
Thought Quotes

There are 1717 quotes

"Gratitude unifies the mind of a man with the intelligence of substance, so that man's thoughts are received by the formless."
"Freedom of thought should be completely fundamental."
"If we believe a thought, it will manifest, and the story manifests."
"With a small number of symbols, we can create infinitely many thoughts and even convey to others who have no access to our minds the inner workings of our minds."
"The much more memorable fact that you'll go to sleep thinking about is how it didn't really matter that we were talking about a cube at all."
"The task is not so much to see what no one has yet seen but to think what nobody has yet thought about that which everybody sees."
"The soul is capable of thought, speech, and action. That's called behavior."
"We live in a Spiritual universe governed through thought, or the word which first becomes law; this law creates what we call matter."
"Your thoughts are real things. They go forth from you in all directions, combining with thoughts of like kind, opposing thoughts of a different character, forming combinations, going where they are attracted, flying away from thought centers opposing them."
"Your thought will mingle with that of others of like nature and mind, and you'll be attracted toward each other and will surely come together with a common purpose sooner or later."
"When we think, we send out vibrations of a fine ethereal substance, which are as real as the vibrations manifesting light, heat, electricity, magnetism."
"Everything in the world is a manifestation of a thought."
"The real diversity that's needed is diversity of thought."
"The power within you which enables you to form a thought picture is the starting point of all there is."
"Every physical thing, whether for you or against you, was a sustained thought before it was a thing."
"Your karma is nothing but your false thinking, and the only way to escape it is to think the truth."
"Preaching should never supersede thought; it should make you think."
"The revelatory element to thought is the appearance of new information in the theater of your imagination."
"Everything starts as a thought, as a feeling, and then it comes into existence."
"I encourage everyone to have independent thought and think for themselves."
"The reason we think is so that our thoughts can die instead of us."
"Thought is the highest level of abstraction, putting one's finger on the essence of a situation and then bouncing back and forth between the actual situation and the essence."
"Language, it's what I'm using to talk to you right now. The thoughts I have in my brain are being transferred to your brain because I'm making mouth sounds that you interpret as symbols of meaning."
"The rise of thought is the greatest thing we have."
"When Mel listens into people's thoughts, he really does overhear them; he hears what people are saying to themselves, thinking."
"The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis being that language constrains thought, that your capacity for thinking, the way in which you think, is constrained by the language you have been taught, the language you speak."
"Consciously change our cycle and consciously choose the kind of thoughts we want."
"The centrality of free speech as a fundamental right, or the fundamental right perhaps, unless you simultaneously deny the utility of thought."
"Thought moves the world. Stop and meditate over this for a few moments."
"Evil is the thought that thinks it; good, the thought that makes it so; light and darkness, sin and pureness, likewise out of thinking grow."
"What's the speed of thought? Well, it's thought emerges within the consciousness field and is beyond the limits of space or time, which means it's infinite."
"It takes a degree of strength to simply not destroy yourself with a wayward thought."
"The idea that language and thought are intertwined is not a new one."
"Language doesn't appear to constrain how we think, but it does seem to be able to influence our thoughts more subtly."
"Be grateful that you are aware of what you're thinking of because that's when you can change."
"When you're doing philosophy, as soon as you start getting to a certain level of thought, you're doing philosophy."
"Every thought that you're thinking, including the thought you're thinking right at this exact moment, are creating light waves that leave from the skull and travel out into space-time."
"If most people said what they were thinking, they would be speechless."
"All creative things originate from this light through the transformation of thought."
"Without free speech, there isn't true thought."
"Thought is the real cause behind power or force in life, and there is no other."
"Language is the source, it's the mode for constructing thoughts and expressing them and that is what forms thought."
"You have the thought, the idea... you have everything you need to make your manifestation become physical reality."
"Freedom of thought and freedom of discourse is so important for us as individuals."
"Original thought is rare and precious. The act of original thinking is difficult, highly valuable, and rare."
"Words count because they condition how we think, what we do, and how we feel."
"I'm a firm believer in the idea that this world would not be very intellectually stimulating if we all thought and felt the same."
"By changing our internal states by thought alone, we're literally making our brain work in new ways."
"You are the source of creation. With thoughts, we create this world."
"Man is surrounded by a great Universal thought power which returns to him always just as he thinks."
"The fight for freedom of thought is really at stake."
"It's all about freedom of expression, freedom of thought."
"Pure thought receives, organizes, judges, and applies concepts to the raw data of experience."
"It is impossible to have change or progress without thought."
"I've always just... been an individual thinker in some ways."
"True intelligence aligns more with having the ability to think for yourself."
"If we only have people who are free thinkers in their own comfort zone around like-minded people then where does where is the true zeitgeist begin to change."
