
Human Condition Quotes

There are 1013 quotes

"There's an underlying biological reality, and in almost all cases, there is."
"I've wanted to figure out why we die so fast, and in my view, I think it's cruel to have a sentient being that knows it's going to die in such a short time frame."
"We are built to be happy, strong, and light; we got all the tools, but they are not awakened. But who is going to wake them up? That's us."
"You all did something which was sort of fundamental to the nature of the human condition: you made a transition from being unconscious into being conscious."
"Recessions are necessary as sleep to human beings."
"The most important growth-promoting signal in the world today for a human is love."
"We humans have to face our own vulnerabilities."
"We're like a youngling grounded; all we can do is look out the window, wondering why we're stuck inside."
"We as humans are the beings that think and gain mastery of our world. Perhaps one day, if we meet another race that does the same things we do, rather than seeing something truly alien, it perhaps will be like looking into a mirror."
"The only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is each other."
"The stars are like a mirror... when we're doing SETI, yes of course we're thinking about alien life but we're also thinking about human life."
"Writing is about exploring the world and the human condition."
"The more we know about ourselves, particularly the soul, the greater respect we have for the human condition, for life itself."
"Morality is transcendent and objective in the sense of not being just a trait of individual humans... It's what you get by being born human."
"The task of the arts is to give expression to the full range of the human condition."
"Being a human, you are 100% mentally fit if you have sadness and joy and doubt and insecurity. That's what it is to be human."
"Nobody understands the human condition less than the people whose job it is to bring it to you on television every night."
"A big motivator of mine on this earth is to experience as much of what it means to be human as possible."
"For Dostoevsky, suffering is a fundamental tenet of human life; it is infused in the blood. Thus, there is no life nor social or material condition for life that can exist without suffering."
"Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains."
"The ability to feel connected is neurobiologically how we're wired. It's why we are here."
"Vulnerability is our capacity to be wounded."
"We think we are human beings in search of a spiritual experience, but the truth is we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
"Poverty is a form of Hell caused by man's blindness to God's unlimited good for him."
"I love science fiction because it allows us to ask important questions about the human condition."
"Months spent shivering in hovels dug into the rank earth, enduring disease and artillery bombardment, ended only by pointless frontal assaults on machine gun positions. What could better demonstrate the futility of war?"
"Ultimately, I don't think this is good for humans and it gives off a very like Klaus Schwab depopulation agenda vibe."
"Through His death, Christ dealt with the primary cause of human loneliness: separation from God."
"We all sense that there's something more than blind, pitiless indifference at work."
"Chronic loneliness is an unnatural condition, a state that we were not designed for. It leaves us empty and longing for connection and understanding."
"Feeling alone is not an individual character trait; feeling alone is a part of the human condition."
"Both the good: love, birth, joy; and the devastating: loss, death, and pain."
"I believe in The Human Condition enough to sacrifice for that, in terms of my own background of where I'm coming from, and to have people attack me for saying peace is possible."
"With an eye on the human condition, this is insight."
"Most of it explores the human condition, the impermanence of life, and other very laid-back musings."
"Art isn't something to be solved. It's not an equation. Art is about people, about experiences, about joy and fun and entertainment and intrigue and curiosity and thinking big thoughts and feeling big feelings."
"The amazing rate of change that we ourselves have created is itself deranging us and making it very difficult to understand how to be human and how to remember how to be human."
"I'm an evolved monkey, sitting here talking to another evolved monkey, talking to thousands of evolved monkeys, right here and now, as we speak to you, in this moment on a spinning rock, with a giant galaxy."
"I believe that the human condition is discontent...you're always going to be discontent. Why not build something better?"
"Humans have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and god-like technology."
"The part of the human condition is you need discontent; you have to be constantly passionate about something."
"All of this is improving The Human Condition. It's how you use it."
"The one thing that anime can do better than any other film medium is personify the human condition."
"The gospel of Jesus Christ is the rectification of the human condition. It is the restoration of the human race."
"We're just... hungry for purpose and meaning and identity, the things that human beings have always been hungry for."
"We are today no closer to that which we essentially seek than we were thousands of years ago."
"It's better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied."
