
Financial Management Quotes

There are 2705 quotes

"The last two things to remember are: progress is not linear, and you need to spend within your limits."
"I manage money wisely and attract more abundance."
"You can use your money as a tool instead of as a fool."
"Your taxes is one of the most important expenses you're going to have."
"It's very difficult to buy a team. You need to build it, not just spend money."
"Frugality isn't about how much money you do or don't spend; it's about how you spend the money you do spend."
"My money makes two to three times off the same dollar before it ever circulates outside of my territory."
"It doesn't matter how much money you make, it's what you do with the money you make."
"I use money to better my life and the lives of others."
"I use money to improve my life and the lives of others."
"It's less about the money adding up and more about your decisions and your priorities adding up into something bigger."
"Sure, for a moment, you'll be rich, but if you take a look at the stats, most lottery winners blow their cash, and some of them end up even poorer than they were before they got their big win."
"You are power, money is only delegated power. You direct its expression."
"Your money is like a bad two-year-old. If you leave it to its own devices, it's gonna be breaking stuff, backing cars. So you want to be on top of your money and be present."
"Changing the emotional relationship you have with objects is really helpful for reducing unnecessary spending."
"Does it really matter if you're earning more than six figures a year if by the end of that year you have nothing left to show for it?"
"Knowing where the money is going. It has taken a lot of the emotion out of the entire money equation."
"Let's be intentional with how we use every hard money dollar, fiat dollar, and digital dollar and crypto dollar."
"It's not how much money you make that matters; it's what you do with the money you make."
"What matters to you will define what you do and don't cut costs."
"Where you keep your spending controlled, such that, you always have the freedom to do what you really want to do."
"Credit card debt should not exist. If you're not paying it off every month, you've got a problem."
"Being able to provide for my family...I'm not making a ton of money, but I'm glad to be making enough money for me to send my parents retirement money or help them with whatever they need."
"Bleeding out money for absolutely no point is not something anybody should be doing."
"You get one shot to be a 20-year-old or in your 20s to build these assets. Don't blow it."
"There are four M's I live by: I'm gonna make my money, I'm gonna manage my money, I'm gonna multiply my money, and I'm gonna make that money matter."
"If you're the one that's going to go to work and trade your time for money, then instead of hurrying to give it up to other people, you got to keep some of it for yourself."
"When you have a credit card bill, always pay in full if you can. And if you can't pay in full, always pay more than the minimum."
"It's not how much money you make, it's what you do with the money you make that is so important."
"Love me some Reggie, but if he's so concerned about the financial health of his players, maybe he should spend some more of the millions he has made/makes from League of Legends on paying them, instead of investing in other eSports where he is losing money?"
"If you just combined funds, you're all living together in the same place."
"Avoid paying late fees at all costs. Put it in your calendar, use auto pay, set reminders."
"Trump lost so much money that he was able to avoid paying income taxes for eight of the ten years."
"Everybody gets some type of money, so no matter how much money you're getting, it's what you do with your money that's going to change your outcome."
"Position your money to grow. If you want your money to die, keep spending. Spending money is like a financial abortion; you're aborting all the possibilities of everything that money could have become."
"If you invest the money and lose some, at least you have something. If you spend it, you go from having something to having absolutely nothing."
"I treat every dollar like a worker. If I had to work for you, now you have to go work for me."
"This personal finance app allows you to manage subscriptions, lower bills, build a custom budget, and grow your savings all in one place."
"If you can't manage your credit score, it's going to be hard for you to manage a business."
"Prioritizing cash flow over wealth is a common mistake when people start managing their own finances."
"Liquidity, cash... is the oxygen you breathe for your finances."
"At the end of the month, it doesn't matter what your closet looks like. It's going to matter what your bank accounts look like."
"It's going to be more impactful for whatever you want to give to...if in the long term, you actually fix your situation."
"Investing is, at its core, very simple... Spend less than what you make, invest the difference."
"A gift of money is on its way. Your income is increasing. Manage your finances with love."
"A million dollars is a life-changing amount of money, but she is a teenager; she'll likely blow it."
"And so the challenge these countries face is one of the most interesting in the field of defence economics, how do you protect your national security without breaking the bank?"
"The American life is like live on debts, just make your monthly payments."
"The interest you're losing on this stuff is terrible. I refuse to accept this in any other way than absolute horrid-ness, terribleness."
