
Wealth Building Quotes

There are 1604 quotes

"The only way to build true wealth is through investments."
"There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic."
"The best way to get rich quick is don't get rich quick."
"Real wealth is built through your investments, not through your savings."
"The most predictable way for anybody to become a millionaire is through long-term investing."
"The best thing that you can do with your money now is start putting some extra cash aside into your investments because that's how wealthy people become wealthy."
"Those are the 10 steps, my friends. Those are 10 steps that if you follow those steps and you go deep into each one of those, you can make as much money as you want."
"The stock market is one of the most accessible wealth-building tools that we have."
"Passive income is money you have to pay taxes on. Passive wealth building is your net worth goes up, and I don't have to pay taxes on it, which is even better."
"The stock market is still the most accessible wealth-building tool that the majority of people have access to."
"The secret to building wealth is not by pinching pennies; it's by using your money strategically to buy things, assets, which are going to make you more money."
"When people talk about generational wealth, they believe in the traditional way of building wealth, where there's a whole different way where you could finance your life, build your own wealth, finance your family's life, and borrow from yourself."
"The secret secret to building wealth for regular people is not building the next Amazon, it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops, it's investing your money."
"Retiring wealthy is really just about consistency and preparation, and the sooner you start, the richer you'll become."
"None of us are actually taught the different ways that we can earn money, manage our money, invest our money, and build wealth."
"The real secret to building wealth is investing...but if you really want to grow your money quicker, you've got to compound your money."
"Building wealth is a marathon, it's not a sprint. This is not something that's going to happen overnight."
"Investing is the real secret to building wealth for regular people. It is not building the next Amazon, it is not finding the next hot stock before it pops, it's not winning the lottery."
"Your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income."
"True wealth building is always slow and steady."
"Why? Because I want you to be millionaires later and I don't want this house to ride you. I want you to ride the house."
"Compounding is your greatest power for creating wealth."
"Your income is your most powerful wealth-building tool."
"If you want to build some wealth so you can be outrageously generous, it's an intentional act."
"Money is a tool to create a life that you love, and building wealth does that in scale."
"You have to own assets that make you money while you sleep and grow while you sleep."
"You would think how do people get their money, and... 80 percent of millionaires are first-generation... the lion's share of them are actually savers and investors."
"My mission is to help people get out of debt and build wealth so that they can have freedom and options."
"When you have enough income from your assets to cover your monthly living expenses, that's when you become wealthy."
"If you're spending that money on things that don't appreciate in value... then your money's going out but you're not building wealth."
"Build those levels of wealth, those stages of wealth, you build along a healthy journey and a healthy relationship with money."
"Making money and keeping money require two different skills."
"Building wealth was his aim, not his dream, and so Adonis leveled up the skills required to become rich."
"When it comes to building wealth, index funds are the most efficient investment."
"If you can set up automatic wealth building early on, you're going to set yourself up for success."
"The first key to building wealth is awareness."
"There's more wealth behind ten strong connections than there are a thousand weak ones."
"It takes decades to build wealth and value as a man."
"If you don't manage what you have, you're not going to grow and get more."
"If you're really trying to be prepared for some financial collapse...get out of debt, pay off your house, build wealth. That'll help you be prepared for anything."
"Let's not live our lives in fear. Let's build wealth and choose joy."
"Live below your means and pay yourself first, that way you can use your money to build your wealth."
"Building wealth is a marathon, not a sprint."
"You got to have the patience in order to build the wealth."
"The most important part about building wealth is learning how to save money."
"Diversify your income. This is what rich people do."
"Long-term investing allows basically anyone to become a millionaire."
"Investing is the real secret to building wealth."
"Passive income is the holy grail when it comes to wealth building because now you are earning money while you sleep."
"ETFs are the most powerful way to build your wealth in the stock market."
"Investing and saving is going to build your wealth."
"You need your money working for you while you're sleeping."
"If you don't have the right mindset, I don't care what you're doing with numbers two through six because you are not going to be able to retire wealthy."
"The secret to building wealth is investing your money."
"I want to teach people how to grow 'fuck you' money."
