
Selflessness Quotes

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"What makes a good SEAL is someone that puts the team before themselves."
"You are at your absolute best when you get beyond yourself."
"I don't consider myself a super moral person or a religious person... but it's kind of a moral test for our society: Are you willing to put your selfishness aside enough to protect your selfish interests?"
"We need a complete cultural change away from self-absorption to a world where people have more inner strength and are more caring to each other."
"It's the first time I really understood love because I didn't have anything to give."
"In a world where people can take lives with only a flick of their finger, it is not enough to only take care of yourself."
"Love is the humiliated self extant. What love cares about more than anything else is the good of the other."
"It's okay to be selfless, especially with the right people."
"One of the most important things whether you're looking in the Christian literature or the Buddhist literature or Jewish literature or Hindi literature, it doesn't matter. All of the meditative traditions within those classical schools of thought are saying the most important thing is that you become less focused on yourself, caring only about yourself, less selfish as it were and more open to the needs of others."
"You would pass along a good opportunity if you thought someone else needed it more."
"True love is not receiving love; true love is giving love. True love is being love."
"Her swift action and disregard for her own safety spoke volumes of her character and dedication."
"Life is a training ground to teach you how to love and how to be selfless."
"The more selfish you are in life, the worse your life will be; the more selfless you are in life, the better your life will be."
"The love of Christ for me motivates me to give my life away, to live the selfless life."
"Altruism is the belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others."
"Love does not conquer or label or control; it only gives and serve. That's real love."
"It's important to be selfless and care for others."
"Tyrea Pryor... selflessly helping a lady across the car park. It was pouring down rain in Independence, Missouri, but that didn't stop Tyria from taking his coat and draping it over her to keep her dry."
"You want to prove you're not selfish? Here's the perfect test. There's something fun that you wanna do, and then there's something less fun that people are doing for the common good."
"I do [ __ ] for people that I know would never do [ __ ] for me, but I do it 'cause like, man, that just who I am. It feels good to do that."
"Your life has meaning if you have affected...something beyond yourself."
"A big theme for me is I want to be less self-involved and more thinking about how am I being a good sister, how am I being a good daughter, how am I treating my friends."
"Remember, humility is not thinking less of yourself; it's thinking of yourself less."
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less."
"You are not enough, but you still can do great things. They may not bring you glory; they may even bring you pain and suffering, but if you put the good of others before your own needs and wants, you will find true and lasting happiness."
"Write characters whose defining moments do not come as they realize their own worth and value that they themselves are efficient, but rather as they decide to take selfless action for the good of others."
"Let's focus on the places where you can do the most good rather than the places where it makes us feel the best about ourselves."
"Self-centeredness is the problem, service-centeredness is the solution."
"God is perfect selflessness, God is perfect love."
"Relief from the bondage of self comes when you forget yourself and help someone else."
"To be another lover, you have to be able to freely give all of yourself to someone."
"Change the world by for good by putting others before yourself."
"Listen, it's not about me though, it's not about me."
"The most selfish thing you can do in this world is help someone else."
"Love is selfless. Love is sacrificial. It's not just love of self; it's love of the woman in our life, love of family, love of our calling, love of our destiny."
"But what makes him a standout hero is his selflessness and his incredible capacity for forgiveness."
"The bigger you get, the more responsible you feel. It's actually not about me anymore."
"The successful life is a life dedicated to service, not getting dedicated to accumulation."
"This selflessness is perhaps the most key issue in winning a VC."
"His bravery was suicidal and utterly selfless."
"Giving of your love at a spiritual level is something so profound and amazing, we've been taught by all the great spiritual leaders to give love without expectation of return."
"Blessed is the man who strives against his own selfishness; he will taste in its fullness the joy of accomplishment."
"Being a mother is the most selfless role you'll ever play in your life."
"Nowadays it's more common for 'purity of heart' to be equated with Selflessness."
"Selflessness and love are the two main ingredients, and I feel like we have that."
