
Profitability Quotes

There are 4337 quotes

"You just need one thing, one concept, one model, and you can be profitable."
"A businessman is savvy and knows how to properly utilize his business and his profits for maximum efficiency."
"Self-help has never been more profitable or more popular, constituting an 11 billion dollar industry."
"It's profitable to keep people financially uneducated."
"I'm trying to be practical. There's lots of ways to skin a cat, yes, there's lots of ways to find profitability, yes, but you cannot speed up proper learning."
"Finding your passion and monetizing it is so much more profitable than every other career advice that you've been given."
"Perfection is not necessary in profitable trading."
"Knowledge is not only power, knowledge is profit."
"It's a heck of a lot easier to have a 10 million dollar company that throws off a 20% profit than a 100 million company that throws off a 2% profit."
"Tesla was really the first company in about a century in the US to reach volume production and be sustainably profitable."
"A big portion of the world has now started believing in the fact that sustainability will define profitability."
"There's more money in treating something than curing it."
"The debate between profitability and cautious regulation is becoming bigger and more important by the day as AGI is the next step in AI."
"Performance with purpose is how we make money, not how we spend the money we make."
"Making a gross profit is only the first baby step towards profitability."
"The social responsibility of a business is to increase profits. That is the role of a business."
"The 80/20 rule is probably true; probably 20% of your customers are bringing you 80% of your business."
"Fundamental analysis: if you're trying to long-term invest, checking if a company is profitable is first and foremost."
"Incentives are super scalable... as long as you're not losing money."
"Longevity, controlled risk, impeccable risk management – that's how you arrive at consistently profitable."
"That's what makes a consistent, profitable trader. Anything apart from what I'm teaching you here is gambling."
"The deal is what makes money in real estate. It's the deal."
"Most importantly though, it shows how lucrative the entire business model has been for those in control of it."
"It's important to be profitable, but at the end of the day, you got to be happy and you got to enjoy what you're doing; otherwise, what's the point?"
"The cosmetics industry is one of the most profitable industries out there, and I personally believe that we should hold companies more accountable to use that profit towards positive social change."
"Bob Iger is making it his number one priority to fix things to make Disney Plus profitable by 2024."
"Fair use is assessing how much does what you've created impact the original and its ability to be profitable in the market."
"You're buying part of a business, and if you buy intelligently into a business, you're gonna make money."
"The Jeffers Corporation is the largest, friendliest, and most profitable corporation."
"Free speech is the answer and it could also be profitable and it could also be successful at the same time, allowing a perfect harmony of profit and respect of individuals to speak their mind."
"Even a small virtual conference can easily make ten thousand dollars for the organizer."
"The goal of the business is to make one more dollar than it expends."
"Finding a strategy that wins 90% of the time is possible, but you're gonna do so with a very skewed reward to risk ratio."
"Keeping things as simple as possible and honing in on the basics is what really creates profits."
"The European colonies didn't turn a profit; almost none of the colonies gave Europe back more money than they put into it."
"They made $420 million and got fined $9 million. That sounds like a win to me."
"A respectable company will find a balance between what's profitable and what's consumer-friendly, they'll draw certain lines to make enough money to grow and sustain themselves while valuing their loyal customers."
"Crypto mining is so profitable right now. I'm serious."
"The company remained unprofitable for many years by always putting their customers first. They had made many decisions in the past that were extremely pro-customer, even if it meant leaving money on the table."
"Being profitable gives you freedom because you aren't in a position to need to raise money."
"Uber is one of the few, if not the only, tech startup in history to raise over $25 billion dollars and still not turn a profit after 13 years of operations."
"It's absolutely hugely profitable for big Bitcoin mining farms with low electric rates."
"Bitcoin mining is obviously absolutely still very profitable."
"Businesses can actually find more profit just by acting ethically."
"The illegal drug market in the United States is one of the most profitable in the world."
"Using the RSI indicator as a momentum indicator, ironically, makes pretty good profits."
