
Personal Values Quotes

There are 5458 quotes

"I value my time over my money. I'll put it that way."
"Anastasia asserted that she could handle insults directed at her but not those aimed at her family and her father, the Duke."
"I'm happy to be broke for the rest of my life as long as I'm doing good."
"Truth and freedom... these are really two life ideals that drive who I am."
"Self-improvement is extremely important to me. Out of all the personal values I stand by, it's the one I actively think about the most."
"The pursuit of humanity, creativity, knowledge, fairness, rationality, playfulness, authentic love, virtue, truth, beauty, and a feeling of joy and real deep gratitude and fulfillment with life."
"Being successful in life is not what really matters. Being significant in life is really the core root of what matters."
"Rudyard, there are certain hills that you have to die on to be a man. At the end, you will be judged whether or not you stood where you need to stand."
"We're all just looking out for something real."
"I don't accept any kind of degrading humor; it's actually one of my least favorite things."
"Some people define success differently; some don't need the big house, the cars, and all of the things that we talk about when we identify with success."
"I'm happy when I'm doing things that make other people happy."
"Living your life by the 'shoulds'...you wind up in a place where you completely forget your wants."
"Living a purposeful life means focusing on what's important to you, regardless of financial success."
"Call me old-fashioned, I'd like to work for a company that outlasts me. I'd like to work for a company where I can feel like I can be myself when I go to work."
"Honesty is gonna be very, very big in February."
"My life has to be big, big doesn't mean successful in money, big means meaningful, rich, layered."
"Productivity is doing more of the things that matter to you."
"Your idea of status is going to change. Some of you may be very interested in money and career and fame, and you know, over the next two years, you're like, 'Who cares? I don't even care about that.'"
"I only do things that I love to do, and that's why it's always real and organic."
"It's not about how long a relationship lasts, it's about how good it is."
"Authenticity is about being true to yourself, being clear about your own values, and fighting for them."
"Abandoning a friend is equivalent to abandoning oneself."
"I choose to live my life in alignment with love."
"A serious lifelong commitment to truth at all costs even when it's painful is more serious than marriage."
"A man with character can earn any amount of money, but no matter how much money you have, you cannot buy character."
"A lot of broke men are actually filthy rich in character, and a lot of rich men are actually flat broke because of their character."
"The true wealth of a man is measured by his character, not his bank account."
"I love you guys so much. Our family is my life."
"My daughter is more important than any paycheck or promotion."
"All of us just want authenticity at the end of the day."
"You taught me how important being honest is."
"I would rather accept myself and have him reject me than me reject myself and have his approval."
"The motives you can't post on your story are the best. Those are the ones that matter."
"There's a desire to live according to one's chosen values rather than the values of society or family."
"It means so much to me to live up to my word."
"Health is wealth, so it's important to recognize what success really means to you."
"Integrity is something that is very personal to people... People should be able to trust you with their words and actions."
"What's something you once took for granted that you value now? Time."
"Compassion today, kindness, is the ultimate flex."
"I do [ __ ] for people that I know would never do [ __ ] for me, but I do it 'cause like, man, that just who I am. It feels good to do that."
"I don't like showing off. It's not who I am."
"I don't talk about money to attract people; I talk about what I do with my money."
"I am a devout individualist and I am very much invested in the private sphere of life as opposed to the public sphere."
"For me, I think the focus will be keeping shoes that I wear and also keeping shoes that are meaningful to me."
"It takes a lot of courage in this world, I think, to say 'no.' It's a word that's not said nearly enough."
"What you believe in can only be defined by what you're willing to risk."
"Nothing is worth losing your happiness and your dignity. Nothing."
"My relationship with God, that brings me far more satisfaction."
"Figure out what actually matters to you...for some people that's money, others prestige, and for some others, it's their family and friends."
"It's all about choosing what you can tolerate and what you cannot tolerate."
"Health, relationships, passions, growth, and contribution: these five values are the fundaments of living a meaningful life."
"You judge the character of a person not by where they stand in times of comfort and convenience but by where they stand in times of challenge and controversy."
"I think righteous is living true to your heart and knowing that you're doing good by people."
"My morality is more concerned with inequality than validations from above."
"Religion's your ultimate concern. So everyone's got a religion, meaning there's something that's an ultimate value to you."
"Being a man is about being a good person, period. It's not about money, women, or power."
"You'll climb up this mountain and you'll hit this magical number that you think will make you happy, and then you really want peace, love, surrender, friendship, family, enjoying happiness."
"God has no problem with your possessions. His only problem is when the possessions own you."
"I don't like toxic. I need a peaceful woman that's about her business."
"I don't care about your tribe; I don't care about getting canceled. I care about bringing the remainder of our troops out of the Middle Eastern countries."
"What does it mean to have a belief, and why is it crucial to you? There's a deep association between belief and value."
"They are somebody who is quite committed... they truly value commitment and loyalty."
"They value you deeply and no matter what, they plan on proving their worth to you."
"Loyalty is absolutely one of the most commendable attributes in life."
"Everything that you're looking for is inside of you. Confidence is really just listening to you and what your morals are and what your values are and what you want out of your life."
