
Self-determination Quotes

There are 4982 quotes

"Once you realize that you are truly the captain of your fate and the master of your destiny... that's when life opens up to you."
"We don't have to accept the role that was given to us."
"You should never let somebody set your expectations for you."
"The quality of your life is only determined by you, your thoughts, and your actions."
"The only person you're destined to become is the person you decide to be."
"You're creating a life according to your unique values and strengths. In a sense, you're carving out your own destiny."
"There is no fate but what we make for ourselves."
"Never let your circumstances dictate the outcome of your life. You can dictate the outcome of your life because you're the captain of your soul."
"Deciding what your metric for success is, on your own, is one of the best things that you can do for yourself."
"You are not brought on this earth, you are not born to people please, you are born to live your own life."
"Make what you need on your own. Don't you have to go to the store. You have a mind. Make your table, make your chair, make your clothes, make your books. Have an existence unto yourself. The real meaning of self-determination."
"Live wild and free, choose your freedom, claim your independence, and be the pilot of your own life."
"I was ambitious from 12 years old; I decided every year what I wanted to be."
"Governor Abbott believes that the state has the right to take matters into its own hands and protect its borders."
"The right to self-determination is enshrined in international law... including Nigeria."
"We have the power to create change in our lives. We always have the ability to shape the journey."
"It's up to us as people; it's up to our own free will. We are in charge of our destiny, we're in charge of our world, if we only have eyes open enough to see it and courage to do something about it."
"America is actually based on this idea that we have to take control over our own future."
"Are you really going to let somebody else dictate your life and how you feel and what you do and what you pursue and all the things that you desire in your life?"
"You are the master of your destiny. You can influence, direct, and control your own environment. You can make your life whatever you want it to be."
"Take ownership of your destiny. There's a better course of action available to you."
"My life has whatever meaning and purpose I give it."
"I don't care what he thinks my the purpose of my life should be; my life is mine."
"I'm the one who will decide what the plan for my life should be."
"You are the master of your fate and captain of your soul."
"I was proud of Belle and what she did...she saw clearly that they wanted to put her in a box and she goes, 'I'm not gonna enter into a box that you've defined for me.'"
"The life of everyone is in his own hands, and he can make it in character, in attainment, in power, in divine self-realization, and hence influence, exactly what he wills to make it."
"You are the creator of your own life, nobody else can decide for you what you choose where you decide to go."
"You are the only one who gets to say what goes on in your life."
"The only person you are ever destined to become is the person you decide to be."
"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."
"If you want to see what you're totally capable of, you have to decide for yourself what's okay or not."
"Decide who you want to be and then do what you need to do."
"Stop letting people tell you what you can and cannot do in life."
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are."
"Your success, or lack thereof, is for the most part determined by you. There are things that are beyond your control, but you have far more within your control than you are even aware of right now."
"Don't tell me who I am, don't tell me what to believe, don't tell me how to behave. I decide."
"Merida is fearless, she's determined, she's tough, and she's not afraid to walk her own path and write her own story."
"You control your own destiny. It's totally up to you how hard you want to work."
"Prosperity is in our own hands to do with as we will."
"People want to be free and make their own choices to try to fulfill their happiness as best as they possibly can for themselves."
"It's up to me to decide the meaning of my life."
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."
"Life is what you make of it; it's your responsibility."
"This is why it's important for us to ground and institutionalize our history on our own terms."
"The future is now, and if you want to be able to predict the future, you just write the history yourself."
"We believe we can even create our own futures."
"Empowerment is you're not a victim of your heredity."
"Thanks to life having no predetermined meaning, we're able to make our own."
"Man is the doer of his own deeds; as such, he is the maker of his own character, and as the doer of his deeds and the maker of his character, he is the molder and shaper of his destiny."
"I create my living, I claim my life, I claim the abundance that surrounds me, I step in and I'm the maker of my life."
"Your fate isn't determined, and you can choose it for yourself."
"For liberty, the right of countless countries to choose their own destiny and the right of people to determine their own futures."
"You are your own creator, you decide who you are, you declare your identity."
"You got to choose the kind of person that you're going to be."
"What happens within me should happen my way. If it doesn't, it's the worst form of slavery."
"The difference between a sheep and a human being is that one is assigned a purpose, and the other creates their purpose."
"No people on Earth will ever accept being driven from their homes, ethnically cleansed, occupied, and deprived of the right to national self-determination."
"It's up to you, the power of choice and self-determination."
"The great art of living right there: self-determination and fate, intentionality and trust."
"You have free will, and the demons can't touch your will. So, you are not at their mercy."
"You're courageous, or you become courageous if you want to be courageous. We are what we want to be."
"Astrology does not dictate your life; you dictate your life."
"A future is not given to you. It is something you must take for yourself."
"Our generation has that opportunity, that if we learn and we educate ourselves, we can create the world that best fits us in our image."
"I know the risks; I'm free to make my own choices regarding my health… it's called self-determination, look it up."
