
Relationship-building Quotes

There are 875 quotes

"If you want to have influence over someone, you actually have to allow them to influence you."
"If you want to build a relationship, what do you have to do? You have to listen to the other person."
"I stopped being transactional like looking at that person as a dollar sign, like I have to sell, I have to complete, I have to transact. And I started being intentional."
"You have to earn trust, and it takes a long, long period of time."
"Cooking dinner together... there's something satisfying and nice. It's some of my favorite time we spend together."
"Trust is hugely important, and one of the most important factors in trust is transparency."
"Successful relationships are acts of co-creation."
"The longer you've been adding value... the longer you'll have the ability to have someone buy that something from you later in your life."
"Emotional intelligence... encompasses self-awareness, understanding your emotions in real time... social awareness... empathy, understanding what it feels like to be in their shoes, and then relationship building."
"What people do in relationships that really work well is they feel like they're building something, something beyond just the two of them."
"Just showing that you're willing to share something more personal about yourself can help make the other person want to spend more time with you."
"Effective communication builds a deep bond grounded in common trust and understanding."
"Social skills are the tools we use to communicate, relate, and build relationships."
"Intimacy, friendship, that type of fruit comes from intentionality."
"You are there to help others grow, and when each one of you has that attitude, the relationship will be more robust."
"Build those relationships not with people who you think will be powerful but people you think are interesting because they'll do interesting things."
"In order to create a good relationship with the people...we gotta get a good communication with them and show them that we are here to protect them, not against them."
"Relationships are things that you build, not things that you discover."
"Why can't we do an activity together? Why can't we meet up in a park and run around and try to pet five dogs? Why can't we go to a street with a lot of dumpling places and create our own dumpling tour and figure out our best one? Why can't we have an experience together where we're doing something, we're having fun?"
"Relationship building refers to your ability to start the conversation, be attentive during the conversation, be non-judgmental during the conversation, and your ability to show empathy."
"Trust is built when... you're giving them what they want, essentially. Then you're starting to build real trust with them."
"The biggest challenge in the structured game was the transition from attraction to comfort, making it believable and seamless."
"The camaraderie and you always get to see how their relationship is actually building between the characters themselves."
"You both can pace yourself, get to know each other, and that’s where the true attraction shines."
"Whether it's business or law enforcement, if I take the time to really hear somebody out in our first deal, then every deal after that will come to me faster."
"Creating a relationship with everyone in the building is essential for building a strong culture."
"You can't build a castle for a relationship...a castle becomes a castle because two people work on it."
"Understanding the dog is the most important thing."
"Love is not a momentary thing; love is something that you need to work on and something that you have to build."
"I want to make a connection before getting physical."
"If you want to influence someone indirectly, you got to build a relationship with them."
"Everything you want you can have instantaneously. Everything you want, instant gratification, except job satisfaction and strength of relationships."
"You want to follow up with them and develop that relationship."
"What's been very powerful is...neighborhood policing strategy...building relationships."
"Building a relationship with your audience is about giving more than you ask for."
"I'm cold and standoffish until I get to know people, and then I can be very warm."
"It's about being intentional about the kind of relationship that you want. It becomes about what kinds of things will help us to create the relationship that we want."
"Great relationships are about finding somebody great and building a great relationship, not the continuous search to find the perfect person who doesn't exist."
"We should start to develop our relationship with that loving force."
"It's all about the relationship. YouTube, it's right there - You. Tube. It's about this interaction."
"Keep the conversation going as long as possible...the deeper the bond, the more solid will be the phone number that you get at the end."
"Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is our ability to understand our own emotions so that we can develop stronger, healthier relationships in our life and achieve the goals that we want to accomplish."
"They're like, 'I'm here for you, and I want to build something together.'"
"It's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth, do work that they love, and create actual amazing relationships. Thank you for joining us, America."
"This sound, bro. I used to just hear this engine scream."
"I want to know you and I want to hear your voice."
"Talk to them about things that don't matter so when it comes time to talk about things that do, that pathway is open."
"You can't have a good, positive relationship with a person that you don't understand."
"Love and respect is something that grows bonds."
"True relationship building is where you agree to disagree."
"She's making me feel so comfortable right now, this is going to be my girl."
"The game captured what it's like to get to know someone new and slowly over time get close to them."
"They put actual thought and effort into planning early stage dates."
"If we want to evangelize people around us, we need to build relationships and then we earn the right to talk to them about it."
"Showing romantic interest in him is crucial."
"Real confidence in each other must be built on deeds, not simply words."
"It was great because I managed to win a long-serving customer of ours."
"Children can be very resilient but it's all about really rebuilding healthy relationships."
"I think incentivizing a team through shared goals builds relationships."
"I am really big on building relationships with my students like that's number one to me that starts day one."
"They're ready to start something real and start building with you."
"Instagram is the best platform for building a deep relationship with your audience."
