
Investments Quotes

There are 326 quotes

"The only way to build true wealth is through investments."
"Real wealth is built through your investments, not through your savings."
"Real wealth is built through your investments."
"Make sure your goals align with your investments."
"You're either making a deposit towards your success, your peace, your well-being, or you're making a withdrawal."
"A significant part of achieving financial security is making sure your investments can replace your expenses and potentially your income."
"Your investments have to be greater than your car payment."
"We have act upon it because we have investments and portfolios; we have to cast our own vote."
"The only investments you should make are the ones that earn you money."
"The best prep I've ever bought is a solar generator."
"It's okay to buy Jordans, but make sure you also take $56 and buy a share of Nike."
"They spend more time looking at a Yelp review for dinner on Sunset than they do picking their investments. That is terrifyingly true."
"The wealth formula is: Income minus Expenses equals Investments plus Savings."
"Are you accumulating on earth what you cannot keep, or are you investing in heaven what you cannot lose?"
"Where's my money? Where are the investments?"
"These are things that demand big investments. There is no cheap solution; anyone who promises that there's a cheap, easy way to solve these problems is just lying."
"There are no guarantees in the world of investments."
"Tesla with the biggest early investments in EV manufacturing has become the priority relationship for many key suppliers."
"You've made investments of the financial sort, but have you made investments of the life sort?"
"Some of you making new money, new ways of making it, or investments paying off."
"Having low living expenses... could be kind of a superpower because you're less scared of your investments dropping."
"Making long-term investments in your life makes you happy."
"Give your investments time to grow. My best stocks have been my fifth, sixth, seventh year."
"Bitcoin is the best performing asset of the past decade by 900 percent."
"So this is what passive income really meant all these years."
"Compound interest means that you earn money on the money you've already earned."
"It's much better to sell cash secured puts on an underlying that you don't mind owning."
"Larry became an expert in these little understood investments."
"Gold and Bitcoin I think are the real store of value going forward."
"Sheila Johnson has built a reputation on making bold investments that tap into her personal beliefs and passions while building businesses."
"Just because a company has anodized a tweet of gold doesn't mean you should upgrade."
"Transparency is a huge net benefit... I plan on continuing to share my portfolio, my investments, sharing my progress through trying to build wealth."
"When shoe shine boys are giving you stock tips, time to get out."
"Understanding the arguments for inflation and not necessarily setting your portfolio up for deflation or inflation is crucial."
"We help people build their financial plan and make smart investments for themselves so they ultimately can achieve financial independence."
"You want investments that pay you to own them."
"Understanding opportunity cost is key. A $10,000 vacation during a bear market could become a million-dollar investment."
"Crypto gains are much more exciting than stock gains."
"I see this as a pump and dump to be honest with you."
"Lower investment minimums and real-time pricing as well."
"Index funds give you exposure to the general stock market without paying all the fees."
"Last year CNBC put out this post which basically showed the best performing stocks of the decade."
"I think that we're going to have a double-digit return between now and the end of the year."
"Hard assets have protected people in the past from these sorts of moments."
"Investments in cooking can save you a ton of money."
"The goal is to have some assets that are paying for everything in your life. Investments are just like that."
"My fun brokerage account is around 10 million."
"I see it sleeps in something about money money toward a home or let's just say it's renovations."
"Final thought on AMC: when I think about the big winner here, it's Silver Lake."
"Anyone who's buying gold or anyone who's buying Bitcoin knows the monetary system is broken."
"Gold is undervalued compared to land, compared to the currency supply, compared to the stock market, compared to real estate."
"The first trillionaires will actually be generated by investments in space resources."
"Where's all the money going? Everyone putting money in their Pokemon cards."
"Possibly the first sign that something might be a ponzi scheme is that you are being pitched a low risk investment with an unusually high rate of return."
"Let’s remember that Bernie Madoff 'The King of the Ponzi Schemers' only promised 12% annual returns."
"Renovations can be a really, really good way to spend an insane amount of money that you will never get a return on."
"This is all very temporary stuff... As soon as this dip gets scooped up, you're going to be regretting not buying in earlier."
"Opportunity comes about when there is more volatility in the market... This is the buying opportunity, this is how you get in early."
"If there are more things in your investments than your personal, you're still not where you want to be financially."
"You are working hard and working towards success...making sure that what you put...you want to see where your money is going."
"My best calls ever have been Matic, Binance, and Bitmax."
"This means that for every one Google stock in existence there's now going to be 20."
"You might be making really wise choices when it comes to Investments or to your financial situation."
"They poured all their savings into homes that were never built."
"Your bank deposits gone, his stock market money down in value."
"My investments return me dividends and i also get to see an increase in wealth through the overall growth of those companies that i invest in."
"Take out initial investment, that is rule number one."
"The miracle of compounding can be found in almost any investment."
"This new firm started making investment deals that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese military."
"The wealth transfer is not only going to go into gold and silver, it's going to go into bitcoin and some of the very good alternate coins."
"CDs are not wise Investments so today in class I proposed to them a five percent CD for six months and as a class we wanted to know what your recommendation would be to make that investment."
