
Controversy Quotes

There are 8565 quotes

"We should not censor books just because we disagree with some of the ideas in them. It's better for controversial topics to be openly discussed and debated rather than suppressed."
"It was an establishment witch hunt, pure and simple."
"If you don't have haters, you're not doing something right."
"You are very intrigued by things labeled as controversial."
"Blizzard did not take kindly to someone speaking out against China in an official tournament."
"For a company that has a statue outside of their office with the inscription 'Every voice matters,' it sure seemed as though Blizzard thought his voice didn't matter."
"The way that we talk about anti-Semitism isn't about protecting Jews; it's about protecting Israel. How dangerous is that?"
"This is a tale of expose, betrayal, infighting, war, lawsuits, and just in general, every little bad thing that you can possibly think of in a YouTube drama situation."
"This is a big document... If you're not making a document like this and trying to defend yourself, something is wrong."
"The Bible is the greatest scientific book ever written."
"Powerful movements within the society attract this level of controversy."
"The skunk ape photo has been analyzed extensively by experts and remains controversial."
"Theories like the Big Bang and other bedrocks of physics have shaped our understanding of the universe, but recent discoveries are challenging these theories."
"If you were to rob a bank, then become president, and then try to cover up the robbery, you would do exactly what Donald Trump's doing."
"Call of Duty Black Ops had its own fair share of controversies."
"The Cuban government in 2011 actually said a segment of the game where players try to kill Fidel Castro actually glorifies real assassination attempts made by the United States."
"Modern Warfare 3's London attack level causes a lot of controversy."
"Reaction channels need it to exist. They get to report on how tall the fire gets when they pour fuel on it."
"I feel like he hasn't been in like controversy, and he makes funny videos."
"In order to save democracy, we have to curtail the First Amendment."
"Cop watching may make us uncomfortable and is clearly controversial, but its unpredictable and unorthodox tactics may be best suited for the task at hand."
"Social progress involves pissing powerful people off, by definition."
"Counting up how many countries there are is a pretty complicated and pretty controversial business."
"Despite the controversy, his music continues to resonate with millions, proving that there's something unique and captivating about his sound."
"I'm only a provocateur insofar as when I say what I believe to be true, it's provocative. I don't provoke maybe for its own sake."
"Being opposed to marriage equality and equal civil rights for everyone, that's a fringe idea."
"In order to be able to think, you have to risk being offensive."
"The discovery of white dwarf stars is a story full of colorful characters, controversy, and mind-boggling calculations."
"NASCAR is known for its controversial moments, but that's part of what makes the sport great."
"The day he decided to buy Twitter and make it a free speech platform, he has been Public Enemy Number Two after former president Donald Trump."
"This isn't an opportunity for people to attempt to get famous by glamming on to a controversy; it should be seen as a way to help the creators that are being harmed, not cause further strife."
"A card so controversial and divisive it eclipses debates around anything we've seen in the game."
"Roe represented the exercise of raw judicial power and sparked a national controversy that has embittered our political culture for a half-century."
"The best thing to do to your comment section is piss off both sides."
"The best thing that ever happened to the age that we're in is the arrival of Donald Trump... he is the most flamboyant discreditor of an age of capital."
"While the iPhone 7 has controversially lost its headphone jack, it has gained stereo speakers."
"The truth is controversial in a world of lies."
"Saying unpopular things at personal risk certainly takes a level of courage."
"There's no difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup. They're both deadly."
"I'm always going to be that person whether it's about Andrew Tate or not... I believe in accountability."
"Those who accuse Rowling of punching down against her critics ignore the fact that she's sticking up for those who have silenced themselves to avoid the job loss, public vilification, and threats to physical safety that other critics of recent gender orthodoxies have suffered."
"I value human lives over culture, very controversial opinion I know."
"A Danish artist has been ordered to repay a museum after delivering blank canvases."
"Could it be that this piece of history was deliberately buried or omitted due to its unsettling implications?"
"I call Andrew Tate controversial because while there are a lot of people who are outraged about a lot of the things he says, there are also a lot of people, particularly younger men, who think there is a lot of value in his message."
"I'll say it with great respect, number one, she's not my type, number two, it never happened. It never happened."
"The controversy surrounding Diddy raises important questions about accountability and the impact of power dynamics in the music industry."
"Heavily criticized by religious organizations due to its strong reliance on pentagrams, occult themes, demons, and gore, that did little to slow down the ever-increasing size of Doom's reach."