"Imagine two scenarios... Which side do you think would provide a better experience? Which side do you think would make more money in the long run?"
"Marketing is the science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering value to satisfy the needs of a target market at a profit."
"Neoliberalism pushes back against social progress that is deemed unprofitable, not yet profitable or too radical."
"We don't learn from history. We just keep making the same mistakes because of one reason, war is profitable. We make a lot of money at war."
"Bags will be a top seller on the auction house and a great gold maker from when the game releases to months and even years later."
"Having a rules-based trading strategy is absolutely necessary in order to become a consistently profitable trader."
"The discipline to stick to the rules of their trading plan is what eventually leads to becoming profitable traders."
"It's way more profitable to be nice and happy for everything than to be horrible to everything."
"Staying consistent with one pattern is how you become profitable in the stock market."
"The margin on paying people to do design work as a design firm is not a great margin."
"Thank god for that, because most of them make no money."
"Because a corporation is concerned only with making money, which it'll do at the expense of its employees, its customers, and the environment."
"Human beings, created in God's image, the ultimate Creator, were meant to create but we're not necessarily meant to profit off of it."
"Over the last eight years, I have literally been consistently profitable every single year."
"If you're right half the time you're break-even, but if you're right 75% of the time, you're profitable."
"Profitable meaning you have a strategy or a system or a way of trading that creates a profit. Consistently meaning that you trade that strategy or system in a consistent way."
"The only strategies you should be trading are strategies likely to be profitable in the future, and the way that we determine if something's likely to be profitable in the future is through back testing."
"The very first step to becoming a profitable trader is having a strategy that gives you profits consistently over a large sample size."
"You could have awesome risk management, but if you don't have a strategy that produces a consistent profitable edge over the markets, you're not going to go anywhere."
"Having a profitable strategy does not mean it's a strategy that wins all the time. Having a profitable strategy means over a large sample size of trades, 60 to 100 trades, you are going to have an edge or an advantage."
"If you use the MACD correctly, it can help you to create some extremely profitable trading strategies and very high probability trading opportunities that can lead to profits for years to come."
"Trading is not about winning every single time, but about being consistently profitable over time."
"Anger generates clicks, and clicks generate profit."
"If you can bring in ten percent and it costs you five percent, does that make financial sense? The answer is yes."
"This is a crazy compounding profit-generating machine that's going to grow profits like insanely."
"The key to Forex is to into a profitable strategy."
"It's absolutely it can be profitable to build products here in the U.S., but it's got to be the right product and have the right technology support around that product."
"A volume indicator helps eliminate losses, thus making our account go up and up and up."
"For something to be powerful and profitable, it doesn't have to be complicated."
"Gaming is the most profitable form of entertainment in the entire world."
"Within 20 months of George taking the reins, Renault was profitable again."
"Sometimes you've got to spend money to make money."
"When you look at the cash flow statement, you're going to want to see the operating activities as a positive number, hopefully a large positive number."
"I believe a local fish store is one of the easiest, most profitable businesses you could open today."
"The bunker...makes you an absolute ton of money in a relatively short amount of time...this business is an absolute must-own."
"Why fix it if it's broken but makes a shitload of money?"
"Media is either incredibly profitable and very valuable, or it's not."
"They Undertaker still means huge money; it's not a stupid business move."
"Part of the skill of being a poker player is finding situations where you're profitable you know regardless of your skill level."
"Literally a money printer, an automatic money printer."
"If you're not profitably growing, what are you doing?"
"But is it a game that you can have big wins in? I think that's probably the easiest wins that most people will have."
"It's actually good that he's leaving. It's good that the show is dying because it shows that this type of mindset is no longer profitable or a thing that will make you successful."
"YouTube is healthy, growing, and it's the most profitable platform to establish your brand on, period."
"Shipping is very, very safe and as a matter of fact the insurance companies are making money hand over fist."
"Even with a cargo handicap, not only is the Tesla Semi possible, it’s a much more profitable option for routes that are within its 500 mile range."
