
Selfishness Quotes

There are 717 quotes

"We're selfish. There's no doubt that we often will do things to advance our own self-interest at the expense of others. But we're also really group-ish."
"The language of love is 'we,' but the language of selfishness is 'I.'"
"For people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, and unholy."
"You don't have to teach a person to be selfish; it's our nature."
"You have to be selfish to succeed; you cannot just give, give, give."
"Sometimes you have to be selfish to feed yourself and survive in this Kaliyuga and material world."
"The sin which is indulged to the greatest extent and which separates us from God and produces so many contagious spiritual disorders, is selfishness."
"More or less classical economics argues that we can all work together to make the world a better place by being extremely selfish."
"Lust is a selfish impulse for personal, professional, financial, or sexual fulfillment by any means necessary, even if those means are detrimental."
"Just because it's selfish doesn't mean that you don't deserve it."
"It's kind of cruel to keep dragging him back and selfish to keep dragging him back into my reality; I should go join him in his."
"I think that 98% of the time somebody does something bad... they're just acting selfishly."
"The hidden reality in a dysfunctional family system is that each person is pursuing their own interest and nobody is reliably interested in anyone else's well-being but their own."
"The more we give, the more it inspires others to give. But the more selfish we are, the more others become selfish around us."
"I would argue even the majority of malevolence in the world is usually people acting selfishly."
"If the only way you can convince people is through selfish means, then maybe it just shows that we're just people."
"Above everything, we alcoholics must be rid of this selfishness. We must, or it kills us."
"Loving yourself or growing yourself or wanting to be better is the best form of selfishness when the aim is selfless."
"How selfish is good? Is it good to be selfish or is it good to be selfless?"
"Don't you think that's a little selfish? No, I don't think it's selfish. I think it's unfair."
"Preferably the worst survived, the selfish, the violent, the insensitive, the collaborators of the 'grey zones', the spies."
"My goal is to be selfless when it matters the most and selfish when it matters the most."
"We don't have to be selfish just because our genes are...selfishness at the level of the gene doesn't always correspond to selfishness at the level of the being."
"Most human beings will recognize wanton selfishness as an evil characteristic."
"It's almost like the contradiction of the human experience is that even though there's this kind of selfish impulse to go, 'Well, no, we don't care about passing it on to the next generation,' and you go like, 'Well, look, all of this was passed on to you.'"
"For most of the republic's history its success came from fantastic Roman teamwork, but here its downfall came primarily from the selfishness of powerful Romans."
"They just do not give a about anyone else. They care about their own egos, they care about their own re-election, and they don't care who they hurt."
"You don't actually care about how beings are treated... it's ultimately self over."
"Sex outside of marriage...is essentially using sex selfishly."
"Distortion is selfishness projected onto others."
"By pursuing the very selfish desire for money, in turn, to get the money, you have to basically be the most unselfish person in the world."
"It's just utterly selfish and he's willing to bring the entire country down in a terribly dangerous direction."
"It's absolutely not altruism, it is self-serving for a small group of people."
"Personally, if you want to be successful, you've got to be selfish and go all in on yourself."
"Selfish actions lead to inevitable consequences."
"Human beings are only interested in pursuing their own selfish interests at the expense of others."
"A neutral evil character is typically selfish and has no qualms about turning on allies of the moment."
"She does so for his own gain and personal enjoyment."
"They have no regard for the lives of others and definitely act selfishly and in their own interest."
"Pride is dangerously corrupt selfishness by putting one's own desires, urges, wants, and whims before the welfare of other people."
"If you're not gonna give anything to the person, you're just taking everything from them."
"We've all devolved into self-interested narratives... ethics were always about the other."
"Selfish forgiveness is the first step to selfless forgiveness."
"It's very obvious it's not the manager telling them to do it and that they're actually being selfish."
"The most effective tool that Satan has in his tool chest is selfishness."
"How can this benefit my students? Don't be selfish and try to limit your students' resources just so that you could benefit by keeping your job."
