponential growth."
"You make more money in a market crash than when the market goes up."
"For an automobile company to have negative contribution margins is disastrous."
"Making a gross profit is only the first baby step towards profitability."
"There's a ton of money in the finance industry, and if you want to be able to work your way up to the top levels, you are going to have to work hard."
"The only way to learn finance is to do finance."
"Finance is fundamentally about moving money and risk through a network."
"Finance is in fact, the most important subject that you'll ever encounter. That in fact, finance is at the core of everything that you will ever do in business and in management."
"If you like Roblox, need more heat, then you will love Roblox need more money."
"People have gotten all too used to big bankers treating the industry more like a game or maybe more precisely an endless ATM for themselves."
"The ability to move College savings plans into Roth IRAs is a significant change introduced by Secure Act 2.0."
"M1 Finance is a 100% free Robo-advisor or automated investing platform."
"The power of compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe."
"We're all George, so we just saw another major dip. Bitcoin took an 11% dip since yesterday."
"At any income level, you can always have an IRA."
"Parker and Stone's company even financed The Stick of Truth from the very beginning."
"He managed to get a loan of $700 to start John Paul Mitchell Systems with co-founder Paul Mitchell."
"We may never financially recover from this video."
"Compound interest is truly a miracle in providing value."
"I first felt successful when I survived 2008 working in finance and had just moved."
"The afternoon session...there's mechanisms that are built in that help this market really accelerate into the close."
"There is a shift from traditional financial markets over to decentralized finance (DeFi)."
"We're proving the people who said Wall Street is only for people who can make money in the investing world wrong."
"It's bigger than money... It's about the moral root of an issue."
"If you haven't figured out what your money dance is, you've got to figure out what your money dance is."
"Money dance helps you actually feel motivated in the morning."
"No matter what the broker gets paid, this is money, money honey. Honey, you do your money dance."
"Blockchain is an incredibly lucrative field, one of the highest paying skills in tech."
"Bitcoin closed above $50,000 in the four-hourly chart for the first time in history."
"Bitcoin's wallet BitPay prepaid Mastercard in the US can now add their card to the Apple Wallet, and Apple Pay will now allow Bitcoin to be spent online, in stores, and in apps."
"Any cashflow can be valued, therefore any asset can be valued."
"You can become your own bank with cryptocurrency."
"The whole point of financial education is you're making financially educated decisions with your money."
"There's a difference between good debt and bad debt, and those that get rich understand the value of leveraging debt."
"I've been doing tax returns for 17 years now around the country."
"The rules of finance have not been rewritten. Bubbles exist and they've been existing for hundreds of years because of human nature."
"How much is a semantic distinction worth? The answer is $3.5 billion."
"I love saving taxes, and I love making money, and I love sleeping like a baby at night. Actually, babies don't sleep that well. I like sleeping like a teenager at night."
"Mother may give you some inheritance, mother may give you the property, but somehow mother becomes a catalyst of money."
"There were two assets that significantly beat the balance sheet and are above 2008, and that's Bitcoin and the NASDAQ."
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has returned $13 billion to consumers."
"We're not just buying stocks; we're actually buying part ownership in a company."
"You can earn three times more cashback by using this app than you can with any of your credit cards."
"When you start to see an asset that generally has a correlation to something, and it starts to kind of shrug away from that correlation... it starts rallying in the face of bad news."
"We're swapping out money, and then all of these other applications and protocols that we're accustomed to like nation states, institutions, they're all being revisited."
"Investing is not hard; we just make it difficult."
"Interest rates are like the stock market; they take the staircase up and the elevator down."
"Cash is king, but credit is the queen, and we all know who runs the castle."
"It's easier to obtain a hundred thousand dollars in credit cards than it is to save a hundred thousand dollars in cash."
"Gas cards is a game changer. Imagine, getting a card like Fuelman, which can give you a $25,000 credit limit. You're not going to use $25,000 in gas, but it's perfect for business expenses like sales reps, drivers, or any employees really. Gas becomes not just an expense, but a manageable, predictable part of your operations."
"When we talk about personal credit, we know that the score range goes from what, 350 to maybe 850. But on the business side, the score is translated differently. For Dun & Bradstreet, it goes from zero to a hundred. Paying your bills on time could get you a 90 or 100, reflecting a strong business credit profile."
"There's nothing markets hate more than uncertainty."
"For those of you who don't know, an initial public offering or IPO is what happens when a business takes their company public."
"The best financial models work to reconcile the opposing forces of realism and simplicity."
"If you want the league to increase, if you want the players to have more money... it all begins with Riot."
"Ladies and gentlemen, it is happening. We just witnessed the biggest banking failure since 2008."
"What happened with Silicon Valley Bank today is massive. We have just witnessed a Lehman moment."
"This could just be the first domino to fall."
"This is absolutely terrifying, everyone. Bank of America has nearly half of its market cap in unrealized losses."
"It's the money of everyday citizens in that democratic society which has been aggregated in the hands of these small institutions."
"If you put money in a savings account, inflation devalues your currency. My ability to buy things diminishes over time."
"Everybody is a financial trader by trading time for money, which is the worst trade."
"Debt is the epitome of evil and the killer of your financial dreams."
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world."
"Appreciation is not guaranteed; it could go either up or it can go down."
"Long-term capital gains are taxed lower than short-term capital gains."
"Assets are things that put money into your pocket; liabilities are things that take money away from your pocket."
"Equity pulls this new money that was just created and puts it into the pockets of people who understand money."
"There are three concepts that you have to understand: excess speculation, risk, number three inflation. And they all tie in together."