"The purpose of a website for a business is to increase your revenue, add more dollars, and add more value to your company."
"They are the high probability setups, they're the ones that have the immediate payouts."
"What can we do to get the highest possible return? That's the optimal solution."
"The ultimate aim for any Trader or investor is to achieve consistent profitability in the markets."
"Profitable once again, showing that almost anything Bezos touched would turn to gold."
"Getting woke was profitable. That isn't the case anymore."
"The secret here to actually being profitable with this is you don't want to make a course that's really general, you want to get specific."
"There's nothing more profitable for the pharmaceutical industry than frankly a sick kid."
"Mutually assured profitability or mutually assured benefits is that both parties get to do it and so why would anyone want to call it out right?"
"This is the greatest cash machine in history."
"Prioritize profit and build a cushion and you will sleep better at night."
"Celsius is probably the only profitable lender in all of crypto."
"When you promote a digital product, you pretty much have something that has 100% margins."
"You make money by helping people and helping them solve their problems."
"It's really easy to get started in and the flexibility of where and when you can do the work is unbeatable."
"Just because something makes a lot of money doesn't mean it automatically gets a sequel."
"The most profitable adult film ever made is 1972's Deep Throat."
"People be so surprised how much entertainment can get you paid."
"You don't need the most profitable industry ever."
"Releasing a full remaster of that game would literally be a license to print money and I'm 100% certain it would net Activision way more money than just releasing bundle after bundle in Modern Warfare 2019."
"What I'm showing you is something that can make money for a long time because it's hard."
"The secret: technical analysis alone is never going to make you a profitable Trader if that's all you depend on."
"It's not like a small incremental change; it's like that gap closes and when that day comes, it's an amazing thing for the gross margin."
"The companies you want to invest in are ones that are going to take a dollar of yours and turn it into two dollars."
"If it doesn't make a profit, it's not a business, it's a hobby."
"On the business of selling cars, they are actually leading the industry by a margin on profitability."
"Hate brings money, hate brings likes, hate brings views."
"Spidey is the biggest Money Maker in cinema."
"Can you make money on it? Yeah, you can make money on it."
"If you're an active player, you now have all the info needed to earn the best profit possible from the hub in this update."
"Tatooine looks like a really money producer in the Outer Rim."
"BlackRock doesn't do things that aren't profitable."
"Understanding how to constantly build profits and realized profits is really important."
"Mining and Smithing rework in RuneScape 3, making skills more profitable and interesting."
"I ended up making $300 a day in profit within two months of launching my product on Amazon."
"Hope eventually the hostilities can settle and Ladder with Crowder can show that standing on principle can be profitable."
"Once your product reaches the first page, you're golden. Follow these steps and you'll make profits."
"This image has made over 70 thousand dollars in gross."
"Investors and companies building a network are willing to pay a lot of money for user growth even if it means the business is not profitable."
"Investors either want a company to make money or grow preferably both."
"Gender functions differently from race... it ain't the same thing."
"There's a lot of things that make a lot of money that aren't good."
"We officially broke into profits with a net profit of 20 today."
"Taking the right strategic approach is essential to being profitable."
"Bold moves are what's required, especially in situations like this."
"It's extremely valuable for making a ton of money, I mean literally a hundred thousand runs every run and you can do that in twenty to thirty minutes."
"No one has ever lost any money if they've bought and held an S&P 500 index fund for more than 20 years."
"To date, Spider-Man is the most profitable superhero ever"
"The more you can do it, the more you could turn it over, the better."
"I see a very resilient growing company that will have continued increase in margins over time and continued profitability."
"Tesla is one of the only companies truly profiting on their EVs."
"We're now starting to already see a big turn of profit."
"Healthy patients don't make them any money and dead patients don't make them any money, but patients that we're keeping alive make a lot of money."
"We've achieved our fourth sequential quarter of profitability."
"Buying a Birkin bag has been equated to being more profitable than like buying and flipping a home."
"It's different for everyone, but there's a lot of people that made enormous amounts of money with NFTs too."