"Every year we go through the same thing with you brats refusing to share even one bite of your delicious cake."
"They showing you that they don't give a [__] and they want to have their cake and eat it too."
"Standing up against evil is the most selfish thing in the world."
"This is the most excellent way we've got to repent for entitle selfish self-seeking and trying to secure our spot in the story."
"Focus on yourself, baby, be a little bit selfish this year."
"Acknowledging just how complicated selfishness really is, but the shadow of degeneracy still looms large."
"He took something that mattered a lot to her and made it about himself."
"He's not thinking about you he's thinking only about himself he's running to Simply avoid accountability for the crimes he committed."
"I want a man who treats me like a queen. Usually code for, 'I want someone to live and die for my happiness so I can be selfish forever.' No thanks."
"You'd be surprised how far you can get if you don't care about your fellow man."
"It's so sad, the amount of people are going to die because of this selfish behavior."
"Chaotic neutral, by far the most selfish and unpredictable alignment there is."
"This is the epitome of an act of extreme selfishness. None of the children will have parents to see them grow to be there for the events of their lives that parents should be there for."
"We're all selfish and we all want what we want."
"You're a [] child. Do me a favor, you selfish little [], you're sitting there and you're gonna give me [] for leaving 'cause I gotta go? Go [] yourself!"
"Everyone's out for themselves, aren't they? Everyone's trying to chop people's legs off and stab them in the back."
"Vlad's the main villain of the show and the driving force behind almost every subplot throughout Vlad's actions are entirely made for his own personal gain without remorse or empathy for anyone that gets caught in the crossfire."
"His actions only satisfy his selfish need for payback rather than solve the actual problem."
"It's a sickness... this American attitude... 'I got mine and everyone else's.'"
"When you are selfish, our now becomes better."
"Make them think you love them, get that money, then you dip on it."
"We're all learning this. It's like people are just going to let you down. People are people, and they know how to hurt, and they're selfish by nature."
"This King of Pentacles is interested in her, but he's married and selfish."
"You're being so selfish. Oh my, she buries you in a second."
"Selfishness is the destruction of relationships."
"Never tolerate a person too long who only wants to take."
"I wish I handled things differently. I was selfish, immature, and only looking out for my best interest."
"People don't want anything near them, especially if it might help somebody else."
"Unchecked selfishness will work less and less as society evolves."
"Arthur Morgan is the embodiment of a selfish person every level dripping with the theme."
"Throw your friend under the bus for your own gain. That's all it is. It's plain and simple."
"Don't do it, don't be selfish, please don't be selfish, I beg you."
"You shouldn't let them get away with it, and it's selfish to think, 'Well, you know, they got away with it, but it's not worth my time to get the money back.'"
"If the issue is one of isolation and people being selfish, then the way we fix things is by not isolating ourselves and being less selfish."
"These people are taking something that is about you and making it about themselves."
"Dating preferences inherently come with a certain amount of selfishness and that is something all people should accept."
"You're selfish... you can't just flee all your responsibilities."
"Self bias is synonymous with selfishness, hypocrisy, confirmation bias."
"People say suicide is selfish, but reproduction is selfish."
"He just wants whatever it is to satisfy himself at whatever cost."
"Loyalty has no value to snail... he only cares about how he can use them."
"It's just extremely self-serving to me and borderline gross."
"Be more vigilant of the people around you and don't be so damn selfish."
"Most people are prepared to accept as a completely self-evident moral axiom that we must not be completely selfish."
"Where does the most selfish decision become the most selfless and those selfless become the most selfish?"
"People not wearing a mask are incredibly selfish, incredibly selfish."
"Men have to earn the ability to be selfish, women just naturally are."
"Maybe to be the ultimate greatest that we're talking about those guys are talking about maybe you have to be that [ __ ] where you're like this is for me I don't give a [ __ ] about anything else."
"Honestly, killing Parthenax is the right decision, and anybody who chooses not to is selfish."