"People are careful when they buy a toaster, but they don't do it with stocks."
"Real estate, gold, silver, and Bitcoin are outside the central banking system."
"I've made about between 200 300k in gains from tiny nft projects and tiny altcoins and up and coming projects."
"Jupiter protects your interest in any financial outcome."
"The impact of collaborations and financial investments."
"Developing the proper plan is absolutely crucial to long-term investment success"
"They can't see what we're investing in. They can't see anything in regards to what we do with our Bitcoin."
"The best investments I've ever made are when nobody believed in them."
"Around the 17th of September, you may be receiving news about external investment."
"It's about investing in industries of the future."
"If a company wants to buy them you get 50 of the money that they pay."
"Increasing disintermediation from savings products into gold."
"One thing that shouldn't blow up... is your portfolio."
"Gold and silver are actually some of the most undervalued assets in the world."
"The journey to a secure and prosperous retirement is a mosaic of informed choices and strategic investments."
"I own value stocks, dividend-paying stocks...quickly catching up to the underperformance."
"I'm very bullish...on gold, silver, and these stocks."
"I've been buying property, I've been oh I got so many investments."
"There will be opportunity for you for innovative and progressive investments."
"If you just have savings and no investments, you're doing it wrong."
"Open up a Roth IRA this week because it can literally end up saving you a small fortune in taxes."
"He's got his money in real things so surely they must be called to an extent though."
"Max out tax-advantaged accounts first, then figure out your wants and needs."
"I'm gonna call it a safe 20 bucks in profit."
"Cryptocurrency exchanges have been actively adding new projects given the bullish sentiment gripping the market."
"Make bold investments in their people and clean energy future, win the good jobs of tomorrow, and make their economies more resilient and more competitive." - Joe Biden
"Sometimes you gotta take a loss. I don't want to be caught holding a bag."
"Canadian bank stocks for their consistent and increasing dividends."
"It's not about investments, it's about access."
"Sometimes the best investments are the ones that you end up not noticing at all, and this is one of them."
"To preserve wealth, consider precious metals and some of the leveraged equities in the sector."
"This is really one of the most exciting investment ideas we have ever experienced."
"I don't buy things at a billion dollars. I sell things at a billion dollars."
"The only way to get into bitcoin just so you sure is to dollar cost averaging it's the only way to get in without getting burned."
"Having things that are as uncorrelated as possible to central bank policy, to me, that makes sense."
"So, when it comes to understanding where should you pull funds from first in retirement..."
"Many of you have been adding to your investments over the last few weeks here."
"Understanding that if people are worried about the economy, they're going to flock to safer investments."
"The most important thing to remember is this: the 67 year old version of you needs to have assets."
"In the short term, cash can be one of the very best places to be."
"80 percent of your investment should be long-term Investments."
"Guys, if you're gonna be investing in a large diamond rock to put on a lady's finger, make sure she does the right thing and get you a decent watch in return."
"Deeply negative which is a great bull foundation for precious metals."
"Do you know the only thing that gives me pleasure? It's to see my dividends coming in."
"If you're happy, it is a good investment. Don't rob yourself of a beautiful experience worrying about the future."
"Better to put coins into the SBC to be guaranteed a great first-rate striker card in the team."
"Food is another great asset to purchase when everything else seems like it's going to Hades and it's a crazy situation."
"Your assets will be able to buy you the freedom that it is that you're looking for. But you want to be able to do it as fast as possible."
"My kids are more important than watching bitcoin put in a new all-time high."
"Understand how bonds work to determine their role in your portfolio."
"Don't spend... at the gas station or 7-eleven... make the investment."
"We're one ETF decision away from $50,000." - Arthur Hayes
"It's a piece of treasure that's not even real estate, it's like buying an antique."
"Some guys paid real money for a virtual asteroid in that game."
"If you're going into an investment and every single person is telling you Robert you're crazy what are you talking about you're absolutely out of your mind don't do that, those are the investments where you've made the most money."
"Remember the theme: hatchling of space with some other stuff like that Chinese retailer and Netflix and Google and stuff like that."
"What if you could live off your investments without ever having to sell shares?"
"They can support, they get dropped quick, they'll be my stock pick."
"All money ain't good money, you know? If somebody comes along and invests in your company and they want to tell you how to run things..."
"Diversify your investments... Plan B stands for plan black."
"Your 401ks, your money markets, your pensions, your stocks, everything, paying you in US dollars, it's all worthless."
"If the federal reserve steps in and starts buying stocks through ETFs like SPY held at the treasury then the federal reserve is buying shares."
"Real world assets have stood the test of time."
"Surely there's a conflict of interest in the sense that he has large investments in pharmaceuticals and also he is the biggest donor to the WHO. Is this not slightly concerning, guys?"
"This rise would be punctuated by terrifying drawdowns along the way."
"These kinds of investments are exactly what we need to tackle these new age problems."
"It's cool to think about that. So it's kind of cool to always think about okay, well, I could pay my Netflix subscription with these dividend payouts."
