
Minimalism Quotes

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"I love that the minimalist design helps elevate any space. It's also very supportive for your mattress."
"Most of what we do and say is not essential. When you eliminate the inessential, you get the double benefit of doing the essential things better."
"Stop wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions."
"You are gonna find that you're gonna stop yourself from buying a whole bunch of unnecessary crap that you're never going to use just by thinking about it for one day."
"By living with less, all of a sudden, we had more time in our hands to do the things that we enjoy doing."
"The zero-waste lifestyle is about living more. It's about enjoying life. It's a lifestyle based on experiences instead of things."
"Good design is honest, good design is aesthetic, good design is as little design as possible."
"Perfection isn’t achieved when there’s nothing left to add, but when there’s nothing left to take away."
"The simplest way that you can start saving some money is just stop paying for the things that you're not using anymore."
"I had no idea that getting rid of stuff would teach me all of this. I just thought it would be nice to be able to open a closet and not have things fall on me."
"Minimalism isn't prison; it isn't restrictive. In fact, the opposite is true. I have never had so much freedom in my life as I've experienced in this last year of adopting minimalism."
"I've learned so much about self-confidence, about being true to myself. I've learned so much about tuning out other people's opinions about me."
"The extent to which he managed to convey so many of the book's ideas without heavy recourse on dialogue is quite remarkable."
"I removed all of the fluff and went only to the essential."
"Start off really really small... a Minimal Viable Product... is the smallest version of your product... that you can feasibly get in front of people."
"There's something to be said for simplicity and minimalism, especially in footwear."
"Buying from ethical, sustainable brands, if you can afford to, is awesome. But probably the most important thing you would need to do to shop sustainably is just to buy only what you need."
"You do not need a fancy hydro flask or a swell water bottle. Any reusable bottle will do."
"Reduce means to buy as few things as you need."
"Minimalism is a tool to help you achieve freedom."
"Minimalism is the thing that gets us past the things so we can focus on life's most important things - which actually aren't things at all."
"Minimalism is a tool to eliminate life's excess, focus on the essentials, and find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom."
"Neither seek nor avoid. Few activities, few possessions, a minimalistic life."
"Keep your life simple and Spartan; don't over clutter your life not just with objects but also with all kinds of social obligations and commitments."
"I grabbed an old notebook that I had laying around... I thought it would be the perfect notebook to use to kind of show you how a more simplistic, minimalist bullet journal works."
"Minimalism is awesome and you don't need to declutter your entire home down to eight suitcases to see the benefits of minimalism."
"In my personal philosophy of Eco minimalism, you're buying as few things new as you can to have the least impact on the planet as you can."
"Toriyama's work was defined by bold, distinctive, expressive characters built from clean, simple shapes."
"Bus life was minimalism; it was getting down to the nitty-gritty what is truly important."
"Less is better. You don't realize that. I know you're getting a whole bunch of information that convinces you the more you do the better the results, but it's not true."
"Minimalism is highly underrated...we simply do not have time for stuff that doesn't add value to our lives."
"You probably don't actually need as much money as you think to achieve financial independence."
"Mid-century modern style features clean lines, simple shapes, and a minimalist approach, often including bold colors and geometric patterns."
"Abandoning wants. Most of what we have in our lives we don't need."
"I never want to have that feeling again where I feel like I need to have stuff just for the sake of having it."
"Getting rid of just-in-case items... clears one's mind, frees up their space, and takes the weight off his or her shoulders."
"I don't own much, but the things I do own add immense value to my life."
"Letting go of your DVD collection... live your life instead. There is an entire world out there and there's so much value you can add to that world."
"Once I got everything out of the way, I started to feel rich. For the first time in my life, I felt rich."
"More is not always more when it comes to skincare."
"Skincare minimalism: Using very few products, the simpler the better."
"Minimalism isn't about not buying anymore, it's about being more deliberate with the resources we have."
"Less is more, and I think the best designs in art, in cars, and in knives is just putting on the bare minimum that makes the design work, and then leaving it alone."
"All minimalism is, is focusing on the core, what's important - whatever that happens to mean to you - and getting rid of the excess, getting rid of all the stuff that doesn't matter."
"We're never more ourselves than when we're buying and surrounding ourselves with exactly the things that serve us, that give us value and nothing more than that."
"Skincare minimalism is about doing what your skin needs but not overdoing it."
"The secret of success is to be able to get rid of stuff."