"What becomes of the human condition when the genetic shackles have been taken off?"
"Misery was an involuntary state of mental distress common to humans of all eras and circumstances. Its eradication marked the beginning of the banishment of the existential horrors from the human condition."
"The breakthrough prize celebrates the beauty of science and its potential to improve the human condition."
"All human beings die of the same thing. We all leave this earth the same way, right? We all die of hypoxia, lack of oxygen to the brain. That's the definition of death."
"What if Earth is like a chicken coop, and aliens are just watching us, live streaming?"
"Obesity is part of the human condition, and there are evolutionary reasons why obesity has been selected for in individual populations."
"Life is incredibly hard for everybody in different ways, and to different extents, and at different points in time."
"It hurts to be a person, and we need to think about how we bring people into the world and the timing that we bring them into the world."
"Death is something we all face eventually, and the fact is most of us brush up against its consequences long before we deal with it ourselves."
"Every man, elf, and beast reaches that pivotal moment where we realize our parents aren't all-knowing, all-powerful beings; in truth, they're just as clueless as us."
"Racism is endemic to the human condition, just as stupidity is. We will always have to be on guard against it."
"Emotions are both a strength and a weakness to us."
"The human condition is defined by our unbearable awareness of our mortality."
"The Buddha argued that human life is marked by dukkha, a term that's often translated as suffering but really means something closer to stress, unsatisfactoriness, or even dis-ease."
"The real spiritual path does not just take a yellow smiley face and put it over everything. The real spiritual outlook recognizes the suffering of the human condition."
"It gives you a kind of sense of solidarity with your fellow human beings... we're all in this march toward death together."
"Suffering and anxiety are integral parts of the human existence."
"The arts, I think, are our way out if they are sustained because they satisfy that human need to understand ourselves and to explore ourselves and to interrogate our existence."
"People are suffering from a lack of meaning. Meaning is people always ask about meaning and purpose, and there's that really tired joke about what meaning means, but it's not a joke."
"You have to recognize we put on this human suit to play and to experience."
"We as people on this planet have to begin to realize, no matter all races, we are already living in heaven."
"Being a loser is fine. Perhaps loser-dom is the human condition."
"History is the study of the human condition; if we do not get to the truth about history, then we cannot be truthful about ourselves."
"Snake lights a cigarette and blows out the match used to light it, uttering 'Welcome to the human race.'"
"Aware that death is inevitable, yet filled with optimism."
"Every human being has a hole in his heart that's shaped like God."
"No myths need be embraced for us to commune with the profundity of this circumstance."
"Most men live lives of quiet desperation." - Henry David Thoreau
"It's an examination not only of our own modern-day consumerist culture, but of the human condition itself: the ways we find meaning both in ourselves and in the world around us."
"Right now, human life is in tatters mainly because of this. Instead of using a needle, you're using a knife."
"Would it not be better to live in communities and systems that are about enhancing those values, supporting those values, acknowledging that people are flawed and fallible but where possible creating the conditions for human beings to thrive and cooperate?"
"These are the exact poses of the victims at the very last moments of their lives."
"It was like a mountain made of human bodies, some were seemingly uninjured when you look at them from the outside. There's not a single scratch on them but still, they were laying there dead."
"The greatest fear of mankind is dying... because we haven't practiced for it."
"Doubt is both the bane and the enlightenment of man."
"A level of suffering is required that is built into the human condition."
"The Exorcist uses horror to explore the human condition and our relationship with the world."
"To suffer is to be human. We're gonna be anxious, we're gonna be depressed sometimes."
"All of this is the refusal to accept that we are mortal and we are frail and we will die."
"We were very, very fortunate compared to 99% of humanity."
"We are prisoners of the present, forever trapped between a past we cannot access and a future we cannot see."
"Life is truly crazy. Why is it that our minds are limitless and boundless, yet we are bound to the physical nature of the universe?"
"The Native Americans were in real terms like most other cultures around the world, with all the flaws and strengths that the human condition brings."
"I once got into powerlifting obsessively. It was all I ate, slept, and breathed for multiple years. I became the strongest guy in the gym without even being the biggest."
"The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation."
