
Character Development Quotes

There are 18196 quotes

"The Faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention over and over again is the very root of judgment, character, and will."
"Creating characters that we care about, so that all of these other pieces mean something, is really important."
"We establish empathy for a character through a couple of different methods, one of which is, we show that they are like us in some way."
"If you want someone to like a hero, you have them save a cat, and if you want someone to hate a villain, you have them kick a dog."
"You are either going to make us like them, or you're going to give them a motivation that sounds really interesting, or you're going to show them on a journey where they themselves are changing and we want to see what happens."
"Your go-to here should be letting the character's background, their motivations, and their personality influence their descriptions and their diction."
"First impressions are really important. If you impress upon us that this character is really proactive in their small sphere, but they don't think they're competent enough to out into the wide world, we will believe what you showed us, not what they say."
"The development of character necessitates solitude. It is in solitude that the battle with chaos is fought and won."
"Good villains are tailor-made for their protagonists."
"Role-playing is about building and expressing a character both through social interactions and through mechanics."
"I love watching everything unfold and like the character development."
"We develop character by facing the challenges that come along with life, by moving out of victim mode and more into 'I think I can, I think I can'."
"I've never related to Peter Parker more in my life than I did with him in this story."
"A lot of you guys, your true character and your true talents come out when you are met with obstacles and when you are met with roadblocks."
"Take all of these broken pieces of himself and apply them to these different characters and heal through them."
"Purified intent uplifts the quality of character and sharpens focus and will."
"Disney is so enslaved to their own brand now that they've successfully watered down a repulsive, chain-smoking dog killer to an affable, non-smoking dog lover."
"Pain and suffering inside our company with great glee, and I mean that in a happy way because you want to train, you want to refine the character of your company."
"It provides an invaluable opportunity to let the audience in to the mind of our character."
"Color can show off a character's eccentricity, it can reflect someone's mood, or it can show that a character doesn't quite fit in."
"Flaws make for interesting characters, and we shouldn't be so quick to scrub our heroes of blame."
"Trapped in a world of manners and expectations, the princess seeks adventure and longs to prove her independence."
"Suffering produces perseverance, perseverance character, and character hope."
"The bard itself is such a strong root class that no matter what subclass you choose, you're going to have an amazing player character."
"Every strength point increases your HP by 19. Every point of agility increases your armor by one and your attack speed by one percent."
"Having a good flaw is really what makes the drama come out at the table. I encourage everybody to give in to your flaws and play them up rather than to play them down."
"Bill Burr as Mayfield had a better ex-Stormtrooper arc in 15 minutes than Finn in three entire Star Wars movies."
"Committing to communities of character seems to help people find a sense of purpose and direction."
"Character is not a gift; it's a result. Character cannot be bestowed; it must be developed."
"I feel like the sex scenes in there are tasteful. It shows about their relationship, the connection you know. And you get, I don't know, it adds to their character development."
"After Endgame, they should have looked inward, gone back to basics, and focused on telling isolated, compelling character stories."
"T'Challa was always a good man, but his transformation lies in his maturity and his greater sense of purpose."
"From a militarized doormat to a loving game-changer, Nebula deserves the number one transformation."
"I'll give Super a lot of flack for a lot of things, but at the very least when they're focusing on Goku, they're actually giving him some arcs."
"Goku erupts from the crater in the ring, now adorned in a wicked new blue aura and piercing silver eyes."
"Characters like Tien have our respect because of their internal growth and acceptance of position."
"I was wrong about you." (said by the girl to Yi Chen, acknowledging her mistake in judging him)
"If the character is not going to get a happy ending, what promises do you give at the beginning of a story so that you don't leave the reader up dissatisfied?"
"Develop characters off screen, off the page, so that when they show up, it's either a surprise or it's an interesting reveal."
"Guardians of the Galaxy works so well due to its perfectly balanced character portrayals and well-timed humor."