"Wisdom is aligning yourself with this process and moving directly towards selflessness as soon as you can, without detours, distractions, games, defense mechanisms, and all that other stuff that we call human life."
"Selflessness, honestly, commitment to service."
"I care more about myself than a stranger but I'm still called upon to run into a burning building to pull the stranger out."
"He literally gifts his life for another, the ultimate act of selflessness, destroying his greed and completing his psychological journey in this war arc."
"In love, you find meaning and purpose through putting the needs of another above your own."
"You want to feel like you are making a difference in the world by doing something that's selfless."
"Love is about kindness, compassion, patience, understanding, a willingness to be selfless."
"But then from there, we've got to start reframing this whole idea that thinking about how you're presenting yourself is an act of taking, and we've got to show that considering the way you're presenting yourself and understanding others is actually the ultimate act of selflessness and giving."
"If ever faced with the choice of me or my children, or me or my significant other, they always choose their children's happiness or their significant other's happiness over themselves."
"Your selfless act did not go unnoticed. Thank you, Kansas City."
"What if you were able to... stop thinking about themselves and start thinking about 'we'?"
"We find responsibility in our contribution; we find our value and our selflessness."
"You don't realize your full potential if you're just thinking about yourself."
"That selflessness when you come home from work and your little five-year-old just runs to you, 'Welcome home, mummy.'"
"You and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond our self."
"Service and love, again turning down the ego, learning the tools to turn up the voice of your heroism, is not just a recipe for happiness but also to materialize whatever you want."
"I am not here by myself, but I am not here for myself."
"He has no desire to become the strongest or seek recognition from others. His is a very modest, selfless desire, which in my opinion is very admirable."
"Philippians 2:3-4: Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, rather in humility value others above yourselves."
"The real thing is really... not defined by what I can get out of it."
"This isn't about more money, more fame, more riches; it's about understanding a greater sacrifice and self-offering."
"It's one of the few times in my life I feel like another person is taking care of me in a way that's totally selfless."
"A great relationship is when you stop thinking about your needs and you just say, 'I'm going to give to this person.'"
"It's not about how I want to be remembered; it's about what I'm going to leave behind that will be useful."
"Loving for the sake of God means doing things not for human appreciation or return, but for the pleasure of God Almighty, so my reward is with Him."
"Jesus said that if you seek to save yourself, you'll lose yourself. But if you give yourself over for my sake, you'll save yourself in the process."
"Loving yourself or growing yourself or wanting to be better is the best form of selfishness when the aim is selfless."
"How selfish is good? Is it good to be selfish or is it good to be selfless?"
"In humility count others more significant than yourselves."
"She got herself out to the war by her own efforts... and at her own expense, risked her life to bring comfort to the wounded and dying soldiers."
"True human greatness lies in putting others before yourself."
"Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself."
"You ain't living if you're not loving anything greater than yourself."
"If you don't have a purpose that's greater than yourself, you will never feel fulfilled."
"Because thou hast asked this thing and hast not asked for thyself long life, neither hast asked riches for thyself... behold, I have done according to thy words."
"A person first starts to live when he can live outside of himself."
"I think of that as the virtue of reverence, and I think reverence is to properly realize the relevance of something that should be given a priority even over yourself."
"When a person loses herself or himself, she or he immediately finds himself in the service of all that lives."
"All this time, he has always risked his life while fighting against monsters and demons to protect humanity."
"Give of yourself, give of your substance, and you will cease to be troubled with the penalties of selfishness."
"Coming out as a vegan animal rights activist as somebody who cares beyond themselves is much more special."
"I just want to look back at my life and know that I did something worthwhile that helped people. It's paradoxical but the less you focus on your own happiness and focus on others the happier you'll be. Try it out, you can always go back to being selfish."
"This is a united national effort and the spirit of selflessness shown by so many is truly inspiring."
"My goal is to be selfless when it matters the most and selfish when it matters the most."
"The secret to anyone who succeeded is they found something they care about more than themselves."
