
Censorship Quotes

There are 3165 quotes

"We should not censor books just because we disagree with some of the ideas in them. It's better for controversial topics to be openly discussed and debated rather than suppressed."
"There is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment."
"How is it that you can have people calling into question whether or not you should study 'The Diary of Anne Frank' or read the books of Toni Morrison?"
"Freedom of speech is the freedom to speak. If anyone's not allowed to speak, then it's not freedom of speech; it's freedom to conform to certain parameters of what are acceptable."
"Once you start censoring freedom of speech...that is what the fascists do."
"I tweeted 'ban porn on Twitter.' I think that porn should be banned."
"The problem with big tech companies is that they censor what you see and track what you do online."
"Blizzard did not take kindly to someone speaking out against China in an official tournament."
"What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one."
"This was an attempt to make Russell Brand shut up because he has views that diverge from those of most western governments on big issues."
"The censorship campaign against him began with governments, not private organizations, but governments, their Intel services, and their policymakers."
"Censorship can actually increase radicalization through social isolation."
"If we simply turn off the comments anytime something is controversial, and we don't allow people to have a discussion, how are we ever going to learn anything?"
"The people that you and I spend a certain amount of our lives railing against is in part because they are censorious bullies. They want to tell you and me, and everyone else, what we should find funny, what we should read, what we should say, what we should think, how we should act."
"In my mind, it's an invitation which I decline. These people who are so primed, so unfunny, so tediously repressive in everything they do, don't stand a chance in the long run."
"When you cut out a man's tongue, you're not proving him wrong, you're only showing the world that you fear what he has to say."
"While there is censorship, both self and active, we can also see the development of some truly excellent journalism coming out of Pakistan and some very brave journalists who defy these censors."
"If outrageous opinions are read aloud, they could be challenged and exposed for what they are; if they're silenced, the person holding these views can become a martyr."
"If outrageous opinions are read aloud, they can be challenged and exposed for what they are. If they're silenced, the person holding these views can become a martyr."
"Everyone should have the right to express themselves freely, but big tech monopolies have instead opted for silencing tactics and censorship."
"We're just not allowed to debate it, so really, whether it works or not isn't the issue. The issue here is, can we have open and honest debate?"
"If there's one thing that I've noticed in the past couple of years, it's that they can cancel you from certain platforms... but at the end of the day, if you have a certain following and you've been proven right time and time again... there's still going to be a population of people that want to hear from you."
"Fahrenheit 451 is a novel about a dystopian future in which many books and media are censored, and people are force-fed dumbed-down entertainment and propaganda."
"Anime style games shouldn't be cracked down on so hardly and so unfair."
"If they're looking to silence me, it means I'm saying something truthful and something they don't want people to hear."
"So I'm re-releasing this video because the YouTube Gods decided to age restrict the previous version due to graphic violence, which is ridiculous and absurd considering I edited all of the violence out."
"Free speech doesn't mean that you get paid to speak. That's paid speech. Free speech means no one gets to censor what you have to say."
"The content of tonight's program has been deemed dangerous by the mainstream media, Silicon Valley, and those members of the world economic forum."
"There is definitely very tight control over the flow of information of certain topics through our corporate-controlled mass media."
"Censorship is a disaster in every single instance, whether it's enforced by the government or bureaucrats at a university."
"The answer to bad speech isn't censorship; it's more speech."
"The Comics Code... is just a response to fear, fear that the art people consume has the power to show them new, uncomfortable ideas."
"If you start bringing in these extreme agendas and censorship... people will and now are, because they weren't before, they will vote with their pocketbooks."
"Government censorship should concern everyone."
"Censorship isn't about truth; it's about power."
"Censorship inflicts lasting harm on Americans by impeding the pursuit of truth in a free marketplace of ideas."
"Why do they always have to do this? Why? It's like god forbid people watch something that they disagree with."
"When you try and censor something, you draw attention to it."
"Burning books is the last resort of people who cannot argue."
"If you want censorship, look at what Russia is doing with these journalists."
"We don't permit the banning of books that teach people how to make bombs."
"Censorship is about power; censorship is about control."
"There's never been a time in history when the guys who were censoring people were the good guys."
"The left has embraced censorship largely because they have grabbed the commanding heights of power in nearly all cultural arenas."
"This world is becoming way more... personal speech and freedoms are being clamped down in a way that we haven't seen for decades."
"We're going to talk about disinformation and let's talk about censorship."
"Censorship over any ideas that grown-ups choose to pursue and express are antithetical to a free society."
"If you don't challenge censorship at the very start, then it will swallow you up eventually."
"Every dictator who ever censored said they were doing it to protect their people."
"If you brand your channel as an opposition to power and authority and big corporations and you aren't talking about big tech censorship, you are pathetic."
