
Advice Quotes

There are 47028 quotes

"The only people, especially in sports, that you should be listening to is probably your coach, your parents, your family."
"The last two things to remember are: progress is not linear, and you need to spend within your limits."
"Don't ever complain about a problem if you don't provide a solution."
"Therapy is like getting a really good second opinion on your life from someone who isn't already in your life."
"Always protect your mental health, everybody."
"Your boyfriend should not be your only friend."
"My first thought is, if you're considering it, do it. Because the worst-case scenario is that you go and you realize you're glad you did it, but you don't really need it."
"Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with."
"Doesn't matter what you choose, you just do it with passion, with love and enjoy what you're doing."
"Slow and steady wins the race. Stop trying to rush things."
"It's important to choose your role models carefully. Try to choose guys who are actually succeeding at something other than just giving advice."
"The phrase 'think through the drink' is beyond valuable."
"If you can do this stuff consistently, you're going to be just fine."
"If you're not happy with your current health, change your diet, and things will get better."
"Spend as much time as possible with the people that you care about."
"If you really want to know what someone's like, see how they interact with service staff like waitresses, waiters, receptionists, taxi drivers."
"Acceptance over denial, questions over advice, and self-compassion over self-brutalization."
"Enjoy your youth. You are young as...be young. It is okay to be young."
"Royal advisor, some refugees have arrived in town, should we welcome them? Yes, yes, of course."
"We look at areas where people have a burning desire and the advice is horrible. And I'm like, that's for us."
"It's better to be good at one thing than to be meh at everything."
"The time to have the map is before you enter the woods."
"It's imperative that you don't burn bridges."
"Don't rush into buying something too quickly."
"Be good or be good at it. I'll see you next time."
"I think it's better for her that you're not in the relationship. She deserves better."
"I always tell people what they can do...be involved in their kids' education."
"I am so right. Please go to trade school and don't listen to this."
"You got to put what you want out in the world, honey."
"If you don't risk it, you'll definitely miss out."
"Turn relationships around from burdensome to blissful."
"Letting go of some of these feelings is going to be a step forward for you."
"You won't worry so much about what others think about you if you realize how seldom they do."
"Remember why you're doing it and don't chase the numbers. That's going to drive you straight to the ground."
"Just have fun. If you enjoy it, have a good time, I can promise you, you'll bowl better."
"To anyone trying to start, my biggest piece of advice would be: only do it if it's something that you really love, that you're really passionate about."
"The best time to start investing is yesterday. And the second best time is today."
"You cannot shop your way out of an unhappy life."
"Don't be jealous of other people... be supportive of other people."
"Moving on because you've got so much about moving on. Don't let your past hold you back."
"I have a rule: I don't take advice about relationships from single people. I also don't talk to people that aren't licensed therapists about my problems."
"Start with what you've got, experiment a little bit, and see what you like."
"Drawing everything, every day, is the most important thing you can do to improve your art."
"If I wouldn't ask for your advice, then I don't value your criticism."
"Being a master of one but a jack of all trades, it will help you more than anything else."
"I sincerely appreciate your offer of advice and counsel."
"Focusing on systems...is actually an amazingly useful productivity tip."
"Your biggest advice is to not say something that you will regret. Sit on that energy, examine the true concern, the true fear, and then come together from a place of compassion and understanding to voice your concerns healthily."
"You don't have to work so hard...everything gets a little bit easier."
"If you're looking for something like this, you're getting a pretty good deal."
"Act unbothered; the more unbothered you act, the more you attract."
"Allow it to happen and it will. It's that simple."
"Don't sit down and write a three-page backstory yet, allow yourself to discover what your player's backstory is."
"Do whatever makes you happy, no matter what anybody got to say."
"If you are good at something, never do it for free."
"Don't be a follower, be a student. Take advice, but not orders. Make sure what you do is the product of your own conclusion."
"Focus on your happiness... Spirit is indicating that right now and in the future, it is very important that you continue to prioritize your own happiness, your own joy."
"You need to focus more on yourself, not other people."
"A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow."
"Sis, if you're gonna pray, don't worry, and if you're gonna worry, don't pray."
"I had a teacher once, and he said to me, 'You've got to be really careful what you allow into your brain.' And it really struck a chord for me."
"Sometimes the most complicated problems actually have a simple solution, not necessarily easy but simple."
"The best way to remember it is to write it down."
"Do not forget, be kind and keep an open mind, everybody."
"All I want to do is just pass along what's been good for me. Take it or leave it."
