
Personal Preferences Quotes

There are 1110 quotes

"If you like reading, you're going to buy books. If you like doing certain things, you're going to spend a little bit of money on things that you enjoy because they make you happy."
"Talking during a movie? Oh my gosh, I'd rather you do this. I love talking during movies."
"I love video games 100%; like, that's I love that [__] a little bit more than fashion and rap."
"Know your nature, what are your strengths and weaknesses, and your likes and dislikes."
"I'm loving minimal makeup... I'm loving minimal everything."
"I love cheese, Connor, and you've been disparaging cheese for the last 45 minutes."
"You have to find what you like because if you don't like it, you're not going to do it every day."
"I never liked playing around noon; a football game, I think, is too early."
"Different people want different things; not everyone wants to have kids."
"Get to know yourself. Pay attention to what makes you smile, and don’t be ashamed of it."
"I've dated enough men who are over 6'3" to know it doesn't matter. They all ain't, but a lot of them aren't, baby."
"I would say at first attractiveness because that's what makes you inquire about the intelligence but afterwards, I would say the intelligence outweighs the attractiveness."
"You're always wearing a yellow shirt, and I love you, so I love the color yellow."
"It's just good. I think instead of romance and humor and everything I want in my life."
"He wasn't what I was used to... not the CEO driven businessman, he's more artistic in nature, he's creative in nature, he's a musician."
"All human beings, irrespective of what they try to purport, have preferences for everything, not just humans and relationships, but even what they put into their gob at the beginning of the day. Preferences are just a part of life."
"Not all hobbies are built the same. Some hobbies are more attractive than others."
"A wise man, an intelligent man, would like to have an intelligent partner."
"Most kids don't want to wear hats and [stuff], he loved the [stuff] hat."
"I don't like drama. I want to keep it minimal."
"Hey, do you like to play games? Well, I guess it all depends on what you mean when we say playing games."
"If you want to be married, it always comes down to the same thing: what kind of man do you want and what does that kind of man want from a woman?"
"The best-case scenario for a relationship for me is just that the person who I'm with is completely independent."
"Louis XIV loved perfume so much that he commissioned perfumers to make him different fragrances for each day of the week."
"Knowing what you like and what makes you feel good is the most important thing."
"Finding what you enjoy, finding what makes you feel your best, and finding the thing that isn't going to stress you out is mainly going to bring joy, that is what you need to stick to."
"I enjoy fire, I enjoyed frost, and I absolutely did not mind arcane."
"What would I enjoy the most going back to? It probably has something to do with music."
"I've got a bone to pick with you. Why can I not have shirts that have sleeves?"
"If you're thinking why I chosen these six boards, well they just happen to be six of my favorite boards from my collection."
"Whatever you like is whatever you like, and don't feel like you need to change anything about what interests you to align with what is supposedly trendy."
"Spaghetti and hairspray. You never grow out of them. That's true. Ever, ever, ever."
"What do you actually like doing? That's the important thing."
"My taste in fashion and my budget for fashion are two very different things right now."
"She's got some big energy and some big hair, and I'm a fan of both."
"I personally value intelligence, and I like women who are independent and assertive."
"Listen, it might sound weird, but I want people like Pitbull."
"I hate receiving presents, but I love giving them."
"I love anything where I'm like, 'I can't decide if I'm afraid of you or I want to hug you.'"
"It's great to have a great car, a great house, if you like boats, a great boat. But do it because you love the car, you love driving the car, you love driving the boat, you love living in your house, not because 'look what I've attained, what are people going to think of me.'"
"I prefer cold because I don't like my butt cheeks getting all hot and juicy and sweaty."
"Everyone has their own preferences and everyone just lives life how they want to."
"Get really honest about how you actually enjoy spending your time."
"You're asking me to be bored instead of having fun. I don't like being bored."
"My ideal date would be in Summoner Rift or Mario Kart."
"It's respectful to not invite somebody to something that they don't want to do."
"I am the chef here and I do not like nicknames. Please enjoy lunch."