"The best way to build wealth in the stock market is to leave your money in the stock market for the long term because the people that make the most money in the stock market are the people that invest for the long term."
"What wealthy people do is they're not storing cash; they're buying assets."
"There are so many ways to build wealth...There's no one way to do things."
"If you really want to get very rich, you need to build passive income and investing in stocks can allow you to do that."
"The real wealth is built through equity, not just through your salary."
"For 95% of people, an index fund that tracks something like the S&P 500 is going to be best for building long-term wealth."
"Investing in things like stocks allows your money to make money for you, which detaches time from money, which is essential if you want to build true wealth."
"You can start with five dollars a day or five dollars a week or twenty dollars a week, whatever you have. You just got to make these small incremental investments that way you can buy these assets and build your wealth faster."
"Investing is a long-term game; it's not a way to get rich quick overnight."
"The long game involves building your wealth the right way from the ground up, ensuring stability and sustainability."
"The only way to build wealth is through ownership."
"Don't let some troll tell you a million dollars is not a lot; it just means that it might be one of your stepping stones to 2 million, 3 million, and beyond."
"Remember, building wealth is not about building income; building income is usually short-term."
"Compound interest is like a snowball rolling down a long hill. You do the work of making the first little snowball... then at the bottom of the long hill, the snowball is massive compared to the tiny snowball you started out with."
"Once you have $100,000 in your account, compound interest starts to do a lot of the heavy lifting for you in terms of wealth building."
"The system is set up to make sure poor people do not build wealth."
"We're doing this together; we're growing our wealth together."
"Building wealth is a strategy, and you have to have a roadmap and a plan."
"Most of us can achieve our wealth target within 10 years by leveraging our jobs and safely buying below market value real estate."
"Prioritizing cash flow over wealth is a common mistake when people start managing their own finances."
"In the long run, as long as real estate prices average up, which they historically have, you're building long-term wealth."
"Buy used, use your extra cash to build wealth, and now when you have this wealth, go out and buy whatever car you want."
"Tesla is massively outselling German automakers in Europe."
"My vision is to help millennials and minorities avoid debt and to build wealth."
"Buying one house does not create generational wealth for you. It's a gateway to start doing things the right way to eventually go in a legacy wealth-building."
"One of the first steps to building long-lasting wealth is to know that you're worthy of it."
"A lot of people are like, 'Oh, well, I don't want to buy more Tesla because then my average cost basis is going to go up.' I hate that so much because it, who cares. Who freaking cares what your cost basis is. What matters is if you get paid and you got more money, you got to put that money to work in the highest conviction spot that you think you can put it to work."
"Wealth building is really not just about the physical things as far as money... it's about your core, it's about your mindset, it's about your network."
"I was taught... make sure you get a good 401K benefit package... no one really said here's how you start thinking at 18 to build true wealth."
"Saving $800 a month on a $25,000 salary shows that it's possible to build wealth even on a modest income if you're diligent and resourceful."
"It's the bear markets that will make you rich."
"The best tip to become a millionaire is learn a high-income skill."
"Congratulations, because you're actively trying to better your financial life and make some real generational wealth."
"I spend all day looking at different asset classes... and I truly believe that real estate offers the greatest chance to build long-term wealth out of any asset class."
"Your earned income is not going to make you rich... What you need to do if you want to become wealthy is you got to take some of this money aside and you got to start putting it towards your passive income."
"Multi-family real estate is a get rich guaranteed system over time."
"Aim for patient wealth, not get rich quick schemes."
"My goal is not to get rich quick, it's to get rich for sure."
"Let's continue to grow our wealth not just in dollars, but in knowledge."
"Lesson number one was don't work for money. Do not work for money."
"One of the simplest, not easiest, but simplest ways to become wealthier faster is when you increase your income to not increase your expenses."
"Wealth is built through owning assets, it's not built through having a big income."
"There are three things that will determine how wealthy you'll become: Number one is the dollars, how much money do you invest; number two is the return, how fast can you grow your money; and number three is time, how long do you have for your money to grow and compound."
"If you do not have a solid plan towards building wealth or retirement now, you are going to have to get extremely committed."