"The episode tries to finally address all the abuse Meg suffered over the series... until you remember that this is Family Guy and everything has to reset by the next episode."
"She steps in and tries to wake him up but realizes that his Consciousness will soon be taken over."
"One of the biggest death flags you can have in anime is if this character who has had no character development suddenly gets a [__] ton of backstory."
"Time skips... seeing the type of adults that people turn into, that is some of the most excitement."
"Joel and Ellie, the long bereaved father and the prickly orphan, are compellingly opposed people, barely alike at all, and that's what's going to make them such good road trip companions."
"The foundation of good storytelling is making the audience care about your characters, and often the best way to do that is through their relationships with other people."
"Catra isn’t evil just because she’s evil, she’s the product of her circumstances."
"Characters made choices that surprised us; it became a selling point for the show."
"If you can get those five things into your dialogue for your characters—likeability, proactivity, character's arc, their flaws, and motivation—suddenly your dialogue is going to start to pop off the page."
"At some point, those two need to intersect, external and internal motivation need to intersect."
"A challenge doesn't need to be bigger to challenge the characters, it just needs to be different in some way."
"You can't make a well fleshed out adaptation of Dark Phoenix if your Jean Grey isn't a solid character."
"Resolve, Intellect, Integrity, and Physical Prowess...every good Batman story attacks and tests these four cornerstones of his character, and when they do so, his character is at his most entertaining."
"The beauty of Iron Man, you make mistakes and you have to live with them."
"A great story with compelling characters is all that really matters in the end."
"Kirito relived the worst memories from his lifetime, including the time he abandoned an old friend from the SAO beta to thugs, the death of Sachi, and that of the Moonlit Black Cats."
"Regular Beth finding self-love is so perfect, it's so great for a character who has so much struggled with it."
"The original animated film shows Mulan's struggle due to her inexperience and lack of physical prowess, but she makes up for those disadvantages by using her wits, thinking creatively, and refusing to quit even when things seem hopeless."
"Write characters whose defining moments do not come as they realize their own worth and value that they themselves are efficient, but rather as they decide to take selfless action for the good of others."
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
"Life is not, we may say, for mere passing pleasure, but for the highest unfoldment that one can attain to, the noblest character that one can grow, and for the greatest service that one can render to all mankind."
"More of these badass moments because I feel like you can start using this to start building more so on the character."
"There's a lot of people that believed in Aang...but when it came down to how Aang did things at the very very end, there was wisdom that he drew from the past, but it was a combination of him holding the past, the future, and the present in tandem."
"Over the last seven seasons, we have seen Jaime rise from an arrogant, dishonorable asshole into a compassionate and respectful man who learns to finally make choices based on his own code of honor."
"Watching Yang struggle with whether or not she hurts someone unnecessarily...it's just heartbreaking. God, I love it."
"I used to hate Thistle, but then Spurge almost drowned and Thistle saved him, and I knew I don't hate anyone ever."
"The issue is not merely deciding to stay with the tinkers because that was the status quo; a choice reveals an aspect of their character."
"Thorin's transformation is one of the most amazing things you can get to bear witness to in this medium."
"The character development of this one individual is both tragic and beautiful."
"The Guardians of the Galaxy movies. These stories have actual growth and change, death and sacrifice."
"I will always say that Vegeta does have more character development than Goku."
"Kingpin needs a full range of emotions to charge her mask."
"Characters don't exist in a vacuum. When you're writing a story, you need to consider the world as well, since it too is a character."
"Character development is not about facts; it's about understanding your character's soul."
"Character development in anime is a mirror to the human experience, reflecting growth, conflict, and resolution."
"There is no better way to impress upon an audience the strength of your protagonist than to show how the villain fears them."
"The idea is to have companions that have their certain perspectives that can be changed over time through your and their experiences together."
"As Boruto battling with the isolation that he's now feeling, being an exile from his own village, becomes closer to Jiraiya."
"Boruto's true character development happens during the Chunin exams and basically everything that happens after that."
