
Intention Quotes

There are 8194 quotes

"The intent behind the decision is what's crucial."
"Productivity is using our time in a way that's intentional, effective, and enjoyable."
"What you actually do doesn't matter as much as the purpose behind doing it."
"I prayed so hard over it and I'd be like, 'God, please, I just pray your anointing over this cover that it would be the best seller.' And it really was the best seller."
"Make the conscious decision about who you want to be each day."
"You got to put what you want out in the world, honey."
"Purified intent uplifts the quality of character and sharpens focus and will."
"Mindfulness is bringing that non-judgmental attention to bear on something with intention."
"Intention is just as important as the action itself."
"Manifestation is about an elevated emotion mixed with an increased intention."
"Once this state of peace has been experienced, our intention automatically becomes to make the state of peace permanent."
"You have to intend to become your true self."
"The words you speak are an invitation to life, a request to bring energy into a form. Choose your words carefully."
"I meditate not for any other reason than to shorten the distance between the thought of what I want and the experience of having it."
"What you put out is what you get back, so just be very clear before you communicate."
"People don't accidentally say things; people say things because their brain is functioning in a way they're either guarding or they're forthcoming."
"Your charged intention plus emotion is what really makes it the most powerful it can be."
"Basics of manifestation: manifesting anything depends upon knowing what you want."
"Every time you take your eyes off the prize, you create counter intention and pollute your vibration."
"You can't know whether something is designed poorly or well unless you know the intentions of the designer."
"This is about where do you want to grow, let's plant ourselves there, let's set the intention."
"Everywhere you go, every move, every path is intentionally designed to lead somewhere worthwhile or reveal something worth seeing."
"Meditation for 10 to 15 minutes, setting an intention for the day, expressing gratitude, puts me in a state of awareness."
"You would rather fail with intention and clarity than the pain of having no idea why you're failing."
"I'm not going to hope for the law of attraction. I'm going to begin to practice it."
"It's important to differentiate between those who do it from a place of racism and those who do it from a place of loving historical accuracy."
"You have to tell your brain what you want because it's always listening."
"This universe is not an indifferent spectator to your desires but a dynamic field of consciousness that responds to your intentions."
"If you can do that while also not ignoring the fundamentals and setting strong intentions when you practice, you'll find yourself making a lot more progress than you used to."
"Act toward the world, everything, and everyone, with an attitude calculated to produce the results you want."
"The most powerful way to create an anchor is through ritual. Ritual is repeated action plus intention."
"My intention is always to help bring you truth, clarity, love, healing, compassion."
"What makes something interesting is intention and obstacle."
"By achieving clarity of intention, we align our conscious and subconscious towards achieving our goals."
"To create something different...intention is everything."
"Everything we do, we try to root in love and compassion."
"You aren't fasting to please people. You're fasting before your Father, you're seeking your Father's face."
"Set an intent for your life and this is where you will not feel lost."
"If you want something, say it out loud to the universe, give it shape, vibration, and it will become formed."
"Think positive thoughts, focus your intention and your mind on what it is that you want and the outcome that you want to experience."
"The moment you make a decision with such firm intention, it becomes a moment in time you'll never forget."
"Intention is so powerful, especially when you put that intention in words, especially if you put them in words out loud, not just in your head."
"I really wanted to spread love and positivity today."
"Intention is energy, right? So if you're putting enough intention and energy when you're writing this stuff, that is how it manifests."
"The choice of intention is the fundamental creative act."
"Intention is the starting point of every dream. It is the creative power that fulfills all of our needs."
"Everything that happens in the universe begins with intention."
"It is only when we release our intentions into the fertile depths of the subconscious that they can begin to materialize."
"I remember one of the books I read Simon Sinek, he was talking about the why and I was like well if I can just have a why with everything I do then I don't have to be worried about the outcome because I had my intention."
"I carried on the circle but with the intention of breaking the cycle."
"Our intentions are one thing; what actually happens is something else."
"There's a magic to detachment. There were days I would go into work completely detached from the outcome, focusing instead on the intention. That's when magic would really begin to happen."
"You're a pro photographer if your intention is to make money from the pictures that you're taking."
"Persuasion isn't about getting people to do what they don't want to do; it's about giving them a reason to do what they do want to do."
"I want to make sure that this is taken very delicately and lightly, and I'm being used as a portal only for love in life."
"Set the intention right now that this meditation changes your life. That's how powerful you are, that you can set this intention right now, and by the end of this meditation, you will feel like a 100 percent better authentic version of you."
"If your intentions are to gain fame, then I would say to renew your intentions because fame is something a lot of people want but believe me, it's something that you really don't want to."
"If your intentions are to come on a social platform and do Dawa and help the Ummah... you have the right to do that."
"If your intentions are to make money, you need to make those intentions clear. If you want to do that, you have the right."
"Nothing happens on this planet without intention. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention."
"Repentance is to go and live with the intention of never doing it again, not in any form, not to any scale."
