
Spending Quotes

There are 1799 quotes

"If you like reading, you're going to buy books. If you like doing certain things, you're going to spend a little bit of money on things that you enjoy because they make you happy."
"Understanding the difference between being able to buy something and being able to afford something is crucial."
"Please be careful with your spending; it's very dangerous and can lead you down a very slippery slope very quickly."
"Frugality isn't about how much money you do or don't spend; it's about how you spend the money you do spend."
"Last year, Americans spent more than $80 billion playing state lotteries, that's around $250 for each citizen, more than what was spent on concerts, sporting events, and movie tickets combined."
"The United States spends per citizen tens of thousands of dollars on social welfare benefits...the notion the United States has no social safety net at all is not true."
"You can't have it all; you can't have low taxes and have these entitlement programs and have this level of spending. It's impossible."
"I buy experiences and if I spend my money on anything, it's on experiences with my friends and family."
"The dollar you spend is the only one you really have, for by the experience of spending it you gain a growth, an enlargement that is yours forever."
"We spend now over three trillion dollars on health care in the United States, but the results, unfortunately, are disappointing."
"The mastery of money, for me, is, as I said, not necessarily becoming very very wealthy, but being in control so you spend less than you earn and you earn enough to buy yourself all the experiences that you're ever going to want on the physical plane."
"I like to spend extravagantly on the things I love but cut costs mercilessly on the things I don't."
"With the power of my mum's credit card, I think I can buy the cyborg race."
"My philosophy is to spend extravagantly on the things you love but cut costs mercilessly on the things you don't."
"Money can buy happiness if you buy the right things."
"Minimalism isn't about never buying anything ever again but rather aligning the way that I spend my money with the things that matter to my family and myself."
"Even today when I do spend more money, I don't spend it unwisely."
"If a woman spends money on you, she likes you. Most women can go their entire lifetime without spending a dollar on a guy."
"One of the cool things, if you are getting paid even if you're furloughed right now, it's like very hard to spend money."
"A DAO... basically just means an entity with no central leadership. A group of people that make a decision together."
"Self-control is, if I have money, I spend it."
"Spend extravagantly on the things you love as long as you cut costs mercilessly on the things you don't."
"The purpose of money is to use it, not to save it in a hole in the ground."
"You don't realize how quickly you go through money until you lose your job."
"What's the point of saving money if you never spend it on being able to experience something?"
"Keynesian view is that when the economy is depressed, it's usually not because people are bad workers or any deep structural problem, but just because there isn't enough spending."
"If her dad's not in charge of her money, if she's dealing with Bessemer Trust and they're like go to Hawaii whatever, it's your money, we'll help give you guidance but really you can spend how you want, then I think maybe she won't be so annoyed with all of this."
"The idea that you could spend $11 million a day and still accumulate $200 billion by the end of your life is absurd. It highlights the ridiculousness of extreme wealth."
"I get you recuperating financially. So if you've had some crazy spending... you will actually recuperate."
"Before you ever spend money on a mobile game, before you ever spend any money on a video game whatsoever, give it a cooldown period. Don't purchase right after you play... give it 24 hours, wait a day before you purchase it."
"I see an increase in pay or finances, but I also want you to stop spending money faster than you make it."
"The overall impact of money being spent leading to more money being spent is called the multiplier effect, and it works both ways."
"American health care is performing horribly. Americans' healthy life expectancy now ranks 68th in the world... And for that awful health, we're spending an extra 1.5 trillion dollars a year on our health care."
"Once I started spending my own money, I realized my mom was right. We do have food at home."
"Don't spend all the money you got. Put some stuff in savings."
"Every dollar spent on unemployment benefits boosted economy-wide spending by as much as two dollars."
"It doesn't really matter how much money you make; it's what you do with the money you make."
"How far a million dollars can take you depends on how you use your cash."
"We seem to forget that spending equals income; every dollar spent is somebody's income."
"I'm not saying you should go out and spend $45,000 on a couple melons, but I am saying that you should be more mindful of what you put your money towards."
