
Response Quotes

There are 4374 quotes

"Addiction is not a disease; addiction is a response."
"It seemed like a lot of what Minerva became is a response to how traditional universities are."
"Stimulus, response; in between those two moments, is a choice."
"An atheist materialist account of reality can't make sense of our ability to reason, think, and understand."
"Your response has value, but your reaction has consequences."
"You're not in control of everything that happens to you, but you are in control of your response."
"You and I have a choice. We get to say what will be my response to the grace that God has shown me."
"This is the universal mind, God, of which I am a part, and which responds to me as I ask of it."
"Don't react, respond, and go within you so that you can get centered."
"Are you gonna marry me? What was his answer? He said yeah."
"One of the demonstrations of humility is that we respond when God speaks."
"You do have complete control over the choices you make and the ways you choose to respond."
"All adversity is not bad. It's a matter of how you look at it. It's a matter of how you respond to it."
"This impeachment is a declaration to the world that when there is an attack on our democracy, we will respond to that threat and attack and we will do what's necessary to strengthen our democracy."
"When dealing with negativity, it's crucial to maintain composure and respond effectively."
"Outbreaks like this require an aggressive, coordinated, and comprehensive response, as well as timely and trusted guidance from public health officials."
"You can't control the events in your life, but you can control your responses."
"God always takes the initiative prior to any human response even as he seeks to awaken that response."
"It doesn't just matter what your payoffs are -- that's obviously important -- it's also important what other people's payoffs are, because you want to try and figure out what they're going to do and then respond appropriately."
"If you retain your ability to respond to life without any prejudice, without any restriction, you will see, you will become free."
"It's not the adversity that molds the man, it's how he responds to it."
"Interpretations and responses are the two things we can control."
"We need to provide health care responses to people that are dealing with addiction."
"The answer to bad speech is more speech, better speech."
"Myanmar stands at the brink of state failure, of state collapse."
"Equanimity is so useful the moment you're in response mode."
"When we rise to the occasion, there's a level of euphoric response, a reaction that can be defined as rewarding."
"Ensure love, not fear, is your default response."
"You cannot control the actions of others, only your own response to them."
"Religion is a two-way relationship, so God's initiative comes first, and our response comes second."
"You can't control everything, but you can control how you respond to things."
"The only answer to cancel culture is courage culture."
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it."
"Do not be concerned with the things you can't control but with the way you handle the things you can control."
"Using the language he decoded, he sent his own message on that same frequency and shortly after that, he received a reply."
"I've actually never gotten a 20-minute response, breakdown question by question on how passionate they are and they came off really honest and genuine."
"There are no words that can fully express the fury and overwhelming sadness that we all feel about what happened to Sarah."
"The answer - aren't you condoning violence? Is no, but I don't know what is a proportional response to mass murder." - Spike Lee
"A failure does not define you, how you respond to it does because failure is an opportunity to improve."
"We've had some of the biggest response to this three-part Kimberley epic then pretty much anything we've ever done."
"Gratitude is how I, the best answer for that question I've ever heard."
"Perspective is everything. We're always going to be faced with challenges, but how do you respond to them?"
"Sometimes heroes respond to stress by becoming heroic."
"What was the rabbi's response to anti-Semitism? Pro-Semitism."
"Sephi heard shouts coming from her room and rushed outside to see a man holding a knife over her mother."
"You don't get to offend people and then dictate how they respond to your offense."
"When the science changes, we must change our response."
"The only response to white power is more power in the black community."
"You think you can get away with mocking people just cause you're a little cute? What's with that reaction?"
"Dave Chappelle's response... was the perfect response we needed right now."
"The reaction and response has been pretty phenomenal."
"Loneliness of the internet world will provoke a very extroverted and social response."
"Stacey Abrams broke the curse last night by delivering a powerful Democratic response."
"That's why this is all happening... they're scrambling."
"It's not about what happens to you; it's about what you do about what happens to you."
"Calling out of aggression that's the right response to predation."
"After sending the RFQ, if you never receive a reply, fire them."
"We're testing everybody that we need to test."
"All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd."
"It's a strong answer to a deep question you ask. God bless you."
"We're seeing the kind of response to this atrocity that human rights activists would like to see as a response to all atrocities. It's heartwarming."
"It's very important to them how the community reacts and really giving power back to the community."
"Trump did himself tweet yesterday twice, one was a video telling people to go home peacefully. It's over. He asked his supporters to leave and told them to do so peacefully."
"The honking is upon us, the freedom convoy has reached Ottawa, Justin Trudeau has fled the city to an undisclosed location."
"If you are ever in need of aid, light the beacons, and I will answer."