"Americans like to celebrate our long history of free expression and, as a result, we really hate when something looks or even just feels like censorship."
"To be for or against censorship as such is to assume a freedom no one has. Censorship is; one can only discriminate among its more and less repressive effects."
"When you tear out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."
"Thousands of people claim that this book should never have been banned from the Bible, whilst others claim it should never be opened again."
"Accounts were being debosted, Shadow Banning actually was a thing, accounts were being terminated for right-wing opinions."
"Books are a vital way that children, adolescents, and adults learn about themselves and our world. Bans such as these are nothing but harmful."
"Piers Morgan...had his CNN appearance cancelled because he criticized the media for not talking about the Biden laptop scandal."
"A library bans a book, as opposed to doesn't purchase one, then that is considered by the U.S. Supreme Court to be a First Amendment violation."
"The scariest part of this entire situation is that this is a way to censor people."
"We have people demanding that we build a world just like Fahrenheit 451, just like 1984. They demand it, and these people have power."
"If I wanted to hide or destroy something, especially someone's teaching, it must be because this knowledge may empower someone to gain their freedom, and I have an ulterior motive or agenda that I want to keep them enslaved in for my personal benefit."
"If you say, 'We are going to marginalize and silence certain views,' you then have to deal with the unintended consequences of censorship, and censorship never works."
"Removing net neutrality opens the door for censorship and blocking competition."
"Censorship kills. Censorship is the worst... We're talking about censorship, but we're not talking about it enough."
"Whoever controls the internet controls and can limit what you say."
"Censorship doesn't solve anything in the long term."
"They're gonna eliminate every piece of history from before their rule. They're gonna just control the world and history and propaganda and all that stuff."
"YouTube's probably going to delete this channel because I am talking about things legacy media won't touch, mainstream media won't touch, why? Because it's the truth."
"The hypocrisy of allowing full-on degeneracy in Western developed games but censoring Eastern games for mild depictions is absurd."
"Labeling a speech misinformation does not strip it of its First Amendment protection."
"I can't believe that this is 2023 and America is talking about censoring education. This is America, not a communist nation."
"Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people." - Heinrich Heine
"The current book bans that are sweeping the United States are a symptom of a larger problem, one that's repeated itself throughout history wherever one group sought to impose religious, moral, or political control over the masses."
"Censorship isn't always bad if it protects from harm, but we must be cautious when it stifles free speech."
"If you advocate for violence, instruct people to commit violence, you should be censored."
"So apparently, Earth 2, the second version of this planet, doesn't have cussing. You can't say the F word because that is not allowed in this new utopia that's being made out of JPEGs."
"When the government is controlling your games and your media to the point where they don't allow anything other than their exact message to come through, you know you're not living in a free society."
"We are actively seeking to build that parallel economy to fight back against censorship and manipulation."
"Once the power to censor is... an incredibly potent power... it's something that becomes so addictive."
"Donald Trump threatens to shut down NBC and other TV news networks that criticized him. This is not acceptable... they must be allowed to speak. There's just no way of spinning this. This is completely wrong for Donald Trump to have done. I absolutely condemn it."
"I think it's completely inconsistent that companies like Facebook and Twitter allow people like the Ayatollah of Iran to remain on the platform but they don't allow an American president. That seems to me completely ludicrous."
"Existing lab samples must be destroyed... any existing analysis papers or data cannot be shared to the outside world."
"Information cannot be stopped. They try to plug all these holes; it just doesn't work."
"Free speech becomes under more and more threat because people dare not actually express their honestly held opinion."
"I always viewed censorship as a tool of the establishment, as a tool of authority that was used to silence and suppress marginalized voices, dissidents, and the like."
"Censorship and a major lack of understanding in our society about how to actually make an argument are two major issues that we have in our world today."
"If people are like openly calling for genocide, then that's probably reasonable they be removed from online platforms."
"The proper way to resolve an election issue is not to hide and suppress and censor information."
"Mainstream media and big tech often censor 'misinformation' in order to censor those with opposing views, whether out of idiocy or fear."
"The internet sure changed everything. Absolutely, that's why they need to censor it."
"A book ban, a court decision, a 'Don't Say Gay' law... until one morning you wake up and you no longer live in a democracy."
"If you get scam calls or texts or WhatsApps, respond with a text including things like Tiananmen Square, Taiwan Independence, and other forbidden terms on the Chinese internet."
"October 14, 2020, the New York Post runs the story on the Biden laptop, and Twitter takes it down even though it was accurate and didn't violate Twitter's rules."
"Republicans also had and have had content removed, but the overwhelming majority of people who worked at Twitter leaned into one political direction, giving them the majority of control over what was censored."
