
Listening Quotes

There are 5448 quotes

"If you want people to listen to you, you need to listen to them."
"If you want to build a relationship, what do you have to do? You have to listen to the other person."
"The most powerful way to share gratitude with someone is to listen and to let them know that they've been heard."
"The way to connect with others is to simply open yourself up to being connected with them, and then shut the fuck up and listen better."
"Listening is not a passive activity... it's an active measure to extract information."
"Sometimes people just want you to listen to them."
"Being the last to speak is you get to hear what someone has to say, and before you say something and have to take it back or seem silly, you get to understand their point and then you can speak in an intelligent way."
"You want to listen to their viewpoint, hear where they're coming from... they were extremely valuable in how we built this stuff."
"We can listen curiously or we can listen in a biased manner... if we're totally out of our own way and we are just totally in the process of listening, that's curiosity and awareness."
"The essence of a conversation is not so much in what you say but in how you listen."
"Just call somebody and say, 'I haven't talked to you in a while. How you doing?' And just shut up and listen."
"If you listen to people, they'll tell you what they think, but you have to listen through things and listen for deviations."
"Most cases, you just need somebody to listen."
"Listen to what I say in two ways: one is carefully listening to the words, attending to what I am saying, and the second, listen with your own existence, with the whole being, that notice that it is true."
"Nobody wants to talk, nobody wants to have real conversations, nobody wants to listen and have true communication to reach solutions."
"This person is a very good listener and will be extremely considerate of your emotions and your feelings and your needs."
"Humility. I think it's really important to know what you don't know and listen to people who do know what you don't know."
"Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what."
"The question is, are we listening to this inner voice? Are we allowing the knowledge and wisdom from the inner voice to be received so that we can express it?"
"There is a melody to be heard in the deepest parts of the woods if only we listen."
"It is not just important to hear, but to understand."
"We can all benefit from not judging and listening to people."
"To begin to listen to people who have been saying that and actually taking action for years, and saying, okay, how can we be supportive and be a part of that?"
"Oh dear, what's going on with Kendall? You know I'm here to listen and support you."
"You don't need anything to say to have a conversation, all you have to do is be willing to listen."
"Listening is the most underrated skill in leadership."
"Music: There is a Melody to be heard in the deepest parts of the woods if only we listen."
"Parenting is a game of listening, not talking."
"You have to listen, and so there's this kind of wave, this back and forth wave, this call and response that happens in a conversation."
"Avoid the talking head. This person never listens."
"Listen impeccably and when I listen impeccably, I let go of whatever's not serving me and I embrace what is real."
"Older adults... have so tremendous value and they add to this world like in ways you wouldn't imagine if you just take time to listen, be patient, and a lot of times listen to what's not being said."
"Communication also it's 50/50, it's also about listening."
"Don't try to fix things. People usually don't need fixes; they just need a strong, kindly person to listen and empathize."
"Pay attention. Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you need to know."
"It's super rare that I feel like I speak to somebody who is actually listening to the words that I'm saying and then responding to them."
"Listen more than we did before, let's take it a little more seriously, not be so quick to dismiss."
"The real art of negotiation lies in the ability to listen more and talk less."
"I didn't get successful by running my mouth; I got successful by listening."
"Women don't need to find a voice; they have a voice. They need to feel empowered to use it, and people need to be encouraged to listen."
"I think fundamentally we all just want to be heard. We all just want to want to listen to us and take us seriously."
"What has led to my success is I follow the breadcrumbs, and I'm quiet, and I listen."
"Learning to listen is part of your ability to communicate."
"We need to listen to our children because they totally get it."
"Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least."
"We need more speech from everyone, and we also, by the way, need more listening to everyone."
"My job is to listen, the oldest method of learning known to man."
"How do you pause for a second instead of trying to reassert your dominance, how do you take that step back and learn from what the women are saying?"
"Listen for his voice, lad. That's him talking. You'll know it when you hear it."
"Assume that the person that you're listening to knows something you don't."
"You want to listen more than you transmit, just at in general whether it's an emergency or not."
"To me, being a man is knowing when to be soft, knowing that you don't always have to run the charge, you can actually listen."
"Talking is the most dangerous thing people do and listening is the most infrequent thing people do."
"Listen to your partner, make sure they feel wanted."
"If you're going to be a great communicator, you have to be a ready listener."
"A good listener becomes a witness and not a judge of the experience."
"I am really good at making really good friends. I'm a good friend, I'm a good listener, and I care."
"Jesus said love God and love other people... a great way to love people is just to listen, enter into their world, get to know them."
"A lot of people don't want free things, they just want to be heard."
"I spend a lot of time listening. Some of our greatest influence happens not by speaking, but by listening."
"I think people are allowed to listen to people that they might not agree with."
"The best leaders are the listeners, not the talkers."
"You are an amazing listener, very empathetic, many of you are empaths."