"Right now, I'm getting 4.5% interest on my money."
"The moment that you take on the responsibility for whatever's happened to you financially...that's what gets the power back in your hands to actually do something about your situation and make those changes."
"Why would you trust yourself with your own money if you're not someone you would trust with your money?"
"Fund your dream by the way, this is your dream Caspian, you had all these people give you money, obfuscated what was going on, never showed them a true representation of what was going on, and then five years later you said, 'Ah, gosh damn, we're out of money, ah gonna have to close the studio now.'"
"Trust is the hardest part of money EQ. You have to have the trust that once you let go of money, it comes back."
"If you don't pay, you may get a surprise visitor to come and take your stuff."
"For every business, whether it's a start-up or a mom-and-pop shop, cash is its lifeblood."
"Why didn't you pay your rent, bro? I had to pay my cell phone bill."
"It's what you do with your money when you have it that defines you as a person."
"It's not about how much money you start with; it's what you do with it."
"Budgeting is about having an abundance on any budget."
"What keeps that hundred dollars in your savings account? Self-discipline."
"Always keeping tabs on where your money is at and where it went is really important in frugality and in saving money in the long term."
"Why would you not take free money that you can then go convert to sound money and essentially watch it continue to appreciate?"
"Money management is the one thing more than anything that determines whether your bank account goes up or down."
"Money management is everything in this business. Everything."
"Her current plan is to take the dub and send all the enemies straight to the doorstep of debt, cleaning up a mess in one go."
"Managing your financial life in America today is like drinking from a fire hose."
"Managing cash flow, it doesn't matter if you're working with 20,000 a year or $200 million a year, you still need to be able to manage cash flow."
"It's not just about the amount of money you accumulate; it's about how you use it."
"A big part of investment management is emotional management."
"If you view this as money that you don't need right now, right, view it that way, you're not gonna struggle."
"Managing your money comes down to three things that I call keys, and these aren't just regular keys, these are major, major keys: Spend less money, earn more money, and invest like crazy."
"Focus on how much you can keep; that's really what's going to drive success in the long term."
"We're going to need a lot smarter planning, discipline, savings, and cost management, and sacrifice than got us into this mess, and we're sure going to need a whole lot more compassion too."
"To stop throwing away your money and cancel all unwanted subscriptions and manage your expenses the easy way."
"Financial infidelity... is going to be almost virtually impossible to win with money when you and your spouse are going through this."
"You want to create a budget to zero before the month begins... every dollar has a name."
"I work too hard to be broke. I want my money back."
"Having a budget... basically just helps me really understand where my money's going, how I'm spending it."
"Budgeting isn't about limiting; it's really empowering and, when done consistently, can be truly life-changing."
"You're not failing at budgeting if you fell off the wagon for a bit; you're only failing if you didn't get back up."
"No matter what's happening in the market, it is so important to take control of your finances."
"Budgeting is basically telling your money where to go before it goes to UberEats, Seamless, Amazon, or Netflix."
"We were able to pay off all of that debt, all of it, $15,000 of credit card debt and then another just under $11,000 car loan that we couldn't afford, in one year while only making about $31,000."
"Live below your means... I live off of anywhere from 10 to 15% of what I earn."
"When you have the truth around your finances, you're able to decide how much you want to allocate to that luxury lifestyle."
"I don't foresee a scenario in which you make 120k combined income and you're struggling unless you've made some really poor financial decisions."
"What's the point of saving money if you never spend it on being able to experience something?"
"We are really trying to cut down our expenses this year, paying off some debt and just adulting stuff."
"There's no shame in trying to save money and trying to survive, especially right now when everything is like ridiculously expensive."
"Go make your money whatever way you can, set the money aside for yourself, set the money aside for your husband, your wife, your kids, and then figure out a way to give back to public service, whether it's going to be through charity or politics."
"Your financial forecast is the heart of your business plan."
"The biggest scam in the world is living a crappy life where you're always broke, always poor, always under financial pressure. That's the real scam."
"If you don't pay a bill...when it first comes in, it's only the size of a kitten. But if you leave it alone for two or three years, it pretty much grows into a full-fledged dragon."
"We talk all about intentional spending, intentional living, and how to get the most out of what you've already got at home because we don't like to waste our money here. We like to build wealth and look good while we're doing it."