"I know fulfillment at the end of the day is really the only thing that matters."
"Their beliefs are part of who they are; their beliefs are part of their identity."
"True joy is only obtained by living in accordance with one's own blessing."
"Any world where something as disgusting as that can be normalized is a world I don't want to be participating in."
"It's not so much about what you do, but more about who you are."
"You do you. I'm not saying that you have to have these same values. I'm just saying these are my standards."
"The most important thing to me is for people to finally accept that the truth is the truth."
"To do the right thing even when no one is looking, that's another great definition of integrity."
"Any use of your time is valuable and worthwhile if that activity you're doing is something you're motivated to do, something you intend to do, and a priority in your life."
"Success should be happiness. Success shouldn't be a house, numbers related, or money."
"Your self-worth and your belonging is not something we negotiate externally. It's something we carry in our wild hearts."
"Prioritize what your 'more' is. Some of us are spending our whole life spending money on someone else's idea of more."
"Your virtue should matter more... I always said, okay, what are my virtues? What do I represent?"
"The two things most corrosive to the human soul are cowardice and lies of cowardice."
"I'm not a piece of trash that would hurt a woman."
"Having talent isn't the goal. There's something much more important than whether or not you have talent, right?"
"It's about morals, you know what I'm saying?"
"I'm not going to settle for nothing less than me."
"The Christian life is freedom because freedom is doing what you love to do if what you love to do is what you ought to do."
"Transformation is the change of our hearts so that what we love to do is what we ought to do."
"One of the things my father said to me once, which he was a civil servant, and he always had this thing about look, when I work in an institution, I want to make sure that the institution becomes stronger and it doesn't fall apart after I leave."
"Freedom is...not necessarily the most important thing, but you at least have to feel like you have the freedom to make the choices you want."
"Impact. I don't care what I get. I don't care if I make more money than everybody else. I don't care if I'm number one. That's not what I care about. I want to do something for others."
"We have a finite number of years here on the planet, and to live them working a job for decades just to afford a fancy car, or a fancy house, or maybe to go out to dinner a couple of extra times a week wasn't a trade-off that I was willing to make."
"A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world."
"I know who I am, I know what I care about, I know with what intention I work towards."
"Modesty is more than looks; it's a mindset. It's humble and respectful."
"All that matters in life is not success, money, fame, notoriety, nothing. It is how you feel about yourself when you're by yourself."
"Every individual is guaranteed the protection of the free exercise of individual rights for the fulfillment of any end considered to be a fitting value to them."
"I like the idea that I should try to help people who are in need and not just try and screw over everybody so that I can get ahead."
"That's not true. I fell in love with you because you're a human."
"Only by gaining the truth and living by the truth can we live out truly meaningful and valuable lives."
"I always have time for what's most important."
"Success and accomplishments are not the ultimate purpose of life; facing death shows what's truly important."
"The bonds we form along the way are the true treasures of life."
"As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."
"I will always use my platform and my voice for good."
"We're never more ourselves than when we're buying and surrounding ourselves with exactly the things that serve us, that give us value and nothing more than that."
"The great thing about owning your own business is that you get to decide what's important to you."
"Forgive for sure, but don't we want to resist and say, at the very least, we shouldn't forget or allow a repeat of the bad?"
"Integrity is essential; stick to your morals and honor your inner compass."
"High value comes from things that are internal. It's the quality of a man's heart, it's the quality of a man's character, it's the consistency of a man's character."
"Focus on the things you truly care about, and everything else is just noise in the background."
"You've only got so much time and mental energy; focus on what truly matters to you."
"Your kashira is about don't think that your life is just about trying to get as many relationships and sleep with as many partners; it's about having self-restraint."
"They understand something very fundamental: the price of freedom is what they are willing to risk it all for."
"I live and breathe that in my house, we are excellent."
"If you're not gonna be anything else, be consistent."
"You value morality, integrity, and trust. You like to contemplate deep things."
"You believe that it is more rewarding to be liked by others than to be powerful."
"You just have this boost in self-esteem; you know your values, you know what you want out of life, and you're going after it with a lot of confidence."
"Removing the clutter in your life so that you discover what you truly value."
"I could never see another person touching or raising my kids."
"Minimalism is an excellent way to help you establish what it is you actually want to be doing with your time."
"Minimalism is an effective tool for goal-setting because it helps you to establish your values."
"When you know what matters to you the most, it's a lot easier to make decisions."
"My children are what I'm the most proud of. My son... he's just a good man. My daughter... they're my life."
"Minimalism isn't about never buying anything ever again but rather aligning the way that I spend my money with the things that matter to my family and myself."
"Your integrity is the most important thing you have and one of the decisions that you make is you never, never compromise your integrity."
"Material success is important... but it's not something that drives me in my life."
"Don't let others coerce you into a decision you know in your heart where the right choice is."
"I'm just like the person that's like, I want to make sure I'm a very independent person. I never want to rely on anybody."
"I want to leave an impact that makes my values and lessons live longer than I did."
"All is good because she's having fun and that is the most important thing to her."
"The heart is a place where love abides, where our Lord and our loved ones live."
"Some people are driven by money while others pursue careers that are about helping people."
