
Peace Of Mind Quotes

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"With just a little bit of work, you can be so far ahead that you don't have to worry about money."
"True happiness is a state of freedom where our mind can feel calm and positive."
"Success is not just about wealth or status, but about finding happiness and peace of mind."
"If you're okay with every outcome, you're free."
"Enlightenment, happiness, peace of mind is here in this moment. If we experience this moment not only now but in the next moment and the next moment and the next moment, then we have stability of enlightenment, of happiness, of peace of mind."
"Peace of mind is being happy with exactly what is."
"Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind."
"Making a small change can actually give you some peace of mind."
"Peace. Peace of mind. I'm telling you, that's what I want."
"My one desire is for peace of mind. I found it comforting to believe that the divine operation in me could expand to full expression and produce more and more contentment, in fact, a peace of mind and a degree of contentment greater than I'd ever known."
"Having life insurance feels great. Getting that peace of mind doesn't need to be complicated."
"If you go after money, you're likely to lose everything, including your peace of mind."
"Don't [mess] up my peace of mind while I'm alive and then wish me to rest in peace because I'm not with that."
"When you take control of it, there's so much satisfaction and enjoyment; it gives you better peace of mind."
"Gold is insurance, and I like to sleep nights and stay calm."
"Identifying those two camps and being at peace with that, accepting that you can't control some things, that's really hard but it's hugely important."
"Peace of mind is the most precious invisible asset, but a lot of people trade it for money."
"For me personally, I get a lot of peace of mind every time that I'm able to chip away at some of the various preparedness measures, whether it's fire, earthquake, food storage, or even pandemic preparedness."
"Every night when I go to bed, I sleep pretty well; I'm not too worried, I'm not too stressed."
"A powerful mind comes from keeping it still."
"Being decisive gives you a sense of direction and clarity of mind and peace of mind."
"Having that... it provided that peace of mind and ever since that day, I have zero fear of death."
"The whole point of being prepared is so that there's less uncertainty about the future."
"Durability and longevity out of your procedures...is really, really important so you can have peace of mind and enjoy the changes for as long as possible."
"The more money you have saved, the more peace of mind you will have."
"Don't cause yourself unnecessary suffering because what is meant for you will never pass you by."
"Getting life insurance today means that you'll have the peace of mind that if something were to happen to you, the people who depend on you will be protected."
"In the case of extreme scenarios like natural disasters or political unrest, sophisticated home security services offer something invaluable: peace of mind."
"When you give somebody something, you've made the choice to no longer be in control of that thing, so you have to make peace with that."
"Money is not everything. Money does not buy happiness, money does not buy peace of mind."
"When you're telling the truth, you have nothing to worry about."
"The magic of a clean space is not just in the appearance but in the peace of mind it brings."
"Actually, having life insurance feels pretty good, and getting that peace of mind doesn't need to be complicated."
"It's like peace of mind, you're traveling, maybe have to check a bag that has important things in it, you don't have to worry."
"If you can stand strong and sleep at night, then sometimes you have to turn certain things down."
"For me, my priority is my peace of mind. I don't need unnecessary hate."
"Peace of mind is one of the key desires that almost everybody should be striving toward."
"Peace of mind is literally existing in another world...mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, you're not even in this world."
"Any man who doesn't have peace of mind is not on the right path in life."
"More than 3 million people already know what it feels like to fear less with Simply Safe."
"Justice is going to come, and if it's not in this life, justice will be served, and that is a great peace of mind for us."
"Peace of mind is the ultimate goal of human life. Why? Because they freaked out in their minds."
"It allows me to sleep at night if I don't stand up... and if I do, even though things go haywire, I feel good."
"Staying sober is number one before anything. If I stay sober I got a chance. So that's all that matters."
"Prioritize profit and build a cushion and you will sleep better at night."
"To feel safe... that feeling of safety... I think that's essential for anybody to live with peace of mind."
"In a world of persecution, we must be vigilant, we must be prepared, but we don't need to be anxious."
