
Initiative Quotes

There are 6973 quotes

"You work your way up, hustle, initiative, intelligence, go-getter, creativity."
"If we want to achieve a better future, we have to accept that as things stand, it won't be given to us but it's ours for the taking."
"Your ability to reach your standards actually comes through action, not just waiting and prepping on the sideline."
"Motivation comes from action. You need to act your way into feeling."
"The critical part that all of you need to do is to take action."
"If you take the first step, the universe takes 10 steps towards you."
"Action produces information... even if you're not sure what to do, just do anything because when you do it, it'll produce some information."
"It's a matter of just taking initiative and accountability of your life."
"This specific one picks up three pounds of trash from the ocean."
"That bizarre side plot over, Ukraine retook the initiative in mid-2023."
"Taking initiative and taking responsibility is one of our core values in our culture."
"Don't wait to be asked. Go for yours. Knock on the door. Kick the door. Do whatever you want."
"If you want to make an omelet, you gotta break some eggs."
"Make your own opportunity and be your own green light."
"Put yourself out there for that, you can't just sit at home waiting, hoping it's going to happen."
"Don't wait for permission... in most realms of business, you can pretty much just start doing it whenever you want."
"The first and the foremost thing is action. You should start whatever you want to do."
"Gabby started this series in March unprovoked. There was no provoking her."
"Make time for dates and fun. Reignite the passion. Take the initiative. Try surprising them with a romantic gesture."
"You're waiting for everything to line up; you're waiting for all the situations to come together perfectly. And I'm telling you, you cannot wait. You've got to start working right now."
"If you're at a dinner party and it's over and it's time to clean up... do it. Get up and start doin' the dishes. Always volunteer for the scut work."
"I didn't wait for a ship to come in; I built it."
"You might not know what that is, but then the next step is up to you to try and find out."
"Noah didn't wait for his boat to come in; he built it."
"Begin before you are ready. No one feels ready to start a business."
"It's important to put yourself in a mode of voluntary exploration."
"You can start it right here, right now, with what you do have, where you currently are at."
"You're never going to feel ready, you just have to go for it."
"Our favorite artists and activists actually started a petition."
"Making a difference starts with one small step."
"The most important thing is to have attitude, initiative, a good smile, and to ask for help from whoever can provide it."
"I've been working on a special project for the past few weeks now... I decided to just go for it, why not?"
"Stop asking for permission... if you could just make the thing and then show to people why it's good, people are a lot more easily convinced."
"Everybody's ready to make friends. So if you're the [__] person that is gonna have the balls to go do it, then that's good."
"Everyone is friendly, but you have to be willing to go first."
"Success isn't something that you go and get; it's something that you bring."
"Don't wait for extraordinary opportunities; seize common occasions and make them great. Weak people wait for opportunities; strong people make them."
"Two or three of us got together and said, 'Let's make it something.'"
"Opportunity lurks where responsibility has been abdicated."
"I took some opportunity, I stepped out on a limb, I took a risk, and I said, 'Hey, have a look,' or, 'Hey, I can do this thing.'"
"Creating the opportunity rather than waiting for it."
"Obedience unlocks God's power. God waits for you to act first."
"Proactivity means that you take initiative, you take steps, you do things, you make plans, you prepare, and you think of others."
"You are actually the star, if you just put your mind to it and just get going on your path."
"Sometimes the internet baffles me, and I feel the future is what you want, so don't be lazy and make your shit happen."
"You don't need a uniform, rank, or a title to serve your community."
"If I had waited until I felt ready to get started, I'd be dead before I owned real estate."
"The only way to have a perfect world was to create it ourselves."
"You don't wait for permission, just make something."
"I've been looking into buying adverts, and I'll hopefully be able to get started on it next week."
"Whenever I see a problem, I immediately start thinking of better ways to do it rather than just doing what I'm told."
"God's grace always acts first on behalf of man before man can act on behalf of God."
"It's okay to pursue your goals anytime of the year."
"If you build it, they will come, but that's where I need people."
"Making the first move can change your life, but you have to do it. No one can do it for you."
"Adventure awaits for those willing to take the first step."
"It's literally just being realistic, giving yourself extra time, and then from there, literally jump in, just start, just begin again."
"If you're just sitting around asking other people for handouts, what can they do for me, you need to start figuring out what you can build, what you can offer other people."
"If you're feeling confident in yourself and you see something you like, I think you should go after it. Look at it, why not have a great night just because the person didn't come to you?"
"The Bravery of that little guy...to bust out of that house, whatever he had to do to get out, and he knew he needed help."
"Nothing is set in stone. If someone doesn't take the first steps to initiate something, nothing will ever happen."
