
Eternity Quotes

There are 7791 quotes

"You'll be overflowing with gratitude for all eternity."
"We are eternal. This physical body is not, but our soul is."
"Life is precious; well, if it's eternal, how freaking precious can it be? There's an infinite supply."
"God's words last forever, regardless of what we do here on Earth."
"I think the soul is one of those things we want to believe that there's something special about us that lives forever."
"Heaven is being so powerful that you can literally construct your own personal paradise of pleasure and it lasts for eternity. Whatever you want, you can have. There's no limits whatsoever."
"It is God searching for God that's what's going on from eternity to eternity."
"Chaitanya (consciousness) is not limited in space, therefore it is all-pervading; it's not limited in time, therefore it is eternal; it's not limited by object, therefore it is non-dual."
"Existence. We all exist, we have always existed, we will forever exist."
"Engagement, partnership, commitment, eternity, completion, union."
"Encouragement could make the difference between somebody's eternal life and their eternal separation from God."
"I am the source of the light, I can never die."
"The spirit lives on; that part of man is eternal because spirits can never die."
"In Jannah, it's just pure and pure and pure happiness for eternity."
"What gets me to heaven? Love endures because love is what heaven is."
"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men."
"If we are actually eternal beings, then we have all the more reasons to recognize the infinite potential of growth."
"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever."
"Visualization is rooted in the concept of eternity, suggesting that time is not linear but an infinite and boundless field of possibilities."
"Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity."
"God is more concerned with our eternity than he is concerned with our present."
"We don't have to think like that anymore. That's quantum. That's Jesus. You are an eternal being. You have eternal life."
"This life is but a fleeting moment compared to the eternity that awaits us."
"Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life."
"Eternal love, love is love is love, and it transcends physical death."
"Everything you've ever said to me, I've taken to heart, and I want to dance across eternity with you."
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."
"Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last."
"Now unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think...be glory, majesty, dominion, and power, both now and forever."
"Are you accumulating on earth what you cannot keep, or are you investing in heaven what you cannot lose?"
"True friendship that will never end and it cannot, and that's something I know for sure."
"Everyone in this room has a chance to see eternity. Begin to plan for your eternity now because it happened."
"For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
"Eternity extends time into infinity; dreams illuminate each moment within. When both shine in unison, the sacred sakura blooms."
"Our spiritual DNA has eternity written in our hearts."
"Individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity. What you might not realize is that all too often, people have far more to lose by chasing their dreams."
"Life is what I always try to understand its depth and its mystique. Its rise and fall... I understand the greatness brought by this mystique, as well as that which is eternal and keeps appearing and disappearing. Yet, we keep flashing and disappearing and again blossoming out in this eternity."
"I suppose what it comes down to is the definition of eternity."
"Known to God are all His works from all eternity."
"Combine history and eternity, you get a myth."
"The whole entire eternity of our human journey on this Earth is to figure out who we are."
"I'm planning for all time, and that means eternity."
"With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
"What's terrifying about death is not death itself but eternity."
"He watches over you from this time forth, now and forevermore."
"We get so preoccupied with the temporary life here we forget the one that's really going to last."
"All flesh is as grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field; the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever." - Isaiah 40:6-8 (Bible verse referenced in the discussion)
"Your true essence is your soul, which is eternal and exists in an ocean of love."
"Heaven represents eternity, eternal time, while earth represents linear time."
"Every believer, everyone who belongs to God, everyone who is redeemed, regenerate will be raised from the dead and will also have a body, a body suited for eternal glory in the presence of God."
"We're talking about creating a family unit that has the potential of being everlasting and eternal."
"The noblest concept that can enter the heart of a man is the fact that the family unit continues in eternity."
"The word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word that was preached to you."
"If you know you're eternal, why not just go all in?"
"If religion is supposed to be eternal, then the idea that there is an eternity in which this is just one moment and that you can step away for a moment from Twitter and the world won't end...is definitely comforting."
"But whoever does the will of God lives forever."
"Jesus starts with being God, then He goes to being our Savior, then a man, then a friend, then our spouse for all eternity."
"In the light of eternity... try to perceive this moment in the light of eternity."
"God is uncreated. He's always been there, he'll always be there. That's the greatness of God."
"God wants to not just forgive us; He wants to draw us into an eternal family."
"He is the God who was, and the God who is, and the God who is to come."
"The only thing that matters 100 years from now is how many people will be in heaven because of your influence."
"Death in the name of death and go into eternity, that's like a Reaper off the supernatural show."
"The Bible says that the word of God is forever settled in heaven."
"Life is being like a mist, like a vapor in the context of eternity; it's here today and gone tomorrow."
"Fear not, you don't have to fear eternity. You don't have to fear waking up in hell one day."
"Eternity neither ends nor begins; he always is."