"Humans are fleeting, here and gone in an instant."
"The solution to the human condition is there is no solution. The solution is enjoy the human condition."
"Persisting while fending off the fear of death is something entirely different, mortals have a special name for it, they call it courage."
"The suffering endemic to life is a constant, so is your capacity to learn something from it and rise beyond it."
"The wilderness is a good place to introspect, to reflect on what it fundamentally means to be human, to be alive, to learn how to better love ourselves, and to love others."
"Most people are leading lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."
"We all have a unique song and I think most people are leading lives of quiet desperation."
"Finding meaning where there isn't meaning, that's uniquely human."
"I think that the capacity to suffer is a fundamental part of being human."
"The claim here that the Cry of the human heart... is present to the creator of all things is... absurd perhaps, idiocy at least in US responds to that."
"Being human doesn't come with a user manual, and sometimes we don't have the tools we need to navigate life stressors."
"You are not a beautiful unique snowflake, you are the same decaying organic flesh matter no one other than maybe those in your immediate circle of fellow humans will ever give you a passing thought for your comfort, your desires or your suffering."
"What hurts is the steadily diminishing humanity of those fighting to hold jobs they don't want but fear the alternative."
"He knew that the ultimate horizon of fantasy lay not in the conjurations of his own mind but the exploration of what it means to be a human in a world not explicitly designed around humanity."
"Idiots are everywhere. Idiots plague us. And I'm an idiot. You're an idiot. We're all idiots in some ways."
"The film is about what it means to be human."
"Look deeper... Even the brightest person still is dealing with something on this planet."
"A story where the sport serves mostly as a catalyst for a rich exploration of obsession, ego, impostor syndrome, survivor's guilt, and other essential aspects of The Human Condition."
"People are recognizing that value has to be placed once again on the human condition in the city for it to be successful."
"The only limits imposed on him were the physical limits of his body."
"Life isn't easy here, but you know these challenges, these hurdles alright, all this stuff that we go through experiencing The Human Condition only makes us stronger."
"We're spiritual beings having a human experience."
"Everyone can be touched. Everyone can be touched. The world doesn't allow for a human being to be untouchable. Everyone can be touched, just something we have to all remember."
"Let's stick to the Zen question: Are we alone?"
"Humanity finds themselves in a state of ubiquitous misery."
"When do you just say, I'm tired of all this bullcrap?"
"Life spans were eight hundred nine hundred a thousand years... it's our misunderstanding... we are a fallen race."
"If you're not uncomfortable, you're not human."
"Science fiction is an existential metaphor that allows us to tell stories about the human condition."
"The reality is passion and desire can never be satisfied, this is a statement of fact about the human being."
"Resistance gives meaning to life, it's the human condition, and the purpose comes from the struggle to overcome it."
"There's something that's kind of also hilarious about how [ __ ] horrible being human is."
"Sometimes people don't realize that you are just a human being and you are just trying to do the best that you can in life."
"This arc comments on the human condition through the Chimera ants."
"All of us are sinners in our desperate need of a savior."
"Grasping for hope amidst a life they knew would be hard, short, and painful."
"The power of emotion is very disconcerting part of the human condition."
"To ignore someone's suffering is to kind of ignore their essence in a way. You're sort of pretending that they're just an object that can take it."
"Observer is going to be a little bit different in the sense that it's a cyberpunk horror game that's more focused on our own humanity and what it means to be human."
"A stark reminder of the fragility and resilience of the human body."
"Communication being unachievable and that's likely a very lonely existence."
"People are imperfect, imperfectly living in a world."
"Even therapists are human too, and we have to be aware of our own experiences and feelings."
"Nobody knows anything. We're all terrible and we're all dumb."
"It's not really about the action or the scariness of it, it's about Humanity."
"Thinking is part of the human process. How we got here, why we're here, what it means to live."
"The reason why the androids are here is because they express what it means to be human in these robotical terms."
"Fear is the most subtle and destructive of all human diseases."
"I've just been getting these thoughts in my head like how fragile we are."
"Thinking that you win as long as you live was a wild animal's way of thinking, but humans were different. Simply surviving didn't count as living."