"It's simple, it's clean, it speaks to my audience, and it doesn't get in the way."
"Ultimately you need to buy less. Right now, you need to buy less, need to throw away less, and they need to make do and mend more."
"The government that governs best governs least, focusing on life, liberty, and property."
"The only thing you really need to be in the game is a switchblade. That's the only requirement."
"Minimalism is so inspiring. Having less is so cool and it can really just lift a lot of burden and weight off of our shoulders."
"Minimalism guilt - there's nothing wrong with having things in your house that you enjoy."
"Consume memories, not items. Get out of your house and go places and be with people."
"Minimalism is not to esteem oneself but it's a way to simplify your life and make your life maybe a little bit more manageable and enjoyable."
"Minimalism. A tool to rid yourself of life's excess in favor of focusing on what's important, so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom!"
"Removing the clutter in your life so that you discover what you truly value."
"I don't like drama. I want to keep it minimal."
"Minimalism isn't about deprivation; it's about finding more value in the things you own."
"Minimalism was a way for me to figure out what are the things that are truly going to add value to my life."
"It's not about the proselytizing of minimalism; it's about showing people what the benefits are."
"Minimalism is just the thing that gets us past the thing so we can make room for life's most important things, which aren't things at all."
"The only way to consider less is to identify what is enough in my life."
"Minimalism is good for you. It feels good getting unneeded stuff out of the house. It also helps you save money because it stops you from buying things you don't need."
"Minimalism is actually about living a bigger, fuller life. It's about removing distractions to promote those things that are most important to you."
"Minimalism didn't change my values, but it allowed me to pursue them."
"You don't need nearly as much as what the advertisements tell you that you need."
"Love people, use things because the opposite never works."
"Minimalism isn't about getting rid of every single thing... it's about the things that you need in your space in order to function."
"Minimalism isn't the end game; it's a means to an end. The goal for me is to live a life that is simplified enough to bring my home and my brain peace so that I can enjoy all the wonderful things that I've worked for and dreamed about and have been blessed with."
"Imagine a life with less: less stuff, less clutter, less stress and debt and discontent. A life with fewer distractions."
"The minimalist lifestyle begins with this simple question: How might your life be better if you owned fewer material possessions?"
"For minimalists, an object that enhances life answers two questions affirmatively: one, does it serve a purpose in my life? And two, does it bring me joy?"
"I get such a burst of joy walking into a room that's light, airy, and clean with uncluttered space and surfaces."
"Minimalism isn't about restriction; it's about freedom. Freedom from clutter and visual noise that weighs you down."
"Minimalism clears out the clutter and distractions from your life and clears the way for doing more of what you love."
"Minimalism means getting rid of all the stuff that you don't need. So I did exactly that. I removed everything I didn't need from my life, including you and your mom."
"Minimalism is an excellent way to help you establish what it is you actually want to be doing with your time."
"Reduce that visual clutter... find peace in your space because it really should be a sanctuary."
"Minimalism is an effective tool for goal-setting because it helps you to establish your values."
"Look for kitchen items that can serve multiple purposes to replace multiple gadgets in your kitchen."
"Pick one wall in your home that you see on a daily basis and take everything off of it...see if it changes your mood throughout the week."
"Being a minimalist means you have to cut out things from your life, but if that thing is something that makes you happy, you don't have to cut it out."
"Minimalism looks different for everybody. For me, it is rooted and based in intentionality, living with what we need and saying no to everything else."
"Minimalism has a massive impact on how you use money."
"Minimalism is a tool to get rid of life's excesses in favor of focusing on what's important so that you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom."
"Ask yourself the question: What is necessary and what is superfluous right now in my life?"
"Minimalism can be used to declutter your life of excess things, fear, guilt, worry, stress, and consumerism."
"Minimalism has enabled me with the mindset and the strength to give up alcohol."
"Minimalism is kind of the way for all forms of art if we're thinking about it."
"Minimalism isn't just about decluttering your physical space, it's about decluttering your life and mind to make room for more meaningful pursuits."
"Minimalism breeds satisfaction in what you've got."
"I get more joy from feeling free and light than having lots of material things."
"Having reduced my wardrobe has forced me to focus on defining my style."
"Minimalism means being intentional with the way that you live your life and trying to get rid of anything that doesn't align with your values and beliefs."
"Minimalism isn't about never buying anything ever again but rather aligning the way that I spend my money with the things that matter to my family and myself."