"When we get to heaven, we're going to say we're home for the first time. And it goes on forever and ever."
"Memories don't die. Yes, memories are something that will live on eternally."
"This was the moment that eternity and time clapped their hands together."
"Heaven is not a place where you get bored; it will always be new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures."
"Every time we hear about Jannah, the word 'forever' is always there."
"The Bible contains everything we need to know for Time and Eternity."
"The most straightforward interpretation of the data and the mathematics suggests that the universe may continue to expand forever. Forever is a kind of funny concept... an idea where time wouldn't literally end, but enroute to that eternity, everything that we know about will end."
"As human beings, as mortal creatures, should we not prepare ourselves for eternity?"
"The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."
"We cannot outlive the promises of God; they will always outlive us because His word stands true forever."
"But at least sculpture gives us a shot at eternity; long after we're gone, our Land Art will still be there."
"I lay down my life before you now, trusting that whatever I give up, it'll be multiplied in eternity."
"We have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."
"Faith in Christ gives you guarantees for eternity, but it gives you hope for a resurrection, no matter how deadly your situation appears to be right now."
"Circularity represents the Eternity, the endlessness of the divine."
"If the memories of SL9's destruction eventually inspire us to take our first steps as an interplanetary species, then we can safely say that its effects will remain with us for all eternity."
"God wants you to live for eternity with Him in heaven."
"This body gives life to the next life in dense and subtle energy. This body has been alive forever already."
"I love this life, but eternity sounds miserable."
"Heaven and hell, they are very real literal places and each one of us, we're going to spend an eternity in one of those destinations."
"No sorrow, goodbye sorrow. Wouldn't you like to live an eternity with no sorrow?"
"My spirit will live forever, and it will live in this house. Nobody else will be able to live in this house. I put a curse on it."
"When culture was telling us what companies are essential and saying the church is not essential, I'd say eternity is essential."
"You'll never escape it. See, it's not just like, there's no time. It's a passing thing, it just never ends."
"I just like to ask questions and also I didn't want to come in and say a whole bunch of other record [__] either because it's like what does that do."
"You cannot divide eternity in two parts. If I cut something that's infinite in half, both halves are infinite."
"The temple is a symbol of eternity and God's love for them."
"Those who face eternity easily forget what a lifetime means, what an ending means. You know it doesn't have to be this way."
"Protect our thoughts with the fact that my eternity is secure in God."
"If you can dream it, you can have it. If you are facing it, you can deal with it. It's temporary. You are eternal."
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. The world is passing away, but he who does the will of God abides forever."
"God doesn't move according to our deadlines... He's eternal."
"When we experience His indwelling presence and all-sufficient peace, we settle once and for all where we're going to spend eternity."
"Just like the happy ghost in the story, Susie was going where she could be with her family forever."
"The day in which we fear as our last is really the birthplace of Eternity."
"We raise trees to put up monuments to our narcissism, our topsoil is data with trees of concrete sprouting from it bearing fruits of creation tended to by gardeners calling themselves a bedrock royalty lives and dies but a story is eternal."
"What's one life if you have eternity to live in this paradise with your family?"
"Love is divine energy that begins in God and has no end."
"You occupy a precious space in My Kingdom, within your family and in your current dwelling. Always remember that you're destined to be with me in eternity."
"For there is but one escape from eternity's trap and I stand upon its precipice. I need not even jump, I need merely to finally rest."
"Heaven is open for you, friend. You still have time to choose eternity in paradise."
"The present moment is the closest approximation to Eternity."
"Separation itself is only an illusion. This is the person, the other soul you have been intricately connected to, intertwined with, not just this lifetime, but this is the person you've been in a kind of eternal dance with."
"If you want to find eternity, you must seek the spirit realm."
"For the believer who's following Jesus, we don't run out of time... it's the beginning of seeing things in heaven where you go 'Wow.'"
"God wants you with Him forever in eternity... part of His forever family."
"For all eternity, Enchantix shall reign supreme."
"Even if we aren't immortal, our actions can influence others for eternity."
"This life is short, but life after death is eternal."
"Love is the only thing that matters, love is eternal, love makes us immortal."
"Accept or reject Jesus; it's about your eternity."
"The twain shall be made one now and for all eternity."
"Life is a day to prepare for eternity; improve our time wisely."
"Your words are Eternal, they never die, they keep going, they keep going."
"You exist, you have always existed, and you always will."
"Scripture indicates that you and I as redeemed Believers will be engaged in meaningful service throughout eternity."
"There Is No Death in God's love thank you [Applause]"
"As long as you love creating and making music, there's never an end."
"Somebody who is genuinely born again is somebody who has realized with everything in them that they love Jesus so much that they want to spend eternity with Him. Amen."
"Once you become a child of God by the new birth, from that moment on your spirit is yours throughout eternity. I'm glad for that."