"The Torah is from heaven, but it's not from Sinai."
"Rice is my favorite carb and potentially my favorite dish."
"Either you absolutely hate every single change or you love everything."
"It promises to be an interactive experience like nothing we've ever seen before."
"You know what you can do, you know what you like to do, you know who you are, and you're going to stick with it."
"If you're not in the mood to talk, would you talk to him? Hell yeah, bro!"
"Now back to the show while I eat my delicious... Meredith's afraid of salmon."
"I want my governor to have bangs and a cool accent."
"I'd rather donate it to Locks of Love, but if you really want it, I'll give you more."
"I prefer to do something that people don't expect me to do."
"What is Fuad's favorite comfort film? Shrek."
"People, they come together. That's why she liked rabbits."
"It's not about the most efficient workout, it's not about the scientific base, it's about a workout that gets you to the gym and moving."
"Undoubtedly status must come above looks, there's just no doubt about that."
"Watching other people happy, that's what I like."
"He's a Bros bro, right, a GU guy is usually not my type."
"Bad breath is the number one instant turn off for me, no matter what."
"We like autonomy but we also like knowing where we're going."
"Small moments of thoughtfulness are what I really gravitate towards."
"I'm just going off of the things that I like and the things that I have experience with."
"Remember, adjust it to your liking. Friends, don't let anybody tell you it's too thick, it's too thin. You make it the way you like it."
"We're all fans of different things for different reasons, and that's okay."
"I love to have change in my life, but I like to have small, subtle changes from time to time."
"I wanted to do a careful selection of drinks that I love, of course, always a Coke Zero in hand."
"There's obviously going to be some personal, cultural, and religious differences in the weddings."
"Horace Grant was not portrayed in the fashion that he said he liked."
"Similarly to how I can't escape the endless cycle of tall lightning women in gacha games, I can usually handle a bit of midriff, but when it comes to acaron I am deranged." - Humorous and relatable.
"This is probably the toughest category for me to really lock in on a definitive favorite."
"Everybody has relationships that work for them."
"It's kind of representative of what the anime fandom can basically be: people take a lot of defense and they take it personal when you don't like something that they like."
"People have preferences, that's what this comes down to."
"You're allowed to say that you don't like certain types of people."
"I prefer quality over flesh. That's why I refuse to write my signature in cursive." - Ron Swanson
"Everyone is entitled to their personal preferences."
"Most men will happily have less sex for more peace."
"That's why don't you just put favorite in them, that's completely normal."
"I blue is not my favorite color anymore, I like yellow now."
"I'll never watch it again unless the baddest chick on the planet asks me to."
"I love neighbors yeah if you didn't coach room I wouldn't watch I wouldn't actually leave it to the TV on."
"Any man can get it, as long as he's cute, taller than me, heterosexual, employed, healthy, and he acts like bunnies."
"I like human CTI Pete so I can't talk shit about what anyone likes."
"It's good that you're not holding something you don't want."
"Dipping everything in tea, honestly, I don't care if it's sweet or salty, I'll dip it in tea and love it."
"I'm such a Vince Vaughn guy that I'll watch Four Christmases any day of the week."
"Selfishly, there's nothing I enjoy more than to be around my kids."
"My Taco Bell order is double decker Taco too hard too soft and uh, Baja Blast baby."
"I want to like this more than I'm actually liking it."
"There's no right or wrong with this stuff, it's personal preference."
"Anytime that I say something's not for me, it doesn't mean it's a terrible idea and you shouldn't try it."
"Accuracy wins... Stick with what works for you... if you're not winning, that's the time to go look at a new club."
"Part of the reason there's some stuff I get very late on watching or just choose not to watch at all is because I do want to keep time in my schedule to go back and re-watch the things I already love."
"Whether or not those people are real, who knows. If you're watching this video and you do love 'Left Alive,' good for you, man."
"One area where they're giving something back to us is in our right to enjoy the content however we see fit."
"I would say I'm a big fan of mushrooms... It's like open my mind and to open my heart."