"I think the reason why we have free speech in our Constitution is it’s on no one but yourself to determine what’s right and wrong."
"We can't live our life according to others; we have to live our life for ourselves."
"We will be the gods we choose to be, not those who have been."
"This is the moment in time where our whole existence has survived for; we crafted that fate ourselves with our own hands."
"People who base their success on their own work and believe they control their life have an internal locus of control."
"Are you living the life you want, or are you living a life you've been programmed?"
"We are all the masters and commanders of our destiny."
"Determination, resilience, robustness... I figured out that I could actually control and create the life that I actually want to live in."
"You can see your life either as a continuation of the past and as a result of history, or you can see yourself as the architects of the future, always making the stuff that's going to happen."
"It's almost like a choose your own destiny, which I think is so cool."
"At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you gonna be. Can't let nobody make that decision for you."
"You right now are writing your own story; you're the one in control. You are not the author of your story, I am."
"It is more noble for us to find meaning and purpose on our own rather than accepting it from an external source or power."
"We truly can create the kind of life we want."
"Life's too precious to spend in somebody else's shadow."
"I always said I didn't want to become a product of my environment but I want my environment to become a product of who I am."
"People want to have a sense that they are the captains of their own soul and masters of their own fate."
"Real decolonization means that the people on the territory have to say what they want."
"Everybody's got to have their own goals and limits in life. So determine what you feel good about having."
"You can either choose your damn limitation, or you can let it take you unaware when you're 30 or even worse when you're 40."
"Everybody prioritizes their wants and needs differently and generally we’d say that’s not only their business but their fundamental right of self-determination, so long as it can be plausibly met without inconveniencing the rest of us too much."
"I'm not going to be this person that you need to be. Instead, I'm going to do exactly what I need to do for me."
"Your power really exists is where you can break free and create your own path."
"Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armoury of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace."
"Can human beings describe and define their own system of government? Can we really be free to govern ourselves?"
"So, the key word is: don't let other people determine your destiny. Just stop complaining about the past."
"All I ever set out to do on my journey and on my path was learn how to create my own future."
"You don't need to be an element of someone's agenda; your life belongs to you."
"We have the right to say, 'I no longer agree with this agreement. I want to change it, I want to break it,' because we are sovereign, free, from Source."
"The meaning of your life is determined by what your life meant to other people in addition to the purpose you've chosen for yourself."
"Study the laws of the universe and then make up your mind you're gonna live in harmony with these laws."
"I am the captain of my fate, I am the master of my soul."
"Life is inherently meaningless, but this is a wonderful opportunity because you can be the kind of person that you want."
"You can't live the life of your dreams if other people are the ones picking your dreams for you."
"Although others may influence us, we must take charge of our own destiny."
"King tried to instill in young people the importance of personal responsibility and self-determination notwithstanding racial barriers."
"I do what I want because I want to do it. I do what makes me happy. I am the only person that I need to satisfy and make happy in this life."
"You have the ability to wake up any day and be whoever you want to be."
"I'm not constrained by things that are immovable and infallible; I am the architect of these things that occur."
"First say to yourself what you would be and then do what you have to do."
"All people have the right to self-determination, but you don't have the right to reinvent history."
"The beauty of America is it's a place where your destiny is constructed by you."
"The American dream is a dream not just of economic opportunity or success, but it's ultimately a dream where you can be the architect of your own destiny."
"America has been the place, and I think the only place, where I've been able to be the architect of my own future, in the driver's seat of my own life."
"A better society has to be written through our inalienable self-determinations, and that will only happen when we realize we are holding the pen."
"We'll be the gods we choose to be, not those who have been. Who I was is not who you be. We must be better."
"Our fate and future is inside of us; it's decisions at the end of the day, not conditions, that determine that fate and future."
"African nations are no longer passive actors; they are proactive creators of their destinies, challenging historical imbalances and shaping a future based on self-determination."
"No one can dictate your future except yourself."
"It's not what you were given at birth but the choices you made throughout your life."
"America is the land of opportunity where an individual can determine the outcome of their lives, as opposed to their birth titles, like a nobleman or a duchess, being the deciding factor."
"There's no fate but what we make for ourselves!"
"Elden Ring's story seems to be about questioning and overcoming authority to try to create a future of your own."
"We are the authors of whatever purpose and value and meaning that we ascribe to it comes ultimately from ourselves."
"We need to take control of our narrative. Live your life the way that you see fit."
"I've never seen a period like this where so many people are eager to control their own destiny."
"What actually defines you is the future that you're standing for creating."
"Do you think you can't cheat fate? In my case, I build it myself."
"You hold the power in this connection. You have the ability to allow this person in or deny them."
"You are the master or the mistress of your own destiny and you will be victorious in anything that you set your hand to."
"If we want to create a society that is based on the self-determination of all the people, we cannot use means that concentrate power in the hands of a few people and disempower the many."
"Who should determine what happens within you? Somebody else? Definitely you."