"You're literally saying to someone, tell me more, I want to listen, I want to hear you."
"Here at the Roommates, we believe in having an open mind and a discerning heart. What that basically means is open your minds and listen to our diversity of ideas."
"The oldest method of learning known to man is to listen."
"No matter how much or how little, I'm always here to listen."
"Be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."
"If you're not listening, you're not understanding."
"Most people listen with what Covey calls an autobiographical point of view... A lot of people don't take the time to really put themselves in the shoes of the other person."
"I've come to find out that over time, most people just need someone to listen to them."
"Listen. People start to heal the moment they feel heard."
"I listen to a lot of stuff I don't agree with... It's more fulfilling than just living in an echo chamber."
"I hope you'll be ignored so you know the importance of listening to others."
"I'm very open to hearing every side. I think that's a good quality to have."
"Sometimes you just don't need to say anything at all. You can just be there and listen."
"You couldn't fix every problem, but it's important to hear them."
"Most people listen to respond instead of listening to actually hear."
"Listening is not an activity of being quiet while formulating your response."
"Shut up and listen. People love to talk about themselves."
"The way you heal relationships between nations is by working together, which requires you to listen maybe more than you talk."
"It's important as a father to listen to your children as opposed to just dictating."
"If a party seriously wants to govern in the future, then it really needs to listen to those people."
"Yep. Because when you allow yourself to listen to another person's perspective, you realize that many of their experiences mirrors your own."
"It's important to listen to what people are saying."
"I love being there for my friend, and I love being the listener. I'm a good listener, and I'm a good advice giver."
"Listening makes us smarter, more connected people. It makes us better partners, parents, and leaders."
"He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
"I want you to listen with open ears and open hearts."
"Listening to someone's story can sometimes be the best medicine."
"People just want to be heard. They want you to listen. They want to know someone is on the other end of the phone."
"People most often like the conversation when they are talking the most...because people love to hear their voice and people love to be heard."
"Listening to understand the other person... that's a different thing. That's powerful."
"When you're listening, I've got an acronym for this: RASA, which is receive, appreciate, summarize, and ask."
"Listening is the sound of democracy. Without it, it's very hard to accept the majority view."
"This person has a lot to tell you, so listen."
"Policy will be very improved by listening to these people's voices because these are our lived experiences."
"Listening to God is a major principle in the Christian life."
"We can restore the justice so that those that are expressing rage and anger and demanding justice are heard."
"Listening to God and obeying Him is a major principle in the Christian life."
"If you're truly afraid, you listen. Let a little fear come in and drive you and motivate you."
"Nothing quite looks the same, because we're listening to Canadians and we're listening to stakeholders and making changes where it's needed."
"Listen to people more. We can't all be right about everything, and one of the ways to figure out if we're right is if we listen and then repeat back what we thought we heard from somebody."
"When you spend the time to stop and listen to someone, you're not spending time at all; you're connecting with the shared conscious of all people expressed through an individual soul."
"God is talking to all of us all the time. It's not a question of to whom is God talking, it's a question of who's listening."
"As I'm listening to him, it's hard for me to disagree with a lot of the stuff I hear."
"Eloquent listening means being willing to open your mind to the possibility that you might be persuaded."
"We should be really deliberately listening to people who we don't agree with and taking on board what their concerns are."
"But beyond that, we're going to listen. We're really going to use this opportunity to come into a different type of presence, maybe learn something new about yourself."
"Stop looking for the answers and start listening for them."
"I think it's important now more than ever to be able to listen to each other and actually have real conversations."
"This long and ongoing practice of listening to your own rhythm is, at least in my opinion, more fruitful, more beneficial."
"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."
"We have resisted the urge to speak out, because this is not the time for us to lecture; it is time for us to listen."
"Whatever the solution to this complex problem is, it has to be achieved mutually and with respect and with a willingness to listen to other people."
"If you listen carefully enough, you can also hear the rain."
"You can have the best of intentions break down on a battlefield if you don't have officers who are willing to listen to others and use them in a manner that they can be best used."
"Most of us have never been listened to properly. It's not something that normally we know how to do."
"You can't make music unless you can hear your music."
"Introverts don't need the constant attention from other people in the same way. They'll actually listen and they'll listen with a really compassionate, attuned ear."
"Listening is about giving that individual your undivided attention so that they really know that you're there for them."
"We'll be listening closely to your feedback."
"If you listen to someone who disagrees with you, and you really listen, they're going to tell you things that will reveal your errors and make you change."
"Sometimes the thing I regret most is, I should have listened."
"When it comes to non-binary topics, it's probably best that we listen to non-binary people."
"Listen more to others; the observations will teach you more than anything you think you understand."
"I was raised like a lot of people. My mother particularly was a great example of how to listen well."
"If you're going to enter a conversation, it's probably best to listen to what's already been said."
"You don't know what a big act is or how small it is. It is not for us to judge but to be present and to listen."