"Don't go out and spend thousands and thousands of dollars on all the top high-end most expensive supplies."
"Don't fall into that trap of, 'Well, I can spend it all now.' Look, I can spend it all now and I can just pay it all off or pay what I need to pay because there's a check coming in two weeks. Don't do that, please. Only spend what is necessary."
"Real rich is like billionaires, billionaires spend money on a level that we cannot fathom."
"Don't be afraid to spend money. You are abundant, and financial changes are coming."
"Money buys you beautiful and interesting things."
"The main problem with it and what makes it a waste of money a lot of the time is that you don't actually realize how much you're spending."
"I would take the million dollars and just online shop."
"When restaurants got rid of the infamous dollar sign or any other currency symbol and simply displayed a number, patrons were far more likely to purchase more expensive items."
"I prefer spending money on experiences over things."
"You're spending how much money on the house and you're telling me you're not gonna give a flagging Dublin about inspection?"
"Spending more money than the Democrats, feeding this god-awful Legacy Media machine, is counterproductive."
"The amount of money that you don't even know that you're spending before you spend it is crazy."
"The spending that happened in 2020 was clearly bipartisan."
"You will create until the bubble bursts; you will create this sense of 'I've got money, I'm going to spend it.'"
"I've luck Tinley pulled out my wallet emptied my bank account for the Kingdom Hearts all in one package."
"Every time you spend a dollar on a product, you're voting."
"If you want to buy NFTs, it's your choice. You earned your money, you spend it the way you want to."
"Be okay spending your money on things that are important to you and give you the most value in your life."
"It really matters what you're spending the money on."
"I am gonna blow some of that money on these scalped ones as a way of sort of giving back as well."
"It feels like an insane amount of money to be spending in a mobile game."
"You're making conscious decisions about what you're seeing and noticing with your spending."
"The spending multiplier: when people spend, that becomes somebody else's income, and then people save a portion of that and they spend the rest."
"You vote with your dollars, you know what I mean?"
"And last but not least, you gotta get comfortable spending money."
"I want the money to get to the people to be larger so they can spend it."
"It's very hard to convince someone that the hundreds of millions of dollars they spent on literally saving humanity was just a distraction."
"Wow, buying money! Let's go spending money that Adam's mom lent us."
"This game's like pretty new, they might add that and then we look back on this and really regret how much money we spent."
"Money isn't everything, but I'll go and spend 10 grand on a holiday."
"It's about spending it wisely, being shrewd in the market."
"Why make people wait again on your PS4? I understand all that. This year more than any other year, I have... I spent so much money on just nobody."
"Our economic system is fueled by one thing: spending."
"If you don't know what or how much you can spend, you shouldn't spend."
"Lots of love for Orko, this is one figure I didn't mind spending a little extra money on."
"900 million should have been spent far better than it was."
"Spending when you don't have money is still spending."
"I think I paid six dollars for this, it was a little bit steep but it was totally worth it."
"Economists actually say that spending stimulus now... is a much better use of money than not spending."
"Blood-borne begins with your character receiving a shady blood transfusion because that's a good place to skimp on spending money."
"I got a big check from Disney, I started going to restaurants."
"Spend reasonable amounts of money to enjoy life and accomplish goals."
"You can spend a thousand dollars and not get the thing that you want."
"I have so much money right now that I'm just throwing around with it. 35 mil I'll take it man I'll take it because I don't have no need for camarader."
"Spend your money on what you know on the things that you want because you work for it and you can't [ __ ] take it with you."
"We give this game our completionist rating: Completed."
"We have inflation because the Democrats spent trillions of dollars that we don't have."
"Spend your money on experiences... that's actually worth your money."
"If you want GTA 6, stop buying the damn shark cards."
"President Biden coming out saying this is proof that we need to spend more money."
"You're spending more and getting less, and that seems to be a recurring thing whether it's on gifts, groceries, gas, or a house."
"Financial restraints? They spend it, but that's no point in the league. That's the highest ever spend in a single window."
