
Reaction Quotes

There are 6845 quotes

"We're not reacting, we're not scared by it either."
"It is not the experience that is stressing us out, it is our reaction to the experience."
"You cannot control anyone's choices, circumstances, or other people's choices; you can only control your own reactions."
"I love watching Martinez defend. He reminds me of Vidic."
"Your response has value, but your reaction has consequences."
"We don't respond to what happens; we respond to our perception of what happens."
"I really needed help with why I react the way I react to things."
"That is actually a curse. That is disgusting."
"Everything that happens in life, there's very little that you control. With everything that happens, you have an absolute ability to control what it means and how to react to it."
"Ten percent of life is what happens to you, 90 percent of life is how you choose to react to it."
"Robert Downey Junior's reaction to one of his jokes says it all."
"Roll with the punches of life, regardless of how they come at you, it's about how you react to it."
"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."
"Critical thinking... requires you to pause and examine for a second instead of reacting."
"You can't control your thoughts. The thoughts just happen. You get to control how you react to it."
"Changing nothing more than the metaphor in a piece of text leads people to fundamentally different reactions."
"Naturally, I did what any level-headed person would do in that moment and ran to Twitter."
"But when I hear the 'buzz' and I see it land on me, there's no thought, there's just me screaming like Homer Simpson."
"Falling is part of the human experience. It's not the fall that matters; it's how you react or respond to the fall that I want to explore."
"If we can remember our basic goodness... instead of reacting, instead of defending, instead of sinking into shame, if we can remember that, we can then respond to what comes up in a way that further aligns our heart."
"It's like my home, so when somebody comes in and they invade your home like that, it's only reactive to try to stop them."
"The story of the Ukrainian reaction is not just as an answer or as the answer to a negation of, it matters on its own."
"It's okay to just breathe and know that not everything deserves a response."
"Welcome back! Today we're going to be reacting to the brand new Sims 4 expansion pack trailer. It's just about 3am here, so I've just woken up. I'm dazed, I'm confused, but I'm excited also."
"I love this, and was laughing my ass off the whole time. It is definitely what he deserves."
"We cannot fight the ideologies of hate if we lack the ability to study, understand, and react to them."
"Every time you react, you draw from an invisible field of energy surrounding your body and turn it into chemistry."
"Life isn't about what happens to you, it's how we react to it."
"The skill of learning how to respond and not react is a life skill."
"The flash has caught him, but he's turned, and it's two quick ones."
"If we react less and instead respond more, we develop those types of logical, just rational decision-making in them."
"A news story is meant to inform, but a column is actually meant to provoke. It's meant to produce a reaction. So I'm either in the heating business or the lighting business. I'm either stoking up an emotion in you or illuminating something for you."
"Never in the history of being told to calm down has anyone ever calmed down."
"It's not what actually happens to you that's the problem, it's your reaction to it."
"Getting to know yourself is one of the best ways you can begin to understand the way you react to situations."
"Don't feel bad if you're sensitive to negative feedback because apparently, after one particular bad review, Hans Christian Andersen was found sobbing while lying face down in the dirt."
"Everything is now so reactionary that if somebody says something you don't even try to ascertain whether it's true or not, you just immediately react based on who they are."
"Every action has an opposite equal reaction; every cool thing you do has an opposite and equal paperwork reaction."
"It's really important to say, 'I didn't like that, but I can choose how I react about it.'"
"I can't control what people say or what people think of me, but I can control how I react to it."
"The greatest actor in the world cannot fake the reaction that he just had."
"It's something that makes me want to bleach my eyes, genuinely."
"It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters."
"The ending would leave you confused, wanting answers, and absolutely gobsmacked. That was their thing."
"After you stop screaming, you start talking about it."
"It's funny seeing people act like this was an unfathomable reaction. Like, bro, you guys are occupying the capital city and have very explicitly said that you want to do a coup."
"I'm honestly speechless, George, what is happening, bro?"
"That was the most insane thing I've ever heard."
"When baking soda is combined with vinegar, magic happens, and it can clean almost anything."