"Make sure your emergency fund is fully funded... just having that safety net in life gives you such peace and such comfort."
"Your peace of mind is your highest form of wealth."
"When you have all your [expletive] together legally and you know that, I'm not in no violence, it's priceless."
"Using Dashlane means giving yourself peace of mind allowing you to focus on those other habits that will help lead to being rich and successful."
"Make sure that you prioritize your peace of mind."
"Knowing that there is a God and believing that God is good, that is calming to me."
"I can't tell you the peace of mind it gives you... coming from a person that used to be in crippling debt."
"You'll have peace of mind with Relay Shield's $1,000,000 stolen funds reimbursement coverage."
"With all these features, you will no longer have to worry."
"Peace of mind is extremely important in crypto and it's extremely hard to get to that point especially when we first get started."
"Putting something like this, it gives you a huge peace of mind."
"Peace can be found. The answer to this peace is to give yourself 100% unconditional permission to eat. No restrictions, no rules, just pure permission."
"It is even though paying off your mortgage is not rational, i.e it's not the economically rational thing to do, it is in fact very reasonable because it helps you sleep at night."
"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction."
"I have peace of mind knowing any dollar that I spend is a dollar that I've already earned, it's a dollar that's already in my bank account, it's a dollar that's already mine."
"If you're just doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about."
"Trade with a peace of mind. When you trade, you want your stress levels to be as low as possible."
"Tracker Pixel: Stop losing your stuff. It's the peace of mind wherever you go."
"You truly don't have anything to worry about... you are coming out of a cycle."
"I think it was important to go out as a Giant... This was the right decision and I'm at peace with it."
"Your problem has been taken care of. Rest easy though because he won't be blackmailing anyone again ever."
"Everybody there is serious about their journey; it's a filter for peace of mind."
"Life becomes so simple and peaceful when we come to God like little children and say, 'Lord, I don't want to worry anymore; help me trust You more.'"
"Get peace of mind, you will know the minimum guaranteed value of your plan on the day that you tap into it."
"Success is peace of mind from knowing that you made the best effort."
"I did the best that I could and I sleep good at night about what I accomplished in sports."
"You don't just lose your money, you lose your peace of mind that's the other thing they don't talk about."
"Consider taking the relationship to the next level because peace of mind can be worth it's priceless."
"If you don't feel comfortable with it, if you don't have peace with whatever decision that you're making, don't do it."
"It's technology helping you, giving you peace of mind."
"What you need to be able to do is build a business with integrity and honesty so that you can sleep better at night."
"Choosing the right hospice for your loved one and yourself gives you many things: care, support, the backing of an expert team, respite care, grief support, help with planning, less stress, better health, and peace of mind."
"Perhaps one of the greatest things that hospice provides is peace of mind for both you and your loved one."
"Live in the present moment because that gives you peace of mind."
"Making sure that you have enough for your family, it's a reassuring feeling."
"No waking up in trouble, you're not in trouble."
"Without peace of mind, all of those things bring nothing but torment."
"Do not become so desperate that you sacrifice your peace of mind."
"If you got peace of mind, you got everything."
"Smart solutions offer peace of mind for caregivers."
"I have spoken my mind...and I sleep really really well at night."
"I just want to go to bed at night and remember what it's like to know all my kids are safe."
"Nothing is more valuable than your peace of mind."
"You can't know what tomorrow may bring, but you can have some peace of mind knowing that you'll be ready with everything you need."
"Knowing that I'm secure from all the shady stuff going down on the internet is just one less thing I have to worry about."
"It was easier for me to pass up the money knowing that I could sleep better at night with the victory."
"Feel complete peace of mind anywhere you go."
"Having life insurance gives me the peace of mind that if something was to happen to me, my family would have this financial security."
"Most guys want to have that peace of mind of comfort knowing that she won't cheat."
"Make sure that you are invested in a way that you can sleep at night."
"This just really does give you peace of mind to know that you would have a food supply if anything happened."
"Cash provides a cushion for you to think about life in a broader term."