"Without concepts, there can be no thought, and without analogies, there can be no concepts."
"All of our concepts are formed and applied through analogies."
"Without concepts there can be no thought... without analogies there can be no concepts."
"His mind was constantly going, all kinds of projects, ideas."
"What remains then when thinking subsides? Awareness remains."
"A society where everyone is forced to think the same is not a healthy society."
"If you can control people's words and language you can ultimately control their thought."
"Physicists like to think in terms of fundamentals."
"The most beautiful thoughts are always beside the darkest."
"Some of this guy's thoughts were revolutionary."
"By beholding we become changed, and as a person thinks in their heart, that is who they become."
"Thought has been the father of every advance since time began."
"There’s a time to think but after that comes the time to just do."
"Whoever has a superior thought has the superior action."
"Your mind is free to think and question and reflect."
"Real diversity includes diversity of thought."
"Hamilton was always moving in circles, in arcs to represent his constant thinking."
"Lupe is a complex mind, he thinks on a whole different level."
"You're a very independent thinker, nobody can control your mind."
"Philosophy deals with inventing new problems."
"Freedom of speech was a prerequisite to all other freedoms because freedom of speech meant freedom of thought."
"People should have the right to think for themselves."
"Freedom of thought is really, really vital to a democratic society."
"Your own thoughts, therefore treat this divine gift with the profound respect which it is entitled and do not allow anyone to do your thinking for you."
"You're always going to do your own thing, you're always going to think for yourself."
"An answer comes to nothing if it has not come from your own thinking."
"The real diversity is having different thoughts and different ideas."
"How many original thoughts actually exist... it's basically none."
"Thought is a mental force. It is the highest type of energy. Thought force is as definite a force as is the physical force with which man is familiar."
"It's become a very popular trope... thinking about your existential existence on the earth."
"The speed of thought... faster than the speed of light."
"That's what freedom of having your own mind is all about."
"That's philosophy. We could sit and stare at a wall all day and that would be the most productive day for a philosopher like ourselves."
"Every word, every thought, is vibratory energy."
"I think people forget that there is enormous value in the diversity of thought."
"Meaning arises in the combination of representations in your head."
"Every breakthrough begins at a break thought."
"What a great way to start off the season. We are not what we were last season, already in platinum."
"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
"Gods are beings of power, and the dead god husks are things of thought, which in the astral is also power."
"This void or zero point energy is in fact the substance of thought."
"Be mindful what you think about, you bring about."
"Whether it's Food For Thought or thought for food."
"The primary aim of Jizek's intellectual project is to encourage us to think."
"Essentially gave economists permission to think."
"In the immediate, there is no end to individual power through the right use of thought."
"Curiosity leads to... eventually it's all you think about."
"Prayer is a marriage of thought and feeling."
"This is a free country, we have independent thought."
"Imagine it a generation saying enough enough deciding nobody else is going to tell them what to think honestly."
"The one thing that separates us from the animals is that we can think."
"Keep both, I think it's great because it's like a totally different thought pattern."
"The world doesn't change until your thoughts become the bridge."
"Words are the vehicles through which thoughts are conveyed."
"When you're dealing with an ideology, the key word in ideology is idea, and no one has the right to dictate anybody's ideas."
"When you can think for yourself, nobody will ever be able to take your power away."
"You're counting on the mind and on creativity."
"Diversity is good. I think diversity of thought and diversity in pain is super helpful."
"We are continually attracting forces most akin to our own thoughts."
"It's not good to be binary. Wait, aren't they themselves doing black and white thinking?"
"Maybe there's something there to think about."
"Original thought is a forgotten source, Joe."
"The diversity that's most important always is the diversity of thought."
"Part of the art form here is thinking while you're making things."
"We really wanted people to start thinking for themselves again."
"In the mind, there is not a bottle, there is not light, there is not electricity, it's thought."
"If you think a thought, a thought has a physical reaction in your body immediately and an emotional response."
"You don't have to ask permission to have a thought."
"We can never misuse this mighty power of thought if we employ it always in unison with the great divine scheme of evolution."
"My objective is to get people to think for themselves."
"You can't easily just define them, because the guy is an original thinker."
"Western rational thought is not an innate human characteristic. It is learned and is the great achievement of Western civilization."
"Our thoughts are in the lead... with our minds we create the world."
"Resolution of thought comes through acceptance."
"Language was sometimes defined as audible thought."
"Whatever you impress on your subconscious mind is expressed on the screen of space as conditions, experiences, and events. Therefore, you should carefully watch all ideas and thoughts entertained in your conscious mind."
"Giving yourself 20 seconds is giving yourself twenty thousand milliseconds to stop the runaway train of thought."
