
Self-assessment Quotes

There are 2730 quotes

"The precondition for forgiving yourself is to sort out whether or not you're accusing yourself too viciously."
"You learn to tame the jealousy; sometimes you're like, okay, my life's pretty good."
"You might be where you want to be or you feel good and comfortable in yourself. You have a lot to offer."
"I actually think it is the best strategy for me."
"The achiever chooses how to proceed based on one's own critical examination of what works and what is important."
"We like to think of ourselves as being pretty bright, being pretty smart cookies here on GG Live."
"The most important thing if you are starting something yourself I think is to ask yourself what's the right thing for you."
"Where am I? How do I stack up to my peers? And is there some sort of metric that could let me know like, am I ahead of the curve, am I behind the curve, I don't even know where the curve is?"
"Every single day I'm taking active measures such as therapy, education, and assessing the character of not only myself but everyone I'm surrounding myself with, in order to grow and become a better person."
"Are we now living in an enlightened age? No, but we live in an age of enlightenment."
"Who you are today is not your potential. Who you are today is just a point of reference."
"Your crappy say you're crappy. If you're amazing say you're amazing. Tell the truth."
"This is the stress test, and the stress cardiogram will reveal the real state of your heart, or in this case, our emotional oxygen supply."
"The only question is, are we doing our best?"
"Every day...I judge [myself] by...when I put my head down on the pillow...did I move towards those things that I define as a beautiful life."
"At this point, I think I know more about manufacturing than anyone currently alive on Earth."
"I did something beyond smart. Some would even say genius."
"Being behind is just an illusion; we can start to look at where is my bandwidth and how much energy do I have to put towards a task list today."
"I consider my opinions better than opposing opinions; if I didn't think that other opinions were worse, then I would hold those opinions and not mine."
"You're a lot tougher than you think you are."
"If I died knowing that I did what was right, did my best to do what was right, even if in the history books they said I did wrong, I would still feel okay about that. I care about the reality of goodness, not the perception of it."
"I didn't have to worry about whether I won or lost at something because I wasn't faking anything."
"Impostor syndrome is more a case of being unrealistic about your comparisons. You're choosing to compare yourself to someone really good and say, 'Oh, I'm an imposter; I'm not that good.'"
"Judge yourself not by whether you attain the shape but always by the quality of your effort."
"Of course, I don't suffer from hubris because hubris is a flaw, and I am perfect. Therefore, I don't have hubris."
"I got things done very quick, as quick as possible for someone that wasn't professional."
"At the end of the day, if you go to bed at night and think you've done the very best you could possibly do, then you should go to bed happy and peaceful."
"I've been driving for years. I'm a very experienced driver."
"What am I good at? What am I not good at? How am I going to put myself in a position to be successful?"
"I feel like I did a good job and I was proud of myself."
"What matters most to you as a person, what matters most to you now."
"If you think you're incompetent, there's a better chance that you're not incompetent because if you think you're incompetent, you're actually humble."
"If you combine all of our attractiveness skill, we might get to like a nine or a ten."
"It's about being your own biggest critic. I know when I've had a bad game. I don't need to be told by fans or journalists that I've had a bad game because I know I've had a bad game."
"Seeing this, Sion thought that he had failed to become king."
"The most important question is like, are you happy?"
"In our lives, if we do not do what we cannot do, there is no issue. If we do not do what we can do, we are a disaster."
"It makes you think that way, and I was actually honestly able to answer that question, yes. I believe I was a good person. I've done good things, and I've helped a lot of people."
"Resentment is so useful; it's so informative. If you're resentful, you're either being oppressed and not standing up for yourself, or you're whiny and should grow up."
"I did all the checks: Can I live with this choice? Yes. Can I live with not doing this? No."
"I myself have got to admit that I've always loved being tested and assessed on my level of fitness in the army."
"You got zero guts. Ah, I got guts because I'm brave."
"The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people who have very limited knowledge or competence in a topic really overestimate their own knowledge or competence."