"If her friends and family know she's okay, that's all that really matters."
"You know I see having so much peace of mind that you don't even have to question this."
"Make decisions that you can sleep soundly whether the price goes up or down."
"Peace of mind is my current Old Reliable weapon."
"Material things don't mean anything if you could pay your cable, your house is clean, you got peace of mind."
"The best way to not have to worry is knowing where you're putting it is clean."
"Security and peace of mind might be top of your agenda."
"You can have peace of mind on your way to big success."
"Knowing that nothing's ever going to happen to you and they're safe."
"Your birthday season just bringing all of the luck, all of the blessings."
"Your destiny is unfolding as we speak so you actually don't have to worry."
"It was intoxicating not to worry about bills."
"Do not be anxious about anything. Judge not the Lord by feeble sense but trust him for his grace."
"It's only worry-free if you have a good backup solution."
"It will give you peace of mind and it'll allow you to check for hidden nasties and things that you really don't want with your new purchase."
"I think it's a good just mental exercise for you guys just to get you've been carrying around all this stuff that's equated to carrying around debts and just getting rid of some of it I think it's going to bring you a lot of peace."
"Your peace of mind is the highest form of wealth."
"Discipline yourself and focus on your goals. The reward is worth it, having peace of mind is worth it."
"Medicare for all means peace of mind. Guaranteed health care, no bills, no out-of-pocket expenses."
"You have to be able to make tough calls and tough decisions and still be able to lay down at night and sleep and wake up the next morning knowing that you did the right thing."
"It's probably the best thing we've ever done for ourselves as far as having peace of mind."
"You'll be glad that you did, your heart will be at peace with this decision."
"The more we think about the welfare of others, the less the vagaries, the problems of our minds trouble us."
"Money will buy you a good time, won't buy you peace of mind."
"Use this device to scan your home, hotel rooms, and cars. It will give you a great sense of security."
"SurfsharkVPN: Browse the internet safely and keep your peace of mind intact."
"It's just the peace that you have in your mind... knowing that you can set goals and achieve them."
"We can't find true self-love and peace of mind and feeling worthy from you know basing that on outside people or outside circumstances."
"There is no need to be concerned, you are always safe."
"There's nothing to worry about, you are safe."
"Sin disrupts your peace of mind - there's no peace for the wicked."
"Use a good travel agent to save money and have peace of mind."
"Happiness, joy, peace of mind are supposed to be our natural States and we have to radically reclaim them."
"Success is not just how much money you have, it's the peace of mind that you have."
"You've got peace in your head now and you've got freedom now."
"If everybody could have peace of mind, if everybody could be anxiety free, if everybody could not have insecurities, if everybody could really feel content, bro, I don't think there's a dollar amount you can put on the feeling of being content."
"If you take your money seriously and automate it, you'll never have to worry."
"I sleep like a baby every night because there's nothing that I worry about, there's nothing that I think about, there's nothing that I lose sleep about."
"Now you have a completely clean install of Windows, you have nothing further to worry about."
"The higher the standard, the more peace of mind you have."
"Trojan storage provides storage solutions to local communities in a warm, professional, and friendly environment while helping them feel secure and giving them peace of mind."
"What's real is you. What's real is how at peace you feel with yourself and your choices and your life."
"Going to sleep peacefully because I know someone is watching over me."
"Let things work out the way they're supposed to - anything that you're worried about is needless worry."
"No amount of money is worth my own peace of mind."
"Caring isn't bad. When did we get to the point in the world where we see caring about something as a negative thing? I actually think it can be beautiful."
"When you give life your best effort, it gives you peace of mind to accept any and all outcomes without second-guessing yourself."
"Release of fear and worry, allowing for peace of mind."
"Your peace of mind is more important than the money."
"No amount of money is worth my peace. I'm not about to be fighting with you daily."
"I've come around to the idea of spending more on certain components just for peace of mind."
"But it gives you peace of mind to have a camera like this and know that it's going to stand up to the abuse."