"The rich are focused on buying assets. An asset is basically something that consistently puts money back into your pocket."
"You cannot save your way to wealth; you have to invest your money."
"Home ownership is how middle-class Americans build wealth."
"Wealthy people are working not to climb the corporate ladder, but to own the corporate ladder."
"The mathematics of wealth building is about the sixth-grade level. You can do it, but we've got to change our behaviors, and we've got to change our beliefs to change our behaviors."
"Discipline, patience, and consistency are the top contributors to building wealth."
"The system and banks are not going to help you build wealth; it's more important than ever for you to get financially educated and to use your money the right way."
"Focus on building your wealth before you focus on building everybody else's wealth."
"Money management is the one thing more than anything that determines whether your bank account goes up or down."
"Build your wealth first and then once you have your wealth built and once you've got that security put in place, then go out and start splurging on the things in life that you want to spend on."
"Building wealth is very similar to building health; a knowledgeable, supportive, and motivating coach helps most people make a lot more progress than they'd make on their own."
"If you want to become rich, you need to have very good specific, like advanced knowledge in a certain key area."
"There are more millionaires built on real estate than on anything else. This is not a secret."
"I would argue that get rich slow is the new sexy."
"The wealthiest people in the world buy and build and then they refinance. You don't need to sell."
"Debt is a two-edged sword. It's like a chainsaw. It's a great tool, but it can also cut out your hand. With debt, if you study it, it is the key to getting wealthy."
"Wealthy people build their wealth off of their capital, not just their labor."
"We want to get you on a lifelong path to building wealth for you and your family."
"The stock market is one of the best ways to advance your wealth, to multiply your wealth."
"Historically speaking, owning a home and getting a college education is the easiest way for an American family to build wealth."
"The only way to build wealth is to have a full pipeline. Amazon wins because of the top of the funnel."
"We talk all about intentional spending, intentional living, and how to get the most out of what you've already got at home because we don't like to waste our money here. We like to build wealth and look good while we're doing it."
"The goal is not just to own a home to build generational wealth; it's to own assets. This could be real estate, stocks, or businesses."
"The whole idea of building wealth is not just to own a home; it is to build wealth by owning assets."
"How are millennials supposed to build wealth when these companies are coming in and buying up all property?"
"Those that prepare themselves right now, accumulate up the cash needed to invest, or build the companies of tomorrow, are going to achieve generational wealth."
"I know the power of credit, how credit can help you build wealth."
"65% of self-made billionaires have at least three different income streams."
"The whole secret to building wealth is to get out of cash and get into assets that are denominated in dollars."
"The rich do things very differently... they're investing in assets... something that puts money in your pocket."
"If you want to build wealth, it's very long term, and you want to be smart with your money."
"Nearly 60% of you watching are in your 20s... you want to make a lot of money one day and you want to know exactly what to do and what's gonna give you the best chance of making fat stacks."
"None of this is gonna be get-rich-quick... this is a safe, tried-and-true method of building wealth that anyone could work towards."
"Once you build a savings cushion, now your goal is to invest as aggressively as possible because these investments are what are going to make you wealthy."
"Real estate is a cornerstone of wealth building."
"Investing in real estate is part of your wealth building strategy, whether you make a hundred million dollars a year or $50,000 a year."
"When you invest in businesses, you get equity, meaning ownership, because that is the way that you build wealth in our economic system."
"If you want to build true wealth, if you want to build true passive income, it is going to require work, it's going to require cash, and it's going to require time."
"The average millionaire has had about three financial catastrophes in their life."
"The more time a person is willing to live like they're poor, despite not having to, the richer they will become."
"Investing a little bit of your money every time you get paid is actually how most people become millionaires."
"If you're spending every dollar you make, you'll never have the margin to start building assets."
"It's easier to get from a million to a billion than it is to get from a hundred to a million."
"You want to know how you get rich in crypto? You delay gratification."
"Compound interest means that you earn money on the money you've already earned."
"Selling puts is the secret way that Warren Buffett actually became rich with his Geico company."
"Get money invested... That should be everybody's goal: build wealth."
"Nobody's rich on their first deal, but they're rich because of their first deal."