"Most people mistakenly believe that money is the most scarce resource that we have... No, it is time."
"I don't care about designer stores, what s**t is dead. I graduated beyond Gucci."
"I don't care about the money. I'd rather be broke if that means I can be with you."
"Honestly, I don't care about that. All I care about is you."
"It's not about your GPA, it's not about your income, it's about the person that you are and your true self."
"Having a million dollars in your bank account does not keep you warm at night; it will not open your heart and won't actually enhance your life."
"What is success to you if you take money out of the equation? What would you be doing in this world?"
"There are things that are just as important, maybe more important than IQ."
"He's thankful for being instilled with a love of learning."
"Being slaves that actually made Corvus very anti-oppression, which is always a good thing."
"What if the stuff you have is actually robbing you from the life that you want?"
"You get to make the rules. Your job doesn't define you. Your industry doesn't define you. You define you."
"If you have to spend money to impress someone, they're not worth impressing."
"My authenticity and my honesty is kind of one of the most important things to me."
"You can hardly think of anything more important in life than being reliable for the people who trust you."
"What matters most to you as a person, what matters most to you now."
"In a world where power and influence can cloud judgment, the purity of intent shines brightest."
"This person puts a lot of thought into things before they take action. I feel like this person is the kind of person who wants to do things the right way, even if it hurts."
"Tell me something that matters more than how you feel."
"If you value security more than freedom, I don't know what to tell you."
"If you want to build your financial house, the first thing you've got to build it on is solid ground, based on principles and values."
"I was drawing closer and closer to my own values and what was important to me."
"There is nothing more beautiful than to wake up every day holding in your hand the full measure of your integrity."
"I'm not going to come off phony because I'm trying to get you to like me. This is who I am. This is how I was brought up."
"If you're happy, then that's what matters to me the most."
"Have a good heart, never wish that anyone will come down for you to rise."
"It's what you do with your money when you have it that defines you as a person."
"You have to have something in common because looks fade, things fade."
"You think okay, I got so caught up in being popular that I forgot about the one person who's always had my back."
"Being a man of your word is the most important trait you could have."
"I think it's really funny sometimes how much time we spend trying to build our reputation with people whose opinions don't ultimately matter."
"Integrity is the distance between your lips and your life."
"You are strongly independent and often solitary; integrity is important for your best outcome."
"I hate bullies. When you see somebody being bullied because of their race or their sexuality or something like that, you want to stand up against that."
"As long as I hold fast to my beliefs and values and follow my own moral compass, the only expectations I need to live up to are my own."
"A lot of my drive, a lot of what I derived so much pleasure from, was being with my family."
"I love affection and I love intimacy and I love love. I have a lot of love to give."
"If you're not willing to stand for something, then you stand for nothing."
"Even when I didn't have money, I would still give a dime if I had it."
"Pick partners for purpose, not just for pleasure."
"Everybody's got their own size of peace of mind, you know. Whatever you need to feel comfortable in life where you're moving in the right direction."
"Becoming a person that does not sin against God in your anger is to become a person that believes that vengeance really does belong to the Lord."
"Acting contrary to our values leads to guilt, self-deception, anger, frustration with others, self-loathing, shame, and all sorts of other unhelpful and unpleasant things."
"The meaning of my life is many different things, but they are all kind of centered around relationships."
"When your North Star isn't truth, you'll be like the horse that runs furiously in all directions."
"Charity is not a virtue in the sense that it's something you always have to do because human life depends on it. It's something that you should do if the value in question is something you genuinely care about."
"Loyalty matters more than love or is a form of love that I value the most."
"The most important thing that you have is that you're a genuine person and that people trust you."
"She's persisted, she stayed true to her values, she's doubled down on the things she loves the most, and she's cut out some of the things that no longer serve her."
"Economics is a topic for public debate; family, faith, and culture, meanwhile, those are personal matters."
"Honest hard work... is definitely a major karmic theme for you."
"Friendship is more important to me than romance at the end of the day."
"The mental connection is really what matters to me the most."
"What you do when nobody is watching and without expectation of a reward, that's really important."
"What's your role model? Who's your hero? ... It tells you what they think their own hero is."
"I donate to causes that mean a lot to me. I never talk about it, I don't advertise it."
"You are not defined by what you got on; it is not the name you wear, it's the name you have."
"I know that God is proud of me; there's nothing that God hates more than sloth and laziness."
"We are defined by what we pack in the suitcase."
"When I think about what is a life well lived, I would say that you want to minimize human suffering, your own and others, as much as is plausible."
"True character is known and does not need to be shown."
"When we donate to a cause, it's behind the scenes. It's just something that's personal to us."
"I don't need all the BS... for me, life is about experiences."
"Define your rich and meaningful life. What people, things, and experiences are important to you? On what do you want to use your energy?"
"If you spend your whole life living by other people's opinions of you, you'll die by other people's opinions of you."
"I don't know what it's like to not work hard. I don't know what it's like to not wake up early and give it your all."
"Don't lose sight of what's important to you."
"Me not winning a championship does not define me. Me not getting the pay raise does not define me. We allow this world to define what success is for us."