"Even though yesterday he claimed that he has almost $500 million in cash, Trump's lawyers have still attempted to secure a bond from at least 30 insurance companies, all of them have said no."
"Compounding... famously has been called the eighth wonder of the world."
"Basically, you should start investing as soon as possible."
"You see more millionaires come out of recessions than any other time because that is when you can come in, if you have cash and you are financially educated, you can buy assets for pennies on the dollar and then just ride the market up."
"More millionaires are made out of crashes and recessions than at any other time."
"The asset class is outperforming every other asset over every time period since its instantiation because it's mathematically pure."
"Money is monetary energy. Money is energy at the end of the day, energy is conserved."
"The objective of the Riff for a lot of these companies should be to get them cash flow positive or at least to put them on a runway or a trajectory where they can get cash flow positive with their existing cash on the balance sheet."
"How deep these companies are cutting and how management is expressing to shareholders how they're going to turn a profit becomes a signal for those shareholders on whether or not they want to stay in that stock."
"Starting to see a central theme: all of this wood is in, now we just need a few dollars."
"The wealthiest people in the world go all in on one income stream and then diversify to maintain their wealth."
"The money isn't made in the buy or the sell; it's made in the wait."
"Money is necessary but not sufficient for happiness."
"In America, you need credit to make money and to save money."
"Americans have found it hard to be separated from their money, and the bank crisis now in its fifth day continues to cause eruptions of violence."
"Cryptocurrency was able to achieve these heights because money has both technical and political aspects."
"Bitcoin as a topic is extremely fascinating and important to discuss and really understand more on a fundamental level."
"The board members of the FED sold their stock portfolios because they wanted to make sure to avoid any conflicts of interest, right? And then they proceeded to crash markets."
"The number one cause for divorce is not because of the lack of money; it's because of the lack of vision and thought behind money."
"You should sit down and really think about how invested you are in the stock market."
"The most important thing that you should do if you fall into that group is have a conversation with your financial advisor."
"With Jupiter, this means making a lot of money doing your life purpose and your destiny."
"If you are playing with leverage, make sure you can handle a massive wick."
"Be careful out there with leverage; every single day, people get wrecked."
"Bare market billions are made in the bear, but don't worry, we're still finding Alpha."
"The ETFs, we haven't spoken since the ETFs launched. It's been amazing."
"It's the best performing asset of all time on any time horizon."
"At the end of the day, Bitcoin is objectively the world's best money due to its superior monetary properties."
"But people who have this kind of background, where they've had very little exposure, when you control for all aspects of what's going on that you can reasonably control for, the ones who have no real background in math are far more likely to default on their home mortgages."
"Secrecy and complexity in finance and government help to obscure corruption in public office."
"Quantitative easing was this mechanism of trying to spur more credit creation."
"Passive income is a type of unearned income that is acquired with minimal labor to earn or maintain."
"When we're in a correction, you put your money into your highest conviction place. That is the time to concentrate down into what you think is going to create the highest return on investment."
"When things get nasty, I grab all the cash I can from all the places I can."
"We're on the edge of a fundamental reshaping of finance."
"The quickest way to make money is by creating value in something that is otherwise valueless."
"The city of London was the beating financial heart of the British Empire."
"Many people in finance have been trying to predict where the next major crisis will begin... However, there are now new signs of an emerging crisis that everyone seems to be brushing off."
"The commercial real estate sector is among the most bizarre and confusing sectors in finance. It's a complete enigma."
"Nobody wants to have 10 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency in a floor safe in their house."
"The most important thing... is to keep smart contracts, validators, payments decentralized."
"Now, if you wanted to raise money, venture capital firms are sitting on boatloads of cash and they're competing against each other to get the best investments."
"The macro markets have never been more interesting, and crypto is macro on steroids right now."
"When the tide goes out, you find out who's swimming naked."
"I believe firmly that we should always give something back anytime you give us money."
"It's not about the music that got you there; the money doesn't have anything to do with the artistry."
"Numerai is the first hedge fund that gives away all of its data."
"Finance is empowering. It enables innovation, it enables big risk-takers and bold builders that ultimately make this world better."
"Money is not the goal. Money is a tool for creating the life you want, helping those you love, and achieving your dreams."
"Understanding the psychology of money is as important as the financial strategies themselves."
"Passive income is earned from persistent, ongoing cultivation."
"Time is more valuable than money because time is a currency multiplier."
"Money is energy and we need to shift the energy to the people who are willing to make positive change for our planet and its people."
"90% of American homebuyers finance their home purchase with a thirty-year fixed rate mortgage."
"That is a non-taxable event folks, that is passive income as passive income gets."
"You have Wall Street and the banking system, the largest, most influential on growth GDP in many different ways, the most rewarded system on the planet. This system produces nothing."
"FHA is a fantastic option for not just first-time homebuyers but really anybody looking to get a loan, especially if you need some flexibility."
"FHA often has lower interest rates than conventional because it is less risky for lenders."
"The real problem isn't the stock market. The real problem is the shadow banking system."
"Truly office is saving the average American 82% off their yearly subscription costs."
"This is not just another app launch; this is a fundamental change in how the world wants to communicate and move not only messages but move money."
"You can't just keep borrowing money because eventually, it's going to blow up and crash."
"I did spend a lot of Robux for you guys, and subscribing helps me go broke less."
"Tesla will become eligible for the S&P 500 if they report even a dollar of GAAP profit in the upcoming Q2 earnings report."
"For the S&P 500 specifically, there is over 11.2 trillion US dollars indexed or benchmarked to the index."
"The possibility of a stock split has been mentioned...Musk has said that he will consider it."