"It's a marvelous pursuit to spend your life as we will spend all of eternity searching out the glories of God in the face of Jesus Christ."
"Eternity asks you just one thing: whether you have lived in despair or not."
"Jesus just simply said this he said I am alive forevermore."
"God will dwell forever with his people. It is called the New Jerusalem."
"You better put your faith in that which is eternal."
"I want to live from the perspective of eternity."
"This life is just a preparation for the next. Only one life will soon be passed; only what's done for Christ will last."
"The covenant established with David ensures a kingdom that will endure forever."
"Store up for yourself treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy."
"The covenant of the Most High is gonna be forever."
"The risen Christ is the Lord's assurance of our safety for eternity."
"Hell is in the eternal state... it is a place that is real, eternal, and conscious."
"I suddenly realized that by capturing the moment, photography was able to achieve eternity."
"Even though they can't have it forever, they can be young forever in heaven."
"An eternity of worshiping God actually does sound like hell to me."
"The most important question anybody could ask you is this: Where will you spend eternity?"
"God is not limited to a bodily form, and he will manifest himself in eternity."
"Death is not the end but rather it is the beginning of eternity."
"The father's love is never going to run out for us."
"God's love is unending, he's loved you from beginning and you'll love you all the way to the end."
"I think we may spend an eternity trying to understand what it really cost Him that we might be there in fellowship with Him."
"Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen."
"The way we live as believers determines how we're gonna spend eternity."
"We all live for eternity either in the eternal presence of God or in the eternal Lake of Fire."
"Truth is permanent and it happened not just in time but in eternity."
"Of the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end."
"There's absolutely nothing that needs to happen before the Trump of God can sound. The question is, where are you going to spend eternity?"
"You have a soul, it's spiritual, it's gonna live forever."
"If I actually say I love you but I don't even give you an opportunity to enter into eternity with God do I actually love you."
"A billion years will go by in heaven and we will still have so much to learn about God."
"You are going to exist somewhere for all of eternity."
"Being in the right destination in eternity is much more important than being on the right side of History."
"You've been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable."
"Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will by no means pass away."
"The force is eternal, it cannot be ended, it cannot be stopped, not so long as life exists."
"There's only two possible destinations: with God in heaven or without God in hell."
"Your soul will never die, your soul will be very much alive."
"Nothing that we cling to in this life will matter on the other side of eternity."
"Stories are for eternity when memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember except the story."
"It's fun to imagine the far future of the universe, will we still be around in some form?"
"The amount of love I have for my family is exponential that it's never going to die and they need I want them back."
"Remember, history never had a starting date. It is eternal."
"In the heat of battle, a single moment may fill an eternity."
"God's truth stands the test of time for eternity."
"This world is not our home; this world has an expiration date on it, but our God is the God of eternity." - Jack Hibbs
"The world has changed, but God has promised us eternity."
"What exactly are we losing on that side of eternity because of our compromise on this side of eternity?"
"If you believe in Christ today and have eternal life but lose it tomorrow, then it was never eternal at all."
"The whole thing is about life, every kind of life, and supremely about eternal life."
"Our life in eternity is dependent upon the right book that we choose."
"Jesus Christ returns for the saints of God, and from that moment forward, we will forever be with the Lord."
"The word of the Lord remains forever. Heaven and earth may pass away but God's Word is not going to."
"The Sabbath is a foretaste of paradise; it prepares us for the experience of eternity."
"This moment of suffering is a blip on the radar of eternity."
"That we're not running toward eternity, but eternity walks right alongside us, and it is waiting for us."
"There's another life that is better... it is perfect and it doesn't come to an end."
"What you do in this life is going to echo throughout all of eternity."
"Only the Oneness of love and the lover is eternal surrender your heart into this Union for all else in this world is momentary."
"You were created in the image of God, and you're an eternal being that's gonna live forever even when you pass through this."
"Someday when time no more shall be and I say death where is your stain."
"The moment we open our eyes to eternity, in death, we'll suddenly see the entire picture makes sense."
"Life is like an audition to see who would live amongst him through eternity and who will not."
"Every test is temporary, but return to Allah is permanent."
"If the universe is truly endless, then we're striving for something forever out of reach."
"We are spirits having a human experience, and then ultimately no matter what happens, we are eternal, infinite beings and will always be alright."
"We are in eternity right now every moment of time, and so we need to learn to operate as eternal beings in the here and now." - CS
"You are the true you, the being that has no beginning and will have no end."
"The love of God is divine, true, and everlasting."
"His Divine love is eternal and unconditional."
"If you're wrong, you spend eternity separated from God. That would be a lot to risk."
"It's a joke to think time can come to circumvent eternity."
"Whatever price we pay here will enable us to spend all eternity with almighty god."