"Rapport is based on caring and finding common ground."
"The benefit of building an email list is I can communicate and build a long-term relationship with them."
"What happened to courting? That is the point of a date, getting to know the person."
"Cicero also displayed the ability to show empathy, build relationships, and speak knowledgeably about the game."
"It helps you form genuine connections with them no matter the distance."
"I just want to be somebody you can feel safe talking to."
"Make relationships, build relationships... Everyone wants to help others, right?"
"When I engaged in meeting lawyers... that was an opportunity to develop a relationship to develop a rapport."
"Their near future actions is the three of pentacles. That means they're going to try to build toward this with you."
"Foster and strengthen Community connections by nurturing relationships with neighbors."
"It is safe for you to express how you feel... Relationships deepen as a result."
"Networking just simply means building genuine relationships."
"First contact is much more significant... it's very easy to build a really positive relationship."
"Even better is when we can take this connection and take this relationship we have and then make it face to face."
"Redirect comfort and you're in with a chance."
"Recognize your potential to literally build the relationship you want."
"Taking things slow shows that you're invested in getting to know someone without giving off red flags."
"They want to establish something with you, they want to fight for this."
"All of that effort and all of the hard work that you put in to build those relationships doesn't really amount to anything because you don't control the access."
"Building a solid relationship is about so much more than just if you get on if you support the same sport team if you watch the same TV shows those things can all be important by the end of the day you need compatible morals."
"The best friendships come from those ups and downs, those fights are necessary."
"Your goal is to figure out what questions you can ask to get them to talk about the things that they like."
"Love is not found, love is created through your actions."
"Speculation would transform into an endeavor to add value to existing relationships."
"Deepen friendships and invest in healthy female relationships."
"People always try to get whatever job they can get that gives them the most money. Whereas what they should be thinking about is what job gives me the most experience and the most relationships."
"That single brick is a foundation that I can use whenever I want to get in contact with anybody or establish credibility with my audience or customers."
"Strengthen your relationships and give you a more positive outlook on life."
"Expand your social circle with diverse and unconventional connections."
"When you really feel like you're connected with someone, you've given them a chance."
"These little steps are bringing you towards a gigantic, gorgeous relationship."
"My goal when I'm having an intimate conversation with somebody... I want the other person to feel like they could say anything that they genuinely believe and I'm not going to jump down their throat for it."
"Success is about consistent effort and building relationships."
"Sales is actually about listening, sales is actually about connecting with people, forming a relationship, building up trust."
"I started a family and I would like for you to be a part of it, bro."
"Let's build our marriage based on what the foundation of our love is."
"To attract and cultivate such love, you must first nurture and value yourself."
"This is someone that wants to work through a problem with you."
"We're Not Really Strangers... helps you get closer to other people... good conversation starter."
"A true relationship is built through shared vulnerability."
"Actually listening and caring and hearing what you're saying... that's how conversations will progress."
"They're going to stick around, they're going to form a bond with you."
"We built this from scratch. We don't need to force relationships."
"Positivity and optimism shape your outlook towards life. Create the relationship you want by affirming positive intentions."
"It's possible, it just takes a lot of work. It takes a while to meet good people."
"Guys can friend their way into a relationship with a girl."
"Long-term relationships are built on the conversations that are had in those moments of friction."
"If you want good friends, you have to be a good friend."
"Networking is only sleazy when you're trying to get something out of the connection, rather than giving."
"Once you get to know each other, the sky's the limit."
"Sometimes a little smile and a small greeting it breaks a lot of ice and they might come closer to Islam."
"This person really wants to get to know you better."
"Proximity and physical touch are crucial for building attraction and intimacy."
"Whatever you want will never be as great as the thing that you and someone else can build through joint compromise and sacrifice."
"This person does see themselves at some point in the future coming forward and building this connection."
"Build trust at first, then slowly over time we can modify the ask."
"How do we express that anger and how do we create bridge building healing dialogue?"
"There is a time to set something aside and focus on finding common ground with someone."
"Your whole life changes when you start having these tough conversations more often."
"This isn't the divine working on getting a couple together... this is working through the kinks, this is getting to know each other, this is opening up to each other, this is the healing energy between two people."
"They want to build this relationship on stable solid foundation."
"I've strengthened so many relationships over the quarantine through Zoom with the homies."
"Communication is the foundation of connection."
"I hope we continue to create lots of happy memories together."
"When you are in connection, relationship, or building with someone, you're not just introducing yourself; you're introducing what has been imparted into you."
"They're very thankful for this opportunity to get closer to you, to get to know you."
"There is almost nothing that will ingratiate you with other people more than talking about them in a positive way."
"The dream is to create a system that you can love and they can love you back."
"Building something with you, a life with you means more to me than having a flame or an affair or another distraction."
"Embrace The Challenge and it will result in you having more fulfilling connected loving relationships."