"Ellie's character, in particular, offered a refreshingly grounded and believable female lead."
"The game's bold choices help it to stand apart from its predecessor and provide a more mature character-driven experience."
"I'm a mix of them, but there's a little bit of myself in all of them."
"The most outstanding of these weaknesses which stand between men and women and success are as follows: intolerance, cupidity, greed, jealousy, suspicion, revenge, egotism, conceit, the tendency to reap where they have not sown, and the habit of spending more than they earn."
"The legacy of a wrestler isn't just in the titles won or matches fought, but also in the stories told and the characters brought to life."
"Good times make weak men, and weak men make bad times."
"We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly."
"For the players, it is largely improv with structure. You have a character with attributes and things that kind of guide what you're good at, what you're bad at, and you kind of lean into that as part of your character interactions."
"Team Rocket gets so much development in this series."
"The characters' struggles with existential dread and their respective triumphs over existential dread are so poetic and so positive that they are arguably unmatched."
"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny."
"Jennifer Lien is given so much more material to work with as Kes has to quickly and efficiently explain her predicament to each new version of the crew she encounters and help them engineer a solution."
"Tom Holland's Spider-Man has finally become relatable and real, just how we like him."
"The negative change arc tells the story of a character who ends in a worse place than that in which he started."
"The character believes a lie, clings to the lie, rejects new truth, and finally believes a stronger or worse lie."
"A character arc will be the gradual internal change in beliefs that a character goes through from the beginning of the story to the end."
"Naruto is a fantastic example of forgiving those who have wronged you."
"Underneath Kratos is this torrent of emotions we are getting to explore those in a way that's deeper than ever before."
"That's an amazing moment, completely irrelevant to all the characters in different arcs, but it is so perfect at actualizing what the story is about."
"Kelly Gay is an incredible author... the character writing in particular, sublime, absolutely excellent."
"This is the route where Edelgard can be her best self, with the help of Bileth by her side."
"You get into the minds of the characters... it has some great storytelling."
"I really love the exploration of philosophical truth in your character."
"Over a third of my life has been spent thinking about Kratos and what he can do. I literally have dreams about it."
"This Joanna was tougher, colder, a killer hardened by her years of experience."
"By the end of this video, you'll be whatever level you want, you'll have the most versatile talismans, you'll have the strongest character buffs."
"He has a hard time depicting a purely evil person because, as he works on his projects for years, the characters become more real to him."
"The truly perfect character is only truly perfect when they are not perfect at all."
"If they only stuck to appearance, then maybe this could be accepted as something that comes with the territory of adapting text to screen, but in instances where this change seeps into the character's personality or actions, if the removal of physical flaws is matched with the removal of character flaws as well, then I think the adapters are doing a disservice to the story."
"It's clear Miyazaki sprinkles himself, his own bundle of contradictions, and all of our contradictions, into nearly every character he creates."
"Making me care about a fantasy world and its rich history from the start is much harder than making me care about a character or two that have likable qualities."
"The voice acting that brings the chemistry of these characters to life."
"Abigail and Jack Marston... do play a big role in who John Marston is."
"The dialogue was great, the characters were great."
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, and success achieved."
"You will end up seeing some really nice bookends for the story and if you care about John Marston at all... I think you should."
"Now that we got the dragon fruit, our Dragon Master is level one."
"That's really cool, and now I see what it meant when the monkey in the tree said this fighting style has four different moves and not just three."
"Show respect. It's a simple yet powerful part of your character."
"I think we might see even more than 19 premium characters this year."
"After losing his first family, Grisha apparently learned his lesson and tried his best to be a better husband and father."
"I love its detail. Gerwig breathes such idiosyncrasy into every character."
"Our fiction is about extraordinary people, or about normal people in extraordinary circumstances."
"What we absolutely love about this anime is the slow building up of tension and chemistry between the characters."
