
Breakthrough Quotes

There are 5895 quotes

"You're going to have to push through when things get really difficult... that usually means you're on the verge of breaking through."
"We can measure that, slow it down, and even reverse it. It's going to fundamentally change the course of human history."
"You have to be brave enough to break through."
"Crisis creates a breakthrough if it doesn't kill you."
"One day, finally, when you have your major breakthrough or epiphany, then you will realize how true it was, these words that I gave you, that it is worth it."
"The idea of Gohan having a dormant power...was enough to really push Gohan after 16's incredible speech to finally break his limitations and show the incredible power he really had."
"Every few days, my students are coming to me saying, 'It's finally worked, we've had a breakthrough.'"
"If you push through the pain, then you give birth to every idea that you have."
"Usually when you're about to quit something is right when you're about to turn a corner."
"Brokenness leads to blessing and breakthrough."
"It was during the most critical moments in history that innovation was birthed, a medical breakthrough occurred, and people moved into national or global prominence."
"AlphaFold gave us the equivalent of nearly 400 million years of progress in just weeks."
"Revolutionary information can lead to breakthroughs in overcoming old, unhealthy habits or self-sabotaging behaviors."
"I was this close to giving up until it finally happened."
"I'm very excited that over the last year we've made just spectacular progress in understanding how the universe is fundamentally constructed, progress I didn't think was necessarily going to happen for 100 years."
"Breaking out requires real emotional commitment to change."
"Everything breaks loose when you get in the right place."
"Now you're at the end of this big cycle, and through that process, you have this major breakthrough within yourself as well as in some situation or relationship in your life."
"Accidentally discovers the main stun mechanic and this seems to be a massive breakthrough."
"It's impossible until somebody does it, and then it becomes possible."
"On August 19, 2016, Darbian successfully hit the flagpole glitch in 1-1 for the first time ever."
"I thank you that in proximity with you, they will come into the proximity of their breakthrough."
"Every time you can push your life a little bit further, there's a breakthrough and then there's a door that opens and a whole new pathway opens up."
"Major patterns that you've been dealing with are ending this year."
"She was thrilled by this; it was like she finally caught a break and she was making a friend for the very first time."
"The power of intentionality... is a period of great innovation, great breakthroughs."
"If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside."
"You are not just experiencing the heavens not being open; you are being prepared for a supernatural breakthrough."
"Inquiry is the only thing I know to break the spell."
"You're gonna see a big breakthrough as soon as you quit saying 'I really really want' and you start being grateful and appreciative for all the abundance that you have in your life."
"A stonecutter hits a rock again and again and again, and on the hundred and first time, it cracks."
"Woods began a star turn that few realized was a star turn upon the formation of the New Day."
"Before there is a breakthrough, there's always a buildup."
"A breakthrough is a sudden burst of the anointing or awareness or revelation knowledge that will propel you past things that you thought were impenetrable."
"When God can break through in you, he can break through for you."
"Sometimes it really is the smallest clues that can break a case wide open."
"When I have broken through, I have felt as though I had been injected with the answers to everything."
"This could be a chance for you to kind of have a breakthrough, a rebirth, or a reinvention phase in your life."
"In my personal life and in my journey in the spirit, there are four things that characterize seasons of breakthrough in a man's life."
"Whenever you begin to sense an irresistible urge to pray, know that these are prophetic signposts, these are languages in the spirit that are pointing to you that you are about to step into a major season of breakthrough."
"Destiny helpers are suddenly you will begin to attract certain people called destiny helpers; there will be prophetic unusual encounters."
"It's about the journey because the moment you do get that little breakthrough is the best moment of all."
"When you break that simulation, amazing things happen; you give people bravery."
"Heavenly Father, I come before you today to receive uncommon breakthroughs in my life."
"I commit every impossible situation before you, Lord. Take total control and grant me uncommon breakthroughs."
"Whatever mental stronghold, whatever mental barriers, they're going to be broken over your life."
"For the very first time in our history together, we finally have the ability to understand the language of the physical world."
"There is freedom, there is hope, there is breakthrough."
"Keep persevering, some of you are on the brink of a breakthrough with your career or your money or your job."
