
Generations Quotes

There are 750 quotes

"He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers."
"The children of this world are wiser in their own generation than the children of light."
"It's really special that our kids will get to know their great grandpa."
"It's the existential threat of not this generation but the whole world."
"Celebrate all the moms, the grandmoms, and the great-grandmothers."
"Human beings have a tendency to categorize things, even if unnecessary, creating something we call generations."
"We're raising the first generation that will have a shorter life expectancy than either their parents or grandparents."
"It's very easy to market to millennials because millennials want to look good. Gen Z wants to feel good."
"The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It's one of the never-ending cycles in life."
"Never too late because look how many generations you'll be able to impact and change."
"This could be the new 'Cat in the Hat' for some generation."
"A society is a contract... between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born."
"We are beneficiaries of what previous generations endowed us with; we also want to pass on something to our children that is even better."
"Respect young people just as I respect old people."
"If Millennials were the first generation to grow up with the web, Gen Z were the first generation to grow up permanently online."
"Breakfast is one of our new ways in, and apparently Ranch is the condiment of choice for Millennials and Gen Z."
"We have newborn babies and people in their 80s living here, creating a cross-generational, inclusive environment."
"Love each other, love our democracy, love future generations."
"This particular issue does not feel partisan, if anything it maybe feels generational."
"People are leaving an entire generation abandoned."
"Wow, four generations, they're going further than I expected."
"Every generation has been trying to figure out what these symbols and images mean."
"I had three generations of music because my dad was born in the 40s, my mom was born in the 60s, and I'm born in the 90s."
"Nice to see youngsters get excited about a launch and he is 72 years old."
"His daughter grew into an adult, gave birth to two boys and one girl, and they had their own offspring."
"I am gen X... but now it's... socialist millennials that we get and turn them into fierce capitalists."
"Gen Z and Millennials are starting to push back on this stuff."
"Our parents get sold on a story that never belonged to them."
"Seeing Generations pass in hours, not years, is fascinating."
"Realistically, by the time we were old enough to kind of game, like the PlayStation was already out."
"They're trying to control the Millennials, the biggest generation in history by saying, 'Well, you know, we picked up this textbook from Mussolini that he wrote about 70, 80 years ago, and it says we should be fascists, so we're gonna try that!'"
"Language changes work that way, it's been basically one generation at a time."
"My generation has a lower standard of living than my parents."
"Our children and grandchildren deserve to have the same sort of wonderful opportunity that our parents and grandparents gave us."
"Through the coming generations, the last woodcrafter lives on in the words the wild chatters affectionately whisper to each other..."
"We're all handing influences down and inspiring from generation to generation."
"Humans are social with long life spans and have overlap between generations."
"There was just something about seeing an older experienced Jay Garrick fighting alongside Barry Allen."
"Every time God appeared to Isaac, He said, 'I am the God of your fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.' It ties generations together."
"I worry about the future of what was once my country and the fate of my grandchildren."
"Generations carry our legacy, weaving strands of the same soul through time."
"The cat is out of the bag... the first generation to live forever."
"We're the first generation of people on this earth that can have an intelligible conversation about global catastrophes in a scientific sense."
"It is the people rising from the darkness to triumph that can inspire generations."
"We're raising generations of people that just have zero patience and don't really want to ever take on real issues."
"It doesn't matter whether you grew up in the 80s with bright colors, big hair, and Care Bears, the 90s with trolls and Game Boys, the 2000s with low-rise jeans and Disney Channel original movies."
"150 generations of people have regarded it with awe and admiration."
"Every generation produces its occasional magnificent men."
"It's funny as the generations go on, everyone seems to change their mind."
"Such talents are only in the blood of those who have increased their potential over many generations."
"People born in the 1990s have already become the main workforce for China's Aerospace industry."
"These differences are learned and are passed on culturally, if you like, between members of the common generation, and vertically, from one generation to the next within killer whale groups."
"A lot of generations will be created through this, so definitely, you guys can have kids together."
