
Self-discipline Quotes

There are 2082 quotes

"I define willpower as the ability to make choices that are consistent with your most important goals and values, even when some part of you does not want to."
"The Faculty of voluntarily bringing back a wandering attention over and over again is the very root of judgment, character, and will."
"The longer you can delay gratification, the more successful you will become."
"The most persuasive evidence that governs everything we then do every day thereafter is the commitments we keep to ourselves."
"Keeping promises to yourself is just this insanely powerful tactic."
"Boundaries with yourself are so incredibly powerful because they only rely on one person to hold them."
"Have a zero tolerance policy for your own negative thoughts."
"Follow through is the skill of actually doing what you say you're going to do."
"The conundrum that we're dealing with is how do we make ourselves do things that are short-term painful in service to our future selves?"
"As we do things like meditation, our ability to restrain our impulses will improve."
"The helmet of salvation protects your mind, discipline your thoughts, and aligns you with the mind of Christ."
"Discipline is the willingness to keep your ass in line... it's not hey do I have control over other people, a lot of people have that, but do you have command control over yourself?"
"Delayed gratification is a discipline that we have lost in an instant gratification culture."
"One of our greatest temptations is to just ease up a bit."
"If you're able to appreciate being able to deny yourself something that you want... any good thing, too much of it becomes a bad thing."
"Self-confidence is the habit and process of keeping the promises that you make to yourself."
"Integrity is doing what you say you're gonna do when you say you're gonna do it, when no one else is watching."
"One thing I realized about excuses is once you start making them, it's really easy to keep doing it. It's very contagious."
"Fasting helps us to gain victory... over certain areas of our life."
"Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not."
"Let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves."
"Building self-confidence is the process of keeping the promises you make to yourself."
"Trust the process. Accept your journey, keep pushing that grind in and listen, get them blinders on stop looking at me accept the good with the bad."
"Having strong emotional intelligence leads to more successful relationships, happiness, and the ability to execute on what you want because you have the discipline and willpower."
"Self-discipline is essential in your life and in my life if we're going to get things done."
"Your life will be determined by how well you control your mind."
"Self-discipline is the ability to control your feelings and overcome your weaknesses."
"The secret to self-discipline is to train yourself to think long term and live in accordance to your long-term goals."
"You don't get discipline from your parents, from your grandparents, from your older brothers and sisters. You don't get discipline from an external source. You have to get it from you. That's what self-discipline is. You get it from yourself, you get it from you."
"Knowing that you are abundant, that more is coming, and knowing that you're responsible and you won't go potty and blow it all in 10 minutes."
"Self-discipline is the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses."
"The center of bringing any dream into fruition is self-discipline."
"All of these examples imply that self-discipline has something to do with not only self-governing, but also the ability to persist despite resistance."
"When someone is disciplined, or we say that they are self-disciplined, what this means is that they are somebody whose conscious objective free will is governing their emotional system, their mind, and their body."
"Persistence is self-discipline in action. The more consistently you practice your chosen disciplines, the more you will like and respect yourself."
"I've never met a person who was not successful that didn't have a great amount of self-discipline within their life."
"Self-discipline and being able to perform and being able to keep your life on schedule, and being able to keep commitments and promises and meet deadlines is essential to success."
"Self-discipline carried Wilbur and Orville Wright through a multitude of phases and enabled them finally to give the world its first practical airplane."
"Self-discipline is among the top-ranking features of all the great religions... and there are some people who believe that our major purpose on earth is that of developing wisdom through struggle and self-discipline."
"Your word says in Galatians 5 verses 16 through 17, 'But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.'"
"The thing about Self-Discipline is that it is necessary for everything you do in your life."
"Self-discipline is the definition of self-love."
"You don't get up from your meditation until you've overcome that emotion."
"A habit must be established before it can be improved."
"Restraint in the eye is good; good is restraint in the ear; in the nose restraint is good; good is restraint in the tongue."
"Conquer your mind first before you conquer the whole world."
"You don't need prisons if you can turn people into their own wardens."
"Consistency, my reading, my learning, my workouts, my diet... if you start neglecting all of that, it's going to haunt you."
"We don't have a willpower problem, we have a math problem."
"Self-discipline needs to be replaced with self-management."
"Remember tolerant with others, strict with yourself."
"Building the muscle that says I do what I say is crucial."
"Self-discipline is the magic power that makes you virtually unstoppable."
"Self-discipline is the center of all material success."
"Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts."
"Self-discipline is about managing one's self... Discipline is about achieving that long-term goal."
"Self-discipline is sexy because when you recognize how strong your willpower is, you recognize that that ends up being a common thread throughout every area of your life."
"The best active self-love is self-discipline."
"One operates on motivation, one operates on self-discipline."
"Having habits makes you commit to that self-discipline. It makes it a subconscious thing; you don't even have to think about it, you're just going to do it."
"When you make promises to yourself and you keep them, you trust yourself more, and you're more self-disciplined."
"Start with one small promise a day. Hold yourself accountable and just get it done, and you'll start to build that self-discipline inside."
