
Facts Quotes

There are 1524 quotes

"Our emotions and our thoughts are not facts."
"Evolution begins with an observation of facts in reality."
"The truth is what the facts are. Science can determine what is true."
"A belief is not fact—it's simply just a belief. It's an opinion, right?"
"The interpretation of the facts is based on the theory to explain this."
"I always say, you're entitled to your opinions and your analysis, you're not entitled to your own data."
"We expect scientific inquiry to be based on facts and reality, rather than belief in faith."
"You're entitled to your own opinion, not entitled to your own facts."
"I care about facts and evidence and things that are demonstrable because everything else is just navel-gazing."
"When the facts are on your side, argue the facts. When the law's on your side, argue the law."
"You cannot believe everything you hear, and you cannot believe what people say. Facts are facts."
"Science is not just 'just the facts, ma'am, just the facts.' Science is interpretation, science is the facts as you put them together and make sense of it."
"We can talk about facts and analysis, but how do we help the people?"
"You can have your own opinion. You cannot have your own facts."
"Beliefs are different than facts. Science is science."
"My positions are grounded in hard [expletive] fact."
"The facts are not on their side and if we can get the American people to ignore the sideshows...and just pay attention to the facts, then I think that we can get this country back on track."
"Being factual is not liberal or conservative; it's being factual."
"Misinformation is information that can easily be countered and should be easily countered with actual provable fact."
"I'm not afraid of telling it how it is and speaking the truth based on documented facts, not feelings, even if it gets me backlash."
"Making your own opinion on the whole situation is essential after you have all the actual facts."
"Facts are stubborn things, and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."
"Don't give me adjectives, just give me facts and lead me to where you want me to go."
"We seek the truth, so we follow the facts wherever they go."
"Every second, about 16 million tons of water evaporates from the surface of the Earth."
"If facts offend you, tough. In a free society, you're going to have to hear them because, of course, facts don't care about your feelings."
"We're all entitled to our own opinion, but we're not entitled to our own facts."
"You are listening to nonsense right now. Here are the facts; here's the data."
"You have to look at all the facts and all the circumstances."
"Do you want to live in a world where facts matter or don't matter?"
"Facts don't work. Debating people on the facts... people come to conspiracies because of feelings."
"You're entitled to your own opinions, but not to your own facts."
"Facts. Write it down and don't speculate what you think it is because also your decision, just write the facts down. We can get all the facts together and we can start to investigate and get a real honest story."
"As a teacher and an educator for a long time, I also really believe in following facts, doing your homework, and making sure that you follow science as we try to get as much information as possible."
"You have to believe in facts. Without facts, there's no basis for cooperation."
"Write the facts down. When we get all the facts together, we can start investigating a real, honest story."
"For me, the biggest thing you need to learn, and I think that witnesses need to do, is one, don't try and make the fish bigger than it was, stick to the facts, write it down, and don't speculate what you think it is."
"Facts are the world's data. Theories are structures of ideas that explain and interpret facts."
"Here's the thing about feelings: they're so much easier to control than facts."
"It's very important to distinguish between opinions and facts. They're not the same thing and they're very often confused in the modern world."
"We really need to engage each other on the basis of transparently sourced facts."
"Conservatives get to walk away with 'my facts don't care about your feelings,' and it's like, oh really? Well, let's talk about trans people. Let's see how quickly your facts are."
"It's not just about what I think, he says, it's about the evidence."
"Objection, Your Honor, they're using facts again, but this isn't fair."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, but feelings don't care about your facts."
"We believe in teaching kids facts and how to think, but we don't think they should have an agenda imposed on them."
"For those who search for credibility or answers, the answer is in the facts."
"Analysis by analogy is extremely flawed. When you do analysis, you have to actually look at facts and look at the present."
"Reality always wins, so here's the thing: facts don't care about your feelings, and the facts are going to win. It's just a question of if you're stupid enough to run up against them enough times in a row."
"If there's one thing that you want to stop, it's judging without knowing or coming to a conclusion without the facts."
"It's incumbent upon people to know the facts."
"A compelling case has been made that the Exodus is a historical fact."
"If somebody shows me a fact that I got wrong, I'm going to change my opinion. I'm not going to dig in."
"Facts are facts. What you think never matters; it's about what it is."
"You can't invent facts to sustain your argument."
"Facts cannot be altered because they are realities. Whether or not you believe them, they are truths that cannot be altered."
"A fact is something that can be independently verified through other means. You cannot 'agree to disagree' when a fact is stated."
"Faith is easily lost, but facts and evidence aren't."
"Regardless of political affiliation, there is no alternative to factual information."
"We must continue to follow the facts where they lead us and ensure that there are no technical surprises."
"Good news, good journalism simply presents the facts to the reader simply so that the reader can know the true story, what really happened."
"Those specifics are damning enough. The overarching reality is this administration repeatedly insists you are entitled to your own facts."
"It wouldn't matter if you were the greatest lawyer in the world; if you don't even know the basic facts of the case, your opinion is meaningless."