"When you find an opportunity like this, you gotta kind of seize it."
"If you really want something and you're interested in something, you want to get involved in it, just go and find a way. Send an email, go and meet them in person, find them and people, track them down, whatever it takes."
"I've got permission to start pushing keys to see if we can get this thing to speed up a little bit."
"It's enough talking about it; it's time to be about it."
"Success online starts with taking the first step, no matter how small."
"There's always someone ready to solve the problem, whatever the problem may be."
"Just reach out. He's the president of the United States. If he says let's go tomorrow, we'll be there tomorrow."
"At least win or lose, I will have proposed and championed the thing that would actually do the trick."
"Words are just words until action actually starts."
"You never know if you can have something unless you ask for it."
"We are determined to do something that would be useful, something appropriate."
"Anything that you're creating will be very successful. You just need to take that leap of faith and go for it."
"We decided to start, you know, to create Eric's House to help other families who've also lost somebody figure out what to do."
"Janet Van Dyne is the one that brought them all together... she says, 'We need leadership here.'"
"When I saw the growing need [and] lack of resources, I said, 'This might be it.'"
"You have to be brave enough to have the conversation in the first place."
"Leaders step up when they're called into action."
"Every opportunity you get might be the only opportunity and you have to take advantage of that."
"Let's take what we can get now and then let's build."
"Don't wait for anyone else to do it because no one else will."
"Stop asking for permission... just make your own door."
"There's almost as many ideas about a Christian God as there are Christians."
"I would just take the first step is what I'd say to you."
"Flynn found a distressed wil because the search for Alita was still fruitless. But when she heard the hint about the last time the snow fell in London, she had a bold idea."
"I didn't plan on being an activist, I just did something that I thought was the right thing to do."
"It's long overdue and our committee is going to lead the way in this effort."
"Leaders don't wait for a new normal, they build it."
"Nobody had the guts to step up and make it happen, so I did it myself."
"Whatever you want to do, just start. We let overthinking get to us, we let fear doubt. Just start that idea that you got."
"I give credit to myself first... because I've been the one going into all this."
"Taking initiative is a characteristic that nobody can take from you."
"Instead of harassing another person to do it for them, they made what they wanted to see come to life."
"You gotta start somewhere, you can't just..."
"What I love about him is that while he was waiting for a seat at the table he decided to just build his own."
"The key thing is to have the inclination, the curiosity to start digging, start exploring."
"Just do that thing or need some sort of permission because you don't need permission from anyone."
"But you do have to be willing to step up and start taking those kinds of reasonable actions."
"We need more people who have the audacity and willing to put their energy into it."
"He never gives less than 110 percent. He comes forward, he makes a fight. He asked for this fight, he made it happen."
"The most important thing is just to get started."
"They need to educate themselves and if they haven't been able to do that they ought to at least take a shot at it."
"Post the video. Just post the video. Literally, post the video."
"Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."
"Start with doing something, instead of just talking about it."
"Make things better wherever you are, however you can."
"Calling the storm is about a call to action."
"Use it or lose it... if we don't use it and step up, someone else will take that opportunity instead."
"You do not need to have everything figured out in order to start moving forward."
"You don't need to see the entire staircase before taking the first step."
"Taking action: they will reach out to you when the time is right."
"You've got to have the guts to make that first step, and then the doors will open for you."
"If you wait around, someone else is gonna take it for you."
"They called me and said, 'Sir, we're ready to go.'"
"You don't need to be invited to make a debut, and I think we're the ones that we've been waiting for."
"Who cares, bro? The craziest things in life all start from an idea that person just went out and did it."
"Conditions are never going to be perfect for you to get something started."
"Be bold and make the first move, take initiative towards something that you want to create."
"Trying something is a shitload more than most people are willing to do."
"Unprecedented targeted intervention to combat human trafficking."
"You two did what nobody else is willing to do."
"You gotta start before you're ready. Ready is a lie."
"It's time to spread your wings. Don't wait for the perfect moment, just go."
"Which one will she be? The one who waits for an opportunity to come to them or the one who creates opportunity?"
"Operation Legend is a new initiative designated to fight the surge of violent crime we've seen in Kansas City."
"Take advantage of side projects, they demonstrate your passion and proactive nature."
"If you don't know just start doing something do something you'll figure out you either don't want to do it or you do want to do it right."
"Start whatever you want to do now when you're young and you have the energy."
"You should always be that guy... you gotta make the effort."
"We will conduct a major initiative over the next several months to identify and implement the changes needed to meet our pacing challenge."
"It's like you have the idea, and so you take a step and when you encounter problem, then you're like okay, How do I solve this problem you solve it another step, then you have another problem?"