"Self-discipline is about leaning into resistance, taking action in spite of how you feel, living life by design, not by default. But, most importantly, it's acting in accordance with your thoughts, not your feelings."
"Every time you embrace discomfort, you're essentially doing a rep of the exercise that is self-discipline because it is a skill that can be learned, it is a muscle that can be built over time."
"Meditation has been shown scientifically to help people improve their levels of self-discipline."
"Self-discipline is everything. It's all about you versus you."
"Self-discipline is very important when you're trying to do things like lose weight or even gain weight or anything you want to do in life. You have to learn how to self-discipline."
"Your ability to discipline your actions and your mind is probably the most important skill you'll ever need on your journey to success."
"If you master self-discipline, any feasible dream becomes an objective that is separated from you only by time."
"Self-discipline is one of the hardest things to master and implement because we live in a world filled with distractions."
"With this magic ingredient, you can accomplish anything and everything you want to, and it's called self-discipline."
"Self-discipline is about managing the internal."
"The greatest miracle isn't a quick win; the greatest miracle is consistency, showing up for yourself every single day."
"We can't rely on motivation to get the thing done; we have to be self-disciplined."
"For God didn't give us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline."
"The best boundaries are the ones we set with ourselves."
"Complete abstinence is easier than perfect moderation."
"Having self-control is also the same as allowing the Holy Spirit to control your life."
"Don't give up, give yourself one day. One day of commitment, one day of intention, one day of focus."
"Just do it. There are going to be days where you don't want to, but you have never regretted a workout."
"Whatever it took you to get free, you've got to stay there to stay free."
"Willpower is critical to the success that you get in your life."
"Being indistractible first and foremost is about personal integrity. It's about being as honest with yourself as you are with other people."
"It's by sticking with hard commitments that you make with yourself and getting to the other side and realizing, 'I could do this. I didn't die.'"
"This is a moment of time where you can learn how to stick to a routine."
"God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
"The quality of self-discipline is the quality that will make you a big success."
"If you live by the spirit, you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh."
"The warfare against self is the greatest battle that was ever fought."
"Discipline trumps motivation all the way, so try to focus on building your self-discipline and then being consistent with your self-discipline."
"The greatest enemy you will face when trying to establish a prayer life is the flesh."
"Your self-discipline is you controlling your consistency, you controlling your mind and controlling your willingness to keep on going."
"You're never ever ever ever going to feel like doing the things you need to do in order to have what you want."
"Staying out of the pleasure trap is perhaps one of the most difficult things people do in our society today."
"Self mastery, self-control, discipline, that's power."
"What keeps that hundred dollars in your savings account? Self-discipline."
"Whatever my attention is at today will determine where my appetite is going to be tomorrow."
"Success is really about delaying gratification."
"Do not whine. Do not complain. Work harder. Spend more time alone."
"Mastery, self-discipline, and discipleship... the goat that can steadily day-by-day just climb the mountain relentlessly until it gets to the top."
"We cannot control the level of talent we've been given. What we can control is our self-motivation, our self-discipline, our self-validation, and our self-reinforcement."
"I would say make your bed every morning as soon as you get out of it. Make this a ritual."
"Leadership and self-discipline are required to take control of your life."
"I'm never going to feel like doing the things that are tough, difficult, uncertain, scary, or new, so I need to stop waiting until I feel like it."
"Be tolerant with others, strict with yourself."
"If you want to master the morning, you have to learn to master the nighttime routine."
"Being an entrepreneur demands what I call militant self-discipline."
"The journey of personal development is...to weed and sort out...which elements are really part of your higher self and which are not...it becomes easier for you to become disciplined."
"Confidence is built through keeping the promises you make to yourself."
"The spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."
"Discipline is the ability to give yourself a command and then follow it."
"It's the hours in the gym that's most important. It's the eating."
"Integrity is when you do what you say you're going to do and you don't make excuses for yourself."
"Discipline, self-discipline, in our hearts is not there to limit you, but rather to liberate you."
"Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh."
"Understand that if you cannot control your impulses, you're already at a disadvantage."
"It gets easier, but you have to do it every day. That's the hard part."
"Willpower helps us when we need to stick to a decision we've made, even if it's hard."
"If you need a rest day, take one, of course, but if you don't and you know it, and you're just being a baby, then do not make yourself comfortable."
"If you have any mental toughness, any ability, if you have any fraction of self-discipline, the ability to not want to do it but still do it."
"To do things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness."
"Self-discipline makes you a master of yourself."
"Being like a drill sergeant, watching and listening to every single thought that you have, it takes so much work... but it could be the thing that completely shifts your life."
"God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and self-discipline."
"The key to achieving most things in life would be self-discipline."
"You don't smoke. You don't watch YouTube anymore. Whatever your goal is, ingrain it into your self-image right now."
"Self-control in the face of provocation is the litmus test for refinement."
"It can sound very luxurious, but you have to sort of set your own rules and stick to them."
"Don't let time come in your way, make time in your schedule...in order to be successful, in order to reach a level of mastery, in order to be proud of yourself, you have to do the work."
"As we pursue self-discipline, it does mean saying no to ourselves. It means setting boundaries and choosing what is beneficial in the long term over what is pleasurable in the moment."