"The big breakthrough, in my view, is that they now know, more or less convincingly, that these things exist physically. They don't know what they are, where they come from, who's behind the wheel; they know anything about them, but the big breakthrough is that they now know more or less convincingly that they exist."
"Discontinuous improvement is effectively when you're making a big leap."
"If the keyhole does indeed belong to Anderson's chest, it could be a crucial breakthrough in the search for the lost treasure."
"This was like the premier film for Locus, a big step into the world spotlight to say, 'Hey, we can make animated cinematic movies, check it out.'"
"God will open up your door that door can be locked and sealed for years, but when you stand in front of it, it will open up."
"Counterstrike has given us several prodigies that made us rethink what was possible, but Donk isn't simply a prodigy; he is a force of nature."
"The two countries were able to reach a major breakthrough, something that nobody thought was going to be possible."
"On the other side of your tears, on the other side of the problem, on the other side of the opposition, on the other side of the storm, there is breakthrough if you keep the faith."
"I truly believe that as we worship the Lord, there is tremendous breakthrough that takes place in our lives."
"You literally can heal anything. You have to get to that breaking point and go inside of yourself and say okay, what's actually going on here."
"Complex PTSD represents a revolutionary moment in psychotherapy, a breakthrough many of us have been seeking for a long time."
"George Lucas said after seeing the first test shots of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, 'It was like one of those moments in history, like the invention of the light bulb or the first telephone call. A major gap had been crossed, and things were never going to be the same.'"
"It's been such a great year for Indies, being able to break through the noise of this year more than ever is something to massively be applauded for."
"It's like an identity... you're the only one breaking through."
"The gatekeepers, those gates are crashing down."
"This is a step function change, it's an enormous change."
"The walls kind of came down, which is exactly what needed to happen for this family."
"Wow, that's something. I haven't probably seen her lay down in her presence since the first fight."
"The freedom is incredible on the other side of it, like really incredible, and it's hard to get to."
"It's time to break through the cycle and experience the power of God."
"Fox was like a revelation for the conservative movement."
"We're breaking through the mainstream. They can't stop us."
"Trust your instincts, the magic starts to happen."
"La Cage aux Folles was one of the first films about a gay couple ever to get national theatrical release in America."
"Stacey Abrams broke the curse last night by delivering a powerful Democratic response."
"We're gonna need everyone's help... it's a big potential breakthrough."
"Persistent, tireless investigation has finally produced a breakthrough in the Groff murders."
"It's in my opinion the holy grail of investigations."
"Bia is the next big thing and I think she'll be the next big female rapper."
"Your ships are coming in, not feeling blocked anymore, your ships coming in."
"This movement was marked as a breakthrough in the expressionism art movement."
"Her first notable role, which would set her on the path to stardom, was in the beloved Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street."
"You are one thought away from your next breakthrough."
"It's stripping it away and it helped me just get outside of my head."
"There is going to be an amazing breakthrough that you are going to have."
"You're meant for great things, on the verge of that breakthrough."
"Breaking your silence is the first step to healing."
"The actors of Squid Game have encountered opportunities they never could have imagined."
"If you're looking for a breakout hit, Shang-Chi is the definite sort of breakout hit."
"You're close to something very important something very significant it is not going to be that long until you have this absolutely remarkable mind-blowing big mama breakthrough."
"Sigourney Weaver: Sigourney Weaver needed to let her Talent shine through soon after that she would land her first starring role."
"I am the only one within Rolls-Royce that can do this."
"You're having a major breakthrough, whatever it is you were fighting for."
"Having a true breakthrough is really gonna be some Black Swan that comes out of nowhere."
"Vivek helped himself the most because he went from an unknown to now someone who everybody's talking about. He had a good debate."
"Even selling it at 88 million dollars, I think broke like a new layer of like what's possible."
"The sequence release was a key moment, because it told people, 'Right, this is the pathogen, this is what it looks like, it's a real thing, here it is, and now we can start.'"
"This is the single most important thing that happened in science not just this year but frankly in the last decade."
"I didn't have that feeling anymore of like oh my God I can't do this and so that's when I knew that it worked I was like okay so that's where I was completely hooked like this stuff works."