"It's got to be something that you actually really enjoy."
"If you are struggling to figure out what your passion is, this coffee talk is for you."
"Don't be afraid to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective."
"There's definitely advice in this video that will transcend every roadmap that has ever existed."
"The advice section and the conclusion are both very worth watching."
"You have to listen to the thing before you comment on the thing. That's kind of basic, isn't it?"
"Stop trying to chase the rewards that you want, chase the problems that you want to solve."
"Words of advice for Jack: Get off your phone."
"Happy New Year, guys. Be safe, walk home, don't drive and drunk."
"The best thing that I ever did was not listen to other people's opinions about my life."
"I hope this has been a lesson learned for you."
"You're overthinking and you need to start looking ahead instead of backwards."
"It's not good enough to be right; you also have to be effective."
"It's about the journey, not the destination."
"When you keep giving love to yourself, then people give love to yourself also."
"Enjoy life, number one by a mile, enjoy life."
"Lincoln said, 'Do we not defeat our enemies by making them our friends?'"
"Never give into bullying. That's Nick A30's number one thing."
"Think before you do anything else next time."
"Just take it with a grain of salt and move forward."
"The internet is full of bad people who can do bad things to you."
"If you have a chance to confront your mortality, I suggest don't do it if you can avoid it."
"It's important to have good communication with kids."
"If you can't even clean up your own room, who the hell are you to give advice to the world?"
"The only other men's opinions you should care about in regards to yourself is your father or your grandfather and maybe some of your friends who've known you for your entire life."
"The thing that you would tell yourself 10 years ago is still the same thing that you need to hear now."
"Some people should sing, and other people shouldn't sing."
"If you're not sure at the end of the night whether you're actually simulated or not, my advice to you is go out there and live really interesting lives and do unexpected things so the simulators don't get bored and shut you down."
"Let's not make it more difficult than it has to be."
"I forget who said that, like, it's okay to read parts of books instead of having to read from front to cover."
"I don't care if you make money, just don't let it corrupt you."
"Be highly skeptical of those who would presume to give you advice."
"We reached out to all of you listeners a while ago asking for any dating advice that you'd want to ask us."
"Manners and finding self-confidence...is just good life advice in general."
"If you don't feel this, it's time to find someone that can and will appreciate you."
"Think about what is going to make you the happiest."
"You just gotta think about what makes you happy and do that, dude."
"Old isn't always gold; sometimes new is what to do."
"You should never pretend to be someone you're not."
"If there's one thing I want you to remember, it's to try silly things because trying the smart things didn't work, did it?"
"The most important thing you know for people listening right now: sleep is arguably key."
"I would just implore you to consider the long-lasting effects that this will have on your kid."
"Don't listen to me or them, listen to yourself."
"Be patient. It's impatience... People aren't patient."
"To worry about something you can't change is useless, and to worry about something you can change is stupid."
"Stop comparing. The source of all discontent is comparison."
"Set reasonable standards and start somewhere."
"Step outside of your comfort zone fairly regularly."
"You have to find what your passion is, you have a passion, whatever that passion is, now I'm gonna make a career out of it."
"If you're trying to invest your money, you should invest it in yourself."
"Stay off of social media...because social media tends to put you in a depressed mood."
"Never co-sign. Never tell them what's in the Bible. Listen, never co-sign."
"Don't read the comics. Really, as a creator, they put you in a bubble."
"If you want to start a YouTube channel, decide on the look and feel. But don't get too hung up on it; you can always upgrade and change things."
"Try hard in school, do a little bit of self-development."
"Never be scared of giving real life a try and meeting friends of friends."
"Stop worrying about what everyone's thinking about you."
"Stop being friends with people who don't lift you up."
"It's very important that you remind yourself over and over and over again on this journey to be more patient."
"I think it's possible for anyone, if it's possible for me, but I don't know that I can tell anyone how to do it, other than keep trying."
"It's a pretty good idea to take criticism seriously."
"Don't hide books at the library; it's a bad thing to do."
"Consistency is something I tell people. They say, 'Louis, what's the secret to the success of the School of Greatness?'... I just show up consistently every day."
"The best thing you can do is just prepare yourself."
"Finesse, not power, it's all about finesse at this point."
"People should have conversations, yes, rather than cheat. Just end it."
"Follow the fire. Whatever you're passionate about, lean into it, and you're likely to find success."
"Act on what your gut is telling you to do because your gut is never wrong."
"Persal remembers his Grandpa's words to always defeat the evil and help the weak."
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."
"Plans are totally pointless, but planning is indispensable."
