
Judgment Quotes

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"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it's going to live its whole life thinking it's stupid."
"If you start thinking the world is full of idiots, you lose motivation. When judgment goes up, motivation goes down."
"If we were judged by all of our mistakes instantly without being given a second chance, then what kind of world would we live in?"
"Don't judge a book by its cover... there is more than meets the eye in many scenarios."
"Life is a test on your morality, and you will be judged based on your behaviors."
"The hordes of people with pitchforks are usually the bad guys."
"Instead of judging them, what you do is you turn it back on yourself."
"Empathy is hard work, and it's easier to judge people based on abstractions than to genuinely connect to them."
"Not everyone is all good and all bad. We all have a little bit of black and white, and everyone has a little gray area."
"We're quick to judge; slow down, give the person the benefit of the doubt until it's real."
"If you're worried way too much about other people's opinions, which is the biggest reason you don't take chances, because you worry about how people judge your failures."
"The greatest mistake people make is they judge simply on appearances."
"You cannot tell someone's health by looking at them. You don't know what's going on inside someone's body just by looking at their aesthetics."
"We put all this emphasis and energy around not being judged, but ultimately what you come to realize after you walk this path for a while is that everybody's self-obsessed and they don't really care."
"Self-compassion is essentially the antidote to judgment, and judgment is a block."
"When it comes to judging creative endeavors, expectations are your enemy."
"I just don't understand how these people sleep at night."
"Our hero is not a killer, and even Senora, though asking not for pity, receives it nonetheless."
"Here's failure: a few errors in judgment repeated every day."
"Judgmental people are lazy and have no imagination."
"People will call you crazy until you're successful at it."
"Revelation 19:20 foretells the moment of reckoning, stating, 'And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet...These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone.'"
"One of the worst things that we do in society is a person makes one bad statement... and now that entire person is written off."
"We can all benefit from not judging and listening to people."
"It's better to be judged by 12 than carried by six."
"I was wrong about you." (said by the girl to Yi Chen, acknowledging her mistake in judging him)
"God judges the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day."
"Cleves had begun to understand some humans were just trash."
"Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and deeply about a problem and make a logical judgment for solving it."
"We have all sorts of judgments as a society about people who fall into certain categories of experience...and yet what is actually happening there is that these are very, very courageous souls."
"We are all accountable to God and ultimately, we will be judged of Him according to our deeds and the desires of our hearts."
"Clearly when it's important to see the world correctly, we manage to work around the limits of our visual system. Clearly we need to find some way of legislating and developing social and political mechanisms that enshrines our better judgment and our real moral wisdom, and leaves us no longer vulnerable to our moment to moment failures of moral intuition."
"I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment."
"At the very least, this is personality murder, reputation murder."
"You sound fucking crazy, you might be crazy forever."
"You're not going to influence people if you're judging them."
"It's wrong, like pure and simple it's not okay."
"If you're fuzzy-minded and demented enough because of your own lies that you're incapable of such judgment, you'll make the wrong decision and you'll regret being alive as a consequence."
"Appearances can be misleading. Don't be so quick to judge."
"I think a good politician owes you not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays you instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion."
"Therefore give to your servant an understanding heart to judge your people, that I might discern between good and evil."
"True forgiveness is when you realize that you have no reason to hate or to judge the other person in the first place."
"Emotions matter for five big reasons: The first is attention, memory, and learning. The second is decision-making. The third is relationship quality. The fourth is physical and mental health. The fifth is on creativity."
"I think Social Work helped me to be less judgmental... none of us want to think of ourselves as being judgmental, but we do."
"People trust you because your judgment is not judgmental most of the time; you attack the sin, not the sinner."
"Despite Rodriguez declining every time she was asked, Quigley continued to pressure her to participate and made Rodriguez feel judged for declining to lead the dance cast prayer."
"You shouldn't let the worry of what other people think stop you from doing stuff you like doing."
"I swear, I'll look at a person and kind of catch their vibe, and I'll know within a month whether if they have good intentions or not."
"You shouldn't receive judgment simply for enjoying something."
"Men are judged by the caliber of woman they can get, while women are judged by the caliber of man they can keep."
"Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."
"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today."
"The decision sits with Judge Scott McAfee... he expects to issue a ruling in the next two weeks."
