
Manifestation Quotes

There are 21221 quotes

"The moment you have a definite vision of what you want, you begin to attract it."
"Gratitude unifies the mind of a man with the intelligence of substance, so that man's thoughts are received by the formless."
"Man must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become, and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him."
"The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich, and the riches they will receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude."
"I am convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that we can be, do, or have anything in this world if we will see it, believe it, and give gratitude for it."
"Everything that you could desire has already been created and is essentially waiting for our command to bring it forth to our present experience."
"The quickest way in the world to bring good things into your life is to have gratitude now, not later."
"When we look and say, 'I'm grateful for what I do have,' we create more of what we want."
"The universe is constantly conspiring for your greater good, the only question is if you're noticing."
"Manifestation is not a luxury, it's a necessity."
"Anything you can visualize has the ability to happen; this is a great manifestation placement."
"If you would just think about what you want, that's all you'd ever get in your life."
"If we believe a thought, it will manifest, and the story manifests."
"To truly manifest means that you feel good. Feeling good means your energy's free. You're inspired, you are receptive, and therefore attracting towards you what you desire."
"Be still, vision and create, nurture and manifest."
"See it in multitude, see all of that magical energy pushing itself out, healing, growing, manifesting in the future."
"Your manifestation powers are going to be on point."
"You are worthy of creating what you desire and it is coming; it's already in motion."
"You're very powerful, and you can cultivate whatever you want, but if you change too quickly, you might be manifesting something that you realize you don't want anymore."
"Your thoughts are very important. Thoughts really do become things."
"Manifestation during this period is super high."
"You now have all the tools to manifest the life of your dreams."
"You will have what you need to be, do, or have anything you want in this life."
"What you think about and focus on is going to show up, so you need to be sure that what you are thinking about is a match to what you want to manifest in your life."
"We need to be the manifestation of God's love in this generation."
"Manifestation is most powerful when you're in a good internal state."
"To master this chakra is also to master how to manifest things in your life whether it's money relationships academic work or most importantly spiritual enlightenment."
"You got to put what you want out in the world, honey."
"Love yourself, appreciate yourself, get to know yourself, your wants, your desires, and then really, you know, push that out there into the world, and bring that love in that you actually want."
"Living life like a restaurant menu, you order what you want and wait till you receive it."
"Trust that the universe has heard your wish; it is growing right now."
"What you think about, you bring about; what you focus on, that's where energy flows."
"This wheel of fortune, your fortunes are changing, and all of a sudden, you are now getting the beginning has begun; it has started manifesting into your life."
"The thing is, it's going to manifest, and it's going to stick around, and it's going to blossom into that full emotional fulfillment for you."
"As you believe, so it shall be done unto you."
"If you can dream it, you can have it. It's the law of attraction."
"Manifesting is labeled as turning your dreams into reality through attraction and belief."
"Your soulmate is already with you in spirit. Believe this, and it will manifest physically."
"Your spirit guides are showing me you can manifest what it is that you desire but you need to manifest from a place of a soul and not ego."
"What you think about and what you focus on does indeed begin to manifest."
"You are opening a window to a brand new life, a magical life, the divine matrix where you get to rewrite exactly what you want, exactly what you desire."
"Turn desires into reality by activating the power of manifestation."
"A lot of you have really just transformed, and your wishes because of that are gonna come true very soon."
"Prayer is a spiritual system of legislation; we enforce mysteries in the realm of the Spirit and cause their manifestation through the Ministry of Prayer."
"Manifesting is consciously creating a life you love."
"When you talk to God and you speak things into existence, and you put that power of love, it's going to come to light as long as you put in that work."
"You're crossing this bridge of manifesting your dreams."
"Manifesting isn't just magic thinking; you still have to go take action."
"Their mind is constantly searching for you in places, constantly trying to manifest you back into their life."
"Manifestation is having faith in yourself. Having faith in yourself is having faith in God because who created you. So have faith because God did the hard now you just got to do the easy, actually just go do it, just go try, he'll lead you that way."
"Allow it to happen and it will. It's that simple."
"You can manifest whatever you want to, but accept the challenges along the way."
"A lot of good changes are coming your way, a lot of good manifestations are coming your way."
"Your thoughts are magnetic and powerful, miraculous changes are occurring."
"Visualization is very powerful. Allow yourself to embody the emotional fulfillment of that desire."
"The key to manifesting and being a super attractor is to be aligned with feeling good."
"Our deepest desire isn't to get that thing to feel good; it's to feel good so that we can allow whatever we need and whatever is at the highest good to come into our life."
"Manifestation is about an elevated emotion mixed with an increased intention."
"Man has always decreed that which has appeared in his world and is today decreeing that which is appearing in his world and shall continue to do so as long as man is conscious of being man."
"Whenever you pray for something that you want, believe that you already have it, and it will be given to you."
"Your emotions are directly correlated to the type of life and reality that you have and what you begin to manifest in your life."
"You guys are really manifesting some stability in your life."
"You're gonna be like manifesting things a lot easier. Visions that you've had, things that you've really wanted, it's like, 'Oh, I'm actually on like I'm really creating that this year.'"
