
Emotional Well-being Quotes

There are 2148 quotes

"Forgiving somebody is so healthy for your heart."
"I found that when you do this as part of your morning routine, you almost set your body and brain up for the day with those emotions and feelings that you want."
"Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love."
"Putting on music is the fastest way to change your state."
"People can be surrounded by people who love them and still feel terribly lonely."
"It's not time that heals all wounds; it is time during sleep, and particularly during dream sleep, that provides emotional convalescence."
"Your pancreas secretes 20 emotionally laden peptides that tell you when you're full or hungry."
"The real juice of life is emotional fitness."
"Strong, supportive relationships are one of the most significant predictors of life satisfaction and emotional well-being."
"It's not primarily a measure of whether one laughed or smiled yesterday, but how one feels about the course of one's life."
"Emotional abuse is unacceptable any day of the week."
"You actually cannot live without love. You need some kind of love."
"Healing but there's a lot of healing that needs to take place."
"Loneliness is not about proximity... it's how you feel about your relationships."
"The simple remedy is to meditate and get more and more emotional resources so that you can be in with your relationships."
"Self-care is about allowing ourselves the right to recognize when we've been abused and to give ourselves permission to feel what we feel."
"Just love. Anytime you're spreading love, you're giving love, she really enjoys that. So start doing it some more."
"Gratitude is so important. It's a very high vibrational frequency."
"Mindfulness practice all those nasty emotions that you suffer from... all of this will melt away when you develop sufficiently high levels of mindfulness."
"My vision is to free everybody from money worries, money anger, money resentment because every one of us can be free from these stressful emotions."
"Emotional security will produce financial security, but financial security will not produce emotional security."
"Imagine that your heart is now smiling. You can even physically smile with your mouth and your eyes, and imagine that your heart space and your heart is smiling as well."
"The emotional system and the immune system are the same functioning system."
"Healing really needs to happen for reconciliation to happen."
"The automatic and compulsive regard for the emotional needs of others while ignoring your own is a major risk factor for disease."
"Protect your energy and honor how you feel. That's how you keep your cup full."
"You're more focused on your emotional state and your spiritual state because there's not necessarily a lot of physical actions and events happening."
"2022 is about opening up your emotions again, feeling your own intuition again, getting in tune with your own soul again."
"Loneliness isn't the physical absence of other people; it's a sense that you're not sharing anything that matters with anyone else."
"Joy disposes for action, fear and sorrow depress and overwhelm the soul."
"If you don't love yourself, it's going to be hard to pull people into your life that do."
"We can't receive love because we're not loving ourselves."
"Your angels are going to lift that burden from you so your heart is not so heavy."
"Just notice what makes you feel love, motivation, inspiration, joy, and spiritual connection and just do more of that."
"Genuine happiness doesn't mean pleasant feelings one after the other; it's more about a cluster of qualities that we can develop as skills."
"There's this myth in our culture that you should forgive people and you will feel better, right? No. If you actually don't forgive them, that's called forced forgiveness."
"People don't do better when they feel worse."
"Forgiving stops the reruns of the pain and heals your memory."
"Unforgiveness is the root of sickness, disease, depression."
"I thought to myself, you have such an extraordinary life, you get to do amazing things, you have a dope career; the fact that you still feel lost and confused and sad was very upsetting to me because I thought, what would have to happen in your life to not feel this way?"
"It's okay to not be okay, but it's not okay to stay there."
"Gratitude is the quickest and easiest way to shift your perspective and change the way you feel about your situation."
"Forgiving someone kind of frees us from a situation a lot because when you're holding on to anger and resentment, it makes you feel down. It's not good for you to hold on to those feelings."
"I have had client after client after client crying their eyes out with millions of dollars in the bank account, nothing that money can do to help."
"Meditation... can help you deal with negative emotions."
"Sleep provides a form of overnight therapy, taking the sharp edges off our emotional experiences."
"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones."
"I release any negative thoughts and embrace positivity and optimism."
"It is safe for you to love. Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all."
"The Cambodian doctors knew intuitively what the leading medical body in the world has been trying to tell us for years: We feel this way for a reason."