"Just have fun with it. Let me have joy when I go to spend ten thousand dollars on Call of Duty points."
"Spending more money won't fix inflation; it's going to make it worse."
"Conscious spending is about choosing the things you love enough to spend extravagantly on."
"I'll pay 250 thousand dollars just for this experience."
"He bought these two board eight NFTs and spent a ton of money."
"Content creators showcasing high damage numbers with powerful constellations influence player spending."
"Money can buy happiness if you spend it on other people."
"The cost of the soiree will remain confidential, but the young high rollers spend sometimes up to a hundred thousand euros per night."
"Scare money don't make but also the thing is we have a 200 budget we spend we're spending 60 on the wheel yes all right"
"What have you spent a hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand dollars or more on in the last several years?"
"I have no problem spending on things that really bring me joy or value or are from my health or to buy back my time."
"Back to school spending could hit a record... They do know the value of an education."
"It's okay sometimes to splurge, spend a little extra money on yourself."
"What are you going to buy with your billion dollars?"
"Our reckless spending is a contributing factor to our inflation."
"If you ever became mega rich, what would you like to spend your money on?"
"What's the point of having money if you don't spend it, right?"
"Gain control over how you feel about money, and you will start to gain control over how you spend it."
"YOLO, you can't take it with you, spend that [ __ ] mentality."
"They gleefully make pricey purchases and literally pour their money down the drain without a care in the world." - Their extravagant spending knows no bounds.
"I could get the same satisfaction as somebody that spent the money."
"Every dollar you lay down is a vote for what you believe in."
"Money only has value if you spend it and support the people that supported you."
"It's money well spent, I and my humble opinion."
"Does it actually provide value for the amount of money that you're going to spend? And if it is, great, spend away."
"Jim Irsay is spending $20 million to fly an Orca across the country."
"If you're already spending 100 bucks to fill up your car's gas tank, you're going to be like, well what's 300 bucks for an electric car?"
"Three four times what something is worth, she spent everything she had."
"The key to becoming wealthy is to not spend your hard-earned money buying dumb things."
"If you are going to entrust people with the responsibility to choose how they spend their money then there needs to be a level of education."
"Think before you spend, especially with impulsive spending."
"Sometimes you gotta spend money to make money, you know what I'm saying?"
"I just personally wouldn't pay 22 dollars for it because I never use it all."
"You give people extra money they'll find a way to spend it."
"Policing is the number one area the voters want to see more spending in."
"What do people think of the economy? There isn't a direct link between the confidence numbers and spending."
"This economy has taken off on its own... we warned that if you do this massive amount of spending... you're going to overheat the economy and risk increasing inflation."
"I think it's good that people think about what they spend their money on and they have the autonomy to make ethical decisions."
"Five times the reward points when you spend at US grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations."
"Do you think it makes sense to spend twice as much per capita as the people of any other nation and be the only country in the world not to guarantee health care to all people?"
"People are able to walk with their feet as well as their wallet."
"The best money spent isn't on material things but experiences."
"We have to understand the power of our dollars."
"You want to have those nice moments where you can kind of enjoy something, spend your hard-earned money, get the things that you like."
"Everyone should choose what they spend their money on. People say, 'Oh, you're blowing your money on all this food.' I'm making memories."
"Instead of saying 'here's my $300 for groceries, here's my $150 for eating out', I'm just gonna say 'you can spend $1500 on your variable expenses every month'."
"People spend money on things that make them happy."
"It's not how much money you make, it's how you spend it."
"Maybe I'll buy some skins when they come out just to make myself feel better because that's just 100 bucks for nothing, it's gotta hurt, that's brutal."
"Spending energy is like spending money: it's good fun until there's none left."
"I was always scared to spend money, but I was not scared to invest."
"It's not about the spending, it's about the will to use it." - Economist John Cochran
"Maximize the highest earning potential of your credit card on the purchases you're already gonna make."
"This all looks really, really sick...I'm gonna spend way too much money today."
"Squandering doesn't mean being a fool. Do you understand?"
"Don't let people question what you spend your money on. It's your money you made it so do what you want to do with it."