"Never underestimate the man who overestimates himself."
"You really need to ask yourself these types of questions before you jump into a trade."
"I'm good at making puns, which maybe that's not really such a good thing to be bragging about."
"If you approached your beliefs as belonging to someone unknown, what assumptions and limitations would you accuse that stranger of?"
"Everyone has a mental concept for themselves, a self-concept. We all like to believe that we are good."
"I did really good though, like really good. Crushed that."
"I'm actually incredibly busy every day. It's just that I always feel like something's missing."
"I'm just too stupid to know when to give up, which I'm okay with."
"You're doing a lot better than you think you are."
"Thinking I'm gonna be a backup quarterback, but there had to be a team out there that was like, 'Hey, Cam is much better than our guy, much, much better.'"
"I honestly had no idea if I was going to see any difference at all, but I humbly think that I made some decent progress."
"I'm mentally good, better than I have been in many years."
"On a scale of zero to ten... you could probably clear 80% of your problems."
"I'm a good mom. I can look myself in the mirror and say that. That's everything to me."
"We are the best team in London, no, the world."
"You are not too stupid. Your failure to understand gibberish is not a shortcoming on your part."
"I think I did pretty well with the resort. I mean, I don't really know what I'm doing, but I think we're doing a little good."
"Passion is simply energy. It's what you feel when you are energized and excited about what you're doing."
"I guess what burnout really is, is that I've played League of Legends for like 12 hours a day for five to six years during my pro career, and I guess what the burnout really comes from is not only playing it so much and grinding it so much but I guess what it comes from is not knowing how to take a break."
"My strength is phenomenal now. As long as you get to the end of it and go on, 'I've given it all I can,' you're a winner."
"Your record is what your record says you are."
"I'm richer than you and I'm more fucking relevant." - Theodore
"Even if you know you're healthy looking on the outside... could you feel better than you currently do? That's the question you should ask yourself."
"I'm more educated on this than you could ever be in your lifetime."
"Veronica Lake: 'You could put all the talent I had into your left eye and still not suffer from impaired vision.'"
"What do you consider your strengths and weaknesses?"
"Try to develop your own internal metric... what matters and what is good."
"I'm like a B-list food personality, but like an A-list writer, and like a C-list human being."
"My goal this weekend is honestly just to prove to myself that I deserve to be with those girls again after last year."
"We have a vision to be the world's greatest games company. If we're honest with ourselves, we're not there right now." - Andrew Wilson
"If you are unhappy with your actions, then by all means, think less of yourself."
"Our negotiation is on point. I would say that for sure, our negotiation is on point."
"I haven't grown up, but really, by whose standards?"
"See the good, the bad, and the changes you want to make."
"Am i acting out of personal greed know what's good it what's in it for me out of ill-will against something out of delusion or out of fear no no I was acting out of those so I made a decision."
"Make a list of what you have to offer in a relationship compare it to the list of what you want in a partner and where all the gaps are make those your micro habits."
"Has your life panned out exactly as you always dreamed that it would? And if not, where are the gaps?"
"The quality of life is determined by how I am, not what is around me."
"I mean, I'm usually pretty incredible at everything I try."
"I'd be a horrific dictator, I'd be a great president, a king."
"The real issue that I wanted to bring up is, is that pioneer spirit still within our hearts?"
"We’re going for a good solid 99% perfect, just like meeee!"
"I really do think Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is my best movie." - Quentin Tarantino
"Nothing's ever perfect in my humble opinion, but this is pretty good. I'm actually pretty happy."
"If I was crazy, how I make $100 million already? That's not really crazy."
"You have more skill than you think, you're doing a good job."
"Ask yourself, am I making things better or am I making things worse?"
"I feel like there's something that you are trying to accomplish."
"Why would I look back and tell myself that I did something wrong? I don't do things that are wrong. I do things that are great. I'm great. I'm a star."
"I'm not the greatest but definitely put me in there."
"You have to decide, are you Lincoln enough or do you have to be the Cadillac?"