"Many questioned whether the girlfriend had given genuine consent to participate in the prank and raised concerns about the lack of consideration for emotional well-being."
"The more sensitive you are, the more creative you're going to be, but the more sensitive you are the more you're going to suffer as well."
"Love shouldn't be difficult. Love should not be painful."
"The real satisfaction is feeling love, which is a state of being."
"The more we hold on to painful things that we know are not good for us, the more we're just hurting ourselves."
"The very thing which enabled us to feel better then is now absolutely prohibiting our capability of feeling happiness, creating happiness, or creating the life that we want."
"You feel love when you give it rather than when you receive it."
"Heart resonance and heart energy are going to be your lighthouses this month."
"It really hurts my heart when I think about you know just kids something happening to kids in them not being able to you know just even realize that life can have joy in it because something like stunts them at such a point."
"We often suffer more in imagination than in reality."
"Being who you are and being proud of who you are gives you that kind of like really constant emotional buzz."
"What would giving yourself the love you need feel like in this moment?"
"Anxiety, stress, grief, pain, suffering—this is a fact of life."
"You let go of desires, needs, attachments, frustrations, emotions, grudges, habits, thoughts, obsessions, and so forth. That's it."
"You may get a little bit healthier eating carnivore, but you don't relapse because of a nutritional reason; you relapse for an emotion management reason."
"Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
"If they're positive ideas, you're going to move into a positive vibration and you're going to feel good."
"Coping mechanisms can help people adjust to, stressful events, while helping them maintain their emotional wellbeing."
"I'm most happy when everybody around me is joyous."
"Who is preparing your food? This person could be...preparing it with emotions that you then take on."
"Cash in the bank just gives you this sense of financial and emotional security like nothing else can."
"You have the right to experience unconditional love."
"We really are making ourselves so miserable, so sad, and so angry at the end of the day, and there really isn't a need for it."
"It's harder to be in a relationship and still feel like you're alone."
"They ask you how you are, you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine."
"My guests have informed me that doctors and even a U.S. government agency says that 90 percent of diseases are emotionally based and if you can get rid of your toxic emotions, healing is easy."
"We determine our realities, and that reality can be as simple as a loving embrace."
"It's almost unexplainable; you feel more fulfilled than you ever have in a long time."
"Just knowing you're safe is good enough for me."
"Healing in the mind, healing in the emotions, takes place in exactly the same way it would inside the body."
"We deserve, as human beings who are always inherently worthy of love and belonging, to give those emotions space and to allow them space to breathe."
"If there's something that's on your mind and is weighing you down, you need to talk about it."
"My biggest fear would be not being able to support my kids emotionally and just being there for them."
"Gratitude is a great emotional hack. Write down first thing in the morning anywhere from one to three things you're grateful for. It's emotional and spiritual hygiene you need every day."
"What you receive is a huge weight lifts off of you... you feel relieved, you feel justified."
"When I look good on the outside, I feel good on the inside, and I just reflect better vibes off."
"No child deserves to be punished for expressing their feelings, especially when that punishment just equals more torture and more trauma."
"The first step in healing is creating safety. We cannot begin to experience or explore those wounds until we feel safe."
"Healing isn't always easy. It's okay to be upset... It's going to be okay."
"Play is an activity that is done for no practical purpose, merely for the purpose of enjoyment or feeling positive emotion."
"There is something so wonderful about feeling seen."
"All you really need to feel less lonely, in my opinion, is one good friend."
"Gardening is not just about planting seeds; it's about planting hope."
"Emotional feedback for their job so that's not just, you know, a grind. Mixing things up is ultimately the best way to do that."
"Unconditional self love is unconditional love embodied within the self."
"You heal your heart by being everything that you needed from someone else for yourself."
"If you can't make yourself happy, how can you make another person happy?"
"I have to love myself more than I love him because I matter and because my feelings matter."
"Affection makes wishes happier and stronger."
"If you're not happy in your intimate relationship, you're not happy."
"Time to discuss this crazy crypto crash. I hope everybody is okay emotionally, spiritually."