"The correct answer is consistency. There has never been a show that has managed to become involved in major controversy as consistently as South Park."
"I think the most moral thing that you can do with the Balenciaga situation is for the entire world to do this."
"In 1917, artist Marcel Duchamp shocked the world when he submitted a urinal to a society of independent arts exhibition under the pseudonym R. Mutt, describing it as an art piece titled 'Fountain'."
"You're playing with fire, Spotify. This is the disconnect between the woke companies who pull the strings and the woke people who work in your offices and the people who listen to Spotify."
"The interview question I always like to ask is: Tell me something that's true that very few people agree with you on."
"I've been repeatedly called transphobic myself for thinking that a 6'4" biological male who becomes a transwoman athlete and starts demolishing biological females in a swimming pool... is ridiculous."
"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day."
"Controversial art, no matter what side of the controversy you stand on, is allowed to exist."
"Controversial art in and of itself has a right to exist. It's art."
"There's something controversial in science, and for some reason, it makes people not upset but just get excited."
"I'm not afraid of telling it how it is and speaking the truth based on documented facts, not feelings, even if it gets me backlash."
"Democrats only care about people who are not white, not American, and not from small town red America."
"Everybody loves to play the free speech game until it comes to speech that you disagree with, and then at that point, you see who actually really believes in free speech and who actually really doesn't."
"Professor Nutt is probably better known than most academics because in 2009, he was famously sacked by the UK government for essentially doing his job."
"This patent heist won't end well for the US or the world."
"The most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother."
"SOCOM III's design shift was controversial; its large maps and vehicle inclusion marked a departure from the series' tactical roots."
"I'm Furious. Everybody is furious. Nobody believes this story."
"On the opposite end of the spectrum, Fire Emblem fans were particularly obnoxious when Byleth, the most controversial newcomer in Smash Ultimate by a landslide, was first announced."
"Since being declared extinct over 40 years ago, the thylacine has generated more controversy and obsession than any other extinct animal, with reportedly hundreds of sightings since its extinction date."
"Every historical figure who is worth talking about has done something or said something that would get a person in contemporary America fired."
"Give that record its dignity back. It was stolen when Brett Favre slid at Michael Strahan's feet."
"He's the Jeffrey Epstein of the hip-hop world."
"Few ideas can polarize like socialism; many see it as the path to freedom, many others see it as the path to tyranny."
"Any challenge of established scientific dogma is labeled pseudoscience. Isn't that a bit arrogant?"
"Thousands of people claim that this book should never have been banned from the Bible, whilst others claim it should never be opened again."
"Behind the scenes of their meteoric rise, there were controversies, substance use, and a devastating loss that would seal their fate and forever change the course of their lives."
"The whole topic of plagiarism...was the main thing that actually started the snowball effect."
"Elsa Gate refers to a large-scale controversy where YouTube channels and videos targeted towards children... started incorporating disturbing content."
"What we have done here, literally, is we have thrown a bombshell on this delicate balance that has been established for many, many years."
"Kyrie refused to take the jab. That's his real offense."
"All religions are equally valid and equally true... It's a very dangerous doctrine."
"Blizzard went really hard on the whole social justice angle and it immediately backfired whenever they had the sexual harassment lawsuit."
"The position of Ireland maintaining neutrality is still controversial, some see it as a practical position that maintained Irish independence, but others questioned whether it was correct for Ireland to ignore the moral atrocities committed by the Nazis."
"He has been attacked by people on both the left and the right, which usually means that what you're saying is important."
"At times, McDonald's is an inspiring story of an entrepreneur defying all the odds and building an empire, but at the same time, it's a story of betrayal, fraud, and countless scandals."
"The conflict between alternative and mainstream Egyptology is mostly fabricated."
"The confederate statue is not a statue to uphold the glory of the United States; it's a statue about people who are legally speaking, traitors."
"Hancock's theory is still not accepted in academic circles as it has been subject to several controversies and debates."
"The Gospel of Judas challenges traditional Christian beliefs in a manner that no other ancient text has."
"Caring about people shouldn't be controversial."
"Women belong in the kitchen." (In the context of Burger King's campaign to address gender disparity in the culinary industry)
"You're right, it's bowing to a minority trying to please everyone but in the end offending a lot of people."
"The response to Baldhead lick was very negative, as it should be."
"This is where things could get a little political here."
"I feel like college campuses are the best place to bring controversial speakers and have controversial ideas presented."