"Buying eco-friendly items is really cool, and I feel like minimalism and that eco-consciousism really go hand in hand in a lot of ways."
"Sometimes minimalism it's not just trying to do something different... sometimes it may just be letting it go."
"Minimalism is not a list of do's and don'ts. It is a guiding principle to help you stay on a course that's going to bring you less stress, more joy, more fulfillment, and help you be more intentional."
"One month of a minimalist closet saved me time, made me feel calmer and more put together, and curtailed my desire to buy new stuff."
"We never know what we've got until it's gone. But when we practice minimalism, we give ourselves the opportunity to appreciate the things we have before they're gone."
"The Art of War is to win with the minimum Bloodshed and the minimum violence."
"If the kids do not pick up their toys once they're done playing, it tells me that that toy is no longer important to them, and so I take the initiative to pick up that toy and donate it."
"Everything else was a waste of time, except for the orange slices. That's a green for me."
"Nobody needs this stuff, you know, if you can live your life and feel good about yourself without any of it, then more power to you."
"I really liked the idea of it and sort of the ethos of it of minimalism and sort of the values associated with living with tiny house living."
"It's surprising how much stuff is coming out of the tiny homes."
"One of the greatest benefits of living tiny is that when you mess up your house and have to clean it, it doesn't take very long."
"It opens up your lifestyle to be able to go do the things that you want to do."
"I want less of the stuff that doesn't matter so I can have more of what really does."
"It's better to have less of what doesn't matter and more of what does."
"Your life is too valuable, your calling too great, and your God too good to waste your life on stuff that does not last."
"Better is one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and a chasing after the wind."
"What if the stuff you have is actually robbing you from the life that you want?"
"Owning less is way better than organizing more."
"Simplification is an essential ingredient to minimalism."
"Perfect placement with everything... simplification... only the elements are here that are needed."
"Start thinking about negative space, start thinking about simplification, and maybe even start thinking about minimalism a little bit."
"Let everything else go. The goal during hard times is to adhere more or less to some workable minimal routine."
"When you cannot have everything, establish priorities: health, safety, and comfort matter more than appearances."
"I believe in fit over fashion, quality over quantity, and minimalism. Travel light, go far."
"Princess Anne... does it with such minimum fuss and has done for years."
"Making do is all about understanding that you don't need the latest and greatest to feel like life is the greatest."
"Doing without is all about what you actually need to survive... there is so much in our modern world that we don't actually need."
"There is so much to her work, but at the same time, she wrote only a few books and there's very little for us to go upon. Her words were so powerful that she changed the world in many ways, and her affirmations are amazing."
"Quiet quitting refers to the trend of quitting doing anything 'above and beyond' at work, and only doing what's actually in your job description and then clocking out at the end of each day."
"True wealth, according to Epicurus, does not lie in possessing many possessions but in having few needs."
"I'm not taking anything else out of here besides like trash. I'm literally just cleaning."
"What's the least amount of food I can eat and maintain my muscle mass, maintain my energy, not get sick, and most importantly, not be hungry?"
"I'm really trying to keep things minimal and simple but still impactful."
"I've always wanted to live this simple life in a tiny space."
"We don't have much here, but what we do have is fighting spirit."
"Living tiny has taught us to refocus on the things that are important and sharing those things."
"I really strive to live simply and so for me, this tiny house and this homestead that I've created allow me to live the simple life that I desire."
"The more that I've basically simplified my life, the less needs that I have, the more that I'm able to help meet other people's needs."
"The reason I live with less, is that I can live with more so that I can spend time with the people that I love."
"Living with less so that I can have more life."
"One of the easiest ways to make your space feel cohesive quickly is to intentionally minimize your color palette."
"Less is more, and the more prepared that you are, really the less that you need to trade."
"It actually feels really nice and light; there's something very cathartic about just getting rid of these things."
"I really want to go much more minimal with all the things that I have. I'm tired of spending so much time cleaning and organizing all the things that we have and I want to own my time."
"Decluttering is not just about getting rid of stuff; it's about creating room for what truly matters."
"Decluttering also helps you realize what you need, not just what you need to get rid of."
"Let go of the money that you spent on it and just keep in mind if it doesn't benefit your life now, go ahead and let it go and stop paying for it."
"In two years' time, I decluttered my entire life and we got rid of close to 90% of our stuff."
"You can feel overwhelmed when our things are organized just because you have too many things. So even if everything looks beautiful and everything is nice and organized, if you have too much of something, it can still feel very, very overwhelming."