"We are entitled to happiness. We deserve to feel joy. Other people feel joy, and we're not allowed to? I don't think so."
"You're always enough; keep that as your mantra this month."
"Release blockages, stagnant energy, emotional congestion, to support you in connecting with your ultimate personal power, your ultimate divine truth, your pure self, your heart's desires."
"The only one that it's hurting is you. Unforgiveness is a prison that you lock yourself in."
"If you're in a healthy relationship, then that relationship should bear healthy fruit. You should feel peaceful, you should feel nurtured, you should feel protected."
"Our hearts and minds are like our emotional real estate, and just like we have to live in our homes and have them be situated and comfortable, our emotional houses have to be the same way."
"This is the first time I felt joy in years. I haven't felt this excited in a long, long time."
"Please take care of yourself, and if you are not emotionally prepared to hear about those things, then click away now."
"Shame destroys you. Physically, mentally, it destroys you."
"Self-care can be like going for a walk, honoring the very difficult emotions you may be feeling, reaching out to a friend."
"You're gonna feel like the rain cloud above your head is just like, 'Okay, I'm gonna leave,' and you get like that sun halo that comes around you."
"It's not okay for somebody to shame you; it's not okay for somebody to bully you."
"We just busted through life, played in the sunshine, did the science experiment, read those stories, and it makes me want to cry, but it's like it's happy tears, right?"
"Every job is tough, however, having the pressure and eyes these younger individuals have on them and zero support behind them must be emotionally harrowing."
"Even though you feel good about yourself and you love yourself, that's not the same as being loved by someone."
"I've never felt this good mentally or emotionally ever in my life."
"If you can't make yourself happy, nobody else will ever make you happy."
"The only time you should be sad is when you have drifted away from Allah."
"You can only heal something that you are connected to. You can't heal something you're just detached from."
"It made me feel so happy, so beautifully happy."
"Laughter is important. We need to be able to laugh."
"In our modern education, the education about hygiene of physical is there; now should include hygiene of emotion. That's very important."
"Be careful of how much distress you drown in. There is a difference between using someone else's distress signal to spur you to action and empathy and as the signal that someone needs your help, or wearing the distress of the world as an outfit that simply cloaks you in darkness and turns off your light."
"Compassion frees you of their negative vibes."
"Hugging has no harmful side effects. If we all play our part in making our children feel valued, the result will be tremendous."
"Self-love is the basis of all balanced and healthy human relations."
"The hard part's done and oh, I feel so good."
"The greatest healer of them all is being able to forgive somebody."
"We want to restore your physical and emotional health. And I think that resonates with people."
"Child marriage is extremely harmful mentally, emotionally, and physically for these girls."
"A perfect love will cast out all fear, even if what you're afraid of is in you."
"You cannot be happy and feel ashamed at the same time."
"If there's something that happened, it's okay. It really is okay."
"I was able to stop competing to be loved, and I began to enjoy it. And that has made all the difference."
"You can give yourself those feelings and emotional states right now, today. You don't have to wait."
"A study of American adults showed that deactivating their Facebook accounts led to a significant increase in emotional well-being."
"Before we are able to receive the cup from someone else, we need to give that cup to ourselves."
"How do we increase the points of joy in your life to add up to being happier?"
"We believe in your ability to create a better life and part of having a better life is slowing down, it is validating your experience, and it is taking the time to turn inward and bring your feelings back online to allow yourself to have that joy back in your life."
"It feels so much better in your own heart to put kindness into the world than to put judgment into the world."
"The economics... does not translate into emotional well-being very well."
"The most important thing is...when you have love, there's no fear."
"Your heart space feels immediately better for having done whatever the right thing is to you."
"By noticing [anxiety] and letting it be, it starts to naturally just kind of subside."
"This has been a cleansing week where I have not been looking at reviews. I've not been looking at the disastrous releases. I'm just looking at something fun and interesting. Isn't that great? Have joy in your life."
"You have two types of currency to manage: the monetary and the emotional. Please take care to balance them."