"70% of the families that inherited their wealth will end up losing all of it by the second generation."
"Know your priorities. Know what you need to spend money on and what you want to spend money on. Not everything in life is a necessity."
"He bragged about reducing deficit by 1.7 trillion dollars in the last two years. That's a pretty great job."
"I think the bank sector as a whole is safe and secure, and I don't worry about it at all. I think Silicon Valley Bank is just a badly managed bank."
"The spending sweet spot has been a total life changer."
"No matter what current income or savings level you're at, you always have the opportunity to reshape your relationship to money."
"He should not be afraid to be thought of as mean, as giving liberally and spending freely will lead to ruin."
"It's good to save money, and getting the best deal is important."
"It was like robbing Peter to pay Paul, trying to project an image to the world while behind the scenes, it was messy."
"You do not have to be afraid of the material; you have to put it to work. You don't work for it; it works for you."
"It's easy to put things on credit cards thinking you'll pay them off later, and then before you know it, you're struggling with debt."
"When you don't have those $45 million a year quarterbacks, you can go out and spend the money on the defense."
"The best way to control your spending inside of a casino is budgeting only bring disposable cash to you inside of the casino and leave all of your cards and accesses to cash at home."
"The biggest piece of advice that we can ever give that's going to be extremely helpful for you on your taxes is to always get your win-loss statements from each casino that you visited throughout the year."
"Fumble the bag is to lose the money you made or to make unwise investments with the money you already have."
"It doesn't really matter how much money you make; it's what you do with the money you make."
"The cash flow statement shows where money's being generated and where it's being spent and employed throughout the company."
"Money is meant for the future and it's also meant to be enjoyed today."
"We can't accumulate a debt and then hope to pay it off at some later point in time."
"Making the right money moves... Anything you touch turns to gold."
"You need to watch your spending too... Don't make impulse purchases."
"You have two types of currency to manage: the monetary and the emotional. Please take care to balance them."
"Use a budget or tracker so basically you can see clearly what your expenses are."
"You can make it as your a team, you're working at it together."
"What's the one insight that you're really taking away, and most important, how can you put that into action right now to take better hold of your financial life?"
"I couldn't believe that he would ever justify the money that they paid him."
"I'm optimizing learning over earning and skills over bills."
"Taking profits is a huge habit that everyone needs to robustly develop themselves in because if you do not take profits, you will not have wealth at the end of the bull run."
"One of my favorite things to do as an investor is to sell enough to cover your initial investment and let the profits ride for the rest of your life if you want them to."
"When to pull out this credit card and say no, we're getting a hotel room instead, we're not going today."
"They're selling high and they're not clearing the debt; it's going into their pockets."
"It's time to innovate or try new things with your finances."
"Financial Peace University has been a game changer for gosh almost 10 million people now."
"Drive like no one else so that later you can drive like no one else."
"It's not a money problem, that's a relationship problem."
"Earn more than you spend, be well educated to help you earn more."
"Stop letting your finances ruin your success."
"It's not cheap um and you know you have to make those judgment calls and tell your shareholders hey remember that chevy uh tracks we sold a million of well we're gonna stop selling as many of those to try to do this new thing and it's just tough."
"Taxes is one of the largest expenses you ever have you really got to know how to manage that thing and get that under control so that you can do well."
"Prioritize profit and build a cushion and you will sleep better at night."
"I immediately took out a second credit card to pay for my first credit card, just like a responsible person would do."
"Bossing up has to do with how you view life, how you handle your finances, how you handle your business, what your goals are, what your outlook is."
"Rule number one to investing is don't lose money. Rule number two is see rule number one."
"If you can't handle your paycheck properly, do you really think you can manage 10 times that amount?"
"I'm good with money, I'm kind of like my dad where it's like you have it but you don't spend a lot of it."
"Rocket Money has canceled around $500 million in subscriptions."
"Improving your commander deck doesn't involve spending more money."
"Cash flow statements deal with operating cash flows, investing cash flows, and financing cash flows."
"Our current outgoing and upkeep is 2200 but we've got 3000 coming in."
"Stick to the plan, get your LLC, get your checking account, go see Herm and follow through with the plan."
"Once expenses get above 100% of tax receipts, there's two choices."
"Profit taking could also include just taking a small amount out."
"FreshBooks, again not sponsored, but it's been so so helpful for keeping track of all of my income and all of my expenses."