"You are one ranked video away from everything changing for you."
"Investigators had finally uncovered evidence that could link a suspect to the murder."
"My biggest takeaway is Omarion Miller is an absolute dog. He's here, that was his just coming out party basically."
"He was quick enough to sever both of Muzan's limbs after awakening his demon's lair mark."
"Muichiro unlocked his demon slayer mark and combined it with a seventh form of misbreathing, overpowering Gyoko and cutting through his scales."
"Speed was one of Reeves's first major Blockbuster films and was arguably the movie that catapulted him to Superstar status."
"All it takes to break the veil is just to kind of go inside yourself."
"We're finally unstuck after almost 10 hours of playing the session."
"Celery juice is this barrier breaker... this is one of the most powerful tools that's gonna move you forward." - Anthony William
"I haven't felt a breakthrough like this before."
"A historic breakthrough, this has not been done before."
"The discovery of the top quark, the last and heaviest of the elementary particles that make up all matter."
"We are very excited... a breakthrough program."
"You're going to have a breakthrough, the answers are within, angel of enlightenment."
"Your spiritual team is giving you the answers there, that is where your breakthrough will be found."
"Freedom is yours. It is time for a major breakthrough."
"Something's about to happen, I feel chains breaking in the spirit."
"We're first expecting to speak from Vice President-elect Kamala Harris... She will be the first woman to ever be president or vice president."
"That photograph and that composite drawing is what broke this case open."
"Any current undesired situation is the universe's way of creating a breakthrough for you."
"We're at the cusp of the time when this is just going to break wide open."
"He perfected time travel basically while washing dishes."
"The Queen of Swords: outspoken, boundary setter, on the verge of a big mental breakthrough."
"Folks who get in on this breakthrough now... will have the chance to be a part of the single largest legal creation of wealth of the last 25 years."
"The ace of swords signifies a breakthrough, a major epiphany card. You're going to see something wildly clear, unlocking destiny, fate, and meaningful coincidences."
"Believe in yourself a little bit more... you're right on the precipice of a breakthrough."
"This is the year of the breakthrough. Act like it."
"Dreamcatcher rose from the ranks of cult favorite to commercial success."
"Senna had finally broken the curse and won in Brazil."
"Tom Cochran finally busted through after fighting through the 70s in the 80s."
"This was the jewel, he was the break that we needed."
"Just such an Epic movie and I feel like a real game changer when it came out."
"This series feels like Cole's big breakthrough though, guaranteeing we'll be hearing a lot more about her in the years to come."
"The hour of breakthrough is disguised as a problem." - Speaker
"This fast is going to be very, very, very powerful. It is going to do a lot of damage to the kingdom of hell and we're going to see a lot of breakthrough and a lot of marriages pour forth like an abundance of rain. It's going to be fire."
"Your miracle is on the other side of instruction that doesn't make sense."
"Whatever you've been working on... this month provides sort of this beacon of hope or a breakthrough where you start to see progress."
"Achieving balance in your life and feeling like you have what it takes to just break through to the next big thing."
"Your big opportunity to change the pattern and change the frequency is to say I'm done with this now, it's not coming back."
"I believe that Antonio Gibson will turn into a league-winning running back."
"Once these things stop mattering to you, that's when they will start to click."
"A breakdown is always the door to a breakthrough."
"The time of playing small and holding back is done."
"This is the process that was used to solve the Golden State killer case and it's one of the biggest breakthroughs in modern crime investigation."
"Watch for a moment of intellectual or spiritual breakthrough around the 17th."
"There was no turning back for the genre after an opening verse that tore the roof off of convention."
"This is having an epiphany, a mental breakthrough."
"Wow, guys, this is game-changing. This is a game-breaking hack. We unlocked a full rainbow friends admin command menu."
"These eclipses are cycle Breakers, there is something you are ready to break away from, break out of, even allow yourself to move forward."
"It's been so long... Finally, positive progress."
"Sparks are flying, they're cutting through the metal lock of the roof door."
"This is the new battery cell that is frankly the unbelievable game changer."