"Billy Batson was always the moral compass. He always held back because he was never really aiming to kill."
"Supporting people is not about the how; it's about wanting to in the first place."
"Manifest your heart's desires with pure intention for the highest good of all."
"When we fulfill our prayer, let's do it because we want to do it, not because we have to do it."
"Every morning when you wake up, make an intention in your heart, a firm resolve that I am going to carry out at least one good deed today that I hope will please nobody with it except Allah, hoping that this will be my moment of Siddiq (truthfulness), when my sins are forgiven and access to Jannah is granted."
"Pray without ceasing because prayer is a desire that is attracted to a definitive objective and outcome."
"Ignorance isn't always coming from malice; sometimes it's just coming from ignorance."
"Set your clear intention of what you want to manifest, make that in the present tense as if it's already happening, and then visualize whatever it is you want to achieve."
"It's really about the power of intention, believing in God and yourself."
"Make an intention within yourself for something you're going to start doing for the sake of Allah, or give up for the sake of Allah."
"To sin therefore means to miss the target, which implies that it has something to do with aim or the lack thereof."
"This is what we want to do: we want to be able to record from lots of neurons to gain a high fidelity readout of what the intention is."
"God flipped it... when I started asking Him... it became about what He wanted, not what I needed."
"Tell yourself that you are going to lucid dream tonight. Also, tell yourself what you want to dream about."
"Anything can be sacred if you make it sacred, if you hold it with intent and infuse it with your will. That's when it becomes sacred."
"You are sending out a powerful intention to the universe that will attract your perfect partner."
"Set intentions, manifest what you want but let go of the attachment, let go of the expectation, let go of the when and the how and the where, and just trust."
"In Karma Yoga, what matters is not what we do, but how we do it."
"You brought me here to talk. If you wanted to kill me, you'd have waited until I came for the chip."
"The joy of gift-giving comes from the thought and care put into the gift, not just the item itself."
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
"You were designed intentionally, with intention by God, and He loves you so much."
"Before you act, set the right intentions and create from positivity. Miracles will manifest in a life built on purpose."
"Intention is what differentiates comedy that satirizes and laughs with people from the kind that intends to harm."
"You just have to make the intention, and you will see Allah open the doors."
"Nothing happens on this planet without it. Not one single thing has ever been accomplished without intention."
"The moment that you intend something, Holy moly mountains start to move."
"Allah makes things easy. We don't make it easy, you make the intention and Allah will make that easy for you."
"Every action matters... putting your all into what you do, and your intentions being good."
"If you know that your intentions are good and it was misunderstood, [__], we need an overstanding."
"The verdict in Kenosha will leave many Americans feeling angry and concerned, myself included."
"If you're watching this, I don't think you mean to start drama. I think you're trying to fix it."
"When you put intention behind what you do, you get better results."
"Intention matters, but behavior is the king. What you do determines the kind of person you are."
"What is my intention for finding Jesus this year? What am I looking for?"
"It's the effort that counts, not always the outcome."
"The moment you marry a clear intention with an elevated emotion, you move into a new state of being."
"Music is about soul, feeling, and intention. For me, intention matters the most."
"If you buy in randomly, your results are going to be random. You need to buy and sell intentionally."
"What do you want to say with your image?...that will dictate what you do next."
"Intention is everything. If you truly believe that your white light is going to protect you and that this negative thing can't get into your white light, your power of intention, your high vibration in that faith, is stronger than you even imagine."
"Manifesting is about bringing something into reality."
"I put exactly out what I want to see from the universe, and it just seems to happen."
"The goal of a comedian is to try to make you laugh, okay? And in that pursuit, they can say things that they don't even personally believe in."
"This was a moment that he wanted the nation to see."
"Your wishes will come true, what you put out there will reap."
"Your intent does have a smell, and if you think you can just go around stinking, you're wrong."
"It's like they're either trying to mimic you as a facade, or actually want it but are a bit lost."
"What matters most in any human communication is intention."
"We wanted you to experience those in darkest dungeon."
"Nothing in this society is haphazard or random."
"I said to Lynette, let's set the intention that this reaches the perfect people."
"I believe our energy goes where your intention flows."
"It was never my intention to get into this, and nobody will ever pray to God to get into such."
"That is the message that Mr. Depp is asking you to send."
"The emotion combined with a clearer intention is like a laser because you're creating a more coherent signature."
"But I assure you, its intended purpose is very different."
"It's almost like the imagineers planned it this way."
"I was looking so closely. Yeah, that's the idea."
"Energy flows where attention goes, so focus, decide what it is that you do want."
"The funniest jokes are the ones with pure intention."
"Finally, I could have some real power that I could use to do some real good."
"Magic is always approached with an intention, a reason to perform it."
"Intention might be the most important step into having a mystical experience."
"You want to be sure that you're saying and doing things with a sense of clarity and purpose."
"Thoughts become things so if you're manifesting love, don't be just asking the universe, 'Dear Universe, I would like some love please' because that can manifest in many different forms."