"The government can't manage every hour of your life and tell you what to do every hour of the day, but we can ask you to listen to the information and make your best judgments as you care for yourself and your family."
"Why does a woman's past matter if she has gone to Him, the most merciful, and has asked for forgiveness from the most forgiving, and you, who are just a man, cannot forgive that?"
"A woman who discloses her sins to you, if she did live in a sinful past, does not need to tell you or expose her sins."
"Those who conceal somebody else's sin, Allah will conceal yours on the day of judgment."
"People are going to judge you regardless...but I feel like therapy is one of those things that you gotta do for you, to get better for yourself."
"When people tell me they don't like Lamar, it doesn't tell me anything about Lamar; it tells me about the person."
"The worst people are those who claim to not believe in universal morality, then still make moral judgments."
"Stop thinking about what might go wrong or what people might think of you, that's fucking stupid. Who cares, just do what makes you happy."
"What happens if you're accused of something falsely... let's slow down, don't judge, let's presume the good in people."
"Trust your gut and do what feels right. There's really no right or wrong here."
"Cognitive biases are systematic patterns of deviation from normal rationality and judgment."
"Judge a person not by what they accomplish but what they had to overcome for their accomplishment."
"Hot girl summer is literally just doing what you want, being happy about it, and not caring about how people judge you."
"I started finding self-esteem once I stopped caring about what people thought and being judged."
"The more we judge and the more we repress, the more we distance ourselves from having some mastery over it or some learning."
"I release the need to judge myself and my body."
"Let the Lord be their final judge; let's learn what we can from their example but at the end of the day not have it be an exercise in judgment and condemnation."
"Popularity is not a criterion for correctness."
"The Lord will judge and reward each individual according to heartfelt desire as well as deed."
"Human beings should be judged on qualities other than their IQ."
"Labeling all individuals as evil is wrong and harmful."
"It's a reminder that if something is midway through a project or if there's someone in their own life that they're kind of sorting things out, we should never be too quick to judge something before we see the big picture."
"For those of you like me that are like writers or musicians, isn't it frustrating when people try to judge your work by one page or one song?"
"Judgment and control are intertwined. As long as you're judging, you're going to try to control."
"Judgment is all about what did you do with your time, your life, your energy, your choices."
"We're not judged by our intentions; we are judged by what we actually accomplish."
"That gray area is often more truthful than the black and the white. And when we can start to have the patience to understand that... we're going to be getting closer and closer to the truth without judgment."
"You can't judge a book by its cover; everyone has their story."
"Why do you consider a woman a tease if she doesn't sleep with you after three dates, but a slut if she sleeps with you on the first date?"
"We've been taught that since we were little kids, we don't judge a book by its cover."
"Sometimes there is a thin line between bravery and stupidity, and I don't know where you land."
"I decide the destination of each person not on the basis of age, seniority, amount of suffering, or degree to which they invite pity, but according to whether they possess the truth."
"Religious people think they can enter God's kingdom without accepting God's judgment in the last days. That's so unrealistic."
"Are you gonna believe in yourself or you gonna believe everybody else's judgment on you?"
"You can't judge people by moments of their life; it's very difficult."
"Your worth is intrinsic to who you are, and if people are judging you for your appearance, that does not mean you're a bad person. That means they are a bad person."
"Jesus believed in judgment, Jesus believed in hell, talked about it more than anybody else in the Bible."
"The most sacred thing that each of us is given is our judgment, our morality, our own innate desire to separate right from wrong."
"Trust your own judgment about what feels right."
"You shouldn't judge the merits of an introvert based on his ability to survive and thrive in an extrovert setting."
"I don't care about your judgment. I don't care about what you think of me."
"Unconditional love is I will not sit in judgment."
"Judgment is but a mirror reflecting the insecurities of the person who's doing the judging."
"We can't judge other people only by appearance."
"I judge people beyond the basis of whether they make good choices given the knowledge they have."
"Judge not, lest ye be judged. By the same measure that you judge others, is by the same measure you will be judged."
"Respect for the process that updates moral judgment is the highest of all possible values."
"They weren't saying, 'Oh, he's just a 16-year-old teenager, maybe he's just emotional.' They were taking everything he was saying so very seriously."
"We're not in perfect control of our emotions. We respond in ways emotionally that clouds our judgment."