"Relationships are one of the most important parts of life, and it's good to take this seriously."
"Confidence is everything, right? It doesn't matter who you are; full of confidence, it doesn't matter."
"High performance for me is being dedicated to everything you do."
"Don't be afraid to show vulnerability... vulnerability isn't a weakness, if you show vulnerability it's not a weak thing."
"Ask for their advice, and you get a partner."
"The reason [the grass] is greener [on the other side] is because they water it."
"If you're trying to set up a business or you're trying to run something and you want to have a lasting impact, this is extremely profound."
"Avoid the talking head. This person never listens."
"Buckle your seatbelt because I'm going to be breaking down my best advice for starting a YouTube channel that gets views, makes money, and impacts people."
"Don't have 'quit' as a word in your arsenal."
"You need to work harder; you need discipline."
"You really don't need to listen to every episode, just listen to the ones that spark your curiosity. Think about it like a party full of strangers; you don't have to talk to everyone, just walk over to the ones who look interesting and get to know them."
"Personally, I believe 86 agility should be the absolute minimum... it might not sound like much, but it's the largest increase you will ever get and it pays off."
"I've learned to protect myself by doing something that absolutely works. I ask myself, 'Would you let someone treat your child that way?'"
"This voice had said to me, 'Why are you so concerned about the afterlife? You will find out soon enough. Focus on your life now.'"
"Nobody's ever told you this, but compare products, not people."
"Proper preparation prevents poor performance."
"So take your time with this person, don't try to rush things."
"A commitment and even perhaps a major life decision will come up and you are advised to take hold of your emotions before you determine the right path for you."
"Just exercise a little bit more patience."
"You can have it all, but not all at the same time." - Felicia Rashad
"Look after your mental health, like genuinely."
"Don't listen to people who are gonna tell you that you can't do it."
"It's very important when you're figuring out what you want for yourself to filter out the good advice from the bad."
"I dare say Junior trying to get inside but he'll be reminded by Simple not to go chasing waterfalls. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to."
"We should lock our door before we say, 'By the way, this neighborhood is dangerous.'"
"Never ever get in the line and wait for anything. Never follow the herd."
"You might want to make some better choices in life."
"Be careful. If you're gonna do it, do it, but you gotta be good."
"Don't get yourself killed over some pride, man."
"Let go of stress. Don't take on other people's stress, breathe it out."
"The biggest thing I would tell you, advice-wise, is just to pump the brakes a little bit, focus on understanding yourself, and then things will come in time."
"General life advice for young adults: You're not as smart as you think you are."
"Good advice is good advice, whether it's followed or not."
"If you don't take any risks in life in general, you're never going to have a life worth having."
"Don't track the dirt of rejection from one village into the next."
"Be who you want to be and if somebody tells you otherwise, just say thanks for your advice."
"You can drive a car with your feet if you want to, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea."
"You can be the total package at the wrong address."
"Don't compare yourself to other people... everybody's circumstance is different, what everybody's looking for is different."
"It's a very stern reminder that this is a one-way trip and that it's important to make sure to make the best choices you can."
"You're going to blink, and you're going to be a 50-year-old 23-year-old, if that makes any sense."
"Never start a fight, but if you find yourself in one, finish it."
"I think women should be more discerning when deciding which man to date."
"You should never, ever in a relationship feel unsafe with your partner. Ever."
"If you don't love yourself, you can't love anybody else."
"Smile, my dear, you know you're never fully dressed without one."
"You get what you give, so I think that could be talking about the effort you put into the relationship."
"I wasn't one particularly to accept the advice of my elders and betters."
"You're never supposed to put all your eggs in one basket, but when I do something, I give it my 110%."
"Avoiding refined carbohydrates is an easy no-brainer; there's nothing in there anyways."
"Have fun along the journey, sometimes it's easy to forget that, but it will help you."
"This is the first instruction manual we actually should read."
"If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."
"Be honest...that's the most important in any business."
"You need to start thinking seriously about your career choices."
"You're never going to get the answers you need just by worry."
"Never live in such a bubble, never have such a big ego that you don't take advice and don't welcome feedback."
"Make your work and your passion the same thing."
"Years from now, when you talk about this, and you will, be kind."
"My advice is not about how to grow your community... my advice is about how to stop innocent people from getting killed."
"With so many things in life, follow the money."
"Write about your life; that'd be a good thing for you."
"You could get all of the advice in the world to be a new parent. You're not going to be ready, and that's okay. Make mistakes. Just love the [__] out of your kid."