
Best Effort Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"You make the best decision that you can with the information that you have at the time."
"The best we can do is one, make the best decision we can make with the information we have at the time."
"You did the best with the information you were given at the time."
"I'm going to try my best to make each individual animal's pen look unique."
"If you go out with the intention to be the best that you can be, then you're going to have the best returns regardless of the outcome."
"Thank you for being your Mythical best in contributing."
"A character that can appeal to everyone for whatever reason you are drawn to them is not an easy task..."
"This movie is kind of the best you can do with what you're given."
"Every mom and dad out there wants to be able to look at their kids and say, 'I'm doing the best that I can.'"
"I just did the best that I could."
"Just do your best, run the cleanest fire you can."
"Since it is a new day, the theme of today is do our best. Actually, that's the theme of kind of every day, but especially today."
"Just do your best and just know that you're okay man, however you are, you're okay."
"Give it your all and do your very, very best."
"We've got to give it our very best for our spouse's sake, for our own, for the sake of the world."
"Solve the problem at hand today, you're doing the very best you can with what you have."
"You're showing up today to do your best work, not just to get through this time but to do your best work within this time."
"We were just playing the cards we were dealt, couldn't have played it any better."
"Wherever you land, that's where God wants you to be, and you're going to do the best wherever you are."
"Not many people get this opportunity, so I'm gonna take it and try to make the best of it."
"They say third time's the charm; let's do this one more time, make this the best one yet."
"Breathe and smile, good last round, make this the best one yet."
"This is the best that we have available to us."
"I think today's lineup is definitely the best to date."
"Always give the very first and fullest that you can produce for Christ."
"You have to get beat with your best."
"I'm going to love you the best I can."
"Let's do something new today; let's do something we can do the best today."
"It's your best right now, and it's always about right now."
"You just do your best, but the first overriding priority is to save a life if you can."
"We're working on just having fun, not trying to be too perfect, but just going out there doing our best."
"There's nobody better than you when you give your best."
"I'm giving you the best I know how."
"If we only have one day, we're gonna make the best of it."
"All you can do is make the best decision you can at the time you have."
"Let's make this day the most amazing day we can."
"They love knowing that they are giving and doing their best in whatever it is they do."
"Everyone makes the best decisions that they can with the information that they have at that given point."
"Sometimes the first one is your best shot."
"Embrace it all and know that you're doing the best."
"So this is going to be our best go. Last one. Best one."
"We're just gonna do our best kind of organized information."
"Do your best, work from your heart for your real master, for God."
"I focus on myself, mind my business, and try to do the best I can by the people around me."
"Just be healthy, do the best you can, that's different for everyone."
"We tried to make the best decisions that we could in the circumstances we were in at the time."
"I'm working on being the best mom I could be."
"Sometimes we get so caught up in winning that we forget it's important to just do our best."
"Simply focus on doing your best and everything will work out fine."
"Both men trying to do their very best, and proceeding to do what they thought was right for the kingdom."
"Keep doing your best, whatever it is that means."
"We don't judge anybody, so you always do the best for your situation."
"Make the best choice you can and then walk away from that decision feeling like you couldn't have done any better."