"They didn't want blacks to be in control of their own life."
"People in Macon didn't have the most money, but they were working hard to be in charge of their own future."
"People are like dice. We throw ourselves in the direction of our own choosing." - Jean-Paul Sartre
"Purpose is what you make it; you create your own purpose."
"We want control over our own lives, our own communities, and the nation itself."
"The fate of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopians."
"You could be your own person located in this moment of time, equipped with the freedom and luxury given to you by those who died long before you were born. It's your choice."
"When we become our own devil, Satan's kind of irrelevant."
"Censorship is infantilizing. I want to know what these countries are saying so I can make up my own mind."
"We stand for the rights of free peoples everywhere to determine their own fate."
"Live your life that you want to live for you."
"The future of Ukraine will be decided by those people who want this."
"You have a choice of what you're going to be."
"It's always up to each individual to determine for themselves with their own mind."
"I want to be able to drive my car, I want to be able to live in my house by myself, I want to be able to say who's going to be my security guard."
"This American dream is not just of economic opportunity or success, but ultimately a dream where you can be the architect of your own destiny."
"You are nobody's puppet, if there's something that doesn't feel right, if you don't want to do it, don't do it."
"Now is the moment for this generation to embark on a national mission to unleash America's innovation and seize control of our own destiny."
"Attack me if you dare. I was never, nor shall I ever be your slave."
"Our characters are stamped within us, spirits and gods do not control us, our character does."
"He decided that he would do whatever he always wanted to do."
"These Heroes I believe are the most beloved because they are hybrids of the previous two categories they are heroes who were born into one destined life path but they defied the forces that put them on that path"
"Do you want to be captive or do you want to be a conqueror?"
"We're going to teach young black kids in this country that they are in control of their destiny."
"All human beings embrace the right to self-determination and freedom from oppression."
"You really don't need to justify or explain however you want to the future of your existence to play out."
"At any single moment, you can make a decision to take the wheel of your life and turn it in a new direction."
"You cannot choose how you were born. The only thing you can choose in your life is how you react to situations."
"You have truly taken your own destiny into your hands."
"Your legacy is defined by you and how you choose to play. This is your world, it's time for you to be the one."
"I decided to be anything less than what I want to be in this life."
"You are now responsible for your own destiny."
"Black lives matter is not an organization that was created by black people."
"I'd rather die than give up my freedom to control my own ultimate Destiny as a man with a Boomstick."
"Don't let your situation define you. You are in control of your life."
"You are the only person that gets to determine who you are."
"At the end of the day it's still your life and you should do what you want not what someone else wants."
"You get to be whoever you want but you have to want it and you have to aim at it."
"People should have more opportunities to see different possibilities and choose for themselves."
"Forging your destiny without regrets, and thereby living life to the fullest."
"Your personality is not static. You can decide what it is that you want to do."
"Life is not completely dependent on the whole; it is largely dependent on an individual's will and determination to pursue the purpose and destiny for his/her own life."
"Putin has underestimated what self-determination looks like, a severe miscalculation on his part."
"We Define the future... to shape it in our own image."
"You're becoming really decisive about what you want and what you want to manifest."
"We all need to go to the places that are best for us with the intention of building a stronger black community."
"Your destiny is about breaking free and having freedom, independence, self-determination."
"Your destiny is to really step up and make your own destiny."
"We are empowered to be control of our own Journey here."
"We believe African countries have the capacity to devise their own path to progress."
"Either you define the moment or the moment defines you."
"The human being is the smith of their own destiny."
"Difficult times... they could develop you. But you decide."
"Control your own destiny and make some more money, do something you love, all the above, right?"
"You make the decision of who you're going to be every morning you wake up."
"We got to take control of our narrative man."
"I refuse to do that ever. If there is something, a feeling, an intuition, a negative thing that I don't like or I'm not agreeing with, I am going to figure out how to change it."
"If you're given the cause for something and know how to control that thing, that's sort of appealing. You're the master of your own destiny."
"You are your own superpower. You always have to decide what's right for you."
"I had my entire life ahead of me that I can choose for myself. I can make all of my own decisions. I can decide what I feel is right and wrong."
"You can choose to fulfill the role that you are here to play."
"The best way you can guarantee your successful future is by creating it in your present."
"If you are courageous enough to do the things that you know are best for you, you are heading towards the sun and the stars."
"Rogan is helping those questions be answered by presenting so much data and information and letting them decide what actions and moves to make for themselves with informed consent."
"African nations are actively shaping their own Futures."
"We're comfortably in control of our own destiny."
"Freedom, opportunity, and self-determination—that's on you and me as individuals to go get that."
"It's your time, it's your place, it's your future. You have to really sort of take it by the reins."
"If I can't wait until I get to Liberty, then I've become the Conqueror."
"You don't care what anybody has to say, you want what you want."
"No one gets to tell him who he is and what he's capable of."
"At the start of each season, you crave this kind of scenario where your destiny is in your hands."