"I like movies, black-and-white movies... Rocky's a great movie, I like Rocky a lot."
"I want to consume things that fit where my mind is at."
"I can watch documentaries and anything that's rooted in the real world."
"You should be with someone who communicates with you in the way that you like to be communicated with."
"Some people just want to have an airplane and have the flexibility."
"I absolutely love everything bird dog, they are my go-to when I'm walking out the door."
"You can like what you like too. You can have preferences too."
"Different people have different requirements and it comes down to what's important to you."
"Spend less time doing tasks you don't enjoy and more time on tasks you do."
"Oh that's cursed I love it I I hate clowns anything to do with clowns like okay okay"
"I always make sure I have enough money set aside to buy coffee."
"Working sucks though. I don't like to work, so how am I supposed to make money otherwise?"
"I don't like meeting people that I don't know."
"When a woman knows to have sex is not enough because it's not just having sex it's having the sex that he likes."
"Everybody's really into that like darker liner lighter lip look and I just don't like it on myself."
"Would you rather a person be your friend because they got a vision from god saying that you should spend time together or because they enjoy spending time with you? Honestly, I think the former is a little creepy sometimes."
"We have to talk about your obsession with silverburst guitars."
"It's just my list and I would love to see yours."
"I like to not have to worry about it too much."
"I've said it before but my favorite coasters are those wooden slightly rough rides full of charm coasters that gave you something different every time you jumped on."
"Pete Docter loves broccoli. Eat your greens, kids!"
"Nice guys aren't interesting. Nice guys aren't on a women's radar."
"Life is all about choices: you have the option to choose what music you'd like to listen to, what football club you'd like to support..."
"Yours is mushroom pepperoni, right? So, what's your Domino's order?"
"I love a little boring, minding your own business."
"You know, you had your staples that you always went to."
"If they think a song is good, does that mean it's good? If they think a person is uninteresting, does that mean they are?"
"Eco Lifestyle, please thank you my darling like I think Eco Lifestyle would appeal me more than Cats and Dogs or Get Famous."
"It's a great cause, but cookies are also great."
"I'm not really a big Ferrari person like I just don't really care and also I feel like a Ferrari sneaker should be designed seeker than that not a test."
"That's incredible, really isn't it, just the amount of talent they have on this squad."
"It's okay to want different things and value different things; sometimes you just want to enjoy yourself in the moment, and that's okay too."
"On a scale of La La Fell to Male Viera, how much do you like McNuggets? Male Viera would have to make way for chicken nuggies."
"If you like Transformers 4, you don't have to defend it."
"One of the main reasons that I love the YubiKeys is actually pretty surprising as it has nothing to do with security."
"The cure for creative writer’s block is simply to pay attention to the things happening all around you."
"I only do ones that actually matter like the Oscars and the 420 awards like [__] off."
"Friday the 13th is my favorite day and I can't think of a better way to spend it than watching you guys."
"Number one, if she's not interested in politics, I think you might want to count yourself fortunate."
"Crystal red, a pretty unique color, and you know I was a little bit skeptical of picking red cars for example when I think about buying a car on my own but this color I would always pick anytime no problem."
"The best gifts are gifts that people would really love and enjoy, but they wouldn't necessarily buy themselves."
"What type of boys each of them are into."
"That wouldn't be illegal, it might not be something that you like, it might not be something pretty but it certainly wouldn't be illegal."
"Games are supposed to be fun, and if they're not fun but I still want to play them, I think that it's okay to change them."
"All my favorite colors, yes, sir, all my favorite colors, right on."
"I must not be picking favorites, but I like this girl."
"You can't force this, some of y'all need to stop acting like you don't like what you like."
"Your hair should not be another consideration in a relationship."
"There is totally nothing wrong with not liking something that is popular."
"Hopefully people will think about looking at this video is what their own list would be if you could choose three books from the last 10 years."
"Remember, these top ten lists are all subjective, right? This is my list, you have your own list."
"That's hard. It's been a lot, oh, no, man, that's a hard one too. It is hard to answer. I don't think I had a favorite one, but I think probably like the Jimi Hendrix thing was dope."