"You are a part of that spiritual lineage, a belonging that extends through generations past and generations yet to come."
"Joe Biden and Donald Trump represent, in my view, the last gasp of the most selfish generation in American history, the Baby Boomers."
"The great thing about this sport is that all generations can do it and they can do this together, and I love this."
"Even if your great-great-grandfather were magically transported to today's stadium, you would likely have no trouble following the modern game thanks to its seamless continuity across generations."
"Kids today will never know who Lamb Chop is."
"I looked around the room, seeing the three generations under the same roof. I couldn't think of a more heartwarming sight."
"Our love of music has not been lessened because we don't consume music in the exact same way as [previous generations]."
"NASCAR being different segments, to begin with, you had Lee Petty, Fireball Roberts, Junior Johnson crowd, then Pearson and Allison and all that crowd came through, then Daryl came through, Dad came through, took that era to another stage..."
"My short time in Appalachia, certain hollers, three, four, five, six generations of family have been there."
"Their memories and values live on through the generations that follow."
"This valuable knowledge was passed down through generations, eventually reaching the ears of Europeans."
"Every generation of GTR has been so undeniably awesome."
"I really want them to be pieces that they can keep forever and then pass it down to their future children."
"Hungry Hungry Hippos remains a nostalgic favorite embodying the pure joy of play that transcends Generations."
"An everlasting law for the everlasting generations and for this law there is no consummation of days."
"It would take time, generations even, but they were on the path to securing a better Galaxy."
"Everything we're doing is going to go to the next generation."
"The foundational knowledge to understand the gospel was inherently there for the older generations."
"The new generations deserve to have a goddamn say. They were worth something. Our lives matter."
"There's a lot to like about both sides of the generational line but to me, I think that Gen Z edges Millennials just a bit more when it comes to the way in which pants can be styled tastefully."
"I love seeing three generations of people coming and learning together."
"Thank god for the grandbaby and the grandmother and the granddaddy. Had the children. And I loved it, tell me about it."
"Your memories that will be passed on to your children and children children."
"A thousand Generations live in you now."
"...we're in a situation suddenly where a generation of non-digital natives is parenting and educating a generation of digital natives that's never happened before and it will never happen again but we don't often talk about what it takes to bridge that gap..."
"It's their generation that will decide the fate of the monarchy into the century and beyond."
"Promise Grandpa's great-grandson."
"Grandparents aren't as invested, so that's who will come through."
"So in the particular village where I was working, the village chief was a traditional. He had learned about this from his grandfather. So that had been several generations of experience."
"I think it's finally time I told you the truth," she said. "You have to understand, I needed to be sure. The gift it often skips a generation, sometimes three or four even."
"This book is also Simply the Best. I loved the family aspect, the learning from past generations."
"You could sit with grandparents and children in the same room and not be embarrassed." - Camille Paglia
"...fathers have to be turned to the children, but the children, children have to be turned back to the father."
"They really did borrow all the technology from the gen 5 lt engines."
"It's pretty amazing when you think that there's three generations of competitive golfers."
"We promise to never forget... until the next generation, we must never forget."
"Each generation is better and better, gets you more range and yet still retains that lightweight feel."
"We need new generations of activists to basically take the baton and keep running."
"This beautiful private personal Dua was recorded and I believe one of the reasons this was recorded in the Quran is that this is the way we should be asking Allah for our next Generations."
"If you can produce more like the international highway system that we have was produced by previous generations you're actually leaving those generations something of value."
"Indeed, may you look out one day and see your children's children."
"So, you want to take that into account when you make a decision. I really like this photo. This is a four-generation photo, my dad, my son Alex, and I'm holding my grandson crew."
"I just hope that as generations pass, there's just more exploration of moral luck and the meaning of life without an afterlife."
"The story of two brothers, conflict down through every generation."
"The real battle line here is between young and old. Boomer versus Zoomer versus Millennial."
"Nowadays, there are many shiny things that separate the generations, and this has become Generation F: the fake, the fantasy, the fatherless, the fan page generation."