"In embracing this power, you will find the world responds in kind."
"Yes, by God, you shall have as much as you want."
"Jeremy replied with a harrowing and heartbreaking answer: 'Because your daughter wanted it that way.'"
"There's nothing wrong with passing judgment on his ability to respond."
"Poetic Justice about this... a bit of a clap back."
"Success be your best reply. But sometimes it's fun to reply they see it."
"He's instantly concerned for the woman who he's talking to safety and he just goes straight over and approaches it."
"Life is unpredictable, but what you control is your reaction and response to it."
"Can you control your emotions to not let them provoke you to have an emotional response?"
"Everybody got a right to speak their truth. If it's not right and exact, rebut it or ignore it."
"Real security is somebody's talking [__] about you, you know that thing isn't true, so you don't respond to it."
"I did I needed to spend time dealing with the fallout from it so that was doing some effort responding."
"I judge people far more about how they respond to situations than necessarily the mistakes they make."
"We have a crisis at the border, we have to respond to it."
"Every case is different what we have done here is take limited and necessary action in response to a specific threat in self-defense."
"What matters is whether we react and respond to it. That's the power and that space we get to choose."
"May I quote Stephen Fry? Stephen Fry said, 'You're offended? Well, so what?'"
"It was just uh, yeah he's a textbook example of how to fail in initial quarantine but then a textbook example of what you do to correct that."
"In what world is that you know 9/11 happens immediately as soon as the rubble is cleared, no not even."
"It's not what's happening, it's how we respond."
"The question arises of how they respond to that. Will they respond to that by saying we give up or will they respond to that by saying we're going to fight back?"
"The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force."
"Minutes after the incident occurred, what I saw out of the chaos and tragedy was heroes."
"If people don't respond to the incredible offer of mercy... they're lost."
"You just ignore it because if you make a big deal out of it, that's just gonna show everyone."
"How we react to this is the ultimate challenge to the West."
"We don't control what happens to us, we control how we respond."
"Nobody punches back, Nikki Haley punched back yesterday, and it was effective to a certain extent."
"Without hesitating, I rushed to the first floor of the school."
"Unfortunately, the loss of someone's life, but at least now it's getting the reaction that I think it deserves."
"Freeze is an old primitive survival instinct."
"It's just validation when people respond like that that you're doing things right, you know."
"We've never seen a response like this before."
"The longing you express... is the return message."
"Authorities responded to a disaster not with openness, but with obfuscation."
"I won't ignore the serious nature of what's happening."
"We want to stress you just enough to elicit a response."
"We all have challenges, it's how you respond that matters."
"Levinson was also rocked by the scene that she burst into tears."
"This song is gonna force Kendrick to respond because Kendrick made his diss song acting like he was down and take on two rappers at the same time."
"Melissa's disappearance united the Fairfax community in compassion and outrage."
"Melissa's disappearance electrified the tiny rural community of Lorton."
"By the time they got there, they were able to handle it better."
"You're supposed to be angry, that's healthy when you're lied to."
"There's a difference between a reaction and a response."
"Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it."
"We acted immediately and innovated and pivoted."
"The calling of God upon your life is God's attempt to answer the cry of your generation."
"He [Pence] didn't let her get him flustered, he kept his cool, he answered with facts."
"Brands are leaving huge piles of money on the table by not responding to questions."
"Between stimulus in response there is a gap... you choose how to respond in that gap."
"We didn't just flatten the curve, we bent the curve."
"In the face of new Divine occult power, the Quincy rapidly modernized."
"Don't be surprised when some of them come swinging a little harder."
"My default response is to tell people to go [__] themselves."
"Just because you give me hate doesn't mean I gotta give your hate back."
"Move with the flow, respond with calmness and peace."
"The shooter and the active shooter situation has been, has ended."
"I don't believe in curses and I don't believe in luck, I think we make our own luck."
"This variant is cause for concern, not a cause for panic."
"We've tripled the number of N95 masks on hand to more than 40 million."
"He just issued the most epic response ever where he was just like kiss my ass you should be apologizing to me."
"We do need to take this seriously... but we don't need to panic."
"Mindfully respond as intelligently as possible."
"Congratulations! What do you do from your picture?"
"Every single time there's been criticism, he's met it."
"It still stings the same, it's still shocking, it's still mind-blowing, it's still aggravating, it still makes you want to cry."
"When there is a wave of hate that begins to cascade over a part of the world, we need to build an opposing wave of love."
"As YouTube apologies go, that's a pretty good ratio."
"Accountability is key because when you're not perfect, how you are held accountable in that specific situation is so important."
"The answer to bad speech or hate speech, however you want to define that, is more speech."
"We need a common response to this common challenge."