"I'm not a fan of those ideas, to be completely honest, but it does show that Democrats have had a direct line to Twitter to remove information."
"Anyone telling you not to do what you want to do, so long as it's not hurting others, who would lie to you and tell you not to listen to others or would censor opinions... they want to manipulate; they want to control you."
"China has the most controlled internet in the world. If they do not want an opinion out there, you can't have that opinion."
"In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it."
"Australia is not a nation that condones censorship, nor should it be."
"Blizzard reportedly banning users on Warcraft forum for helping people with refunds."
"You don't get to censor things you don't like. It is inherently anti-consumer to even consider the notion that a developer could take down criticism of their product simply by abusing copyright law."
"What this app does is remove YouTube's ability to censor a creator from an end user who has raised their hand and said, 'I want to see this person's content.'"
"It's terrible, it's super tone-deaf. The amount the entertainment industry panders to China is nuts."
"The scale of the censorship is overall relatively small, but Modi's government has been criticized for bringing in new laws to regulate social media and for being increasingly quick to censor media it doesn't agree with."
"The censorship-industrial complex is a serious problem, and I for one am getting a bit scared."
"The censorship of the series sparked rampant criticism."
"The efforts to censor, cancel, and blacklist our fellow citizens are wrong and they are dangerous."
"When large, powerful social media companies censor opinions with which they disagree, they exercise a dangerous power."
"Banning people doesn't stop their ideas; it makes them worse."
"This is the chilling effect of censorship that John Milton called 'the greatest displeasure and indignity to a free and knowing spirit that can be put upon him.'"
"When censorship is imposed by the government or the world's third largest multinational, it forbids new life like a frost."
"Free speech is no longer free. If you're not helping the agenda, you're a problem, and they'll get rid of you."
"Cutting off the internet is like a classic move of dictators outside the Imperial Core because they understand that the rest of the world's perception of them is very important."
"What we're talking about is the culture revolution, and it's getting freaky. Banning movies, banning books."
"The way to do this is to give American citizens a private right of action. Let them sue over the content moderation decisions as it relates to censorship. That would clear this up, I think, really quickly."
"The Intercept has dropped hard evidence, text messages, documents showing the Biden Administration has been coordinating censorship efforts with Twitter, Facebook, Microsoft, Big Tech to manipulate public opinion."
"You need the First Amendment when people are trying to silence you."
"Put Putin's decision to expel Canadian media from Moscow is an attempt to silence them from reporting the facts and it is unacceptable."
"The answer to bad speech is more speech, not censorship."
"This climate of censorship and suppression of information...is a setup for seriously compromising the public's trust in our institutions."
"The United States is on the precipice of losing its cherished freedoms, with censorship and cancellation of all those who bring views forward that differ from the accepted mainstream."
"The internet is a complete Streisand effect. If you try to censor information, you just make it come out even more."
"The fact that a book has objectionable instructions in it isn't a reason to ban it; it's a reason to teach."
"I just want to point something out. I think it should be apparent to people why we, uh, on our show, are less likely to get censored."
"We can't censor society and the world purely because of a deranged minority."
"I don't believe in video game censorship, generally."
"Cancel culture is a dangerous phenomenon, the total silencing and erasing of people and truths the progressives dislike."
"I think it's important that we all express ourselves, you know, because god knows we have the other side of the argument shut down at all any available opportunity."
"The ultimate goal is to get that post banned to prove that the Chinese Communist Party can't even deal with something like this: a redacted blank article."
"If there isn't free speech in American public life, if in fact it's impossible to speak your mind without incurring the wrath of the cancel mob, then I think we lose one of our distinctive superpowers."
"China ranked last in a new international ranking on internet freedom."
"Saying something's not a subject for comedy is like saying it's not a subject for fiction."
"I have questions. I think you all have questions."
"Censoring these people and suspending people on Twitter and booting people on Facebook... you're just feeding it."
"When you give the patina of objectivity to a subjective decision to ban prominent people, what you are actively doing is deceiving the public."
"We don't know what we can say, what we can't say, what will get you banned, what won't get you banned."
"The government doesn’t want its citizens using these sites. If they did, democracy would be just around the corner."
"The real issue is does social media have the right to suppress true stories?"
"I always do worry when you open the floodgates of censorship."
"It's the end of literature if you can only speak to and depict your own experience."
"I did believe we would come to a point where censorship would get so awful it would absolutely start eating these people alive."
"Make it simple: a cold shower a day keeps the doctor away."
"The censorship of Tumblr was a dark day in Internet history. To take a community that thrives off of expression and then to censor that is very wrong."
"This is why all the totalitarian regimes in history have tried to burn all of the books."