"Mahomes transcended the position with a breakout sophomore campaign." - Mahomes transcended the quarterback position with a breakout sophomore campaign in 2018.
"Breakthrough for tanks is why you make tanks."
"This changes everything. I have broken the game."
"This was a huge moment in this case, and it is, you know, once he finds this information out, he relays it back to the FBI."
"The only thing that is breaking about you, group number one, is the cocoon that you are breaking out of."
"I feel like he kind of shattered the ceiling of what a streamer could achieve in that game."
"The dawn of a brand new era for Humanity: AI is a technological breakthrough unlike anything we've ever seen or we'll see again in our lifetimes."
"It was a major breakthrough this was the first time that people had seen the interior of matter had seen the atomic arrangements inside a piece of crystalline matter."
"They realized that they were on the cusp of I think a major breakthrough."
"You're finally going to have this breakthrough."
"Oh brother the Apes got the breakout no longer range bound holy guacamole Batman look at we're breaking out of the range we're breaking we're ripping here we go."
"October will unstuck you and make you unsticky."
"There we go there we go finally breaking them and now you can invent forward and go for the artillery there we go look at that huge horde of old guard beautiful."
"Once a barrier has been broken for the first time, then it gets broken a lot more times soon afterwards."
"The tower says shake up the energy Aquarius, let go of whatever is crumbling, let it fall, let yourself have that epiphany moment."
"Praise the Lord in advance for the breakthrough."
"Life lived out of principle it only has a measure of success life lived out of the presence always brings breakthrough because it always demonstrates him it always demonstrates the person of breakthrough."
"You're bursting the old bubble and you're gonna be able to breathe."
"All of a sudden your body does something that you never thought possible, which is like opens up these reserves and you go so far beyond what you think is possible and is capable."
"Only in the last year and a half on my channel did anything matter; the rest of the 10 years before that was just me trying my heart out to make it work and nothing happening."
"Mars will melt the iceberg and show you the way forward."
"Genji was probably the biggest one... It was wonderful. It was like my first big role."
"It changed Hollywood because there were filmmakers and films that would never have been made if 'Boys in the Hood' hadn't been made."
"The only way that you're really likely in my view to break out of it is with Absolute Total laser-like Focus absolute commitment to the process."
"You may actually crack the hard shell that is this person."
"In yet another recent efficiency and durability breakthrough, a team led by scientists from the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER) have broken records for semi-transparent perovskite PVs."
"Fame became David Bowie's first number-one hit in America."
"Your drama cheek is doing so well on TV, it's breaking boundaries."
"The breakdown comes just before the breakthrough."
"She finally got her first hit and it just boosted her confidence."
"That was probably the most significant breakthrough... we could start focusing on Kirby as the suspect."
"They went from selling a few thousand records a week, which was impressive for them, but they went to selling almost 60,000 a week overnight."
"You are not beholden to their energy. Hear the sound of that glass breaking as you break through any of those old karmic ties."
"We see you break down every wall, we watch the giants fall. Fear cannot survive when we praise you, the God of breakthroughs on our side."
"We all need a breakthrough, people! Let's ask the Lord to bring divine alignment!"
"Really important creative breakthroughs happen when we allow ourselves to experiment."
"Conflict is actually the doorway to breakthroughs."
"You've got to learn something new in order to break through that cap into a new level."
"I really feel like today has let me let go of those emotions and let me just push through to what I think I can achieve."
"I spice was able to go from a completely unknown artist to an overnight rap star."
"Do expect a massive transformation, a huge breakthrough is happening soon."
"Perhaps this game is the ray-tracing killer app."
"Keith finally, at least partially, had his foot in the door."
"Breakthrough from addictions, patterns, or behaviors brings freedom."
"The handwriting match was the break the detectives needed."
"Whatever was blocking you, tomorrow easy access, baby."
"It's important to recognize this exhaustion for what it truly is, not a sign to give up but a signal that you're closer than ever to your breakthrough."
"Leave your mind trusting, chewing a little, until you are truly through the keyhole."
"You're right there at that point of breaking free and becoming fully independent."
"Lily remembers everything from her past, thanks to Ash's help."