
Business Impact Quotes

There are 355 quotes

"Businesses and startups are about solving a problem, and instantly you think, yeah, but okay, they're solving a problem to make money. That's not good. But imagine if the solution funded itself so that you could then scale it to even more people."
"ChatGPT is potentially an existential threat to Google's business because Google relies sixty percent of its revenue on search and ChatGPT offers an alternative to search."
"In business, every decision, big and small, has an impact."
"High inflation is slowing down the economy because when you're buying less stuff, that means less businesses are making money."
"It's not just about making money, but making a difference in the lives of employees and customers."
"If you become a recruiting machine, how will that impact your business?"
"Most people don't have business problems; they have personal problems that are reflected in their business."
"The government takes your property for the ostensible purpose of a legitimate public use, but the real purpose is just to stop you from being in business."
"Pricing gives the most bang for your buck; you should work on pricing if you've never touched the pricing of your product."
"Only present content campaigns really take a good six months to really kick in."
"As men, we take the brunt of it because now we're being accused for it and also our business is going to suffer."
"I've always thought that any deal... is gonna be a bad one for us."
"It really proved that telling a story authentically is not only better for the story but also good for business."
"Ultimately, what you're willing to pay for a brand will be based on how much uplift you think it's going to be giving to your business."
"If you're not blogging whether you like it or not you're not gonna end up generating all those extra conversions."
"Not only is it costing you business, not only is it costing you profit, it's hurting everybody in your company if you yourself don't figure out the proper way of self-promoting."
"And even if that meant no business came out of it, I think it still would be completely worth it!"
"It's not like a small incremental change; it's like that gap closes and when that day comes, it's an amazing thing for the gross margin."
"The Elon Musk purchase of Twitter cannot be overstated."
"Leaving comments on TripAdvisor ensures a manager will see the comment later on."
"People in New York should be worried if we're saying that the Attorney General can now leap and dive into private businesses, private Enterprise."
"You have to remember that people run businesses, and if people can't work, they eventually aren't going to be able to eat."
"We are making headway because of American businesses innovating and stepping forward to save fellow Americans' lives."
"I'm gonna lose money, I'm gonna lose business, I'm gonna lose support, I'm gonna lose trust."
"Everything that they've built over the last four or five years just instantly went to zero gone and they got screwed and I think that's super bad."
"In Canon's worry about cannibalizing their own market share, they've actually let Sony in."
"You might want to do a tariff. You'd put them out of business."
"I like his toothpaste. I think he's got great products and overall he's been a net positive."
"It's a huge waste and a bad thing for the industry."
"A company's relevance increases in direct proportion to the experience it creates."
"It was entertaining but it didn't kill the gimmick didn't kill the business didn't make everything look stupid."
"I absolutely want it to happen because either he fixes it or it dies."
"The Arnold family known for their immense wealth and luxurious lifestyle has left an indelible mark on the world of business and fashion."
"Lockdown has been instigated not to protect health, but to destroy independent business and employment."
"The first quarter of this year was the most insane business I have ever seen."
"It literally changed the trajectory of Netflix business and drove their stock to a record high in just three weeks."
"Business is shaping society, culture, government, science, religion, and everything else."
"There's not a case of being told your company can't support you I'm sorry we have let you go it's not a case of Vox going out of business it's literally Vox saying you guys passed the law I gotta fire you."
"No question the future of work is shifting... Applications are going to completely change the way businesses are able to drive results."
"Our marriage is more important than our business."
"There's not the political will oftentimes because abortion clinics will come in and argue you're going to put us out of business."
"That's the key you guys, that's why this is so powerful."
"This investment will change your business and it will change your life."
"In the wake of Switzerland voting not to join the European Union, foreign partners quickly began to question Swiss Air's ability."
"Imagine being responsible for that kind of growth for a corporation like that."
"It's not about making an income, it's about making an impact."
"The new buzz around town means the Hotel Chester is now bringing in thousands of guests every weekend."
"I think Gordon's helped to put the hotel on the map."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised by small business owners as one of the largest costs they have."
"It helps our business, and obviously I don't agree with that."
"If business is good, why would you want to hinder and impact business?"
"It's a testing time for everybody, from a health perspective, from a business perspective, from a social perspective."
"Politicians can try to lure the economy back to life, but it's business that will really determine how far the economy falls."
"This is going to put another 300 plus billion dollars in the Paycheck protection program this has been a lifeline not only to small businesses but I know you're well aware you've saved over 30 million jobs just with the first tranche of that money."