"Every time I got a paycheck or I got paid for a tour or what have you, I took that money and I went and I bought something like a goat or a sheep because he knew that he could live off of that."
"It's not like we're trying to trade [__] coins or anything like that. These are all coins with a huge market cap which you can see right here."
"Don't put money into things unless you know and trust the source."
"The best spending is still worse than the worst investment."
"These moves unlocked large amounts of capital for the controlling families."
"Your stable coins are not a savings account. They are an IOU."
"What percentage did you get in Stables after November? I've been trying to keep between 20 to 30 percent in cash."
"My returns are like 58% or something over the, I just don't look every now and then I open it I'm like 'oh I've made three grand so far and it just keeps going.'"
"Weight of evidence probably at the moment favors the move upwards."
"The money that's going towards the owner is called a dividend."
"China and Russia... purchasing a huge amount of gold... they know what they have is going to skyrocket."
"You can see growth in your existing Investments."
"Let's get some real estate, let's get some investments, let's get some stocks and bonds."
"If we do have higher taxes in the future, those assets grow tax-free."
"It's not guaranteed that it's going to be 20 million pounds. It can be even more than that if they find the right opportunity or less if they find another one."
"Plan for as much as you can, not just with your investments but also with your relationships."
"The market is turning bullish, companies going public, mergers, acquisitions, a lot of expansion and investments."
"Definitely not surprised that this is the most held stock."
"Wouldn't it be great if you could see all of your investment and retirement accounts in one place?"
"I think people probably twigged as to why we bought a 993."
"Cars are depreciating assets... unless you watch the car market like some people watch the stock market."
"I strongly believe that a woman must have an alternative source of income, a woman must have an investment."
"Once you understand how much money you want to save, you're going to take this extra savings money and you're going to put it here towards your investments."
"Marcus by Goldman Sachs is actually offering you a pretty good interest rate right now."
"Phil Spencer just doesn't stop... talking about their future in the games and the investment."
"There's money in your future, Libra. Investments are coming."
"The biggest hazard is fire and explosion; this can take away the entire capital, it can wipe out your entire investment and more."
"they bought several rental properties in and around the Portland area as well as a piece of land over the Border in Washington state where they raised animals"
"I Define Investments as an allocation of capital with the expectation of the probability of making a suitable rate of return."
"The whole idea of a recession is now this type of equity, these investments, these assets can go on sale."
"To get in or not to get back in that's always going to be the question but if it's still showing you the A+ setup that it did before buckle up and just put that trade on because you got to take your winning setups that's the lesson of the day."
"If the answer is yes I do think that investments can launch your business forward."
"Money in businesses and partnerships... until you go through a bear market or a crash and you're leveraged and you're stuck paying interest."
"Scratch-off tickets are not good investments"
"The key is to decide how involved you want to be in your investments."
"CCL big win, QS banging the money, a dollar 20 now and still ripping upside, man we're on fire right now."
"Greatness is in the agency of others with investments."
"It's going to be very interesting from all those angles, if you are looking into doing stock-related investments or you're looking to start something new of your own, your new business venture and stuff."
"Initial investments out for each of these coins."
"I've made over 50 investments and have 11 exits to date."
"Diversification in investments is just as important as diversification of the same type of assets."
"Accomplishment: Financial stability and success. Making wise investments or decisions. Looking ahead with confidence and anticipation."
"Tokenizing real-world assets is really exciting because it adds efficiency, transparency, and immutability to traditional investments."
"It's kind of ridiculous to call stocks long duration assets."
"Invest your money. They'll help you later on in life. Do you have any idea how many streamers, especially VTubers, are like, 'Dude, I'm making money on Twitch but I don't know what to do with it?'"
"Get yourself investments. Get yourself a business. Get yourself POV the Starbucks employee looking at me as I press 'no tip'."
"Classic cars... can also be a really good investment if done properly."
"Land is the best investment because they're never making any more of it."
"Consider adding some bullish trades such as buying long call leaps to prepare for the end of the bear market."
"Your Investments should be a reflection of the income that you need to create."
"Hey, sometimes investments are made over the long run."
"Watches are often seen as investments, but approach carefully, treat with care."
"Do I have my small mid-cap? Do I have my non-U.S. exposure? Do I have my energy exposure and my inflation hedges in my portfolio? Because it is possible that we are living in a higher for a longer inflation period."
"The setup is absolutely pretty incredible for these stocks and um there could be some major major upside ahead."
"The best investments are what make things better for your audience."
"Their propensity for strategic expansion and Savvy Investments has solidified their place as one of the most influential European business dynasties in contemporary times."
"This was the hardest decision I've ever made. This is a lot of money to spend on one thing."
"True Financial Freedom is when you have enough cash flow or passive income coming in from your investments to pay for your expenses."
"Michael Jordan's astute Investments and diverse business ventures have propelled him to both incredible wealth and a fascinating lifestyle."
"In the financial world, there is something called the 4% rule which says you take your savings and investments and add it up and then you live off of 4% of that a year."
"Do not get flashy with your investments; focus on sustainable wealth."
"I decided to jump into the world of Investments."