
Client-focus Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Make your clients the hero of your mission, not your product."
"It's not about what you want; it's about what the clients want."
"You have to look at your work from the reader's point of view, the user's point of view, the client's point of view. We cannot look at it just from our own point of view."
"If you listen to the brief, the client's objectives, you listen to the story, and you make something that is purpose-built for that project, then the answer appears."
"It's not so much timing the market as it is figuring out what the client's financial situation is."
"We owe it to ourselves and to the client to say based on what I just learned there are two or three things that come to my mind that could possibly solve this."
"You exist to serve the client, to help them gain clarity on what it is they're trying to do."
"Do the right thing for the client, regardless of what the P&L says."
"My job's to do what I think is the best thing for you, even if that's saying you're not the right fit for me."
"I promise and strive to deliver so much value to you."
"The client is always right and it's their time. They need to be pampered."
"Customer service is number one right here." - Chris McDaniel
"Every single client that ever walks into my office has one goal and one goal only."
"Nothing more, all we're concerned with is your results."
"I mean the guy really takes care of the elite of the elite."
"Your architecture is oriented on the best possible experience for your client."
"It's not the lawyer's case, it's the client's cause."
"This profession is about being professional and being able to service your clients to the best ability."
"Anchoring on the client is always going to be best."
"At the end of the day, it's about the time to value and the client outcomes that we really focus on."
"It's not about you, it's about the client."
"...not let them invest your money for a profit for them we want all the profits to go for you."
"The key to selling more services is to focus almost obsessively on the end result and how the client will be better off after than they are right now."
"Put the client first and their interest first... if all you're thinking about... is that commission... you're going to make bad decisions for your client."
"What are we doing? We're helping people achieve the dream of homeownership."
"...make the session entirely about them."
"Fashion designers have an outside client. They have a customer they're designing for."
"It's not about how much money can I get out of one home, it's about finding what best suits the needs of the client."
"Our biggest challenge is really figuring out what is that we're trying to deliver to each specific client."
"Your clients are not buying the tactics. They're buying the outcome."
"You've got to think with that end client or end user in mind."
"The thing that I loved about his firm... he used low-cost index funds for his clients and he charged a really small fee."
"It's all about you being able to deliver that value and being able to really serve your clients as they want."
"Capturing your clients' personalities is really one of the most important aspects of interior design."
"My results with a client are defined 10 years from now, not 10 weeks from now."
"We will never upsell a client a product they don't need simply to inflate our bottom line."
"Over the years, I have gained considerable experience in delivering high-quality service to clients and customers for various employers."
"Packages are just such a powerful tool because it's like what your clients are really looking for."
"It's all about providing value upfront for your client that breaks down barriers."
"If there is conflict amongst team members, how can we engage in healthy productive dialogue to work in the best interests of this client?"
"What I love about United Capital is they're much more than a traditional wealth management firm; they're all about understanding their client needs, helping them achieve their goals."
"Feature Driven Development is built on a core set of engineering best practices, all aimed at a client-valued feature perspective."
"When you're trying to find a priority issue, you have to focus on what's the most important thing that's going on with the client right here, right now."
"The user, the client, loves communication."
"Paramount to what we were doing was the quality of what we're doing and delivering for our client."
"A therapy relationship needs to be focused on the needs of the client."
"It's not about us; we want to make it about the client."
"As long as you've got the client in the service delivery, that's always at the forefront of what you do."
"Client first is a set of guidelines and strategies help you build workflow websites in a clear and scalable way that any human can understand."
"It's not being right or wrong, it's about delivering the best service to the client."
"This really helps get clients and stakeholders focused on performance and what it is you want people to do."
"I wanted to give my clients my complete absolute attention."
"A good agent is somebody willing to put your needs before their own."
"We're here to really make this the best experience as it can be for our clients."
"You've got to focus on your clients' needs and how your blogging services will help them grow their business."
"Service for our clients is one of the number one things we want to try and achieve at Vanguard."
"A successful digital marketing campaign consists of many different facets that should all be focused on the needs of the clients and their business."
"Your realtor works for you, not the lenders."
"Everything we do for clients is all customized based on what's best for the client."
"Whatever your client wants, give it to them, and I promise you'll have a client for much longer than you thought you would."
"We can now take your particular needs or constraints and brush them onto this stuff to get tailored datasets, tailored answers for you."
"Caring more about the client's needs than you do about your commission check."
"It's not about the selling aspect to me, it's about building the relationships with my clients."
"Customers really are at the center of all that we do."
"I'm so patient with my clients. I always say to myself, I need to give a client what they want because they are paying for that."
"Be client-centric, focus on showcasing what you can do for clients and how you can help them."
"Be prepared to give the client advice that is not in your interest."
"If people have criticism, the right way for us to handle it is to consider it seriously and implement changes to help our clients, not defend our public image."
"Acting in the best interest of your client first and foremost."
"A house is thousands of decisions; we should make the best decisions we possibly can for our clients."
"Never use 'me', 'my', or 'I'... always talk to your ideal client... use 'you', 'we', or 'ours'."
"The client's interest always comes first, no matter what else we're talking about."
"The curriculum really mentions the client and the duties of trust and transparency and priority."
"We all know when we spend more time together, we end up creating better solutions for our clients."
"Self-dealing: don't do anything that puts yourself above your clients' best interests."
"So, our clients tend to be more quality-focused than quantity focused."
"Don't build your business on the promise of a funding institution; build your business on selling, build your business on your clients."
"Client's input is paramount; it's very, very important."
"We need to accommodate the client's needs as best as we can."
"Place the interests of our clients and the interests of the investment profession above our own personal interests."
"Clients' biggest commodity today is their time; they are more worried about their time than your story."
"It needs to be about what's best for the client."
"If you're worrying about your therapist's feelings, you need to find a new therapist."
"It's our honor to put our clients' best interest in everything that we do."
"It's about you serving the client."
"Your client doesn't necessarily care what platform you use; they're just looking for a result or some sort of end goal or some sort of problem solved."
"Motivation matters in times like this when there's some uncertainty or transition in the real estate business because people don't care about the agent, they care about their own needs when it comes to a home."
"Talk about the project of the client, talk about providing the solution to the client."
"No matter what type of law you go into, your client is number one."
"Always keep in mind the value the client is receiving for your work."
"The therapeutic relationship differs from a social relationship or friendship in that the needs of the client always come first."
"The project must be important to your client."
"We are very deliberately designing our websites for exactly the client's needs."
"I Want to Take on a Few Clients at a Time and Really Give Them the Time and Energy It Takes to Get Their Platforms Where They Need to Be."
"We've taken as much of that knowledge as possible and put it into this client first system."
"Safety, security, and peace of mind for our clients is paramount."
"At North Tree Real Estate, you are our highest priority."
"It's important we look at how we actually deliver it to our clients."
"We take a really detailed brief and get to know our clients, their product, their dreams, their visions."
"You always have to do what's best for your client."