"The magician also indicates that we are manifesting things with ease, they're like flowing into our life."
"Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you're saying."
"A desire in the heart for anything is God's sure promise sent beforehand to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply."
"The answers, inspirations come to you, the solutions start to materialize in your reality."
"Your future self is going to be a manifestation of the choices you make from this moment on."
"Their soul mate is already with you in spirit. Believe this, and they will manifest physically."
"Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass."
"Manifestation comes easy for you guys, so if you guys have been struggling with it, let go of trying so hard. This is something that's natural for you guys."
"You guys are natural manifesters. Oh my goodness."
"You guys are master manifesters, especially in the material world."
"Money supernaturally came from every direction into my life."
"Whatever you invest energy into starts to grow and manifest in your life."
"You're a magician, a magic manifestor, someone who can manifest no matter what."
"What you speak into existence is very powerful."
"I love the energies of the new year because it offers like a blank canvas that we get to manifest brand new dreams, a brand new reality."
"As you believe, so it shall be done unto you." - Neville Goddard
"You are a creator and you're creating your reality every day by what you put your point of attention on."
"I meditate not for any other reason than to shorten the distance between the thought of what I want and the experience of having it."
"Be authentic to who you are, and your soulmate will manifest."
"Use your wishes wisely to manifest your heart's desire and take practical steps towards making your dreams come true."
"The universe is your partner, so what do you desire to manifest right now?"
"Maintain gratitude as well and to live as though you've already been given your wish fulfillment."
"You guys are currently manifesting a lot of things in your life, beautiful things."
"If you are at this level where you are beautiful and healthy, where you are able to love yourself, then you easily manifest somebody who is at the same level as you."
"The Law of Attraction: whatever you focus on, you're magnetizing towards you."
"You're starting to realize your own personal power and the power that you have to manifest on this earth."
"You have the ability to manifest what you so desire on earth."
"You're looking extraordinarily powerful here, able to manifest whatever the hell that you want."
"Libra, you've been manifesting what you want in your life, you've been manifesting true love, real soulmate energy."
"Whatever we believe is what we receive; whatever we believe is what we manifest."
"Your energy creates your reality. What I focus on is what I will manifest."
"Whatever energy we are within ourselves is what manifests on the outside."
"You have to become super confident to speak things into existence."
"Be confident about speaking what you want into existence."
"When your actions match your words, manifestation is near."
"Obstacles will come, but manifestation is near when you overcome those obstacles."
"The energy surrounding your manifestations is as far away from you as you are actively working your way towards it."
"Manifestation is not about wanting something so much that it exhausts you, but instead becoming it."
"Your manifestation is as far away from you as you are actively working your way towards it."
"Manifesting from a place of exhaustion is manifesting from a place that's too small for you."
"Harmony is what's going to really push this manifestation; it's going to just skyrocket it."
"Trust in your ability to manifest; the fact that your thoughts absolutely shape your experiences."
"Manifesting a life partner, a true soulmate... this person is gonna match your greatest version of you."
"Imagine everything that you're trying to manifest and start saying it out loud what your life is now like."
"Let's manifest all of the dreams, guys, all of the dreams."
"Manifesting is a rebirth where you're coming into parts of yourself that have always been there but have been lying dormant."
"All is yours, but you must take it. The taking is always a mental process; it is believing absolutely."
"The great law of life is thinking and becoming."
"The greatest minds of our time have always said: 'Match the frequency with what it is that you want, use the power of the mind.'"
"Use your mind, Divine timing, and the frequency of your heart to manifest whatever it is you desire."
"Keep that vision clear, keep seeing that thing that you know is about to arrive and, in divine timing, it will."
"Manifestation is more than just ticking off goals; it's continuous positive self-talk and reinforcement."
"You truly have the power to manifest whatever you're thinking."
"You need to be content with where you are right now and know that all these things that you want are going to happen, it just takes time."
"Manifestation is essentially the outward expression of desire to bring something into your life."
"The last step of manifestation, in my opinion, is recognizing what you have manifested into your life and being so grateful for that."
"True manifestation is the process by which we bring to life our deepest desires."
"It is not enough just to visualize or even to feel into what you want; you need to commit to some action, and the more focused and aligned the action is, the quicker the result will come."
"We know when we are aligned when the process of manifestation feels effortless and joyous."
"The secret to manifestation is alignment and action."
"A manifestation is gained not by power but by love."
"The universe is governed by law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate, there is but one Law."
"Your dreams are going to manifest a lot quicker."
"You are in the vibration of manifestation, manifesting quicker than ever at this time."
"Follow what makes you feel emotionally abundant and happy, and this is how you're going to manifest it faster."
"Basics of manifestation: manifesting anything depends upon knowing what you want."
"Manifestation is about the ability to create; by create, we mean being, doing, and/or having something different from your current reality."
"In life, you receive according to what your focus is on, not according to what you want."
"The journey is the reward, and the manifestation is just the reason for the journey."
"If you want to change the manifestations you bring into your life, you can't pay too much attention to conditions that are not congruent with what is wanted."