"In an adjustment reaction, anything you do before the crisis hits is going to feel like an extreme overreaction, but in hindsight, you'll understand it was a complete underreaction."
"Dude, oh my god. What just happened? We just... What just happened?"
"The only part that you have control over is how you react."
"I'm more thoroughly impressed than I am mad at this point."
"The reaction and self-control of a person are more important than the provocation."
"Fail and fail properly. It's about how you react to your failure."
"What in the world, this is chaos, this is literally chaos."
"It isn't what happens to us in life; it's how we react to what happens that determines character and ultimately destiny."
"Alien sea beast: Late last year, 41-year-old Desha Sri Chai captured a creepy creature with 20 long jet black legs causing him to throw his net in horror. At first glance, he thought the specimen was a twig, but when he saw it moving, he panicked."
"This is not fun for them. It is an extremely sobering and important thing that we saw happen."
"Oh my god stop no molina don't do that yeah that's hardcore [ __ ] i thought it was funny you gotta make moving man."
"Did you see the way that they freaked out in there? Did you see the way that I was unlawfully trespassed from city hall?"
"Joel also fell backwards and yelled Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] was that that burns."
"View things as act and react - conflict is necessary for growth."
"Everything you're choosing is a response to what you've just heard."
"The underrated part is they don't just act, they overreact - the way any parent supporting their child would."
"The reaction and response has been pretty phenomenal."
"Holy [ __ ] dude, wow. I mean, it's funny, it's [ __ ] up but it's funny."
"Richard would later say he did the following thing because he was mad his mum wouldn't let him come round Christmas."
"If this post truly made you extremely uncomfortable, you would just block and move on. You wouldn't make a post trying to garner reaction from your community or other Twitter users."
"I think it's so crazy that we find this stuff pretty quickly."
"Energy does not discern whether you're thinking a positive or a negative thought, it just reacts to whatever the thought is."
"It honestly looked like Overeem got electrocuted."
"That's exactly what I saw, it made me laugh out loud."
"Oh my goodness, somebody call a PS to show the pressure."
"It scared me a couple times, I jumped out of my seat."
"I think what you've done in this aspect is despicable, but you don't seem like a bad guy by any means. However, your response was reactionary, quick, and undereducated."
"Sony did all the crazy stuff with the PS Vita because they saw piracy rip apart the PSP."
"...it's cool that he's transparent when asked, doesn't get butt hurt..."
"This is every controversy: Trump says something wrong, the left oversteps way too far."
"I did not expect them to destroy everything, yo this guy is insane."
"Chills like everyone else, not surprised. Chills. But chills. It's moving stuff."
"If you repeatedly tell people they cannot speak, that is when they scream."
"I didn't think it was going to be this popular."
"I'm just absolutely stunned to be honest with you, really really absolutely stunned."
"It's starting to look even more gross, disgusting, oh yeah."
"We got to just stop a second and breathe before we just slit everyone's throat on the first possible offense. Oh my god, we're an offended people. It's ridiculous."
"Gotta love her reaction when she first sees the house."
"Sometimes you just don't know how someone's going to act."
"We're going to flip the switch... Oh heck no, you got me on the dole!"
"First you stop the outward reaction then you learn to control the inner reaction."
"This test footage was actually kind of creepy. That's what I'm saying."
"This is just mad, this is absolutely incredible."
"Yo I am actually legitimately blown away by that."
"Panic legit stressed couldn't even do commentary, it was just numbers."
"What the hell are you building, you disgusting person?"
"Eli, the subscriber, and all of his other friends who were just sitting there are just like 'Oh my god, what just happened, man?'"
"Russia invaded Ukraine to the shock and disgust of onlookers worldwide."
"This haunting is so weird because every time you try to confront it, it just goes quiet."
"This is cursed, this is Balloon Boy's endoskeleton, that is probably one of the most cursed things I think I've ever seen."
"No, I'm not celebrating, oh my God, are you kidding me?"
"I'm speechless right now. Mind-blowing, like, it's crazy."