"People in the West tend to see wildlife conservation as an unambiguous good, but it's controversial in Africa itself."
"Among experts, there are mixed opinions -- though a lot of them are pretty spicy."
"Transparency should be absolute and unequivocal, and it shouldn't be remotely controversial."
"Stem cell research is actually really cheap, it'll probably piss off religious people, but it's cheap and improves our technology, our GDP, and the health as well."
"It's pretty gross. It's pretty gross and especially gross because there's been so much focus placed on mask wearing."
"If telling the truth is controversial, then we're in real bad shape as a people."
"Immensely talented human being, evil pedophile. Right, those two things are true of Michael Jackson."
"I'm not necessarily in favor of deplatforming people with controversial views."
"Open examination of all ideas, even controversial ones, is central to the health of an academic institution."
"I think people like controversy. That's why [certain pundits] will always be on there... because they're controversial, and they will not sit on the fence."
"If you're not creating a negative response from somebody, you're not fascinating to anybody."
"Children should not be subjected to these dangerous interventions in school or at the hands of so-called medical professionals."
"We're gonna make everything controversial. There's a problem in our country, and the problem is that things are so good and we are so angry that we are now looking at stupid things to be angry about."
"Turning on my own community...the channel has been taking the stance of bringing up some interesting topics."
"I refuse to sacrifice my integrity and creative freedom. No, I will not be pulling 'Underage Red' from my collection and no, this is not an apology."
"Since it premiered in 2013, the Attack on Titan anime has been called the greatest anime ever produced, the most overrated anime ever produced, and the most dangerous anime ever produced."
"Attack on Titan is handling incredibly charged issues."
"The number one reason we have freedom of speech is to protect unpopular speech."
"Almost all the greats, if they were born before yesterday, have some aspect of their legacy that is now recognized as problematic."
"The world has reached a place where normalcy is offensive."
"The origin of these exquisite examples of nanotechnology is a mystery that has generated heated controversy among biologists over the past two decades."
"The man who would be king carries some daunting liabilities, high on the list is the Lady Diana factor."
"The world's mad, it's insane, and it's run by insane people. Therefore, if you're not seen as controversial, why not?"
"Controversy creates cash, creates champions."
"This man is a legend of the sport. How dare they obstruct him."
"The efforts to censor, cancel, and blacklist our fellow citizens are wrong and they are dangerous."
"This country is very different to any previous World Cup host and by far the most controversial."
"Free speech is no longer free. If you're not helping the agenda, you're a problem, and they'll get rid of you."
"The media's made it all about threats and harassment received by Anita Sarkeesian and people like that."
"I did not kill myself. Let me repeat: I did not kill myself."
"Part 4: In My Opinion, Andrew Wakefield is a Lying Conman Who Wanted Your Money."
"The paper wasn't just badly made. It wasn't just questionable. It wasn't bold and controversial. It was a lie for money."
"Catherine's court and her personal life are amongst the most famous and controversial of any European ruler."
"There's nothing more revolting than stolen valor."
"Peaceful and universal acceptance is not operable when there's evidence of heresy."
"There's no denying that Fallout 76 is in fact a controversial game and something new to the Bethesda franchise."
"If you want to be ignored and overlooked by history, nobody will ever send you death threats. But if you want to make a splash, if you want to make a ripple in history, you're going to piss people off along the way."
"François Legault's lockdowns have killed more young people than COVID."
"The NFL sort of reminds me of the tobacco companies pre-'90s."
"I feel like academics speaks too much truth, man. People just want to tear him down, but he's saying what others are scared to say."
"Doesn't seem controversial to say that if a business is making money off of misery, even if you regard that business as necessary, you still shouldn't want it to be influencing politicians or holding much power, right?"
"There's something horrifically wrong when all of these notable people and institutions are saying you know what's wrong with incest, what's wrong with this, what's wrong with that."
"I think the FBI went after James O'Keefe because they were scared that O'Keefe had information on them."
"I have questions. I think you all have questions."
"Running out of names, the CDC reverses itself on testing yet again, walking back its latest guidance while caught in a firestorm between politics and science."
"We don't mind you killing an ordinary Negro, but not Colin Powell."
"Forget climate change, this is entirely problematic."
"The left's conflation of bodily autonomy issues with rape and incest."
"I think hydroxychloroquine is a great example of this, how many people could have been saved."
"At least Trump got it right, if a little belatedly."