"The two grandpas were having a good time playing with their grandson."
"Generations ago something rose from the earth bearing a mantle of death stitched from a tapestry of stolen life."
"I swear when I was a kid if I got one shiny thing and it's attacking trading cards I was happy now kids millennials am i right."
"The generations leading up to Generation X, they had a many, many series of severe neglect, severe neglect."
"You know, they say the World War II guys were the best generation. Well, those who fought every war since then were the best of their generation."
"You will hear his music for generations."
"Her legacy will continue to inspire generations to come."
"Let's go have Riker meet his great grandparents."
"If people are working in harmony, the cycle can go on for the next generation and the Next Generation."
"Beauty is the beauty that a mother gave her. May you be taught about God, me and grandmothers, angels."
"Parents have become much more involved than prior generations."
"You know what they say, man, the next generation, they're greater than the generation before them. You know, that's when they're doing well."
"Now imagine talking not to your grandparents but your 25 greats grandparents."
"The happiest couples I know are of a generation that are now dying out."
"But as the young whale rises to take the prey its father has provided, it's growing up into a generation of whales which has won the understanding and protection of our species."
"It's undeniable that over the last 10 years with Millennials and Gen Z, our purchasing power is a big deal, and we are the generations that care about holding corporations accountable."
"Every generation has a different type of consequence." - "We don't have to have a pat on the back everywhere we go."
"That's the music that is truly lasting for generations and generations."
"It's impossible to compare players of different generations, and it's impossible to do it. It's also fun, yeah, I know people aren't mad about it."
"Autism has been underdiagnosed, so we're playing catch-up now. There are many lost generations of people who were not diagnosed, and they deserve to be diagnosed."
"Generations thrill because one of their best players is also one of the best players in the world."
"There's at least four generations of teenage brides in my chain. Mom and Dad have been together for over 60 years, Lisa and I 40, Jay and Anna 20, and now Carly's getting married."
"These guys are the same idiots who post on forums to riding their generations and music tastes and saying how old music was so much better and how they came from the wrong generation when in reality a lot of it was absolute trash."
"Don't tell me I will find fulfillment because my mother didn't provide fulfillment my grandmother didn't find fulfillment."
"...it's so much easier to strike up a conversation with a boomer or a gen xer than it is to strike up a conversation with a gen Z or Millennial like a stranger."
"Both Generations have got pros and cons."
"The skill level these younger generations have is incredible."
"The best way to compare Millennial humor to gen Z humor will be Vine versus Tik Tok."
"The first generation builds it, the second generation maintains it, the third generation destroys."
"Buying new things has almost become a trend in itself for certain generations."
"They have more money than can be spent in multiple generations, even if they wanted to spend all their money they couldn't do it."
"One whisper affected three generations."
"It's incredible how much this kind of all these themes in this movie kind of transcend these generations in this whole era."
"Generational wealth is about sustainable wealth."
"Act one covers a different generation as things change politically, technologically, socially."
"The Next Generation has grown stronger as well as the previous generation."
"Every generation is equal in rights to generations which preceded it by the same rule that every individual is born equal in rights with his contemporary."
"The power of parenting is profound; parents affect their family for at least three generations."
"Every generation played its part."
"Sin will actually have its effects in generations to come."
"Noah passed it on to Avraham and then he passed away. No, Avraham was 58 and Hashem uh well Noah was 950."
"Generation Z and the millennials are killin' it."
"Lord, you've been our dwelling place, our den, in all generations."
"Every new generation will have new challenges, and they will again look like they are partly overwhelming. But that's the nature of life, that's the nature of evolution, of expansion, of development."
"The younger AC DC fans are actually pretty chill, I gotta say. No one's under any illusions what this is, except for the Boomers."
"Every generation is supposed to be better than the generation before."
"We want to do it for people like that, we want to do it for the older generation who's been through this suffering and then the new generation want to inspire them."
"Eminem, 50 Cent, Kendrick, three people who defined each generation almost, you know."
"Nintendo has been providing entertainment to countless generations."