"I am first Gad Saad before I'm a member of a tribe. So judge me for all my qualities and faults as an individual."
"Allowing yourself to shine comes through really just owning your passion, saying yes to yourself, and not being afraid of rejection, failure, or the thoughts or judgments of other people."
"Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."
"If you could function in this world apart wholly apart from judgment, wholly apart from consequence, wholly apart from the perspectives of other people, that really lies at the heart of almost all true evil."
"The realization that all judgment is delusion...from the universal perspective, everything within the universe is perfect."
"You will die just like you lived, and you will be resurrected on the day of judgment just like you died."
"When you see a bad man, you know what one looks like, and I look at him and I don't see a bad man, I see a pretender." - Tyson Fury
"If morality has one constant throughout history, it's that the preceding generation views the next generation as the worst, most immoral lot yet."
"When you get to that place where you're experiencing that incredible bliss, you can't hold on to negative judgments or emotions."
"A lot of you are just scared of being judged by other people."
"It's appointed unto man once to die, and then the judgment."
"All the predators that I have pursued, however, Mr. Kelly is the worst."
"Party like it's 1999. That's my verdict and that's how I see it."
"Sometimes kids are the most peaceful people ever. They're the least judgmental."
"Before you decide 'Oh, I don't agree with that; that's disgusting; that's distasteful,' why don't you just try to understand where that person is coming from?"
"If you feel if this person is able to do these cruel things, you got to judge this relationship on those bad days, not the good days."
"It's like people want to be able to label everything, and if they can't label you, then the only thing they can call you is crazy."
"By their fruit, you will know them, not by their gifts."
"The god Chang Wang will determine whether someone's spirit is good enough to go to paradise or if they will go to hell and then reincarnate to try again at life."
"The only thing that will matter at the judgment is did you accept what Jesus did for you and did you learn to love and trust him."
"Man looks at the outside, God looks at the heart."
"Humans are judgmental... when someone does something that doesn't go along with what you believe or what you think... it is very easy to cast judgment."
"Never make the mistake of judging those who are not at the level that you believe you are at because ultimately, we actually are all equal."
"Blessed is the man who dies in righteousness and goodness, concerning whom there is no book of unrighteousness written, and against whom no day of judgment shall be found."
"The way you measure yourself is how you measure others and how you assume others measure you."
"Women are also more highly judged on appearances than men are."
"The great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
"Saddam Hussein, when he's 40 years old, is a scary bastard who just deserves to be hung... but when he's four, he is just the unlucky boy who has bad genes and bad parents and a bad society."
"The hour of calmness is the hour of illumination and correct judgment."
"Some people decide they love you, some hate you, but none of them actually have a clue what you're really like."
"Something being used as a coping mechanism doesn't automatically make it good."
"God's judgment in the last days is to purify the corruption of mankind."
"The most important thing in belief in God is accepting the judgment and chastisement in God's words."
"Live your life to make yourself happy. And like, as long as you're not hurting other people, why does everyone seem to have a problem with that?"
"It is time. Judgment has come, Norman McKay. The hour tolls. Our entire journey has brought us to this moment."
"When it comes to morality, someone is either good or evil, there is no in between."
"No one deserves to be judged without knowing them."
"A discerning spirit doesn't just stop with what they see and what they hear or what they feel at the moment."
"Discernment is not that my belly feels good or my, you know, I or my the rest of my bowel system feels good. That's not discernment. Discernment is in your spirit."
"You shouldn't see somebody and think, 'Oh, they don't look like they're doing too great right now,' and then go and say, 'But they're probably trying to be relatable.'"
"Just because someone has a bad idea or a bad take doesn't mean they're ultimately a bad person, and it doesn't mean they can't be educated and have their mind changed."
"You have to separate the person from their tactics, and you will learn that what this person did work for them, and the tactic itself has no good or bad meaning in itself."
"He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him."
"It's like, bro, every time I met a fan who talked about jewelry or cars as their main motivator, I low-key fake respected them less."
"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree..."
"We will be judged by the score at the end of the game."
"Instead of passing a comment of judgment, you'd rather pass a comment of encouragement."
"No judgment should be heard without understanding the full scope of human emotion and consequence that shapes such moments."
"Based on my experiences, [name] seems like a genuinely good person."
"It ain't a love if you judge me for my past."