"Put me on a [ __ ] lie detector test, like do I think that I could be the best ADC in LCS if I just played as much as I did two years ago? Yeah, I do."
"When your internal enthusiasm is gone, it's time to make a change."
"How arrogant are you that you believe that you could compete at the highest level with all this other [ __ ] on their back?"
"The level of my match against Niha was like probably a good 100 points below how I played in this match."
"I feel like that was good, I'm feeling good about that. I'm feeling good about that."
"We still think we were the best team in the tournament."
"I believe that here there can be no confidence and ultimate confidence, but I see that we've seen some glimpse of this confidence."
"Once it's done, I always know that a project is as good as it can be because that's as good as I could do."
"I'm telling you, I'm not the greatest cook in the world. I think I'm okay, alright, but I would honestly put my Brussels sprouts up there against almost any restaurant."
"If you only remember one thing, look into the Johnson O'Connor aptitudes test."
"I’m not good at building shit, you know? I’m excellent at tearing it down." "But until then, who’s in charge? Me. That’s how I live my life."
"Are we growing, or are we dying?" - Dave Hollis
"You know you're settling when you look at yourself and see unfulfilled potential."
"You have to decide what to carry based on an honest evaluation of your fire-starting ability."
"You gotta ask yourself, do you really feel secure?"
"I think any nerves I've got at the moment are low."
"The truth is what you can actually do. Approach it like that. I can't do it, I shouldn't be comfortable."
"I want all of you to go through your life being as confident as Matt is in his potentially subpar dota skills."
"If you want confidence, look at what you already did with a bunch of your ingredients. Like what did you already do? Where have you already been a chef in your life?"
"He knew he was the best player in the game at that time."
"I kind of took a look at myself and I kind of evaluated what in my life is it that I want to improve, what about my life is it that I don't like."
"It's just nice to be told everything I thought that exercise went really well."
"I'm really happy with the job we're doing and I'm glad that this team and me are here for this horrible thing. I mean, it's a number of people have said it, but and I feel it actually, I'm a wartime president."
"I'm really talented people just aren't ready for my work yet. No one understands that I am a true master."
"I'm much more qualified to talk about, as competitive because you know I'm the greatest to ever touch the game."
"Enneagram is a test that is believed to show you which of the nine personality types most applies to you."
"I think the most common way ego is a detriment to players is when they're afraid to be wrong."
"Wrong, you were wrong back then. I am just far more correct now than I was then."
"This is probably the greatest thing I've ever accomplished in my entire life."
"Am I proud of the person that I'm looking at in the mirror? Am I trying to do the right thing for people?"
"If you could live up to the expectation you have for yourself, then things are pretty good."
"If you're feeling pushed into a corner, something needs to drastically change."
"I mean, can you really say you've made the most out of your day?"
"If you want to say I'm a bad communicator once again, that's your prerogative, but I would disagree. I think I'm very good at communicating. That's the reason I'm even [ __ ] here."
"I got 50 dollars, I have a decent amount actually."
"It's the very definition of mediocre or average."
"Right now, I think it looks alright, like I am quite happy with how it's turned out."
"How would you know if you're getting a good education?"
"We should have a system which encourages people looking at their own system."
"I feel like I'm not playing a tight game right now."
"To improve for 2023, you need to understand exactly what you've got wrong for 2022."
"I'm cool with where I'm at and I've dished out a lot of, you know, whatever in my game. I've been on the right side of where I want to be, winning enough, you know, being competitive at that level."
"Oh my God, dude, there's no way I'm getting these right. Oh my God, I got 10 out of 20 right!"
"It was my saddest moment in reading the book because I thought, 'Okay, I'm not going to do well on the IQ one,' but I thought with the bricks, I'd just be fabulous."
"My final tip, number 10, is to record yourself and then compare it to a native speaker."
"I'm not that talented in anything really but what I was pretty talented at was being able to like work hard in a bunch of different things."
"I'm not blowing smoke up my ass, but that was [__] delicious."