"We have six kids, nine grandkids."
"The future belongs to those who give the Next Generation reason to Hope."
"God, give them the joy of having children and grandchildren and even great grandchildren that all serve you with great passion and great purity."
"The habits we develop now can impact future generations."
"It's fascinating how different generations now we produce electronic geniuses back then we produced mechanical geniuses."
"For those of you familiar with the 12th and final generation of the Eldorado, the differences will be very, very obvious."
"Every generation has idolized a Sci-Fi hero."
"Everyone who's alive is fine, and then some generation will just be the last generation."
"Generational wealth happens because there was a generation before them that set them up for success."
"What happened to older rare mints are better now, we have younger she/her minters better, like that's the new 2023 motto."
"Baseball provides a link for the generations."
"There is no sport like baseball for the link that it provides for the generations."
"Native trout to me just kind of signify our care for nature...there's just something special about preserving what was here originally and making sure that that's continued on for generations to enjoy."
The unimaginable future: "the present moment used to be the unimaginable future and that will be true for our kids and that'll be true for our grandkids."
"This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."
"We have been for Generations While others look up to the Stars we know there are an infinite number of things that shine in the darkness below."
"What if we're in a generation they don't care where you meet, they don't care about the structure, they don't care about the time of day, they just want Jesus?"
"This is an aviation icon, a timeless aircraft that has been literally flying for generations."
"How many more generations will suffer before action is taken?"
"Some people live, they live so much longer than normal like 120 years that they outlive several generations below them sometimes it's crazy."
"Our children are blessed and our grandchildren are blessed."
"If you stop worshiping, generations start self-destructing."
"This song inspired generations to come."
"My grandchildren will bring more generations into this world."
"Whatever we do now, we should do it as deliberately and do as good of a job as we can because what we do now will be handed off to future generations."
"...a belief that there will be future greatest generations."
"50 years is not enough. I'm taking pause here because this sort of... it sort of reminds me of, um, you hear about it as like the greatest generation, the forgotten generation."
"The younger generation can hardly know that their modest neighbors fought on more battlefields than the old guard of Napoleon, and are now the nation's best citizens."
"Ensure that you are also planting the seeds for future generations."
"You're meant to embody it and plant a new seed so that the generations to come after you, they know what beautiful love is and that's just going to continue to grow."
"The biggest wealth transfer is about to happen between Baby Boomers and their heirs."
"These names have inspired generations of children and adults to dream and Marvel at the idea of these magnificent temples."
"In every generation, there are people who say that classical music is dying."
"Generations of passive aggressive people have led up to this. You don't mess with my family."
"We can leave that for the future generations to worry about in this case sarah thank you so much for spending this time with me i feel at least 10 percent smarter thanks holly thank you so much."
"You'll never know how much your parents actually loved you until you have your own child. No matter how many times our parents told, 'I love you, I love you, I love you,' even though we love our parents, we can never love them the way they love us."
"I think it's going to be around for many more generations to enjoy."
"A book that follows many family generations, something similar to 'Pachinko' or 'East of Eden'."
"Young people, Millennials, Gen Z, they don't buy any of the logic or the stories or the narratives because they've only seen it not be true."
"What I want to talk about, man, is how we can still come together and make this a better place for our children, our children's children."
"Generations are smarter and more Progressive and more loving."
"Every generation rejects the voice for that generation but then they celebrate them as a hero in the next."
"Generations are usually made and they kind of keep pace."
"I think it's a wonderful thing for our children, for our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, and for the children yet to be born."
"We want our kids to have more options than we have."
"Blackbeard is the middle generation surpassing the Roger generation."
"The fact that you guys supported my grandpa so much actually gave him the ability to support me."
"Generations of which the fans have known only misery to build."
"...one voice, one instrument, one song connecting generations."
"He's a promise keeper, keeping His promises for a thousand generations."
"Now I don't even realize we're in the second generation so finally we're in the third generation."
"The generations can be disrespectful and make fun of each other, especially the Millennials just get a really bad rap."