"I'm literally freaked the f*** out, I really don't know what to do."
"That was sick! Oh my god, that was so sick. It's a sick nasty!"
"I can't believe I just freaking saw that. Just unfreaking believable."
"This is so [ __ ] cool! Holy [ __ ], oh my god, he's gonna launch himself!"
"Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it."
"The moment that cover leaves my body, I know I'm jumping up, and I'm fighting. I'm swinging, I'm swinging."
"I'm in awe, man. I just... I got nothing to say. How did that happen?"
"I just couldn't believe it when I was listening to it late last night. I was just like, oh my God."
"They didn't want us to see this, bro, that is so creepy, I'm actually freaked out."
"What did we just watch? Oh my goodness, bro, we got it on screen right now, he literally went, literally helped me and Justin look when we eat something really sour, bro."
"It's better that we overreacted than under reacted."
"Blast matches the top speed of Saitama and Garou, they throw a serious punch and he was still capable enough to react in time to teleport all of them away."
"I don't even know what the [__] I'm going to do... but I'm blocking it because you invited me."
"So if it's like uh so be like hey you know I think you're cute like you sign the name like hey girl I think you cute and she just hurts it or she's like oh thank you and she doesn't say like oh you know you're cute too."
"Literally the day after this incident happened."
"Excessive responses: superstition, threats, violence."
"Insane! Lucky, never seen. I know, that's mad."
"If somebody hit me like that, I don't think I would have taken it that well."
"Hey don't die man oh he passed out holy crap whoa miss damn considers that a loss yeah."
"Don't let this person trigger you, don't let them get the reaction out of you."
"Are you [__] stupid? Your reaction to another human being is your brain working?"
"Mortal Kombat one, it has begun. I can't react to this, alright? I tried."
"Whatever it was that got them so spooked, it was so bad that Mycenae and nearby Tiryns took the extra step of fortifying the cisterns."
"You try to throw a punch at me, I throw off the block, your hand breaks."
"How you react to the things happening in the world will be the Difference Maker."
"Yo, these are so small, oh my gosh, these are kids size, holy bro I've never gotten like this small of a pair, like I've gotten some small pairs but not like actual kids size, I mean they're kind of cute you know."
"Absolutely shocked me...completely, totally amazing."
"People are extremely quick to overreact and draw extremely insane narratives on the simplest things."
"I'm just gonna take my lumps guys, and I'm just gonna react to this."
"Did this video make the hair on your legs stand up? Did it give you chills?"
"But ladies and gentlemen, that was the final earthquake event here, and when it hit, I was like, 'No way that just happened, dude!'"
"I'm grabbing guitars, grabbing everything that doesn't belong to me because I am freaked out, man."
"There's a difference between a reaction and a response."
"Imagine seeing a weird coincidence imagine that happening bro."
"Old people on Netflix... within the first five minutes I was like literally gagging."
"I move from a state of reacting to a state of responding."
"A Mixture of Shock and Excitement Washed Over Him."
"When one side overreaches, the other side pushes back."
"The reality of this event is pretty bad but pretty cool."
"Wow, that watermelon left me a little speechless here. I'm blushing. So delicious!"
"That's exactly how I responded, my agent when she called and was like, 'Did you say?' I was like, 'No, I wouldn't say that.'"
"What okay I know I heard somebody coming down these stairs I'm out."
"Mehmed himself, who was a frighteningly cruel man, turns away. The sight of 20,000 corpses with their bowels spilled out down poles was enough to take a seasoned, young, fit soldier like Mehmed the Second and send him running."
"No matter what people do to us, we have a choice on how we react to it."
"I can't even believe my hair is like this right now."
"Following the horrific shooting spree in Hungerford new gun laws were brought in banning private ownership of semi-automatic and pump-action rifles in the United Kingdom."
"I'm actually overwhelmed with the quality of these."
"This is the first time that you're seeing Floyd Mayweather have to react to the guy in front of him rather than dictate to the guy in front of him."
"That's the face of the MMA community when Jake Paul keeps knocking out our stars."