"He knows they're bad, but he wants to make something good."
"Focus on what you really want. Have an intention and be very clear about the things that you want to achieve."
"Intention. Watch where you're paying attention."
"I did things I willingly chose to do things to hurt other people and myself because it caused them pain not because I didn't know it was wrong but because I wanted to cause them pain."
"It really is just we've got so we've again I've been I hope occasionally light and funny and whatever but I'm being deadly serious in this."
"I believe in structure and I have spanked her but not intentionally hurting a child."
"Quality should be a high intention and a skillful execution. So, if you have high intentions for people, you can skillfully execute everything around people. And that's when quality is restored."
"When you raise your hand, it's like you're reaching for the doorknob."
"The power of intention can really help you here."
"We don't make them out of hate, we make them out of love."
"I hope that they understand I was not trying to hurt them, I was just trying to live by my beliefs."
"Intention and visualization equals magic work."
"Lord, before I start making moves, I want to meet with the maker."
"Let's not take it in jest, let's take this thing seriously."
"If you're in debt and you're trying to trade out of debt you're just going to get more debt."
"Your primary responsibility is to create a clear and accurate mental equivalent of what you wish to experience."
"On doing the right thing for the right reasons."
"I fill my heart with love and I send it on its way to Jack. I command Jack to feel warm and friendly toward me when he receives this love. I command this with my full soul power. So be it. It is done."
"When that intention is clear for you, the energy and the power in it lends itself literally as the air beneath our wings."
"If you aren't living your life with an intention, make it clear because it makes all the difference in the world."
"I appreciate what you guys are doing. You got me. I made a mistake. I had no intention of following through."
"Intention steers the reality you experience."
"Life is unfolding as it is intended to in the moment."
"Critical commentary is not in the namesake of being nitpicky or overly negative for no apparent reason."
"We've basically broken the entire balance of the game, which is exactly what I wanted to do."
"We're not beating up on bad games just to be mean."
"Set your intentions high... take steps towards what you truly want to experience."
"He's not lying for the sake of lying. The things he chooses to lie about are important." - David Robinson
"Use your powers of manifestation to manifest what you want."
"I wonder how much that interest was asked, but that is again a valid motivation."
"Manifestations may lead to unexpected outcomes."
"The moment you set an intention in the universe, it has to come back to you."
"We're entering magical realms of manifestation where you can manifest instantly knowing how you use focus and intention."
"Bold and direct with intent means that your words have meaning."
"That when we get up in the morning, we would set the trajectory of our day to make it about Him."
"Feel as though your intention has already manifested."
"This is a time for us to realize that we have to ask the universe and be clear for what we want."
"I know what they were going for, but they didn't quite hit the mark."
"You pray like you mean it that's how you pray."
"Set an intention for your practice today, what are you here for? What do you want to work on? Make this practice your own."
"Intention is power. It's a different energy source."
"I will let this candle burn all the way out to really release that intention to the universe of more money and abundance for you."
"They definitely want to send you a message, so you'd definitely be hearing from them."
"Power of intention is what you have in your mind."
"Be careful what you're manifesting, the universe will give you what you're feeling."
"Your intention is being set, sent out into the universe."
"It is not the things you do that are the most meaningful, it is the fact that you want to."
"What kind of message are you trying to send here?"
"Accept ambition, purify intention, aspire to higher things."
"It's just the idea that we're trying to get this right."
"The goal is never to shame or bring hate to that celebrity."
"Why would you talk for the sake of talking? I'm not gonna do it."
"Intention is the creative power that fulfills our dreams... as your will so it is your destiny, powerful."
"They actually want to succeed. It's not intentional sabotage."
"100 that's exactly what I mean by this, the intention behind all this."
"It's really creepy that this individual was studying criminal justice to the degree that he was."
"You can transmute and change the energy because the good intentions Trump those things every time."
"When you keep repeating something and people are telling you what you're doing, that sure as hell feels like intent to me."
"Your intention sets the stage for the energy you want to cultivate."
"Define your objective, know definitely what you want."
"Consciously work with the two gifts of speech and mind to bring forth what you desire from a place of flow."
"It's amazing how often we see that, is that just coincidence or is that somebody trying to tell us something?"
"His heart was in the right place and I think he was just trying to empower young women."
"Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship."
"Some people have a good heart but they just don't know how to say stuff."
"Every choice we make shapes our reality. Choose wisely, with intention and awareness."
"God is much more concerned about why we do what we do then he is what we do."
"Energy loves a person that knows what they want and that knows how to state what they want."
"Set a date for yourself. Aimless energy is setting an intention."
"Your thoughts are aligning with your intention. Whatever it is that you want, you have the power to turn those visions or those intentions into reality."
"Now we're going in with intention, we're going in to say, 'Okay God, if David was a man after your own heart...'"
"At the end of the day, it's not the word, it's the intent."
"Design with intention, considering spacing and visual balance."