"They do really want this opportunity with you, they do really want this relationship with you."
"Knowing where clearly where you're looking, what you're looking for, and then building the relationships to bring you those deals."
"You can definitely build something amazing with this person."
"You don't come from a place of what's in it for me, you come from a place of what's in it for them and then you reverse engineer."
"This person wants to say sorry, 'I never meant to hurt you, I'm so sorry, will you forgive me? Can we start over? Can we build the foundation genuine differences?'"
"We'll have a dinner date in our bedroom, or we'll do a painting night, or we'll just sit and talk."
"People with more need for cognition and more closed mindedness... were able to differentiate various social identities."
"There are many different ways in getting a client to trust you."
"Focus on acceptance first and then the love will come... kind of like building a relationship with somebody."
"A relationship built over one minute, three minutes, five minutes, ten-minute moments is gonna be a really good relationship in the end."
"Maybe if you were broke and we could build together so it didn't look like I was with you for your money."
"Life is about daily connection, building that relationship still."
"Coming out allows people to develop as a whole individual, develop more genuine relationships, and develop a positive self-image."
"Don't feel obligated. Have fun, create the relationships that you want to have."
"You make a connection on TV and you build a relationship on YouTube. It's a very big difference."
"You certainly cannot befriend them or reach them or help them if you don't understand where they're coming from."
"We always have our best talks when we're walking."
"It's all designed to really start conversations and bring people closer."
"Marketing is transactional; relationship building is transformational."
"Who gives a crap if Jess or someone else hasn't had time? This is not about getting to the next week, it's about building a connection."
"Communicate - be vulnerable and clear about where you're coming from, work together to understand."
"For some, you actually have to build up your rapport and affinity before you could even get some of the quests or unlocks."
"Calling somebody and being consistent and talking to them to get to know them to see if they're worthy of a date, it's free."
"I love these talks that we have every evening."
"If two people can last on a date for 10 minutes, they can win an all expenses paid second date."
"I'm really happy I met you. It made me feel emotional."
"Ask good questions...questions that will take deeper dives...explore more about who the other person is."
"Come on man, don't be rude just because you're anonymous online. You could be building meaningful relationships that will keep that holiday depression at bay."
"But asking players to develop pre-existing relationships with other characters lightens that workload for everyone."
"The best things are built over time, things that are longest lasting."
"Your ultimate path to accomplishing this isn't by sharing data... but by having a loving, respectful relationship."
"Your every word creates an aura of romance and your jokes seem a little bit funnier. Building a relationship becomes a lot simpler."
"Helping creators grow, helping them connect with their audience...it's a way of fostering a relationship that can play out into the future."
"There's this obsessive strong desire for this new love and wanting to invest time in the connection."
"They want to heal a situation with you, they want to build up on something solid."
"He fucked with me because he actually took the time to listen."
"You have to establish relationships so that when there is that somebody, it's way up here."
"When you really love someone, you put careful time and effort into expressing your love."
"You've got to reconcile yourself, humble yourself, do whatever you gotta do to build the relationship."
"You seem to know that you can expect at least that and start building up a working base with your person."
"They were able to create compelling relationships."
"Creating rituals of connection, like regular date nights or weekly gatherings, ensures dedicated time for nurturing relationships amidst life's busyness."
"People do not care how much you know until they know how much you care."
"Making friendships and then getting close to people and building amazing relationships takes so much work."
"You're manifesting communication with someone who you need to forgive or they need to forgive."
"They want to make a psychological connection with you."
"Keep it simple is massive because it's about getting to know one another."
"We're excited to sit down with you, you know what I mean? That's the start."
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you really love somebody, you want to teach them how to fish."
"They realize that in order to have this with you, they are going to have to finally open up."
"Manifesting a crush and then just a relationship in general is a little bit different but they both boil down to the same first step: you have to learn to love yourself, you have to."
"The easiest way to bond with someone is to let them talk about themselves."
"You're gonna see eye to eye and you're gonna love on each other."
"The best way to get in good with the service folks is take them donuts once in a while."
"Heal past anger or resentment towards your parents before trying to build a relationship with them."
"A few days face-to-face without distraction can actually go a long way."
"They want to offer a new beginning and create a tangible relationship."
"Support me at new.love, get yourself some love notes."
"Building an awesome friendship with one another."
"Start building relationships, it's gotta get much better."
"Nurture connections that make you feel productive, positive, hopeful."
"I'm in love with you and I'm ready to take action. I want to build a beautiful life with you."
"That's another thing that people have to understand, like don't be afraid to build not only with your assistants but with anybody."
"Hopefully that's something that people can forge over time with their partners."
"Healthy fascia could result in greater physical strength, more explosiveness, greater flexibility, and even improved balance and agility."
"Handling exercises are crucial for trust and relationship building."
"Parenting is not a role you assume, it's the relationship you create."
"Experiments bring you closer to family... experimenting."