"You're manifesting helpful people into your life... who are going to help remove blockages where you feel stuck."
"Everything in the world is a manifestation of a thought."
"You're holding your magic wand; it's like, 'Okay, I'm gonna create this, I'm gonna make this happen.'"
"Believe that you have it now, and you shall receive it."
"You must subjectively possess riches before you can objectively possess wealth."
"In some way, the belief of the field allowed the belief of the individual to be cellularly embodied and allowed what we would call now magic to occur."
"Lucky Girl Syndrome/manifestation is believing you have an abundance of good luck."
"Visualization is the most powerful and popular manifestation technique ever."
"You need to put out what you want to receive, be grateful for the things you already have no matter how big or small."
"All of creation follows a very simple pattern: you think it, you speak it, you act it, and if you have integrity, it happens."
"You are a magnet for the things that you want."
"Celebrate your wins more because the more you celebrate, the more you attract that into your world."
"There's something being manifested here that's coming towards you and it's because of your inner strength."
"You will attract into your life exactly what you radiate outwardly in your thoughts, feelings, and expectations."
"You are dealing with a spiritual power that has the ability to deliver your money or whatever you want from any number of channels."
"A new passionate beginning with a soulmate, divine partner, or twin flame is manifesting."
"You are worthy of the abundance you are worthy of the new job, the new car, the new house whatever it is; it's coming to you, it's already yours."
"Manifestation will be a very good month for you to manifest your dreams."
"Every thought you think is a blueprint that your mind and body work to make real."
"Your manifestation power is really strong at this time."
"Your manifestation ability is stronger than ever."
"At Priest Planet, we believe that you are a creator and a manifester of your own world, which makes everybody a priest."
"Great is the mystery, God was manifest in the flesh."
"How important is it for people to feel what they want to manifest on a daily basis, then, as opposed to once in a while? I mean, look, I'm living proof that you can exponentially accelerate towards it if it's part of your focus."
"You're even more motivated and driven and excited about what the future holds now that you have gotten so good at essentially manifesting the future."
"Imagining oneself into the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the means by which a new state is entered."
"Make your inner speech match your fulfilled desire, for your inner speech is manifested all around you in happenings."
"You are a powerful manifester, deepening that as you are awakening."
"If you can dream it, you can have it, and that's definitely what this reading is saying to me."
"Do not give up because you are so close to this manifestation."
"The universe manifests whatever thought you're placing upon it, and it does not take any more power to manifest a penny than it does a universe."
"You need to know exactly what you want, and you must be dedicated to sticking with it until it comes to pass."
"Be impeccable with your word. That's how to speak things into existence."
"Speak what you want into existence, speak in a favorable way towards yourself, and then you will end up attracting everything your heart desires."
"Manifestation is the fruition of confidence and belief."
"The universe does not give you what you ask for with your thoughts - it gives you what you demand with your actions."
"Your invisible power lies in the key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires."
"When you change the way you think and feel, and it starts to produce effects in your outer world, now you start to realize you're the creator of your life."
"If you want to predict any event in your future by thought alone, then you have to become thought alone."
"Persistent effort to understand the law of visualization and make practical application of this knowledge opens to you free access to all you may wish to possess or to become."
"The power within you which enables you to form a thought picture is the starting point of all there is."
"Your mental picture is a certain to come true in your physical world as the sun is to shine."
"Sound is a major force in the act of creation and manifestation."
"With every ending, there is a new beginning, and this is what you're manifesting."
"Imagining the wish fulfilled brings about a union with that state."
"As you believe, so shall it be done unto you."
"When you're in the flow and aligned to your higher purpose, things start happening by magic."
"Be patient and get excited now like you already have the thing that you want."
"Whatever you claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your experience."
"The abundance, the prosperity, whatever you are working towards, it's coming. Point Blank period."
"If I know what I want when I pray, believe that I have received it, and I will."
"I can call a thing that is not seen as though it were seen, and the unseen becomes seen."
"By words or inner talking, we build our world."
"You're manifesting a brand new beginning; this is like a rebirth of you."
"Your feelings create the destiny that you want."
"The words 'I am' are incredibly creative. 'I am hungry, I am lonely, I am tired.' You've been saying it, haven't you seen?"
"Belief isn't believing it's gonna happen; it's believing it's happening."
"Whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it, and you will."
"Make your inner conversations conform to your imaginal act."
"The law of attraction impacts our day-to-day lives and affects our health, wealth, and happiness."
"What you think is what you get and what you manifest in your life."
"Your mind right now is very powerful, and what you're speaking, you want to make sure you're manifesting, speaking good things into your life that you want, or at least that are for your highest good."
"I am always manifesting abundance and prosperity into my life."
"Whatever you think and feel yourself to be, the Creative Spirit of Life is bound to faithfully reproduce in a corresponding reaction."
"Every physical thing, whether for you or against you, was a sustained thought before it was a thing."
"Your thought of a thing constitutes its origin. Therefore, the Thought Form of the Thing is Already Yours as soon as you think it."
"Use only positive thoughts to describe your home, career, and finances as your words determine your outcome."