"It's always important to remain pragmatic and wait for more facts to emerge."
"We're all entitled to our own opinion, but not our own facts."
"The truth is what the facts are, what we can show to be true, not whatever else we might assume or imagine beyond or instead of that."
"If facts hurt your feelings, that's a you issue."
"The verdict today was a verdict based on the facts, based on the evidence. And that was our goal, was to bring that to that jury so that they could do the right thing." - Linda Donakowski
"Facts are objective, but the way that you choose to present them is subjective."
"When you have passion for anything and you have the facts on your side, I think it's relatively easy to speak from the heart."
"Facts are values—they're not places. That slide up front was a lie. Everybody's sitting there saying, 'But don't facts change?' No, they don't, because facts incorporate time."
"They made no effort to try to discredit those facts."
"Every time something like this pops up, we should whack it down with facts and evidence."
"We'd do well to keep some rational perspective and demand facts, rather than allow ourselves to be seduced by heroic, fear-based rhetoric."
"We need better arguments to go with our facts."
"It's not a question of religion. It's a question of facts."
"Ignorance is not an insult, sir. It just simply means you haven't been exposed to the facts and I'm here to expose you to the facts."
"If your point of view is reasonable and backed by facts, you're more likely to convince somebody."
"Feelings are real and they should be acknowledged, but they shouldn't be disregarded when there are facts presented."
"We will continue to let the facts lead us where we go, we will vet things out."
"Follow the facts where they lead without bias."
"We are prepared to do what is necessary to get to the facts."
"Facts are facts, opinions are opinions, truth is truth."
"It's a compelling read and it's just putting those facts out there."
"It's a battle of opinion-driven narratives, not fact-based narratives."
"I'm all about facts over feelings, and I mean it from the standpoint—I don't allow my feelings to dictate the facts."
"We live in a time where people no longer change their opinions based on facts, they change their facts based on their opinions."
"True science always harmonizes with the facts, regardless of belief."
"Facts don't care about your opinions, this is the data, this is the evidence that we're going to use."
"I'm telling you the facts and I'm sharing them with you. It's up to you to believe it or not."
"You're no longer speculating, you're dealing in facts."
"I'm praying God give one of us a Benjamin Franklin moment."
"Facts are stubborn things, you know Jesus said the truth shall set you free."
"If someone with facts are presented to you and you can't then alter your opinion, run away from that person."
"Most of the time I'm talking to people, it's all feelings and emotions. You've got facts, bro. I respect people who research because that's what I do."
"I just wish more people gave more respect to the facts."
"Believe facts and evidence, that's what we need to believe."
"Facts don't necessarily care about your feelings."
"It's very interesting how in the face of reality and facts, emotions come out."
"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, but they're not entitled to their own facts."
"I want to solve problems in society. I want to fix things in society and I don't for the life of me understand how we fix things by ignoring facts."
"Facts were facts. That's why we called them facts."
"You need some kind of basic level of objective fact that the public and policymakers can agree on."
"We'll choose hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege."
"Our reporting has been vindicated because we allowed the facts to guide us."
"Facts get in the way of feelings." - Ben Shapiro
"When we talk about firearms, let's be fact-based, let's be compassionate."
"Facts in all of it will help even when we don't like what the facts say."
"Cancel culture is doing exactly this... strangely indifferent to the fact that what it claims is factually true is so deeply in conflict with what is well understood already."
"Biological sex absolutely does exist. Look, science. Our understanding of science changes over time but there has not been a major overhaul in the science of sex."
"This encounter demonstrates the importance of proactive policing and how officers can prevent unnecessary escalations by simply being aware of the citizens around them."
"It's difficult because there's no complete agreement on what the facts are."
"There is no powerpoint presentation that you're going to put together that is going to eliminate those indisputable facts."
"Facts don't expire. What they did is never going to be different."
"You are entitled to your own opinion but you are not entitled to your own facts."
"Yes, facts don't care about your feelings, but facts don't care about anything we do."
"If we don't start to acknowledge the fact that humans care about feelings at least as much as we care about facts, we may end up faced with a dystopian hell where power cares neither about your feelings nor about your facts."
"Facts are prove or disprove. Two plus two is four. What is the right or wrong in that equation? It's not three, you see. You said three. No, it's four. That's the right. It's four. Yeah."
"The facts don't care about their 72 feelings."
"Even if you are a biased individual even if you are somebody who believes in a particular narrative it doesn't mean that you ignore the facts."
"America believes a thing called truth. She does not believe we are entitled to our own alternate facts."
"The closer we get to the election, the less facts and nuance will matter."
"It's really about narrative, and there is no such thing as alternative facts."
"People can have their own opinions about whether that's a success, but they aren't entitled to change the facts to fit that opinion."
"Give me the facts give me the science to shut up with your woke crap."
"We simply cannot speak about facts without embracing certain values."
"You go after them hard because the facts demand it."