"I can respect whatever you want to like in fiction fictional content but that doesn't give you the right to judge others."
"Sometimes I'd be liking the [expletive] up belly button that's your thing."
"It's strange, you know, a lot of people will say, 'Well, I really hate firemaking skill,' but there are a lot of people that really, really enjoy firemaking."
"You know, just because you have a fish that you think will sell well or that you like doesn't mean it's the right one for you to be doing."
"I hate stuff hanging over my head." - "I hate stuff hanging over my head."
"I want to engage, now why did I like someone like Hulk Hogan."
"It's like being invited to a party that you'd rather not attend."
"Variety is best, but that's what I enjoy feeding them."
"A game respecting my time is important to me."
"It's whatever the woman wants. I don't care how much we say it's a man's world, it's whatever the woman wants."
"So cap thinks that people use plate bowls during cereal is stupid."
"Pick who you like, it'll serve you best in the long run."
"This isn't something that I personally enjoy as much as some of the others."
"I like Casper, I like Robert Sanchez at Brighton, but I'm happy with the hair."
"Let people enjoy what they enjoy and if you don't like it, you just kind of keep your mouth shut about it."
"Rule number five, do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them this is actually my favorite rule."
"I dislike these challenges so much... they're like the complete antithesis of what makes banjo-kazooie nuts-and-bolts such an interesting and unique video game."
"Everyone around me, like, hated the color pink, and like, didn't like anything that was popular. And it's like, you like Hannah Montana? That show's for babies."
"I think it's one of the requirements that you have to like red velvet cake to get in the red room."
"I love them very big, I love them chubby, I love them hairy, I love them smooth, I love them light skinned and brown skinned and black skinned."
"Just play the game the way you want, right? Doesn't matter if you're making less than the other guy as long as you're having fun."
"I love how natural it looks. My skin is still showing through, which could be a pro or a con, just depending on your preferences."
"Create a list of the things you cannot stand and avoid those things at all cost."
"I cannot say no to cats, so if I see this in the store you know I'm going to buy it."
"I like it when a girl makes the first move... I don't mind that kind of stuff at all."
"The food is probably my favorite thing about living in Shanghai."
"He thrived as a linguist but wasn't a big fan of all the marching and weapons training."
"First thing in the morning, what I want to do."
"I'm just saying, more of the time, I'm more down to have pie."
"I can't imagine wanting anything more than that although that one does look like it's more Hawking and less mech warrior which is a little bit bothersome."
"Who wants to smash things or run fast? I want to be able to negotiate."
"It's a safe pick for me, it's a very safe pick."
"When you make a list let me go back to the list here you guys don't need to see it but I just want to go down and look at when the first thing on your list is tall I'm done."
"Part of me is like did they just choose my favorites so that my Allure Best of Beauty video would be like you know approved by me I don't know probably not you guys but it crossed my mind."
"Different strokes for different folks, right now."
"Aside from Bob's Burgers, Benjamin's favorite burger joint is Shake Shack."
"Safety is good, alright, but it's just a little higher than I would like so I'm going to take that down."
"I prefer Christmas Eve. I prefer the journey rather than the end. It's like going on holiday. I love the flight, I love the... I love the ga, I love going on holiday more than I actually enjoy the holiday sometimes."
"Consider things that you really like and your family really likes."
"I love creating and I love the process of seeing something come to fruition."
"Love as Blind would work for me honestly, I'm that I'm That Kind of dulu I am."
"You might start feeling drawn to kind of the colors that are more the Scorpio colors."
"What's beautiful about music is there are so many different genres, and people can just very easily go, 'I'm not into metal, I'm more into hip-hop,' or 'I'm not into hip-hop, I like folk music.'"
"This is the kind of stuff that I like and is inspirational."
"It's okay if you like Donald Trump and you disagree with Donald Trump."
"I wear glasses and I like it. Maybe it's because it's a thing that runs in the family."
"My priority is that whatever session I've chosen to do is something that I really want to do."