"Imagine whatever business you own, Joe Biden said, 'We're going to end your business. You can't sell anything anymore.' You'd be bankrupt overnight. That, to me, is insane."
"I think the shutdown has basically killed Main Street. We have effectively ended small mom-and-pop brick-and-mortar shops if you're not online."
"My infinite game is to develop entrepreneurs who stand out, scale up, and make a positive impact."
"Boycotts work because that's what hits any kind of business where it hurts."
"When the profit motive becomes unmoored from the purpose motive, bad things happen."
"It's not worth spending money on developing new products if you can't even sell the ones that you have right now."
"This is a unique opportunity to build a massive business that has a massive impact on people's everyday lives."
"This war would be named as the first corporate war."
"He's the biggest unsung hero in the Dave Portnoy business."
"We have built $840 billion of wealth for other people. That's really what we've done."
"I think if the cdc were to say that there are such things as vaccine passports and businesses that require them including restaurants say broadway broadway they would open immediately and that would."
"One extra star in a restaurant review and revenues can go up by as much as nine percent."
"This move is great for creators but a really bad sign for the business health of Twitch."
"One Facebook YouTube video for Dollar Shave Club created a billion dollar exit."
"They lost four billion dollars in market cap."
"The impact of collaborations and financial investments."
"If I was elected president, I would have divested... it's better for your businesses too."
"We're going to force Disney to take you seriously."
"Channel Fireball has done irreputable, massive damage to distribution."
"I think a lot of people are going to quit flesh and blood over the changes a lot of people have lost all the faith in the game and I do think many stores are going to drop the product."
"I personally believe it's gonna be tough to compete with the days for Amazon when COVID was at its peak."
"I would never shut up about things that’s wrong. But when the things that you talk about affects your money and business, you're going to shut up about it."
"If just ten thousand customers let's say upgraded to full self-driving or autopilot Tesla could easily have added about thirty million dollars to the quarter's bottom line."
"Kanye added 1.3 billion dollars in value or more, minimum."
"Phil Spencer has done wonders for Microsoft. He knows what he's doing."
"It's not going to depend on whether we like or don't like a tweet comes out of the CEO. How upsetting must it be to an individual like Elon Musk who's working his butt off to try to change the world?"
"Agile provides benefits not only to the development team but also important business benefits to the clients."
"The promise of full self-driving transformation to the business model is extreme."
"That's what Caronia business is, a pandemic which means it's a national and international negative crisis."
"If your New York judges don't like your politics, they will destroy your business, the livelihood of your employees, and you personally. This commission cannot let this continue."
"A ten percent conversion rate blows my mind every single month."
"Patently retaliatory, patently anti-business, and patently unconstitutional."
"Jack Ma's reappearance has driven a sharp jump in Alibaba's shares."
"A more expensive world erodes demand, slows production, and scales back operations."
"The negative effects of Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter have been resounding and immediate."
"It's a pretty big difference, it means that the product is working and customers are responding to it."
"Blockbuster was instrumental in helping develop the market for movie rentals."
"This is a big attack. They have crippled a lot of businesses or at least put them in a position where they feel they can't operate."
"Regular Wall Street analysts are going to get how much of a new market this opens for Tesla."
"He is going to whack Donald Trump and the organization for hundreds of millions of dollars and do major maybe existential damage to their businesses."
"I am so excited and so proud of the impact that will be generated through every single purchase."
"At the end of the day, these are private companies in a free market economy. And that's, you know, that [ __ ]'s just bad for business."
"A potential determination that either Bitcoin or Ethereum constitutes a security could adversely affect the company."
"All it does when you raise the minimum wage is it helps the big companies, it hurts the small companies."
"This one shirt resulted in over a million dollars."
"Missing payments can lower your business's credit significantly."
"I need to get the ghost out of there. It's pestering my sister's business, her livelihood."
"All of the big trends that I was thinking about prior to COVID-19, all of a sudden accelerating, they're speeding up."
"The destruction of the stock at Anheuser-Busch affects millions of people."
"There's got to be penalties for when you put business aside to focus on your social agenda."
"Technology's a tool, it's the business models that always seem to screw things up."
"It's impossible to understate how powerful this could be."
"As a businessman that's really bad for them. It's bad for the game I love. It's gonna alienate one of their biggest fans."
"Together George and Louise revolutionized the hotel industry by creating a luxurious visitor experience."
"I think Tesla is already doing it, they're really, I mean, what other companies are making as big of a dent in climate change as Tesla is?"