"Humans suffer from original sin, but there's goodness in us as well."
"Hope is a commodity that everyone desperately needs."
"You are nothing more than a God molecule in a meat body on a giant rock hurtling through space having a ton of fun."
"You never know what somebody has been through or what they're going through."
"The majority of the world is actually the same for all human beings."
"There's something tragic about the idea that you walk around and can see this in each person that you pass."
"Consciousness is a terrible curse. I suffer."
"Age is more than a number, age is an expression of the core biological reality of human existence."
"Individuals that bleed, cry, worry, ponder, and ultimately die."
"Our pain is the mirror in which we can see the reflection of our humanity."
"A broken heart is one of the most painful things a person can endure."
"We're built for struggle... built to contend with reality."
"Life can be hard, unpredictable, and sometimes just downright cruel in this mess of a world we call home."
"The yearning to be free is such a key part of the human condition."
"We're in this amazing position where we're still within the human metaphor."
"So, if we can't escape our lot on earth, at least, we can remember as much as we can, to look up."
"No one is irreplaceable, but everyone is special to someone or something, and at least to themselves, but we're all the same, we're all a part of this weird, crazy, gigantic organism that's the human race."
"This movie is one of the most beautifully human films I've ever seen in my life."
"They'll watch movies about aliens or robots, or robot aliens or regular people. But they will all be movies about what it means to be human."
"Awareness of death is just the tax that we pay for the gift of being self-aware. It's like it sucks, but that's the price we pay to be able to be human."
"Proper writers creating touching stories about the human condition."
"Discworld is basically a master class in using humor to explore deeper truths about the human condition."
"The basic idea of Buddhism is that awakening, Buddhahood, can be attained only from the human state."
"He looked like the soul was gone, there was no soul behind his eyes."
"He is the amalgamation of the indomitable human spirit."
"The scariest thing is what happens to people psychologically."
"You are an ethereal being having a human experience and you are here to get closer to love."
"We've gone through plagues worse than this... There's a bunch more people here." - Perspective matters.
"There's a relatability to Bob, a sense that if we gave into our vices for just a little too long, we'd find ourselves in the same position."
"I prefer making things about perennial topics like the human condition."
"Thus strangely are our souls constructed, and by slight ligaments are we bound to prosperity and ruin."
"We need to resist the deification and remind ourselves that we are still human."
"We're riding the wave... this generation understands the importance of the human condition and the human perspective."
"Life is just hard and unfair for a lot of people and turbulent and crazy and happy and sad."
"Just that it's okay to struggle... we're all vulnerable in our own ways..."
"I don't think it's a good idea to place all our hopes in technology to fix all of our problems. The human condition is always going to be messy."
"To see the deeper story of humanity and our own interconnection with it."
"Life is so fragile, it's so easy to die, it's also kind of hard."
"No one is or was really arguing about the existence of god; we were arguing over the limitations of liberal progressive political projects to improve the condition of humanity."
"So, Dying Light 2 has a subtitle: 'Stay Human'. What does that mean?"
"What do you really have left except a dead carcass of a human being which is completely devoid of emotion?"
"Throughout the history of the world, horrifying things and wonderful things have simultaneously been going on since the dawn of mankind. It's all about what you choose to focus on."
"We're all Spiritual Beings having a human existence."
"No one in this world can tell you with absolute certainty which is which. You have to use your mind. This is the burden of being human, of being free."
"The point is that it's not so much about Good and Evil here as it is about The Human Condition."
"What is the place of the human in this complicated thing called society?"
"The human condition expressed through art pared it down to its absolute essence."
"Human beings have a special capacity for self-awareness."
"Consider again that dot that's here, that's home, that's us."
"She's hiding character defects from you, we're all broken."
"Life is hard, and there's a lot of pain in it."
"The optimal position for a human being isn't in chaos or in order."
"War is just going to be a part of life here on Earth."
"The hearts of people are softened, the entire planet, human beings, the human race has been traumatized over and over."
"I have a soul and thus I am free of all the imperfections of the natural human brain."
"Acknowledging our own frailty as human beings... is probably the first step to better handling it."
"Life is often a very scary thing no matter how much we don't like to admit it."