"The fact that you would even listen to this says there's hope for you."
"They don't need lectures, they need listening."
"It's always just listening to people that have had successes at the highest level."
"If you think you're doing a good job at something and someone tells you 'Hey, this is a problem', you should start by listening."
"We come here to listen to your stories because we just love to hear you tell them."
"Listening. A lot of you guys hear someone, but you're really not listening. You're really not analyzing what they're telling you."
"His economy of communication is because he listens and he considers the best possible answer, and I think that's what smart people do."
"The problem is not God's lack of speaking but our lack of ability to listen."
"Assume that the person you're listening to might know something you don't."
"Listen to your heart...Your heart talks to you."
"I'm a better listener and I'm able to communicate my needs way more effectively."
"The ninth Golden Rule of a small talk is being an active listener."
"To be a good leader is to be a good listener."
"And we should do better at listening to the needs and desires of the cultures they belong to."
"It's like you have to be an ear for a second and learn because you might hear something that can help you grow as a person."
"Just listen to your friend. It's not about you."
"If you listen to the brief, the client's objectives, you listen to the story, and you make something that is purpose-built for that project, then the answer appears."
"I'm interested only in dialectic, which does mean I listen to you and you listen to me."
"People want to talk if you're willing to just listen."
"It's worth investing the time to listen to people you don't like because they'll also tell you things that no one else will tell you about yourself."
"Genuinely listening to what somebody has to say makes people feel very seen."
"I'm talking to my wife and she's explaining something to me and she's telling me how she feels and she doesn't want me to fix it she just wants me to listen to her."
"If you want people to appreciate having you around, learning how to listen is unbeatable."
"Every person you meet has a story to tell that you have yet to hear, and all you have to do is listen."
"Religious freedom embodies equal justice under law, supported by a strong separation of church and state."
"A first step if you want to help disabled people is essentially listening to disabled people."
"I knew not to dismiss what my son was telling me and to ask more questions."
"Effective communication requires active listening."
"If we want to hear from God, we have to be willing to obey Him."
"The best way to start talking is to be a great listener."
"It's good to listen to the answer, even if it's not the question you asked."
"We have to support and listen because this country has had way too much of white people talking over everyone else."
"My approach to dentistry begins with sincerely listening to the patient."
"I wish a guy would just listen to me, just sit and talk to me."
"If there's as much compassion and love in your hearts as you say there is, put yourself to the challenge of listening to someone you may not agree with."
"The foundation of good acting is always good reacting." - "What I really admired as much as anything was the way you listen."
"Surely the whole point of an opinion is to be balanced. You're not expressing your opinion if you're not listening to others."
"Instead of running around trying to figure out what did he say, what did she say, maybe it's a good idea for us to just take a few moments and listen to the master. Amen."
"With the right counsel, you need to find a way to make her listen."
"The most important thing in a relationship is being able to communicate—express everything that you need to express and listen to your partner exactly."
"Listening. That's a good one. People skills, communicating, listening. Did I say listening? - You did."
"Maybe we should listen to each other. Consider that learning is one of the few precious gifts of life."
"When a nurse says there's a problem, you listen."
"You're not even taking a risk and listening to this black dark-skinned woman."
"Maybe more times than not, it's good to just shut up and listen to people."
"Mainly just listen to women. Listen to us and believe us."
"You might not be a Christian, but you've been a good listener."
"The great horror in some ways of being a thinker of being a philosopher is not that other people don't think but rather that they don't listen."
"God's salvation has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen."
"Saying all the right things... when guys actually listen... it's really attractive."
"Another piece of wisdom: you have to hear people."
"We're blessed with two ears, one mouth. Now is your time to listen."
"Listen to understand rather than to respond."
"I'm not just here to tell you no, fuck your opinion. I'm listening."
"The best art of communication is listening. It's the best tool you can have."
"Don't speak more than you listen. One mouth, two ears."
"In order to get better at listening, you need to understand how spoken English works."
"One of the best ways to make somebody feel good is that they feel listened to and that they feel heard."
"Listen before you [ __ ] speak, pardon me, before you speak you know it's, you got to listen."
"Just start to listen for a while if you don't know what to do."
"Listening is more a part of communication than talking."
"You will be told your whole life that you need to learn to listen. I would say that you need to learn to be the last to speak."
"You just gotta hear the perspective of people from other countries."
"To have a good understanding of just society, of people, of both sides, you have to be able to listen."
"Never underestimate the utility of listening."
"Listening is just staggeringly useful if you want to widen your social network and also learn."
"Customer feedback is crucial. What you've got to do is just listen."
"Now let's give each other a chance. It's time to put away the harsh rhetoric, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen to each other again."
"There's a sense in which you don't look for these magnetic monopoles, you listen for them."
"Could listen to him for hours, love the stories."
"Only those who expect to hear God actually will."