"The pursuit of Kash requires rigorous self-discipline and introspection, an effort to strip away the layers of ego, desire, and worldly distractions, revealing a truer, deeper self."
"When you believe in life after death, all of a sudden you will live a life of a better standard, higher self-discipline."
"The more you train your muscle to set aside your impulses, the more conscientious you will become."
"Where do you draw the line? Self-discipline or losing the fun?"
"Discipline is necessary because you're a mass of competing short-term interests."
"Sticking to a workout routine and healthy eating proves to yourself that you keep the promises you make to yourself."
"If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell."
"I've made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?"
"If you just did that forever and never gave yourself a dessert you'd be able to deal with that."
"Fight back with discipline and accountability."
"Chill ego, just sit your ass down, sit, stay, honey."
"He thrived on the hard work and self-discipline."
"The ability to delay gratification for a little bit is absolutely necessary. The most successful people in the world are living proof of this."
"There is no magic formula to live beneath your means. It takes determination and it takes you deciding, 'I'm going to do it.'"
"You want to basically scam yourself from your own money before your money gets scammed."
"You couldn't have exercised more self-discipline than he did."
"Why don't you value your time at $50 an hour and calculate for yourself just exactly what you're doing to your future by your inability to discipline yourself."
"Discipline is a muscle, and just like every other muscle in your body, the way you strengthen it is by regularly stressing it."
"Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself."
"Always do your best, and maintain self-mastery."
"The biggest problem that people have... is very simply described as this: You do not have the ability to stick to what you said you're going to do when it gets mildly uncomfortable."
"Empower yourself to stay disciplined... and making sure that your upside outweighs your downside."
"You have to have a line that people don't cross. If you don't have a line, they cross it all the time."
"When you can't stay motivated, stay consistent."
"It's a great reminder to use your willpower to make sure it's always there under your control."
"There's no days off here even when it's inconvenient."
"The self-discipline of trying to work out even when it's inconvenient for me."
"No not when you say you want to be the champion so I said I want to be the champion and I wasn't doing the work even internally here in the soul and spirit."
"I have to wage war on myself, yes sir. I have to kill my sin or it will kill me."
"God has not given us a spirit of timidity but power, love, and discipline."
"Salman: 'Don't talk too much. Learn to practice silence.'"
"Can you control your emotions to not let them provoke you to have an emotional response?"
"Men putting that self-discipline over their desires, women receive that as a message thinking that this man really loves me."
"Discipline is freedom that's it. That's [__] it and once you do that you know you can do anything you want."
"Everyone loves motivation but discipline is where you carve."
"With your determination, drive, dedication, discipline, you can resolve a lot of your complications."
"Reacting is easy, staying in stillness is difficult."
"Weight loss is not always about the tips and tactics; it's often about your mindset, discipline, and motivation."
"My body and my mind should take instructions from me, only then it's a useful instrument. If it's start doing its own things, then it's a nuisance."
"Just remove any excuses anything that doesn't even help you just don't even think about it."
"Discipline is rooted in the truth we tell ourselves."
"Discipline is rooted in the truth that we tell ourselves."
"Always work on your self-discipline. There isn't a quick fix; this is something you have to build day by day."
"Discipline starts with self-discipline. You are not free to indulge your moods, whims, or fancies."
"Life without boundaries is useless because you are in it."
"A lot of people are always looking for shortcuts when it comes to achieving their body goals."
"We need more emotional discipline as well as intellectual discipline."
"Create a synchronicity. Keep your own contracts with yourself."
"Spend time in surrender and worship daily to crucify the desires of the flesh."
"Discipline needs to happen, and if it's not gonna happen naturally, you're gonna have to do it yourself."
"Avoid pornography at all costs. It is a poison that weakens your self-control, destroys your feelings of self-worth, and changes the way you see others."
"Instant gratification is feel good now but feel terrible later. Delay of gratification is feel terrible now but feel amazing later."
"Make time for what really matters. Set your priorities and have proper limits."
"Without self-discipline, there cannot be self-government."
"Practice self-accountability and show up for yourself."
"Attraction is just information, not lust. I control my body, my body doesn't control me."
"The willpower to like have shitty days and not let it affect you or the willpower to like you know to do what you have to do not do what you want to do."
"A man who's not a slave to his passions and desires, but a real man who's in control of himself."
"Every one of us has to discipline ourselves like Job to make a covenant of purity with our eyes."
"Abstain from anything that leads you into temptation."
"I'm bestowing upon you a spirit of love, self-discipline, bravery, and truth."
"My definition of high value is a man who lives the motto of no excuses."
"A plank is you versus you, it's just your mental toughness, your mental strength."
"Self Control: it's a great productivity app."
"You need to fight this. This is a craving, this isn't hunger."
"That is what being a man in your own prime is really about...being successful is about...forcing yourself to do something."
"To him, it's just like switching in and out new ingredients to create the most powerful concoction."
"When you give self commands to yourself and go through it, you can see the person feels a little more okay."
"Boundaries: certain things I will and will not participate in."
"People need to have self-control people need to have principles people need to have values people need to have things that they strive for"