"No work of art has ever done social harm, though a great deal of social harm has been done by those who have sought to protect society against works of art which they regarded as dangerous."
"There won't be a Patreon CEO who bans you, there won't be a Jack Conte who bans you."
"Preventing things from being discussed that actually could have had a good benefit on society, it's pretty terrible."
"They gag the defendants, don't let them go on social media, don't let them tweet, don't let them talk about it."
"The right to cut off speech lies most powerfully in the hands of private digital platforms."
"The conservative complaint that people on the right were being specifically targeted on ideological grounds and censored was real."
"You can't protect people from ideas. You will end up taking out every good idea in the process."
"Suspending the Twitter account of a major news Organization for publishing a truthful story was obviously incredibly inappropriate." - Elon Musk
"The censorship built into these algorithms is absurd."
"You can't come into the public square where we're discussing things but don't worry there's another one down the street you can go use."
"But they've banned a lot of people, that kind of solved some of the problem."
"Why does the Chinese state still fear the few who speak out?"
"The censorship that is going on in this country right now by big tech and by big media is almost as dangerous as the election fraud."
"The left basically uses its newfound power to call for crackdowns on everybody they disagree with."
"If they're already censoring us, how bad could it get? Well, if you think Russia impacted our election with a few Facebook ads, imagine if Russia owned Facebook."
"She literally just sang the lines 'You don't need experience to turn me out.' The word sex is so dirty, she has to change it to egg."
"Censorship is infantilizing. I want to know what these countries are saying so I can make up my own mind."
"It always kind of comes down to the same thing: censorship to prop up the ruling class and the ruling class narratives."
"A mind in which something has the power to regulate what can be considered by whom and in what way, that mind is much more dangerous."
"For years, Twitter had resisted calls to ban Trump, blocking a world leader from Twitter would hide important information and hamper necessary discussion around their words and actions."
"I just wanted you to watch me swim through piles of money. It's pretty cool."
"The track seems obvious: take away someone's right to speak, the ideas can't exist in public, and the Overton Window swings ridiculously to the far left."
"The fact that these arrogant [ __ ] suppress genuine well-meaning content from thousands of creators just makes me believe that somewhere along the way they might have actually started believing their own high roading [ __ ]."
"YouTube very much so secretly takes videos down."
"I don't think anybody should ever be for censorship... People should be able to speak, people should... formulate their own [__] opinions."
"The bill to ban TickTock is a trojan horse for the internet."
"We have to be extra concerned about how apps like TikTok can be used as a vector for censorship and surveillance."
"A wave of censorship seeks to silence conversation... this rigidly enforced conformity is a straight jacket on sensibility."
"I don't like the idea of restricting art. I think you have to have countercultural ideas."
"The streisand effect is a real thing and you will not be able to censor everyone."
"The stories are taken down not because they are false but because they are true. The closer to home we hit the more truth we reveal the worse it gets nothing stops so many insiders it's happening now."
"As the movie industry faced political pressure to censor content, the gangster movie genre fell out of favor."
"It's not about Alex Jones, it's about censorship."
"Creating censorship regimes can lead to abuse by powerful entities."
"We need to disagree with him publicly not de-platform not uh move them uh cancel the bank accounts not suspend them."
"The longer they censor, the more people wake up. You can't go back once you've woken up."
"The problem with restraining speech is who gets to set the rules."
"Who appointed Mark Zuckerberg to decide when and how we're allowed to think about things?"
"It's misleading and ignorant to call my art anti-China or racist."
"Censorship and the denial of Truth is a big problem."
"What they are actually saying is we wish to shut down streams of information we don't like."
"Censorship and cancel culture are not wars that you can actually wage."
"Suppressing speech is a money loser over time."
"Manipulated everyone into saying... we have to ban Tick Tock... they bring in this Patriot Act 2.0 type situation."
"We're seeing censorship all over, a sitting president was banned from Twitter."
"Gag orders don't happen often. You generally don't see a gag order over [ __ ] on twitter because it shouldn't be happening."
"Censorship makes you stupid, it turns you into a child."
"Science and censorship are totally incompatible."
"Freedom of speech is at risk, it's on its way to being suffocated."
"I've seen dozens of people's pages just mysteriously disappear, you get put in what they call Facebook jail for 30 days."
"We really have to be able to discern who gets a voice and what they're able to say."
"I think this is a strategy to silence people."
"Cancelling voices is a slippery slope. It's critical thinking and open debate that powers real and necessary progress."
"Free speech is guaranteed to all of us regardless of the state you live in."
"Banning people from entering countries because they said things that you found offensive is a very good way to ensure that their views get a wider hearing."
"I'm an investigative journalist, I'm an activist, and a lot of people know me because, well, for several years I was the most banned woman in the world, the most censored."