"If it does not put any money in your pocket, you should not be financing it. Period."
"In fact, to spend $20 trillion, you have to go to every country in Europe, visit every town, in every town, go to every store. In every store, look on every shelf and buy everything. And then you will have spent about $20 trillion."
"Experiences you can spend your money on are always worth it."
"It's not about how much money you spend; it's about how much love you give."
"The more money you spend, the less value per unit money spent you're getting."
"Now it's time to see whether it was all money well spent."
"Man, money ain't got no owners, only spenders." - Season four
"If you just have money falling out of your butt well what better way to spend it than on lots of GPUs..."
"For example, if you spend $3,000 in the first three months, you get 50,000 points."
"It's not about the money, it's how the money is spent."
"So I guess I just got uh exceptionally lucky earlier by finding as many as I did because I've spent I think over $500 now in regret nothing."
"Entrepreneurs want to see other entrepreneurs spending money."
"Spend on things that put a smile on your face, regardless of others' opinions."
"Let's go, I'm pumped. Let's spend a million dollars."
"You're not throwing money away if you have the money to spend and you're mindfully spending it in places that you want to go with people that you want to be with."
"My recommendation is if you have the thirty dollars to spare go ahead and buy it, you know you won't be I don't think he'll be completely disappointed like I know a lot of people were not looking forward to it."
"I just want people to be able to use it and like use those coins to buy whatever I want you know."
"You're gonna spend $40 on a pack about garbage?"
"I just spent 50 doorknobs on these lock picks. I'm just not gonna look at you."
"It's a kind of madness really, it's mania for Van Gogh. He's our favorite artist, we spend millions on him."
"Couldn't she have handed out 4,800 lunch pails to the homeless instead of spending all those dollars on a jumpsuit?"
"Definitely something to think about. Well, it'll make it real easy to spend too because you can spend it anywhere you could use Apple Pay."
"Sometimes you gotta spend a little bit more to make a little bit more happiness."
"It almost felt immoral to let someone spend that much hard-earned money on one piece of plastic."
"The big mistake is not the making of the money, it's the spending of the money."
"Be willing to cut back and be wise spenders."
"Money brings you happiness when you spend money on people you love."
"The best spending is still worse than the worst investment."
"Imagine spending three billion dollars on 20% of the states and six percent of the people."
"The sad reality is a lot of people's first thing is to buy something they always wanted."
"Overall healthcare spending would be lower under single-payer."
"Mrs. Wilmoth spent all that spaghetti money and she spent it good."
"For 240 dollars I don't want to wreck that thing."
"It all depends on what you want, how much you spend on your cards, what your desires are."
"There are a lot of things that you can spend money on."
"As tested, it's a little under fifty-four thousand dollars, which is definitely an eye-watering amount of money."
"Before you can really see any success in the investing world, you gotta stop spending money on things that aren't making you any money."
"Why not watch another video where I waste a ton of money?"
"Don't purchase gold bars. It's a complete waste of your hard-earned cash."
"Most people's answer to debt is making more money but the problem with making more money is that a debt mentality will spend more money just like you spent less money"
"Every dollar spent makes the next dollar harder."
"This guy was being generous with a lot of money and was reported to be spending thousands of dollars a day on gilded Reddit posts."
"I want that music that's that timeless music, man, you know? That's that music you listen to 15 years from now, and it sounds like it just got made yesterday."
"My whole mindset is to spend money but make sure you're getting value."
"So much about saving money and spending smarter is about being creative with how you get what you need and learning to rethink the way that you get things."
"I literally couldn't spend my money if I tried."
"Now instead of traveling outside our community, we can spend our money right here in our own community."
"And as much as I really, really want one, chances are I'm gonna go out to Berlin and just spend all of my savings."
"You're allowed to spend your own money badly, you have the freedom to do that."
"Courage to spend money on the people you love."
"I want to blow it all before I croak, and hopefully optimally blow it, so either give it away or spend it on stuff."
"I'm going to take the future and I'm going to spend it today."