"It's like Cory actually did... um no I... that was awesome..."
"The overreaction was always going to be as dangerous long term as his excrescence."
"If all this sounds bonkers, it's because it is."
"If you are going to treat me like a nut I’ll act like a nut."
"The truth is not palatable for everyone. Some will thank you, others will scorn you."
"You should have seen my Uber driver's eyes in the rearview as I talked. Whenever they weren't glued to the road, they just kept getting wider and wider."
"This was absolutely crazy, oh my god, okay, it's happening."
"Just go for what you want to do that causes like a lot of reaction."
"When it's not cool anymore, I saw them kind of fold and buckle."
"I don't think Joe or I have ever climbed a fence that fast in our lives."
"All he has to do is appear in public to drive people nuts."
"That was like split second from disaster, oh man he literally got K.O'd."
"I loved how pissed he got that made me a fan immediately."
"I guess I shouldn't have, oh my gosh, you've got to be kidding me."
"Meanwhile like Lola is so unfazed everything bad is happening and Lola's just like so chill."
"I just got clapped there I was looking for faster zombie spawns yes but I don't know about that fast."
"I don't know, if someone tried [expletive], you'd be half my buddy. I would quietly pack up my [expletive] and leave."
"I wonder, Jorgen Thorstein, hardware labs director. Oh, I know. Hello, die, die, die, die. That happened, straight record. Wow, Hanami manager, glad I hired you unfortunately."
"Yes, yes, oh my gosh, wait, oh my lord, she's a monster!"
"No matter whether you liked it or didn't you just go what the [ __ ]."
"We believe that he surprised Moses and Moses reacted with that surprise and shot the victim, killing him."
"I mean, now it's Fall Guys. He had a heated baby moment."
"As a bro, like, like react, that wasn't funny bro, like that's just a nerd joke, that was a nerd, that's a nerd joke Chad, that was just a nerd joke."
"Everybody was very happy when they actually saw the presentation at the end of the night."
"You have to be reacting, you can't be thinking through every step."
"Did you utilize all the tools that you have to actually avoid this for example if you're playing the thresh and you flash Flay hook me maybe there was no actual time to react."
"Damn those jokes are [] fire dog bro, what the [] damn that shit's so funny."
"I wasn't as shocked and scared as I'd expected myself to be instead I felt more frustrated."
"We armed ourselves with anything we could find."
"That is ludicrous and Harry Kane's face says it all."
"Could just swing a leg out. Salah hasn't got time to react."
"This has no spice, there's no way. Cheers! Cheers! Wow, that's hot dude. I think mine is working. I hate spice, like I do not eat spicy food. Secretly!"
"She ain't calling me today, okay well guess what I ain't going to talk to her for the next three days."
"Off with their heads! That's not funny, but off with their heads."
"You truly are this emotionally intelligent person who can take a negative reaction and release it."
"Everybody who got that news felt like their lives changed."
"That was the most clutch thing I've seen, what even happened?"
"Wow that's crazy that is the craziest thing of all time."
"The reaction is the action; your opponent's reaction is your action."
"My initial reaction was 'no, hell no,' something along those lines."
"I think this was a screw-up...but I do think that a lot of the initial reaction was justified."
"That's the dumbest effing warning I've ever seen in my life."
"Love the fact that while we're in the open the dude started shooting at us and we didn't hesitate."
"He acted like a deer that had been caught in the headlights of an oncoming car it's almost as if he had six sense realized had been spotted and just panicked and froze."
"It's when the audience is so enraptured with us what's going on on screen that we just react with the movie."
"Sadly, my reaction was not surprise. And that is, I think, what is fomenting the rage and the anguish that we're seeing across this country."
"Damn, what did he just do that after being stunned? They were like, 'Yeah, damn, he just did that.'"
"I got an erectile dysfunction just by seeing the trailer play. I just got an erectile dysfunction."
"The only thing you can control is yourself and the way you react to the things around you."
"Return elicits a feeling of sanguiness at other times a dire desire to punch someone nearby in the face."