"Long story short, I like gambling personally. I think it's fine to do, you know, if you're of age, you gamble what you can afford to lose, you're okay with it, it's all good."
"It was certainly an island of success in an era of drowning debt."
"Spend money in gratitude. Be grateful for the money that you do have."
"They'll generate more money so we'll go from plus 34 income to an even higher number."
"Don't save what's left after spending but spend what's left after saving."
"Let's take care of first things first um the debt so that I have more a greater margin or a greater cash flow to speedrun this um project here."
"If you make more money, put that towards savings. Don't just absorb that into your budget or say, 'now we can spend some money on some fun stuff.'"
"It's our money, why do they get in trouble? Well, it's because of bad leadership."
"They've become the largest asset manager in the world, controlling more than 10 trillion dollars globally."
"But after a lean six months of cost-cutting and penny-pinching, the company hit one million dollars per month in revenue, doubling their revenue figures."
"If you want to keep people employed and you have one model and you're facing a financial challenge then you go back to the model."
"After six months of cost-cutting and penny-pinching, the company hit one million dollars per month in revenue, doubling their figures."
"Some people actually enjoy it. They don't just use investing as a means to grow their wealth. They find it engaging and interesting and challenging and there's nothing wrong with that."
"You have to be very deliberate with every dollar in your army of dollar bills."
"You're on the right path, make sure you're keeping receipts."
"Companies that did not innovate and instead leveraged up to buy back stock and distribute dividends to satisfy short-term oriented shareholders will pay a steep price."
"I'm not going to sit here and criticize Chelsea because they don't spend it well."
"I make good money. I don't have a crazy life. I saved my money, and I make a lot of money in UFC." - Anderson Silva
"It's better to have a good credit score and little to no capital than to have a lot of capital and not have a good credit score."
"You have to be able to finance your operations to make a difference."
"How do we upgrade a vehicle without going back into debt?"
"If you get a lump sum, you're more likely to struggle through the rest of the year."
"The number one way to be broke in business? Be cheap with marketing."
"Honestly, I have no idea. I do believe that whoever is running Persian LA is probably getting that money."
"We don't care about money, but what we do care about is investing it."
"That money is wasted, you know we could be using that money to do some other amazing things."
"It turns out that it is very expensive to run your state like an idiot."
"We took our losses, we readjusted our financial structure."
"House hacking is about getting out of your mortgage. The faster you can get out of paying for your mortgage, the faster you can start saving that money and compounding it over time."
"Let the girls eat cereal for dinner? Well, Mr. CEO, you ain't telling us nothing we ain't already know. When the girls ain't had no money that's what the hell we was doing."
"With Messi's gargantuan salary lifted off our wage bill, we now have about 192 million pounds to try to revive Barça."
"The only manager in the world that could rely on free agents... give him a minimal shoestring budget and he can still produce results."
"I've eaten out so much, spent so much money, but now I need new options, so Hello Fresh to the rescue."
"This body needs a little religion, actual religion, and a little bit of fiscal sanity."
"Everything's an opportunity cost, right? I only have so many dollars to put to work."
"They're shifting away from expensive acquisitions now to directly returning their excess cash back to shareholders."
"When borrowed money isn't used productively... it can't be paid back to pay down the principle."
"Get your money right, you'll feel better. Focus on your growth, your business."
"Not everyone has the financial flexibility to optimize their use of resources."
"If you went to the bank to count your life savings and they said sorry the counter's not working just put it in box number three and then we'll let you know later how much money you've actually got, you'd say no way."
"Don't neglect generosity—giving away money makes it control you less."
"People have to go back to saving. We have to go back to sound money and higher interest rates."
"If you spend your money to buy things you don't need, eventually you'll sell the things you do need to keep up with that expense."
"Focus on locking in profits and... managing risk."
"He took the savings and he also retired some officers."
"That contract is amazing for the Boston Celtics."
"Our economy is fantastic. We have 35,000 gold, making 7,000 gold per turn."
"Only two ways to extinguish debt: pay it back or default."
"Think creatively, maybe find new ways to make or save your money, and I think that's going to lend success in that area of your life."
"Stream any boxset instantly, but staying on top of our pensions is anything but instant. PensionB can transfer most old pensions together into one simple online plan."
"Financial control needed, watch spending habits."
"With so many deposits being made, the bank had an entirely new problem."