"Higgs's descent from altruistic porter to egotistical terrorist is fascinating to see unfold."
"The more a character struggles, the more compelling their journey."
"Her transformation into the villain of the story and the bringer of the apocalypse could have been prevented if she or the members of her family were able to cope better with the struggles in their life."
"I really hope that someone or something happens to where he has to actually face some struggles in his life."
"Midna’s development is a prime showcase for the game’s thesis, and one of the best characters a Zelda game has ever had."
"You cannot teach resiliency to guys; it's just something that only comes over time and character."
"It's such a smart and such a really interesting way to take this character."
"We're all flawed, more so than we'd like to admit, and that's what makes the character relatable."
"Ranni's greatest achievements are yet to come, for as impressive as characters like Malenia and Radahn are, their feats pale when we consider Ranni's grand plans to upend the order of the world, ushering in an age of stars."
"The reason why I absolutely love this story so damn much is because of how every fun, light-hearted superficial aspect in the story has a dark shadow in a thematic or psychological sense in regards to the characters or fights taking place."
"Kratos noted civilization murderer being slightly good to his kid is very impressive."
"Kratos and Loki escape their fates because they change, they become better."
"There's just something about certain characters that makes them both extremely relatable and aspirational."
"In order to transform into Perfect Cell, we just have to fall below 40 HP."
"I think the villain or the bad guy is better when you don't really know everything about them."
"Greg grows into his own, becoming more manipulative in the company he keeps."
"Friends to lovers...if they've grown up together, best friends, and then they grow older and now suddenly things have changed and they end up together romantically."
"The third and final lesson to learn from A Game of Shadows is the way it manages to make its characters into real-life people with real-life, three-dimensional personalities."
"Naruto met Killer B, the jinchuriki of Eight-Tails, and requested to train under him."
"Sasuke learned that Kara had taken a special interest in Boruto, calling him Momoshiki's vessel."
"Sasuke finally admits defeat, accepting that Naruto is just as vital to him as he is to Naruto."
"Sasuke acknowledges his daughter Sarada as proof of his and Sakura's bond, moving Sarada to tears."
"I'm much more compelled by a character who is corrupt but is just trying to do the right thing."
"I do like the inherent premise of an older sister/Aunt character and like these three young super-heroines."
"Hard times make hard men, hard men make safe times, safe times make soft men, soft men make hard times."
"Something about the characters in their writing just click to make it so perfect and comical."
"The show not only recontextualizes Mike's characterization in Breaking Bad, adding a level of nuance to his father-son-like relationship with Jesse Pinkman but also sets up an enduring mystery that keeps the audience enthralled."
"The best characters in wrestling are when it's the real you, just your personality turned up to 11."
"That's emotionally significant. That's strong character work."
"Writing fanfic is a good way to gain experience in how to format writing, how to write dialogue, how to do character development."
"The sagas I really quite like, the idea of the characters having their own quests."
"Gabriel's Inferno... It really was that slow burn that you could get into and it had such pained but beautiful characters."
"Trainer is one of the better characters who's added into the Mass Effect 3. It's very difficult to add new characters into a trilogy at the very end."
"It's not the adversity that molds the man, it's how he responds to it."
"We got to see them as friends and really used to being around each other, and it was a really sweet friendship."
"Castiel ends up developing his own goals and needs, forging a very close connection to them."
"It had a simple but endlessly creative concept, interesting settings, world-building, and magical creatures, and a charm that couldn't be matched thanks to its stellar cast of multi-dimensional personalities."
"By giving each monster their own unique traits and personalities, I'd honestly say, it had a big hand in the game's success."
"By your imagination, that which was a mere mental image is changed into seemingly solid reality."
"Vegeta slowly starts warming up to everyone... he's becoming a pretty alright guy."
"I really like Tyson as a character, and a lot of you guys do, but I think this is one of the best course of action to see him happy, get married."
"His impact extended well beyond victories; it was about shaping character."