"You can't fix or change other people. You can only fix or change how you respond to a situation."
"I really do try to be a nice person but if you break my heart or hurt my feelings or are really mean to me I'm gonna write a song about you."
"There's two parts of protesting, you go out and you protest, and then the company or the individual say, 'I hear you.' What did we do next?" - Jay-Z
"Pattern emerging: thinner, more athletic people more likely to be hyper responders."
"If travis takes nicer vacations than you that's not for a future storm damn you could get the knife did you just hand it over."
"I think this was a screw-up...but I do think that a lot of the initial reaction was justified."
"Your emotional response is actually a rational response."
"That was totally fine, someone needs assistance!"
"If they were fair people I would have been there in a minute."
"Putting time between stimulus and response is critical for emotional self-management."
"If the local boogeyman came out of retirement and joined forces with a disgruntled auto mechanic to wreak havoc on your community, what would you do?"
"The Guru suggests making Naam your response to impulses."
"Help our response to be one of loving you and following you."
"It's not what happens to us, but how we respond."
"Valve did not respond to us, but who knows? Maybe this video coming out and the response to it will cause some people at Valve to have a long overdue conversation about this whole situation."
"Our investigators immediately began piecing together what happened."
"I want you all to respond to this invitation."
"She's the sentient weapon that SWORD is reacting to."
"It's not about what happened, it's what you're going to do about it that matters the most."
"Hope we have well answered your deepest and darkest queries."
"If someone intervenes in events from the outside, this will create strategic threats that are unacceptable for us. They should know that our response to counter-strikes will be immediate and quick."
"I think there's a line between panic and precaution."
"All you can do is answer the questions they put in front of you and Dan got answers questions put in front of them he answered them."
"I want to give Jennifer the opportunity to respond here."
"It's time for us to push back on this horseshit when people are acting crazy like this. Demi Lovato has the power to destroy that."
"The Wicked Will perish, he says and the crowd erupts which is quite an Applause line."
"This is why ladies call CPS." - A humorous exaggeration in response to frustration.
"Why can colorists be loud with their colorism, but dark-skinned women have to be quiet with their response?"
"How a man deals with that change defines his character."
"Thanks for dissing me, now I had an excuse on the mic to write not a lie."
"Reacting to what they said is uncontrolled, whatever you say. But responding to what they said, you never take your hands off the wheel."
"God responds to your need with a seed, not just a harvest."
"Finally getting it on a big stage and getting all these eyes on it, it got an enormous response."
"Vibrationally responding to the world's challenge."
"Because of the severity of this final story here, we are going to be donating all the proceeds that this video makes to a suicide prevention charity here."
"Pushing back... it will stun them and it will start to panic them."
"Instead of getting to the bottom of it and putting it right, she fought us in the high court."
"So what do we do we weaponize our healthcare system even more to fight this threat."
"I remember telling him pretty clearly that I didn't think that was funny in the slightest before promptly hanging up on him."
"Motivated by the 1973 oil crisis, the compact fluorescent bulb showed up in 1976."
"It's definitely a response to the DC Extended Universe." - John
"The best response to objectionable speech is more speech."
"The correct response is not tolerance, it's not politeness, it's not to be passive or nonchalant."
"Any further actions that threaten the interests of our nation will be met with a resolute and consequential response."
"We gotta start moving and responding to these situations based on what we know to be true, not what we want to be true."
"The answer came sooner than we had expected."
"This is the Shattered Assumptions Theory and it’s triggered by a Traumatic Event."
"Life is less about what happens to you and more about how you respond to what happens to you."
"It's far better and more practical for us to merely respond to the evidence that suggests that something we're doing is problematic."
"Replying to hate speech with hate is not an option."
"I think we would live in a much better culture if every time someone insulted our wives even during an awards show someone got up and just smacked him across the face."
"And we're just very proud, that the fans responded, and pleased and relieved, the fans responded in the way they did."
"The most interesting part [of internet drama] is generally less such of what the dreaded mischievous individual did and more on the Fallout of the situation or how they respond."
"The king of Alwar in northeast India was insulted by a Rolls-Royce salesman and ordered a whole fleet of Rolls-Royce cars."
"Just because we don't respond to something doesn't mean we didn't do it."
"That is a terrible answer. That is the wrong answer."
"Real learning is reacting to the same stimulus with a different response."
"The best apology for bad content is good content."
"Rudeness is not the antidote to extreme political correctness."
"An inconsistent action is a consistent answer."
"If you respond to phony charges of weakness by showing 'strength,' that's how escalation starts."
"We really are in a state of clear and present danger and it's time we did something about it."
"She was rude and judgmental, but you were cruel."