"Helping cure blindness of 1,000 strangers was actually the product of selfishness."
"The most selfish thing that a human being can do is leave an empty shopping cart in a parking space."
"Be selfish. It's fine. The whole selfless movement hasn't really changed anything."
"It's always a 'get mine' type of attitude. People aren't looking out for the greater good."
"Your default is to be selfish and self-centred... So here's a great example."
"You're being selfish because you're not considering what the other person needs."
"Donald Trump doesn't give a about anyone or anything other than himself."
"This is a world a day of ulterior motives, everyone is trying to get what he wants everyone believes that his own desires are first importance."
"Greed will make you think of yourself before others."
"A lot of humans are just egocentric, out for themselves."
"You're never selfless actually in this sense you're probably more selfish than you have ever been, that's right."
"A fake friend will always expect you to drop everything and cater to their needs but will never do the same."
"So this is my first conclusion here anyone who ever says that game theory suggest that people are selfish um basically doesn't understand Game Theory."
"This bill is downright selfish. It is the height of greed."
"When everything hits the fan, there will be no one there for you if you're selfish."
"That ultimate desire idea... It's very selfish but it's also a desire that a lot of people have and it happens to people every day."
"Jag meet only cares about Jag meet he doesn't care about the party he doesn't care about Canadians."
"There's just a lot of evil people out there that only care about themselves they don't care about anybody else even if they're in the business of caring for others."
"I don't care what you do for other people. What are you going to do for me?"
"There is a very fine line between putting yourself first and being selfish."
"It wasn't about helping her, it was about helping himself."
"When you become selfish in marriage, that marriage cracks."
"He comes across as uncharacteristically selfish a lot of the time."
"Macbeth is unable to handle the power as a king because he only focuses on selfishly keeping power."
"It's so incredibly selfish, and really, it's abusive."
"You'd be robbing your children of the time left with him. Third, you'd be robbing your wife of the time remaining with him. I am so mad at you, and I don't even know you."
"Wow, so selfish. I'm getting married!"
"'Being selfish is not putting yourself first. It's expecting other people to put you first.'"
"The only sin of humanity is selfishness, and all the others are just a modification of that expression of the ego."
"It's always the most selfish people who benefit the most."
"Never lost my faith in my culture, I still very much believe in it."
"You've made this entire night about you and finding your soulmate."
"Being selfish allows you to be who you are, and then you have to balance that with what the team needs."
"Money is the kind of... it's a one-way relationship because it's one about me taking it and not giving anything back."
"How quickly they discard people that don't benefit them."
"I'm pretty shameless about the fact that I'm happy to live a very selfish life."
"It's interesting the way it works, so there's going to be some tactics, some betrayals, some selfish tactics."
"Friendships get distorted and twisted, backstabbing is supported with selfish intentions."
"Forgiveness is perfectly selfish."
"If you're not gonna be selfish, who are you gonna be? Somebody else?"
"It's the most selfish thing to be of service."
"Men make everything about them and what they want."
"At one end, love can be completely selfish, but true love, on the other end, must be completely selfless."
"One of the most selfish things you could do is to merely consume what others create in a state of passivity."
"We all have a selfishness about ourselves, admit that."
"If you knew everything I did about sleep, it's an entirely selfish act to prioritize my sleep."
"I like to look at it from the angle of her taking it too personally, like her being too selfish."
"I could have set you free, but I'm selfish, I wanted you to stay."
"if that the rage should be directed at your ex-wife who squandered her daughter's future for her own selfishness"
"being with a selfish person is not very good"
"This person could be highly selfish."
"You're getting ready to be selfish with your love and time."
"Being independent equals selfishness and the ability to break away from relations, to step over other people, to never put anyone else's needs above your own."
"You don't need your driveway, stop being a selfish piece of crap."
"The terrible woman was so bold and selfish, she really had this coming."
"Deadly women want their own way at any cost."
"I think a lot of men are selfish."
