
Gender Dysphoria Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Gender dysphoria involves a conflict between a person's physical or assigned gender and the gender they identify with, causing significant distress."
"Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for the patient group."
"Every major medical and psychological association recommends social and medical transition for kids and adolescents as an appropriate treatment for gender dysphoria."
"The trans experience... it's important that people see the difference between a person like myself who has an actual gender dysphoric diagnosis and somebody who chooses to identify as trans."
"You can have feelings of gender dysphoria without hitting all of the criteria for a diagnosis."
"Gender dysphoria isn't the incongruence itself; it's the distress caused by the incongruence."
"If you remove the dysphoria element from all this, you're removing the medical reason to get treatment."
"We want to protect these kids. I do believe that there are many kids who are suffering from gender dysphoria who do need appropriate gender care."
"The medical consensus agrees that transitioning is the treatment for gender dysphoria, not counseling."
"The number one way that the APA suggests to alleviate gender dysphoria is through things like hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery."
"People with genuine gender dysphoria can lobby to create their own spaces. I will support them."
"Gender dysphoria, the severe discomfort in one's biological sex, is absolutely real."
"A federal ruling that gender dysphoria is covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act could help block conservative political efforts to restrict access to gender-affirming care, advocates and experts say."
"Providing gender-affirming care reduces gender dysphoria and saves lives."
"Transitioning or at least receiving some care in proportion with the extent of gender dysphoria always seems to help over a statistical average."
"Do you have it? So there's no way to bring this one up lightly, but if you're having feelings of dysphoria, we feel you."
"I care about all the kids, I care about those kids who have gender dysphoria."
"If they're experiencing any sort of depression or suicidal thinking as a result of not being able to correct that gender dysphoria then rejecting them the treatment that helps them overcome that is problematic."
"95% of dysphoric people grow out of it in puberty."
"But my problem is that a lot of the time when people have gender dysphoria, there's a root cause. It's not just born out of nothing. A lot of the time, it has to do with trauma and child abuse."
"That's the whole point of gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, literally, your identity doesn't match with the physical body you're in." - You saying that that's not the case doesn't make it true.
"Aw, thanks 'Girl Defined.' You just cured gender dysphoria by asking those people to just stick with it and be sad until they eventually die."
"There's this narrative that gender dysphoria is so bad that people kill themselves over it, right? But this person's clearly experiencing what is objectively gender dysphoria."
"I'm feeling reverse dysphoria, now I feel like a man trapped in a woman look-alike body."
"Don't transition if you don't have dysphoria."
"Gender dysphoria is an actual medical condition that is diagnosed by specialist doctors."
"The best treatment for gender dysphoria is gender confirmation via hormones."
"It's very hard to explain how debilitating gender dysphoria is."
"Gender dysphoria is an actual condition, it is not a cute little thing that ought to be promulgated to tens of millions of school children across the United States."
"I think trans women who are actually trans, you know, we're talking gender dysphoria transitioned, making the effort, you know, probably once you reach a certain point in your transition where you can actually assimilate within that space."
"It's legitimate research, anyone who works with patients with gender dysphoria knows this is legitimate."
"Gender dysphoria is not one thing; there's more than one kind."
"Rapid onset gender dysphoria is a thing and it is socially contagious."
"I don't think that gender dysphoria itself is a discrete condition. I don't think that it is something that exists as a standalone."
"We know about rapid onset gender dysphoria among adolescents and teens."
"Creating Redemptive space to help people navigate the terrain of gender identity and gender dysphoria."
"This discussion is very important in navigating gender dysphoria."
"Can we please have a discussion about the possibility that we may be diagnosing a few people with gender dysphoria when they may actually have another condition?"
"I realized that regardless of my results, any bottom surgery would be better than staying the way that I am now in terms of my own dysphoria."
"God loves those wrestling with gender dysphoria."
"Gender dysphoria is the hiss of an old-time radio, a sound which can be ignored with some effort in order to hear the broadcast but cannot be extinguished without pulling the plug."
"I went from being a woman that hated being a woman to being a trans man, and I needed to transition. And I had gender dysphoria, and if I didn't transition, I was going to kill myself."
"This is absolutely clear, there is a rapid onset gender dysphoria amongst teenage girls."
"Actually, there should be more research being put into what are other ways of approaching gender dysphoria."
"I feel a great deal of compassion and empathy for individuals who are suffering gender dysphoria."
"That pain was mine, no, it was a monster, a conscious monster, a monster that I would call today gender dysphoria, but back then, I just knew as the monster."
"You don't have to go to a professional to confirm gender dysphoria, but doing at-home remedies won't work."
"I think there's strong evidence that some people are trans and they do have gender dysphoria this is alleviated by transitioning."
"Rapid onset gender dysphoria is not a thing. It is a myth. It is pseudoscience. It does not exist."
"Gender dysphoria is real. It's not gross or inherently sinful."
"People who struggle with gender dysphoria need to be treated with respect, need to be treated with compassion, and need to feel welcomed and safe in society like anybody else."
"Gender dysphoria is a feeling of intense distress around a physical body that doesn't fit in with one's sense of gender identification."
"Yes, of course, trans people have more sensitivity around their gender identity because of incongruence in their identity and society."
"I have gender dysphoria. What's that like? I just want to be referred to a certain way."
"The research literature says gender transition is the most effective way of overcoming gender dysphoria."
"The best thing we can do is just chill out about people in order to alleviate gender dysphoria."
"...gender dysphoria is not a delusional disorder, it is not classified as a delusional disorder in the DSM-5. There is no false belief that trans people have about themselves."
"On the whole, this is a very effective surgery for helping with gender dysphoria."
"We should provide gender affirming treatment for people that have gender dysphoria."
"Transition benefits people with gender dysphoria."