"More Society mainstream media tells people they're bad for having a view."
"I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states."
"Pineapple on pizza is disgusting and I don't care who disagrees."
"Using real issues as pawns against a video game is stupid."
"Nobody's principled, the paleontologists didn't expose the lie."
"President Trump won by a landslide. We are going to prove it."
"That guy who won because the vote was glitched, did you hear about that?"
"The idea that universities are encouraging this is disgraceful."
"Climate gate... documents show scientists suppressing research going against global warming."
"Abortion is the killing of the innocent on a mass scale."
"Stand with Alex Jones in whatever way you can."
"The only form of voter suppression is when an illegitimate voter casts a ballot."
"The fact that it's become salacious I think is because of the specific people involved in this case."
"Listen to everything, even the views that tell you some ideas are too dangerous to say out loud."
"The idea that got started at Berkeley kind of unintentionally ten years ago is in early in my career we pioneered a way to do of these vocabularies instruction sets that was very controversial at the time."
"The Vatican Secret Archives, known for safeguarding some of the world's most treasured and dangerous documents, have found themselves at the center of recent controversies."
"Anything that matters to people, no matter what your opinion on it is, someone is going to feel strongly in the opposite direction."
"I genuinely believe though that Trump genuinely believes everything is true I just think he's wrong."
"Trump calls them great patriots, his convention glorified vigilantes who took up arms against protesters, disgraceful anarchists and thugs."
"Controversies and opinions: a polarizing figure."
"Using evil to bring good. By any means necessary."
"GTA 4: A cultural juggernaut that sparked controversy and acclaim alike."
"He’s called it a witch hunt from the very beginning."
"Happy Criminal Referral Day! The January 6 committee met one last time, and referred Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution on at least four felony counts."
"Former vice president Mike Pence supports Donald Trump and others who want to kill him and ask the Department of Justice not to prosecute Trump so he hurt and just so cowardly."
"A victory yesterday for the former president."
"Zionism is not the greatest source of safety for the Jewish people but rather it's the greatest threat to the Jewish people and our safety across the world."
"Controversy happened. It almost seems inevitable."
"Hopefully once the current anger surrounding the show has passed people will only have room to laugh and make fun of the series like it rightfully deserves."
"The future of gaming has never been brighter, even though so many seem to want to destroy it."
"There needs to be a version of this game that appeals to and maintains the attention of the PVE player. If not, then I guess there's always that Riot MMO, right boys?"
"Frosty came out with a series of tweets making big accusations against his former employer 100 Thieves."
"Dream stands harassed all who accused him of cheating."
"If the gospel isn't getting us into trouble, we need to re-examine it."
"We got painted as these sort of Iraq deserters fighting for truth justice and our own personal version of the greater good."
"If it turns out that the President of the United States during the 2016 campaign was involved in business transactions with the Russian government, that is a problem." - Ben Shapiro
"I was right about masks, I was right about the VAC, I was right about transmission contraction lockdowns."
"When we hear about these allegations about the power and influence of Diddy, his wealth, his team, his associates, this untouchable aspect, that is what is key here."
"You don't need a genital inspection to tell the difference between a boy and a girl or a man and a woman. It's blatantly obvious."
"Ilhan Omar will remain so long as she wishes to remain because the Democrats are fine with anti-semitism in their ranks."
"Trump is doing the right thing, whether or not the ban will actually happen."
"It's not about Alex Jones, it's about censorship."
"I think it's fair at this point to say that alongside being one of the most nostalgic early web games, Neopets is also one of the most controversial."
"You're allowed to make fun of whoever you want."
"Reopening schools for in-person learning is an example of white supremacy."
"AI McDonald's in Fort Worth, Texas, has come under fire for racism." - News clip
"It's misleading and ignorant to call my art anti-China or racist."
"I support freedom of speech even when it offends people."
"The Silk Road actually solved some issues, it offered solutions to a market where there was demand." - Andreas Antonopoulos
"Elon Musk publicly comes out and says they should not have done that."
"Imagine being the member of Congress who told your constituents that you didn't think they deserved a child tax credit."
"One man is holding up checks for over 153 million Americans."
"It's all in all likelihood Russia is actually winning and the U.S does have Personnel on the ground that's right U.S Special Forces confirmed on the ground in Ukraine."
"The whole thing is just very, very questionable."
"Our freedoms are being eroded while we speak. People are being fired from their jobs for speaking their mind." - Andrew Clavin