"People that take actions are the ones that get the results instead of standing by and watching the game."
"It's always gonna be that way if you don't take action."
"She's tidy and cleans up unprompted and continues doing so."
"The big thing is like really taking the first step."
"We see the need for this, we like it, we think it's important, we're going to do this. We're All in This."
"What are you gonna do? You ready buddy? I think we should just get down to it."
"Developing that quality as a person of being the initiator it's gonna be the most effective for you and seeing progress of making friends because it's in your control and in your hands."
"There's an opportunity staring you right in the face."
"Just went for it, you just have to go for it and just try it."
"Investing in that dexterity score gives you that nice juicy initiative bonus."
"Perhaps we should try to take that power back."
"Look at all these people coming to university and moving in, let's do a little bit of decorating out the front and then I reckon we can get that over the limit that we need."
"Just start doing what you need to do immediately."
"Change has to start somewhere... So why not with us?"
"A lot of opportunities are here but you have to grab them and create more."
"Being a generative, you know? Not waiting for somebody to give you the opportunity."
"In the absence of leadership, take charge. We're all leaders, you know."
"Ruby Freeman and Shane Moss can now initiate collection efforts right away."
"But anything you want to initiate this week, Libra, you have the green light to do it, and when you do initiate something, you're going to have the determination, the stamina, the resolve, the energy to see it through and carry it out long term."
"Don't wait for things to happen, make them happen."
"It's okay to acknowledge that you need help and take some initiative with your debt right now."
"Take the first step towards something exciting."
"When everyone's running away from something, that's when you run to it." - Grant Cardone
"More and more, the community is kind of, like, stepping up to try and protect their own."
"I'm not doing this just for any particular reason, but maybe it's more than I just saw something."
"Nothing will stop you, not fear, not inability, not inadequacy. The only thing that will stop you is failing to start."
"The teacher can open the door, but you must walk through it."
"The laugh tracks is also about being generous not just waiting that things fall in your lab it's about being generous with sharing your talents first."
"Create your own opportunities rather than waiting."
"It's a live ball, we're going to have to do that."
"Entrepreneurs don't ask permission, they just get on with it."
"Thank god this person took it upon themselves to get involved."
"Take risks for risk and then once you get lucky the hardest part is actually doing something with it."
"Just do something just do something whatever it is you think you're supposed to do start doing it don't be afraid."
"Opportunities knocking but you have to open the door."
"When you raise your hand, it's like you're reaching for the doorknob."
"There's no quick fix... but you've got to start somewhere."
"Just do it. That's actually the message of the fool."
"That's what I did. I wrote a geek mail to every person that had it listed as owned."
"You don't need to hit the bull's eye the first time, you just gotta fire the gun."
"Take initiative and be open to magical opportunities."
"You say you want new, back it up, make it happen."
"We need to do something, there's a next step here and it involves action."
"Don't rush or be rushed. It doesn't have to happen right this moment, just get started and see what's out there."
"There's no reason or excuse as to why you can't get started and start putting your idea out because all it takes is that first step."
"If you want to make improvements in your life you have to take the first steps and you got to figure out what you want to do and what it's going to take to get there."
"How can you get your hands dirty to get started today?"
"You gotta have to at least try this thing first."
"Don't just wait for something. You can actually make it happen, meet the person, work on it a little bit more."
"All you get out of this life is what you take out of it, what you make out of it, what you do out of it."
"Flora and Fauna International seized the opportunity to save the Antiguan racer."
"All it takes is somebody wanting to take a step."
"The best advice if you want to do anything is just start."
"Super cool when people are on the ball. He got on the phone with his [ __ ] manufacturer right in front of us in our parking lot. Did everything. Got a meeting with them the very next week."
"We got to do something, we can't do nothing, and we did the thing, we did something."
"It's about one man who saw how bad his city was and he did something about it."
"I text first all the time, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take."
"You just need to get it started, don't let that fear of what the end result might be stop you."
"I like it when a girl makes the first move... I don't mind that kind of stuff at all."
"The best way to start getting experience is don't wait for somebody to give you the opportunity."
"I'm going on my own and you know what? I'm gonna create change."
"Instead of just lamenting it, make those reparations. Reach out, say hey look I want things to be better."
"You just have to start. Take a leap and see what happens."
"Qurans are not gonna fall down the sky, this job has now become ours."
"Don't wait for the other person to make a move, take the initiative and be bold."
"We're proud to announce our brand new aclj life and Liberty Drive our legal teams will be focusing on the issues that you've told us matter the most to you life and religious liberty."
"Sometimes the only way to get that is to actually go and do it."
"Starting small now is better than not starting at all."