"In one of Ichigo's most human moments, he succumbs to his tears and cries."
"Arthur didn't start a hero, but he became one of the best in the most natural and engrossing ways I have ever thought possible."
"Mileena’s deliberate overturning of the video-game vixen trope – which was already musty by 1993 –is still one of Mortal Kombat’s best tricks."
"The swashbuckler rogue really stood out to me as being able to build on that charisma element and bring to life that fantasy of things that we've seen in popular culture like Zorro or The Princess Bride."
"Everything feels earned, the way that you fight is not only connected to your specific style of gameplay and the way that you want it to be, but the gameplay is reflecting the character."
"The introduction of Stannis Baratheon in this whole plotline is pretty much flawless. He's such a detailed and well-rounded character."
"Sam's love for his daughter and his cynicism towards his line of work helped to create a more complex and deep character to explore."
"Orihime gets her big character arc moment where she's like, 'I can finally fight alongside Ichigo. I'm no longer a burden.'"
"The Golden Age without a doubt is essential in comprehending the backstory of Guts, the growth of Griffith, and everything that adds a deeper meaning to Berserk."
"Seeing Reagan accept that about himself finally gives Mob the strength to do the same."
"Thanks to Ichigo, Uryu was able to fulfill the dream of his grandfather that a reality can exist where Shinigami and Quincy can work alongside each other peacefully."
"In a long-running work, you have to take the characters and the story to the next level several times or people end up bored with it. But if you shift in a weird way, the balance collapses and the work is ruined."
"Farnese begins to grow phenomenally as a character, once starting off as a sadist hypocrite, now serving as an older sister role and caretaker for Casca."
"Griffith has changed, now free of the human flaws and guilt that would have served only to the detriment of his dream."
"This contrast between his outward facade and his inward emotions paints a picture of a complex character who is torn between his past and his present life."
"Hashwald's final actions before his demise... giving him one of the best Redemption arcs within all of Bleach."
"Bill is an overpowered character done right."
"Every character comes out the other side of this game worse off."
"I'm going to be going in-depth about how every character comes out the other side of this game worse off."
"When Ichigo is partaking in battle, typical tropes like 'if I fail now, I will never reach my goal' are not utilized. Instead, Ichigo focuses on the suffering of those around him and how they will be impacted if he does not succeed in defeating his opponent."
"Kratos sees in Atreus an anger and rage that he once held, which he believes could continue the cycle of death and betrayal."
"After a lot of dialogue and reflection... Sigurd comes to the conclusion that Team Berserk's goal is wrong and that dragon types are regular Pokémon that anyone can befriend."
"The game delivers a wonderful story showing just how far Miles has come."
"We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope."
"The most important thing that I always tried to do was concentrate on the characters. You've got to have characters that the audience, the viewer, the reader cares about."
"Playing a tiefling is an invitation to explore the redemption arc."
"Her optimistic attitude gives her a lot of inner motivation which helps to drive her character throughout the lows that she experiences within the story."
"Orihime resolves to protect her and this is where the ability Shun-Shun Rika, which stems from Orihime's hairpins, is activated."
"Following the basic principles, you unlock the Archer Queen at Town Hall 9, she is a priority to build."
"If you want to bring your characters alive, focus on the dialogue and making your characters speak in a distinctive way."
"The Last of Us is a phenomenal game series that tells a familiar yet strikingly unique story and has some of the best character writing I've ever seen in a video game."
"It frightens me how when a character does something bad, and I know it's bad and it's wrong, but it's so understandable that my heart breaks."
"And as I come to know you more, help me to become more like you. Let my words, my actions, and my desires come to imitate Yours."
"Character development will always supersede power scaling to me because said power scaling will always be created in accordance to what the writer actually wants to occur for the character development or narrative in the first place."
"Making a nuanced and interesting person is the best thing you can hope for when it comes to characterizing someone, but...just making that character something that everyone else is forced to react and plan around can be almost as good and potentially a lot more fun."