"When you listen to a thought, you are aware not only of the thought but also of yourself as the witness of the thought."
"Everything begins with a thought."
"What you think or what you meditate on becomes what you do, and what you do actually develops your character, and your character is going to determine your destiny."
"The ability to recognize thought is beyond thought."
"Immortality of the soul is an object of thought, not an object of knowledge."
"The ancestor to every action is a thought."
"The power of the mind is demonstrated by how quickly the changing of a thought impacts the entire physiology of the body."
"The reality is that we don't think in language at all."
"The base level of your thinking is not language, it's something else."
"Use your mind to think about things, not of things."
"It seems that language is evolved and is designed as a mode of creating and interpreting thought. It's a system of thought, basically."
"Much of his thinking does not involve language."
"The powers of the mind were more powerful than powers of your mouth."
"Every thought, every act, every effort of the will, every motion of a muscle, uses up a certain amount of what we call nerve force, which is really a form of prana."
"Nothing is faster than a thought."
"Our thought must be about something; it can't be about nothing."
"This is a lot more complicated and certainly a lot more beautiful than most of the thoughts that come out of our brains."
"Everything which man creates begins in the form of a thought impulse."
"Your thoughts create everything starts with a thought."
"This doesn't make any sense," I thought.
"It's a weird thing that sticks in your brain, why can't I stop thinking about this weird little thing?"
"The certainty of your thoughts will be directly proportional to the level of manifestation that you're able to achieve."
"Thinking is the root cause of fear if you do not think there is no fear."
"Awaken this love by proclaiming that your thought is Christ."
"Don't identify with your thoughts. All thoughts are lies, all the time."
"Every time you think, every time you feel the emotion, you're conditioning your body to become the mind subconsciously of anxiety."
"Perhaps the greatest discovery in the history of thought is that you become what you think about most of the time."
"The power of thought is it gives you as a separate entity some sense of security, like you've got control of the situation."
"Your subconscious mind is always speaking, reproducing, and creating what you think about all the time."
"Each thought was a grim percussion in the Symphony of what Palpatine believed was the final Act of the Jedi Order."
"Thought isn't just something that's in here, thought is everywhere."
"This form of thought and we will see it, giving your enemy the advantage by telling them how your super high-tech mind reading Machine Works, will disappear."
"Rise above thought and understand you may think thoughts, but you are not your thoughts."
"This thought is good. It's exciting. It's creating a lot of happiness. It's really making you think. And I feel for a lot of you, this is a wish or a dream."
"Action is just thought that is sparked."
"There's sort of a continuum between high-level scientific discourse about unknown theories and complete crazy talk conspiracy theories. It gives you a lot of food for thought about how we go about explaining things in our everyday lives."
"I worry more about what happens inside organizations than about human thought."
"You can literally think your way into manipulating the Physical Realm of your reality and also feel your way as well."
"...everything starts with a thought."
"...all of that underwrites your beliefs your thoughts and your actions and those are the three things that make your life what it is basically."
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought."
"Thoughts shape action, action shapes behavior, behavior shapes your destiny."
"He identifies 12 categories of thought, but he does not know that categories of being."
"Thought in the logic provides itself its own content."
"That's the thing that is like at the forefront of my brain about it."
"The implications of which still send a wave of Terror down my back at every thought."
"The purpose of thought is to solve, while worry dissolves things in their own weaknesses."
"Mathematicians have withdrawn from the dirty dangerous world they believe and then by thought alone."
"Thought is the Fountain of action, life, and manifestation."
"Thought and action are the jailers of Fate."
"Thought in the mind hath made us what we are."
"Thought is the original source of all wealth, all success, all material gain, all great discoveries, inventions, and of all achievements."
"How could so extraordinary a thought come into your head?"
"If I die, let the universe die," Strand thought to himself.
"...that's all I keep thinking about."
"Because you become what you think about most of the time."
"Everything starts with a thought because I believe, and it says it in the Bible too, the thoughts, they affect the... So, the way you think affects the way you feel, the way you feel affects the way you behave."
"The Mind begins to calm down when you leave it alone for a little while."
"Thought is the most powerful thing you can composite and produce."
"Thoughts Are Not Mere Abstractions but Forces That Shape Reality Itself."
"When you are practicing zazen, do not try to stop your thinking; let it stop by itself."
"You shouldn't fight with any thoughts. The more you resist, the more those thoughts have come to you."
"Humanism is whenever you focus on the importance of thought, so you don't really go right away with your initial reaction."
"The quality of your thoughts will result in the quality of your life. Simply put, thought precedes manifestation. First you think it, and then you actualize it."
"Aaron himself is sending this message, thought, or memory through these paths."
"The only time a thought becomes real is when you put meaning to it, when you put a feeling to it."