"Facts cannot be hate facts and frankly if you are in a mental state where merely defining the obvious finding medical truths triggers you then frankly you do have mental problems."
"You have the right to your own opinion, you don't have the right to your own facts."
"If the facts change, I'll change my opinion along the way."
"Facts still exist and so, if you're getting into the field of journalism, just believe in that, keep hammering home those facts because at the end of the day, they are real."
"Unapologetically pro-democracy community where facts and evidence matter."
"Facts are facts, okay? Facts don't care about your feelings."
"I think some people take things as facts, and that's irritating to me when it's just not factual at all."
"Just stick to the facts, stick to what you know."
"People out there are allowed to like these facts or they are allowed to not like these facts but they are facts."
"Kanye West tweeted out facts don't care about your feelings."
"People are pointing fingers without knowing all the facts."
"Facts, not fiction, shape memorable narratives."
"We need truth, we need hard cold facts and truth now more than we ever have before."
"You get in there and you go fact fact fact fact fact."
"A lot of us are way more open to hearing alternative theories especially when they're fact-based."
"He's trying not necessarily trying to paint a different picture but he's given different perspectives based on certain facts."
"Facts by themselves are not subject to biases, the presentation of facts can be, but the facts themselves are not."
"Facts are not optional. Facts are not up for debate."
"Without the facts we cannot have agreement and our badly divided nation more importantly without the facts we cannot have an honest disagreement."
"This is someone who thinks with their head first, they look at all the facts of the situation."
"Facts are facts, friends, whether you like them or not."
"Not everything you're told is a fact... opinions differ, that doesn't mean that that person's right."
"These are the facts, man. These are the facts."
"The facts matter and everything but then like public opinion matters as well."
"There's no actual logistical way to just scrub something out of the history books like that."
"Orange juice prevents scurvy, yes, there we go. That's a great point, Vio."
"When it comes to judging black behavior, even facts don't matter."
"It's a question about what are the facts and how do you properly tell the wider world about them."
"Here's what I'd like you to do specifically: tell me what it is that RFK Jr said that was false, that was incorrect, that was problematic, that wasn't well researched, that wasn't aligned with data and facts."
"I care about the details. Facts actually matter."
"It's amazing how people believe the lies and ignore the facts."
"Free your mind... be a free thinker, use the facts, look at logic, look at statistics."
"I live in reality. There's nothing in this video that I wanna see that I'm looking to try to see. I just want the facts, you know? I just kinda wanna know what really happened regardless of my opinion."
"Regardless of what y'all talking about, the facts are the facts."
"You're entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts."
"When we don't have the ability to agree on a hard set of facts we are genuinely screwed."
"This is about whether people in this country care about the facts and the law." - Unnamed commentator
"This is what happens when facts start to destroy your narrative."
"Don't forget your history and your pressings, don't forget all the facts and the receipts."
"You don't start from facts and work your way to Crazy, you have to somewhere along the way put a wall up."
"The functioning of American justice can actually show us that facts matter."
"It is considered normal to fart between six and twenty times a day. An average person farts fifteen times a day. Fair enough."
"Science doesn't try to make the world safer or prettier. It just gives us the facts."
"Sometimes, somebody will hit you with that bat, with a bat full of facts, bro, and get you [expletive] together."
"Facts do not care about your feelings, you can't change what always is and always will be."
"Facts don't care about what you think is common sense."
"A fact is a point of data that is objectively verifiable."
"If you have facts on your side, it shouldn't be that hard. Just state them."
"The antidote to anxiety, to fear, to these false personas is facts, it's data."
"Facts don't care if you like them, they just exist."
"You're not going to change their mind you're just not if you present facts they're gonna be like oh those are just wrong facts."
"Hit them with facts, and they have nothing to say back."
"Yesterday's conspiracy theories are today's facts."
"Following the facts and simply telling the truth makes you a standout among our intellectual elites today."
"Facts, delivered in a calm manner, will get heard."
"I can't believe there's an argument against teaching factual information."
"I offer facts. These are the facts. I counter non-factual narratives with truth."
"Wisdom establishes facts and then moves on, moves forward with the discussion."
"If you have a worldview and you don't want it to be shattered by facts, then please don't watch our show."
"We are dealing with truth, we're dealing with facts."
"The left is in a fundamentally stronger position this time to politicize the facts."
"If you're afraid of modern sharks, get ready for these facts because this prehistoric predator puts them all to shame."
"You're perfectly entitled to your own opinions, not to your own facts." - Jake Tapper
"We are focusing on the science, the facts, and the data."
"Facts are not relative! Either something works or it doesn’t."
"We're raising whole generations who regard facts as more or less optional." - Tom Soul
"It's a matter of facts, the experts are projecting this as well."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts."
"Let's not get so divided because we have different opinions on things. Let's start looking for fundamental facts and realities that apply to all of us."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, but feelings are a fact too."
"Regardless of our feelings, there are only two biological sexes."
"The more we know, the more we can help each other with the facts."