"When you compare this operating profitability across companies in the same sector and industry, you see which are best run and have those competitive advantages."
"You could be making $500 a day profit or $600 a day profit and now you're making as much as a doctor on the Internet."
"At the end of the day, if you can make money, you can make money."
"The more available they make their games, the more money they get to make. It's as simple as that."
"I think that some sort of Demon Slayer story continuation is extremely likely... because the series is just so incredibly profitable."
"Simple math is one of the keys to making money."
"The profit motive for a magazine that was already in serious trouble."
"2020 is its first full profitable year ever as a company so this is truly an inflection point where Tesla now is consistent and sustainably profitable like they've been promising."
"I gotta focus on trying to make the pizzas worth more because then I'll make more money quicker."
"The video game market is massive, it makes more money than all of movies, television, and music combined."
"There's no need for secrecy. Everybody knows everything, and the secrecy is from your own people only."
"Ensuring good faith from merchants requires neither rank nor reputation but the ability to make profit."
"The cheaper a vehicle is to produce, the cheaper it can be sold (which expands its market) and/or the better its profit margins can be."
"Megan grossed about $181 million on a $12 million budget."
"The tokenomics and pumpamentals of legit projects... they're going to make people a lot of money."
"They make massive amounts of money from those games dude."
"What is a profitable return on ad spend? If you put $1 in and you get $2 back, that's a return on ad spend."
"Tesla is out in a league of their own. They're making the best technology and they're doing it more profitably than anyone else."
"Shane would have such high sales that he predicts that in the first launch of the palette he could easily make live a million dollars profit in a few days."
"Can you do a profitable news organization that also has the strength to cut through the noise in this media environment?"
"What is the point of me being bearish? You think that's cool? You think that's going to make you money? Of course not."
"Where there are customers desperate to solve a problem, there is money-making opportunities for you."
"You cannot have high input costs and high earnings."
"It's a perfect alignment between criminal justice and profit that raises deep questions about the credibility of the system itself."
"The point here is that businesses exist to make money."
"Early investors in these are going to do very very well."
"I have no desire to trade outside of my style of trading because I'm able to constantly, mindfully make money."
"Businesses exist to make a profit, not to lose money."
"House Hlaalu: power resides where profit thrives."
"Try and look around the corner and that's when you make the most money."
"The promotion was a huge success as the converted locations reported around 30 percent increased profits."
"While the main strategy I ran with NQ wasn't profitable, running the newer trend-based strategy with the micro NQ contracts would have resulted in a net profit of over 9,000."
"The profit margins on these videos are huge."
"At the end of the day, the point of a business is to turn a profit."
"It's always better to make five like one dollar off of a million people than take a million dollars from one person. It's always better to do it in very small increments and you never get greedy."
"Trading insight: Mimicking the bank's strategy for profitable trading."
"There's nothing more lucrative than being the biggest YouTuber for the next decade."
"Everybody love peace, problem is you can't make no money off of it."
"Mobile games will make this a hell of a lot of money, but it'll just kind of push itself out of the actual gaming sphere."
"How do I have the least amount of risk, with the most amount of return?"
"It's crazy how much do you make from those videos."
"Introducing the score multipliers: these extras are very expensive but you will pretty much get your money back immediately guaranteed."
"There's never been a better time to be an indie. If you make a really high-quality indie game, you can actually make money doing it."
"Man, this is some good stuff in this box... this box is making money."
"Being emotionless is one of the only ways to really become profitable."
"Put your cash in, profit, pay it off, get to break even. Don't try to get rich overnight."
"If you make being good profitable, a lot more people will be good."
"I know we can be profitable and we will be profitable."
"A well-placed hotel will forever print money."
"I like to go through and share with you how to generate more leads make more money and grow your business."
"The collector is far and away the most profitable role in Red Dead Online."
"Yeah, I don't think directors should be expected to not make money off of a movie they direct. I think the more important aspect is how tastefully the film itself is, not whether or not there's a profit."