"Everybody needs that moment in their life where they're selfish."
"Being loving and compassionate is actually quite selfish because the more you give it, the more you get it."
"Compassion is the only thing that it's all right to be selfish about because it's so good for you to do it."
"He just wants to have his cake and eat it too."
"True conversion is a change from selfishness to sanctified affection for God and for one another."
"Close the cycle with those using your energy for selfish gain."
"The opposite of Love is selfishness."
"We have been so short-sighted. We've become absorbed in selfishness, comfort, and convenience. That's all about the moment, 'What's in it for me right now?' We can't stay there and be the church we need to be in the world."
"For you, it's not selfish. In this life, for you, it is your birthright to shine your light."
"You are incredibly selfish, mean-hearted person and my husband doesn't deserve anything you've done to him."
"Every person must decide at some point whether they will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness."
"You've got to be evil and selfish about it - your character would trade the lives of a thousand people if it meant he got to live."
"I appreciate that they went the opposite direction of old dad raising them to be like, basically that piece of almost just be selfish."
"People don't care how hard you've had to work or what you've seen. They still take."
"They expected him to build for them first. Hell no. So till date, they refused to go to his house. You see what I'm saying? They're just pure selfishness."
"It's time for you to start being selfish. Realize what you want, where you want to go, and not worry too much about others keeping up with you."
"Choosing to be single isn't selfish, it's just smarter to be alone than with the wrong person."
"We're selfish and selfless in all the wrong ways. We focus on ourselves when it's in our best interest and when we want something, and then we focus on everything else when we don't want to focus on ourselves."
"The book is actually about how selfish genes give rise to altruistic individuals."
"Teaching feels good, that makes it selfish. It does good, that makes it generous. And it feels best here."
"They twist it and they use it as justification for achieving their own selfish interests."
"Women are givers and we're takers, we're take, take, take and not realizing how much we're taking out of selfishness."
"It's kind of ironic that Bojack's self-hatred is actually the most selfish part of himself."
"I just think it's so important, like, I'm really just doing this purely selfishly because I really have always wanted to see, I want to visualize and draw out the true scale of the sun myself."
"This is her first selfish act and her first foray into the unknown."
"What's wrong with the world? You. You try to define yourself, please yourself, worship yourself."
"Selfishness is not merely the holding on to what we have, it is holding on to our own thoughts that are not adequate."
"...people always gonna run towards it and try to take from it..."
"People can be so disgusting only thinking of themselves and not paying attention or stepping up when someone needs assistance."
"Most humans think only of themselves."
"A little real selfishness on your patient's part is often of less value in the long run for securing his soul than the first beginnings of that elaborate and self-conscious unselfishness."
"I think that's a very selfish attitude to have. It's me, me, me."
"Selfish move really, you have that going for you."
"I think marriage becomes difficult when selfishness becomes the center."
"The Sith lie, they only think about themselves."
"I want to be selfish and that's okay like i want to be selfish and just enjoy us right now until like the time is right to you know bring the media into play."
"The selfish family will always be a failure."
"I will not be donating. I will be keeping this."
"Why are some people more selfish than others? The answer again is the strength of psychic drive."
"This is your time to be selfish. Use this time to your advantage, work on yourself, love yourself."
"Motivations of selfishness lie behind most human tragedies today."
"Why do you stay with the narcissist? You are staying for selfish reasons."
"Basically she's proved time and time again that she's a selfish greedy woman."
"Manifesting is selfish in a way; it benefits both you and others."
"You cannot love cannot survive in an atmosphere of I'm about me I'm only about me and either you get on board or get gone and I don't think you want to stay married I think you want the conveniences of a wife and a marriage but you don't really want to be married."
"As a kid I personally hated the depiction of dinosaurs such as Diplodocus and Argentinosaurus find it goofy looking so on a purely selfish level this is a huge W."
"That's so laughably evil. It sounds like a Disney villain. This lady threw a child's birthday cake on the ground because it wasn't the flavor that she wanted."