"It shows that there is a sovereign God, and He's one who delivers salvation to the world through His son but also a God who brings judgment to the fallen and defeats evil."
"It's always appropriate to question another person's judgment, but never their motive."
"But the truth of the matter is, none of them were the cause of the judgment on Jesus Christ. Rather Jesus judged them."
"Being mean doesn't make you smart or vice versa. It just makes you...mean."
"When you see someone, you know, is that aura about them. But you say, you know what, he's actually not a bad person. But there's certain people, you feel that cold and empty around, you just know they're evil."
"Jesus talked more about hell than He did about heaven, and He frequently warned His hearers that on that last day, every idle word would come into judgment."
"You can tell how based or cringe a man is by his enemies." - Sun Tzu
"What one thinks about me, what judgments you want to make about what happened in the privacy of my own home, in my marriage, behind closed doors, I don't presume the average person should know those things, and so I don't take it personally."
"It's very easy to be judgmental... but it's not actually easy to be forgiving."
"All your righteousness would have no influence to uphold you and keep you out of hell, any more than a spider's web could stop a falling rock."
"I felt a lot less judgey towards other people and not just in the veganism area of life. I feel like just in all areas of life, I feel like I just went through something where I was a lot more accepting of everyone and their choices, no matter what."
"America's founders were excellent men... You don't judge people based on the worst things that they did... you judge people on the exceptional things that they did that made a huge difference in the world."
"You may be scared to open up, but people are less judgmental than you think."
"Being a drug addict is not worthy of the death sentence."
"You're making a list, checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty or nice."
"If your oxytocin levels are up 200 times, you're so in love with life you wouldn't start judging another person because you'd lose the feeling."
"You can't look down on nobody... It'd be the people that's going through the most things they have the most to say about other people."
"People have so much to say about other people, but you never know what type of spiritual warfare they're going through."
"You shouldn't be the judge and the executioner all at once."
"Everybody, I don't like. It's like: Let me see what you're made of first before I make my decision."
"We use that fantastic and much undervalued commodity called judgment."
"Leave judgment alone with me, for it is mine and I will repay."
"Judge a person not by what they accomplished but what they had to overcome for their accomplishment."
"Who do we think we are to tell people how to live their lives?"
"If you judge a man because of the way he talks, you are no better than a man who judges somebody based on the color of his skin."
"Biden is sharp in meetings; he makes sound judgments."
"Avoid judging to the best of your abilities."
"God will wait till you're dead before he judges, so who are we to try to judge somebody while they're alive?"
"So if you see somebody sleeping during the day, it might not be because they're lazy; it might be because they felt like they had to be up all night for their own safety."
"You should never judge anyone until you can walk a mile in their shoes."
"As soon as you start labeling people or anything as good or bad, you limit it, you stop it from being something else."
"Letting go of judgment doesn't mean we don't take action, because I think right action from the heart is a great thing."
"The Judgment seat of Christ will be a judgment of rewards. No one goes to hell from the Judgment seat of Christ."
"Sometimes it feels like you can't do anything right, everyone's judging you."
"I judge you by how you treat your mother, not what you wish for."
"Her church tossed her out. That is a horrific story and just goes to show you that they're most interested in you being what their image of a good person is."
"Do not judge according to the appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."
"The first problem with Obama's raucous, opulent 60th birthday party is that he's a grown man throwing a birthday party for himself."
"Your reaction to my body hair tells me everything I need to know about you."
"They're not completely wrong, but I think many of them can be completely crazy."
"You have a moral obligation to follow the dictates of your conscience, but you also have to make sure that your life is straight enough so that you can rely on your own judgment."
"You don't know what people's lives hold, so you can't judge somebody by the way that they look."
"You judge a person by how they treat somebody who can't do anything for them."
"I'm not convinced that there is any significant portion of the population that is actually immune to reason and good judgment once they've been given all the tools."
"I judge a man by his actions, not his words."
"Judge people by their actions more than... how decent are they, and that has very little to do with how much money they have, how much education, or which political party they belong to."
"Just because someone doesn't say a word the same way that you do doesn't mean that they are less intelligent."
"I'm not typically one to go that far and say it was a childish tantrum, but let me give you the backstory real quick, and then I'm gonna have to say yeah, I would call it childish."