
Brain Chemistry Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The runner's high... is this reliable change in your brain chemistry that happens when you engage in continuous movement for about 20 minutes or so... people feel powerfully optimistic."
"Sex and masturbation... does release chemicals in your brain and make you feel good. It's not gonna make your problems go away but it may give you temporary relief."
"Within a couple of weeks, you can change your inflammation markers, your hormones, your brain chemistry, literally in a couple of weeks of changing your diet."
"Dopamine is what's called a neuromodulator which simply refers to the fact that it's a chemical that modulates or changes the electrical activity of other cells."
"Love is pretty much a chemical swirl in my brain."
"Once you start tinkering and messing around with people's brain chemistry when they're all different, I think this leaves for a recipe for disaster."
"Whenever you get some kind of reward or even just expect it, your limbic system sends out a bunch of dopamine, one of the brain's main feel-good neurotransmitters."
"The chemicals in your brain are 100% impacted by what you're eating."
"Gratitude can actually change your brain chemistry by releasing positive neurochemicals."
"The addiction aspect of it is so crazy to me because it really does fire off like those receptors in your brain that make you want to engage constantly."
"Touch releases a chemical called oxytocin in our brain."
"When your perception changes, you literally change the chemistry in your brain."
"I know it doesn't literally chemically alter your brain if it did I'd be very very concerned."
"Porn on a screen changes your brain chemistry."
"Exercise dramatically changes your brain chemistry."
"It's like waves of serotonin flowing into my brain."
"Dopamine and norepinephrine at work - that's dopamine."
"Spiritual experiences can be explained by brain chemicals."
"Studies have shown that the constant stream of retweets, likes, and shares from these sites causes the brain's reward area to trigger the same kind of chemical reaction seen with drugs like cocaine..."
"Dopamine, as most of you know at this point, is known as the happy hormone because of the role it plays in the reward system of our brains."
"Depression is not just feeling sad or bummed, it's actually a chemical imbalance in your brain."
"Sugar seems to affect the brain by increasing serotonin production... but if you are not [about to sleep], it seems to cause moodiness to get unleashed."
"Your brain is wired to like dopamine, that's what it's always chasing."
"Sugar for the brain chemistry is really addictive."
"It's a hormone, I mean it's basically perverting your brain into thinking like oh this is a pheromone or this is an estrogen or this is some type of an attractive chemical."
"The most effective treatment for ADHD is to improve the chemistry of the brain with medication."
"If the ketogenic diet stabilizes brain chemistry in people with seizures, could it also stabilize brain chemistry in people with mood disorders?"
"Men and women are chemically built different; chemically their brains are not alike."
"Dopamine is the chemical responsible for motivation."
"I can't imagine life without it, but if they go on a sugar break and they start to feel good and feel better then after a while the brain actually calms down from that addiction."
"ADHD looks like it's a problem with willpower. You can do it here, why hell can't you do it there? When in fact, it's not a willpower problem, it's a problem with the dynamics of the chemistry of the brain."
"And it all comes from that brain chemistry and that that's why it becomes so powerful and has such a hold over people."
"Dopamine is associated with the experience of pleasure, at least in the early stages of exposure."
"Generational trauma can actually alter brain chemistry."
"The brain translates thoughts into complementary chemistry."
"If I hold a picture of love in my consciousness, my brain translates that into love chemistry."
"The pleasure chemical in the brain is dopamine, but happiness is serotonin."
"The rough way doesn't give me the happy brain chemical."
"...it makes me crochet faster. So, it releases the good chemicals in my brain, you know?"
"...the levels of GABA in the brain are directly correlated with suggestibility."
"If you follow a regimented approach to resetting your hormones and brain chemistry in your microbiome, you can get off of it very quickly."
"This is really gonna set the dopamine off inside your brain."
"It produces endorphins in your brain, the feel-good."
"Your brain is flush with chemicals that can turn your life into a story of epic proportions."
"Your brain does two things: it drops cortisol level and causes your brains to release endorphins."
"Depression... it's a chemical imbalance in the brain."
"Our brain releases chemicals like endorphins, positive chemicals that help you feel happy."
"I think mental health is a valid thing and I think there are chemical imbalances in the brain."
"If we're going to cure an illness like depression by adjusting the inner function of someone's brain, then we would first need to understand exactly what electrochemical imbalances causes that depression in the first place."
"Feelings are just little chemical messengers from your brain that's trying to protect you."
"When we fall in love, the brain goes, 'Finally, I will get the love that I need.'"
"Everything that occurs in our brain is chemically driven."
"Our thoughts have actual control over elements of our brain chemistry."
"What that does to the chemistry of the brain is amazing."
"Mental illness is a disease of the brain, meaning your brain doesn't make certain chemicals that you really need."
"Meditation your brain naturally releases key neurotransmitters."
"It's the endorphins, it's the dopamine, it hit in your brain and make you excited about something."
"Depression is a chemical change in the brain."
"Your brain produces internal morphine, we call it endorphins."
"Acupuncture increases happy chemicals, or pain-fighting chemicals, in the brain and spinal cord."
"When you laugh the brain is flooded with endorphins."
"Physical activity influences many other brain chemicals, including those that give you energy, alleviate worry, and help you bond with others."
"If you lower ATP production in the brain, you can instantly cause depression."
"Your brain releases oxytocin, a wonderful feel-good chemical."
"It tickles the part of my brain that sends like serotonin and stuff."
"I want to get down to what's literally going on in the chemicals in your brain."
"Some people's brains don't have the same chemicals."
"We're all sort of wired the same, we're all human, we all have the same sort of brain chemistry."
"Mental illness and chemical imbalances of the brain do exist."
"I'm like obsessed with the happy chemicals in my brain."
"The end of overeating examines the interactions between the foods we eat and the chemistry of the brain."
"This breath work stuff releases chemicals in your brain; it really can change your experience."