"To be a good teammate, you've got to do stuff for the team, not just for yourself, for you guys to be able to win."
"A lot of selflessness, wanting to do things in the bigger picture."
"Once you have kids, it's not about you anymore."
"Arthur Maxon wasn't in this for his own ego, his own pride, his own glory."
"All of her feelings, all of her attentions flowed outward. She had no ego."
"I hope you're proud of yourself for the times you've said yes, when all it meant was extra work for you and was seemingly helpful only to someone else."
"Every relationship is not about you; they are about the other person. If you want to do you, stay single."
"This is not about me; it's not about any of us; it's about getting to the truth."
"Selflessness is one of the greatest qualities of a Godly person."
"Paradise is the state of being spiritual, the state of having no thoughts and the state of selflessness."
"He puts others before himself and even if Soldier isn't everything he thought it was, he doesn't ever get discouraged."
"Donald realizes that he's constantly putting his life on the line for others and that in itself is its own superpower."
"You and I are at our absolute best when we get beyond ourselves."
"Christian means to die to yourself and serve and in that, you find life and joy."
"He would only put himself in the most perilous situations; he wouldn't ask any of us to do it."
"You ran towards danger without pause, without hesitation."
"You readily help people while asking nothing in return."
"Being married and happy, you cannot be a selfish person. Your life should revolve around selflessness."
"Try to be of service to others too, help other people don't make it all just about you."
"I don't even want to win; I just want to protect my people."
"The best work actually happens when you're free of ego, when you remove yourself from the equation."
"Contentment lies in adopting what the Almighty says we should be adopting. Never be selfish. When you are selfish, you cannot be content."
"You start to shift from like 'me, me, me, look what I've done' to like, 'hey, can I help somebody or can I be part of something that has value?'"
"The Lord needs selfless men who put the welfare of others ahead of their own."
"I want you to consider a world and a life bigger than your own."
"It's not selfish to look after yourself. It's actually selfless."
"Pisces are very friendly and selfless, willing to help others."
"I appreciate that you wanted to do it for me even though you knew I wouldn't do it for myself."
"In the midst of a miracle of serving, there is the promise of Jesus that by losing ourselves we find ourselves."
"The exact opposite of pride is love... love looks up, willing to raise someone above yourself."
"It's not about you, it's about what's best for the kid."
"We have to start living for others and not for ourselves."
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or empty pride, but in humility consider others more important than yourselves."
"One of the most accepted - as are those duas made for someone else without them knowing that you've even made it."
"Sometimes we have to think about things that are greater than ourselves. Always think about those people who not only look up to you but the legacy that you're leaving behind."
"We spend so much time thinking about others and putting others over ourselves."
"She was somebody who always put others before herself."
"I don't know that he's ever asked for anything."
"Contribution mindset focusing on contributing to others more than getting for yourself is so powerful."
"The general who advances without coveting fame, who only seeks to protect his country, is the jewel of the kingdom."
"Service above self. In other words, contribution, impact, service."
"Give yourself over to your spouse, truly give all of you."
"There's no greater love than this to lay down your life for a friend."
"This is about collective uplift, it's not about just you showing off."
"It's very important that you understand that this is pure selflessness for us."
"He was an incredibly selfless man. He put his life at risk enlisting in a civil war in order to earn money and buy land for his family."
"Giving is only when you expect nothing in return."
"It was through this final, purely selfless act that they were able to work towards mutual forgiveness with their former enemies."
"Hashirama's kindness and selflessness, placing others before himself."
"You have to be selfish before you're selfless."
"They're inspiring because they put others ahead of themselves, because they had perspective, and because they did the right thing even when it was really hard."
"Do it because it's the right thing to do... expecting nothing in return."
"Serving others is not a means to an end... it's not about me, it's about blessing others."
"You bring to the table what you have and serve your people well."
"He did it selflessly and does not ask for anything in return."
"You don't get reward for those things, so you would have wasted your time if you do with the right heart to help people, no matter how small."