"My heart is at ease knowing that what was meant for me will never miss me and that what misses me was never meant for me."
"Faith-filled prayer brings peace. It says, 'And the peace that passes all comprehension... when you pray and you do it with Thanksgiving, it says it will guard your mind and your heart.'"
"That ease of mind is like free insurance that I normally would pay more with for Apple and I'm getting that completely with the benefits of that credit card."
"You've got a lid that's locked and secure so that you don't have to worry about the lid popping off."
"Invest in a good surveyor... they're there for your peace of mind and ultimately they're a big influence in you buying the boat or not."
"It's kind of like an investment in your peace of mind."
"The peace of mind is worth everything, she just wants to know what's going on, what's causing this."
"There's no dollar sign on a piece of mind, this I've come to know."
"Be thankful for what you got, there's no peace if you're not thankful."
"Remember, if you listen to my entire dissertations you go all the way to the end, you realize I'm here to give you peace of mind."
"External success is really not going to bring you peace of mind. It really isn't gonna bring you what you think it will."
"The best sleep I've ever gotten is knowing I can move, I can quit, I can leave, I can walk away. I'm a free man."
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, he's given us love, power, and a sound mind."
"I'm at peace, I don't have no worries at all."
"There's some peace that you have in walking a plan. When you walk a plan, suddenly all of the answers are answered for you."
"So it's a no-brainer: sleep at night and buy the bond."
"In a confusing world of consumerism and uncertainty, the absolute clarity that Islam gives to its followers is invaluable, allowing a great sense of inner peace."
"Preparedness leads to peace of mind. If nothing else, all your preps give you peace of mind."
"People want to know how can I make a consistent living, how can I wake up with peace of mind."
"A good life insurance plan can give you the extra peace of mind that your family will always be taken care of."
"I am financially secure. Stability, peace of mind—a powerful mantra to start and end your day."
"When you keep it real 100% of the time and you're being genuine, there's nothing you have to worry about."
"Having a will can ensure that your wishes are carried out after you pass away and may provide peace of mind for both you and your loved ones."
"Personally, it gives me such peace of mind knowing that if something were to happen to Winston or myself, that our family would not have to worry about money."
"How I sleep knowing I was a creepshow art fan."
"Live a good life, and your past won't haunt you."
"Money was no issue. I repaid doubled what we were paying now just for peace of mind."
"Condoms provide the most peaceful peace of mind."
"Build self-reliance for peace of mind in times of crisis."
"You're not a bad person when you are respecting your peace of mind. You're not a bad person when you are staying true to your authentic self."
"I feel a sense of calm in my life. I made the right decision."
"Never again will you have to worry about copyright infringement."
"This is our jobs. We worry about this stuff... our real mission is to help clients become more at peace, less stressed out about their financial picture."
"Pay off all of your existing debts... give you a lot of peace of mind and flexibility."
"That just gives me kind of peace of mind that my investment is actually going to last a little bit longer."
"What's yours is yours, so don't worry about missing opportunities."
"That's gotta be like such a nice feeling going to bed every night just knowing that you're fine."
"Remember, you can sleep peacefully at night knowing that you're not going to get stopped out of your position on a highly leveraged trade."
"It's like you know, life is much easier when you let hating people just take so much out of you."
"I'm leaving my kids with no debt with no bondage with no drama."
"I'm a peace of mind kind of person and I like knowing that somebody has my back."
"Even the most humble woman wants the comfort of knowing she ain't got to worry about it."
"Americans really need to think long and hard about what those statutory contributions or what some like to terms socialist taxes actually end up buying you and that's guaranteed peace of mind."
"If you're looking for a plant that can give you peace of mind, it is a snake plant."
"Success is peace of mind and happiness. Period."
"Having the right coverage can give you peace of mind that your loved ones are secure."
"I can't tell you the peace of mind it will give you though when you have that food storage system in place."
"Money is equal to freedom and to a financial success that allows calmness and relaxation in your body mind and spirit."
"Find My Mobile: locate, ring, unlock, and wipe your device remotely."