"Marie Kondo's method revolves around the idea that we should focus on keeping items that spark joy."
"Every single thing in my home either benefits me, or it doesn't. And if it doesn't benefit me, then it ends up costing me something, either time devoted to managing it or the space to store it."
"People, you don't have to buy stuff to get organized. The first step is decluttering."
"Less stuff in your house actually makes those chores and housework go smoother."
"Progress over perfection. Eight minutes spent putting together this much stuff to get out of our house is eight minutes that I made progress."
"I have taken a year to get rid of over 80% of my stuff."
"Many people have equated my tidying method with minimalism, but it's quite different. Minimalism advocates living with less; the KonMari method encourages living among items you truly cherish."
"We got rid of 90% of the stuff in our garage."
"Being honest about the stuff that I actually use, not just holding on to things because I might use them in the future."
"The government that governs best governs least." - Peter Schiff quoting Thomas Jefferson
"The more you take care of yourself inside out, the less you need in terms of makeup."
"The minimalistic design approach, focusing on the clean lines and sleek aesthetic, makes this phone truly modern and futuristic."
"Personally, I have made the decision to own less clothing, but spend more money on quality, and more time on making things myself."
"It's such a shallow experience, and yet it doesn't feel unfinished. It's like serving up a plain omelet and proclaiming it the future of culinary expression."
"I don't need a private jet. All I need is God and God's word. That's it."
"I've embraced life with fewer and fewer tools. I've purged over half my shop since June and I've been having an absolute blast reworking my entire shop into a super efficient, more minimal system."
"An essential is a thing that is absolutely necessary, but one of the principles of minimalism means that it's up to each of us to define what is essential to us."
"There's something beautiful about having a minimalist life and having things that you really cherish."
"Noted: less is always better. Everybody is beautiful so you don't need like three pounds of makeup on your face."
"It's using tiny amounts but it's thoughtful makeup, it's strategic, and it really does make a huge difference."
"You appreciate things only when you can do without them."
"You don't need money... you do need is a purpose and a mission."
"I don't ever want the stuff in my home to feel like it is controlling me. I always want to feel like I have control over it."
"I'm pretty simple... I don't need much to be happy."
"Less is more when you find that's no longer true, it's time for a break."
"Showing not telling: don't explain any more than you really need to."
"Modules support clean code, minimizes dependencies."
"Ann Ordain Model One Plum: artisanal approach to minimalism."
"Max Bill Automatic: a gateway into minimalist design."
"The meaning we find in life is mostly not in our stuff."
"The only way to be truly free was to own nothing."
"There is an unconditional power that makes you not need anything or need very little that inner peace exists it's no longer a mystical experience it is but it's not far away."
"Give us the tools, we will finish the job. We are not asking for more. We are not asking you to fight for us. We'll do it ourselves."
"Photography is not about what you put in the photo, it's about what you leave out."
"We've really scaled back on the gift giving in our own house."
"The key to real leash training has very little to do with the leash at all."
"Avoid bringing too much stuff to the parks; pack light for comfort."
"Just do the bare minimum to take care of your own kids and parent them and teach them how to be contributing decent members of society."
"Saying very few things that have a large impact."
"Stanley, the game was perfect. It didn't need anything else. It just needed to be left alone."
"Choose your strokes thoughtfully, allowing the beauty of simplicity to elevate your surroundings."
"We are going to start out with what Ray was talking about, with what was probably the least sport-oriented watch."
"Everybody should almost experience that to know that they can have a great deal of freedom without a great deal of money."
"I let go of wanting things from people, expectations, wanting to be right or wrong, understanding, wanting success, wanting money."
"A lot of people are waking up to this stuff, saying, 'I want experiences in life, not stuff.'"
"You don't need a lot to be incredibly happy."
"I am a big believer in using what you have and trying not to buy brand new if you don't need to."
"Sometimes less dialogue can get more across."
"Decluttering your closet... go into the year with only the clothes specifically that you love and enjoy."
"Cut out the unnecessary, enjoy financial stability and new perspectives."
"The best way you can practice your survival methods a lot is actually to limit yourself on what you take out."
"I genuinely think that is the best way to engage with this. No further engagement than that."
"When we truly embody it and start living it, then we really can begin to achieve more by doing less."
"The big objection to our world, the health and wellness world, is I don't have the time, I don't have the resources. Well, there's good news, there's so much you can do if you have minimal time or minimal resources."