"Legacy isn't about personal achievement, it's about the impact you have on others."
"He always wanted everyone else to be strong, he was always focused on everybody else."
"For some folks and myself included, I think it's easier to focus on what can I actually do for you as opposed to how wonderful of a person am I."
"Happiness actually is in me offering all of my suffering up for other people."
"We were surrounded by extreme levels of selflessness."
"I don't care about dying, I'll sacrifice myself just to get where I need to be."
"Christmas is about giving, it's not about getting."
"How beautiful is that? How selfless is that? How giving is that?"
"Jesus our beloved savior beckons us to release our worries and cares to Step Beyond the confines of self-centeredness and to live for him."
"The secret to life is to get outside yourself and find a way to add value to others."
"It's not about egos. It's not about being selfish. It's about doing the right things for the team. That's how you build a successful program."
"Help us, Lord, to be selfless, preferring others."
"Be ready to be selfless. Put everybody in front of you and make their interests ahead of yours and you'll be successful."
"Children, I think that is you realize somebody else's happiness is more important than your own, and that's a very important thing for a man."
"Being a real friend is facing adversity and prioritizing people over yourself."
"I'm being less selfish. I look at things from other people's point of view."
"Bonnie's concern wasn't for herself... all she wanted was for her dad to stop getting hurt."
"His unbelievable ability to care for others, to plan, to think on the spot, and to put others before himself even when it might mean certain death is astonishing."
"He's the greatest teammate in the sense that he only cares about the win and he doesn't care about the spotlight at all."
"If you put the team before myself, if I put the mission and the team before myself, and by being a good team player, I lift up Jordan... I'm 100% going to win."
"A hero will selflessly place something greater over themselves while a villain will succumb to selfishness."
"She's doing it to save those girls, she's not even doing it for herself."
"Don't be selfish. Don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself." - Philippians 2:3
"Love doesn't expect anything in return for its actions. Love itself is the reward."
"He sacrificed it all to become part of something greater than himself."
"Acts of great kindness are done without expectation."
"The essence of love is agape... it is the love that is so selfless that it is willing to sacrifice whatever needs to be sacrificed for the betterment of the other person."
"My feelings don't matter, that baby matters, her life matters."
"Looks so selfless, he's so thankful for entertainment value for content."
"At the end of the day, it's not about my life, it's about your life."
"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves."
"Sometimes you do something that makes a change and you don't get rewarded for that personally but that's part of life mate."
"The path to True Redemption is a recognition that it's about others."
"The secret sauce of happiness... When you can transcend your ego, get outside yourself, and invest yourself in somebody else's problem or issue, all your bullshit tends to evaporate."
"Helping other people really helped me. I was self-centered, selfish."
"That is the exact person that would give their life for somebody else, and in this case, it's Daniel."
"A true hero is one who stands up for others without any power."
"Deku's first priority was always about saving others and expecting nothing in return."
"Don't just think about what you've lost, but now think about what can you do for someone else."
"Just being extremely unselfish... making the right play."
"The best way to define love is that you have someone in your life whose happiness is more important than your own."
"The self-healing journey is... the most selfless thing that you can do."
"17 representing Universe 7 was the winner and sole survivor and while his dream was to own a luxury boat he instead did the selfless thing."
"Goodness above their own personal self-interest."
"I had to say some very selfless things and say you go live your dreams I'll be here."
"It's less about 'look at me' and more about 'look at you, here's what you can do.'"
"The best gift it is kind of humbling when you realize the best gift you can do is not do something."
"It's not about personal wealth, personal greed, you know, it's about everybody, you know, building a team."
"Real strength, real conviction is when something doesn't benefit you, is it the right thing?"
"If you want to be recognized for being a good parent, you've missed the point."
"You might not get the miracle, but you can be the miracle."
"It's really important to choose yourself over everything, not being selfish but selfless."
"Blippo, in general, is way more selfless... he would just TP in situations that would be sub-optimal for him if he thought it was a game-winning play."