"Take responsibility in all situations. Always ask yourself how am I responsible for whatever just happened?"
"I'm better than that. I wouldn't do something like that."
"You don't know everything, so to claim you believe something about which you cannot possibly be wrong is self-deification."
"At the end of the day, there are standards that you have to meet with yourself first."
"I am the strongest player. I've always been the strongest player."
"So, if you can not figure out how to set up a live stream, at the end of this tutorial then I am a horrible teacher."
"Is this person making you a better person or a worse person?"
"Hold your ground, stand your ground, and also take a moment to look back and see all of the progress you've made thus far."
"It's a good idea to think about it in that way so that you're really focused on am I improving in these areas?"
"Try these methods, see if they work for you. Focus on your weaknesses and what you need to improve."
"Confidence is the middle ground between insecurity and arrogance. It's about self-improvement, not perfection."
"I'm the best player in the world plays them I think this is probably the I think the highest I've put by left on tier list."
"We're actually very much on the right track."
"I recognize the fact that I haven't always been the best role model and that sucks."
"Maybe take a little time... see if the things you're doing individually are really what you want to be doing."
"Do you actually have a plan? Have you started answering the question: What is my number?"
"Internal evaluation was pretty much as important as external evaluations."
"You're not even the best in your town or anything."
"It's good to have some haters, it makes you reassess what you're doing and put things into perspective."
"You have to judge yourself against yourself."
"I think I'm very close to the best possible version of myself."
"I'm kind of tempted to Ribery this up because it kind of looks bad."
"We felt like the stronger team than Mad at the time."
"Do you believe what do you think is better, Bill Russell or me?"
"I'd rather be a good player but a bad manager."
"I thought that my self-worth was directly tied to just me being able to give."
"You just have to approach things with... okay, what's the problem? What exactly am I contributing to society... Is this something that can help me?"
"Me using NA: 'NA' is not applicable, my entire life."
"You gotta resist. You gotta resist at least for a moment to give yourself time to make your own assessment."
"Does what I'm doing provide enjoyment or value to my life?"
"Try the questions, check your answers, and verify you're actually getting it."
"Every time I look at them... I'm like okay not doing that bad."
"I'm a survivor, I think you're good at this game or something, melon."
"By this point, we're a super super strong nation"
"I'm always saying how can we improve in everything we do because guess what there are a lot of things we need to be a lot better at."
"Your greatest asset is your brain, or it's your greatest liability."
"Take a new inventory of yourself starting tomorrow."
"I fought in there, I had fight with some grit and then found a Knockout so I think I did good." - Reflection on performance
"I think you're doing a lot better than you know."
"I see opportunities to get better, in my opinion, a limitation is largely an excuse."
"What's the point of being successful in the world if you're a failure according to yourself?"
"You've got a king of Pentacles inside of you, you're an excellent judge of character, great intuition, great businessperson."
"Overall, I think I'm satisfied with the record."
"How do you treat that person will determine who you are."
"What do you give over and above zakah? That's when you will know how generous you are."
"I am based performance-wise, not outcome-wise."
"The experiences of these hikers highlight the power of silence and mystery."
"I am really good at concisely making things known."
"Do we actually need it? Only you can answer that I suppose."
"It's not happening because I couldn't make it happen. Frankly, I'm great at my job."
"I mean, I should have won that game, which is clearly better."
"What are your risk tolerance? Write that down."
"If you have to question if you're ready for this, you aren't."
"If we can only be beaten by a Prime, and I just killed Optimus Prime earlier, then technically that makes me more powerful than you, doesn't it?"
"We have to look at ourselves defensively and figure out what we can do better."
"I could have kept playing I could have like limped along but that wasn't who I was you know I came to the league I said I had a couple goals I wanted to play for 10 years I want to have like 10 000 yards you know just be known to have that impact."
"You cannot convince me that this team won't win a championship and if it doesn't I'm bad at what I do."
"My good enough was already going to be better than the majority of the stuff that's out there." - Jared Polin
"I wouldn't do the job, that is me complimenting."