"Everyday people can build tremendous wealth."
"This is not about playing the victim, this is about coming up with a plan to overcome this."
"Long-term crypto investing has the potential to create generational wealth for you."
"The most powerful financial principle that can lead someone to wealth is contentment."
"So I'd say hey look gets make a decision to get super-rich number two you've got to get rid of all this couch thinking right."
"The most important thing you need to know about your health is your health is literally the greatest foundational choice you can make for generational wealth."
"Investing consistently is the key to making millions or tens of millions of dollars."
"Forget about outer circumstances, you cannot be a victim and a millionaire at the same time."
"Wealthy people trade value for money with the value that they bring to the world."
"95 percent of millionaires have real estate."
"You're not going to build wealth until you figure out how to make money while you sleep guys."
"We don't go for the get rich quick scheme we go for the get rich for sure."
"What's the shortest distance between where you are and wealthy?"
"How ordinary people build extraordinary wealth, how you can too. $231,000 paid off in 25 months, did it separately and together sort of by communicating."
"Create that generational wealth you want or at least get that fund set up so you can retire yourself at a decent age."
"Everybody under the sun knows in order to build generational wealth, they do it through real estate."
"It is the core of prosperity consciousness that in order to be as wealthy as you want to be, you need just three things: a clear vision of what you want, the belief that you will get it, and practical skills to put that belief into action."
"The dollar is power and how we use it will determine if we actually build wealth inside of our communities."
"We are firm Believers in that wealth is not built inside of your comfort zone. No one ever builds wealth in a comfort zone."
"Work hard to improve your skills... Wealth is the result of a reliable income stream."
"The best way to build wealth is to invest in a 401k."
"I think you would be very intentional versus intense and say, 'Okay, I'm gonna have this segment of my money that I enjoy and all the rest of it I'm gonna use to pile up and build wealth during this short period of time.'"
"Financial peace university... where we teach them how to get out of debt, how to save money, how to become wealthy and outrageously generous."
"No one ever got rich by saving money. If you want to become financially free, you need to invest."
"The shortest distance to wealth is always no debt."
"New decks new decks to build more interactions more stuff."
"Statistically, this is the simplest way to build wealth for probably 99% of investors."
"The point I'm making is that to become a millionaire, we all need to start somewhere."
"Don't let that confidence turn to arrogance. It's a time when one can build wealth."
"Bull markets will make you money, bear markets will make you rich."
"Real estate builds wealth over a long period of time."
"It's not clickbait, and it's not hype. If you play your cards correctly, you can make generational wealth."
"Learning how to learn is the biggest difference between millionaires and everyone else."
"The faster you can get out of paying your mortgage the faster you can build wealth."
"Real estate is the modern-day version of an oil rig in your backyard, working 24/7 to make money for you."
"Building wealth one house at a time." - John Schaub
"The longer you live like you're poor when you don't have to, the richer you'll become."
"My mentor told me these two things: he said, 'If you're tired of being broke you want to make money wealthy people do two things.'"
"Building wealth is important, but there are different kinds of wealth."
"Building Wealth isn't just about aiming for a specific dollar amount."
"Bull markets can make you money; bear markets can make you rich."
"Your dream is to be wealthy. You want to break this mindset of this poverty mindset, and you are gonna do it."
"Real estate is one of the best wealth building tools throughout human history."
"Live below your means and increase your means, it is both."
"People who simply waited out the bear market and had the balls to buy top crypto coins are going to be grotesquely rich."
"Taking a long-term approach is how people have lifted themselves from average income to wealthy status."
"If you're consuming yourself with broke mindsets and not wealthy mindsets, you're increasing your likelihood of remaining absolutely broke."
"Becoming wealthy is more about what you do with your money after you get paid than it is about how much money you're actually getting paid."
"Understanding if you want to build wealth, you got to understand what your options are."
"If you want to become wealthy, you've got to be willing to put in the sacrifice."
"You can never become wealthy off of your salary alone."
"One of the fastest hacks to become wealthy sooner is to increase your Investments faster than you increase your expenses."
"If you want to become wealthy you have to put extra emphasis on putting your money into places where you're going to be getting paid."