"Appreciation and gratitude is like breathing and ice therapy for your relationship, right?"
"It probably wasn't a good idea for me but I like to pretend like I'm doing just fine when I'm not."
"The love between the parents and their children in a healthy family is cherished."
"Express your love and appreciation. It's time to open up your heart and allow for more affection and appreciation in your life."
"But it's okay to just be just to sit with my emptiness and be okay with it."
"If you're too far into the future, you can't be happy—anxiety. If you're too far in the past, you can't be happy—regret or depression."
"You've got to love yourself before you can love another."
"Beware of domestic conflict, watch your temper and words. Mental anguish may occur."
"There are some gestures you can make towards people that will do more for their happiness."
"If sleeping in the same bed is resulting in one or both parts not getting enough sleep, which means you have less empathy, less sense of humor, less tolerance to a whole host of different things."
"And the result is that you will be better off because you don't torture yourself over the decision."
"When it gets terrible and ugly is when you let other people's opinions and energy into it."
"Hug your loved ones, reach out to your friends, and stay safe."
"There's nothing wrong with taking a minute to focus on the positives."
"I think God is more concerned about his children not suffering mentally emotionally and physically at the hand of a man that cannot love her the way she's supposed to be loved."
"Winning ain't just in stuff, it's how you feel in your heart."
"You're only as happy as your least happy child."
"I need some generous promises about me because often times my sadness and my depression is not about what I don't have materially, it's what I don't have spiritually."
"Boredom, that's truly crippling, it's soul-destroying."
"Self-care has been just a part of my daily ritual so I work it in I always ask myself what will make my heart sing and how can I care for myself in this moment right now."
"Pin drop silence is still fine by me as long as it still feels good, you know?"
"True love brings you a lot of Peace as well."
"We are all reaching for those feel-good moments."
"Go where your heart feels safe to be open, feel safe to be soft."
"Self-love is picturing the person that you love the most and telling yourself, 'I will not treat myself any less.'"
"Feeling of safety, relaxation, growth, joy, appreciation, gratitude."
"Gratitude has really helped me find happiness, even more happiness."
"Being somebody yourself that actually hypes up people you love in your life is so important."
"I've worked a lot on my relationships, and now I'm happy in my life."
"Suppressing your emotions increases your risk of cancer, heart disease, and anxiety."
"We have to talk about our mental health... it's an emotional thing."
"Emotional happiness and a successful outcome are on the cards for you."
"There's just something about being in church that seems to soothe the soul."
"Then once I start to feel emotionally overwhelmed mentally I'm not in a frame of mind to work."
"Feelings are a fundamental human right and this is [__] up."
"The family is the cure for every social, psychological, and emotional ill on this planet."
"I'm happy every single day. Every day happy, every day."
"How you feel is far more valuable than anything that you could buy to show the world how you feel."
"It's very obvious here that there's something quite major happening around July and in August you're feeling so, so happy."
"There's something about this period that makes you realize that you're not happy, and while you're getting success, maybe while you're getting praise, your emotions aren't being met."
"The goal here for the rest of 2022 is to prioritize your mental health, your well-being, and to find moments of emotional fulfillment."
"I don't want you to be upset I want you to be able to come to work and be calm and have a wonderful day for yourself."
"Success for me is being dedicated. Being honest with your work. And success comes running to you. No matter what! And I think if you have these kinds of mottos in your life, you can't go wrong."
"Adolescents who have a small group of close friends fare better emotionally than those who are part of a larger social circle."
"Connection is the energy that is created between two people when they feel seen, heard, and valued."
"It's how do I allow myself to feel worthy... from within."
"A lot of you are actually feeling really super lonely and kind of codependent."
"Cut yourself some slack today. Put your hand over your heart and just feel your heartbeat for a moment."
"I'm feeling the positive vibes today after last week being a little bit down."
"Where people feel the most and least loved... Paraguay 86% feel very loved."
"The Coca-Cola culture actually needs people to be unhappy because unhappy people consume."
"A person who loves you and cares about you will not cause you to become somebody that you disliked."
"Being alone is different than feeling alone."