"We thought it would have an impact on the broader ecosystem at that point in time it wasn't like there weren't lots and lots of public companies that didn't have diverse governance."
"An exceptional offer will make everything else much easier."
"This launch window has been an unexpected disaster."
"No industrial figure has ever had the lasting power and resilience of Vincent Kennedy McMahon."
"Seacret has been a massive player in the game."
"It's terrible and it's appalling and it's devastating to civil liberties and it's devastating to businesses."
"Starlink is gonna be really, really big for them. I think you're absolutely right; it's going to be huge."
"I think in terms of this Apple announcement, the phone part of it is kind of like the least exciting. To me what's interesting for the business and what's going on."
"Imagine that, all the Independent Grocers working with razor-thin margins already are probably just going to call it quits and file for a wave of bankruptcies."
"70% of investors add negative value to a company."
"A business can actually do more good than a non-profit."
"It's not hard to put two and two together, which is that aside from the fact the importance of representation in art and society and culture, from a business sense, money speaks for itself."
"The societal value of a company doesn't come from platitudes, but from the quality of its products."
"Regardless of how small your business is, you can change the whole world."
"It's crazy when the mistakes of one business get in the way of the livelihood of 20 people."
"They're going to use this as a wedge to make their legitimate sellers' lives much more difficult."
"The transaction is a game changer that poses a threat to an industry enjoyed by hundreds of millions of consumers."
"10 mil of reach for me makes a huge difference."
"The Cybertruck could absolutely wreck Ford's business."
"This strategy is going to change everything."
"It's not only the business world that binds friend to Africa."
"You know I think that thing is going to do some really incredible things for your brand so I’m really excited about it."
"Competition is good for not just me personally as an enthusiast, it's good for my business."
"This is embarrassing to the judiciary, but on the other hand, who wants somebody peeping on everybody's stuff?"
"If we crash out in March, the impact on our economy, I hear it from so many businesses, and the consensus across many businesses is there, it will really damage us."
"I see clear evidence of inflation; I see clear evidence that companies are rapidly increasing their prices."
"An exceptionally rare thing in life or in business that you get a second chance to make another big impression. Twitter made one massive impression and changed the way we communicate."
"I'm actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately like tonight. It's measurably hurting the company."
"It's not pretty. Some big firms putting in blanket bans."
"Success would be if you went and asked ten people downtown a few of them would say oh he has stars great they really help me that's awesome."
"Offering free two-day shipping on domestic orders showed that brands have been able to increase average amount spent per transaction by 97% and even reduce cart abandonment by 18%."
"Innovation takes longer than you think, it moves faster than you think."
"Ronaldo in a Manchester United shirt, regardless of whether we need him or not, would be huge business, huge positivity, huge global interest on Manchester United. To me, that's just a light bulb moment."
"A poor quality product can break your Amazon business just like that."
"All-you-can-eat buffets are seriously going to suffer."
"You won't watch it on Facebook. You won't watch it on YouTube. You cunts don't you understand, you're gonna tank this business from all of you."
"This is a huge deal, they're going to end up owning almost half."
"Continuously happen, it will put off people."
"Many real businesses who were identified in our social network were erroneously classified as spam."
"Every year that growth is delayed... affects the company valuation."
"AI is real, lots of companies will benefit from it."
"A lot of people like to say that AI is useless hype, but it's actually helping tons and tons of companies today."
"This is the biggest fight in the company's history."
"The quickest way to ruin your business is bad customer service."
"Going woke is always a great way to alienate your customers."
"Word-of-mouth is a game-changer in this business."
"Every high-quality minute of thinking um is a million dollars to impact on on Tesla."
"This is going to be what really does it for the business."
"Our job as marketers is to turn human understanding into business advantage."
"Like what Facebook did with Instagram, that was probably the steal of the century."
"It's a very notable acquisition, especially when you're talking about a $1.4 billion dollar acquisition."
"Ransomware is a system that can kill companies."
"So Amazon is changing people's expectations and they're perpetually improving those expectations."
"But if Tesla disappeared, it would be horrendously bad for society."
"Companies are one of the most incredible inventions of human society."
"So you mean to tell me that Vince McMahon is looking at the CV 19 pandemic as an inconvenience because it's getting in the way of his vision of what the product is supposed to be."
"Elon Musk is pounding the table, guys. Elon Musk is pounding the table."
"Fair game or not, it was out of line. Their consumers are going to speak loudly."
"It's worse to destroy many, many, many, many, many business owners' livelihoods and buildings and property and lives."
"This has nothing to do with me, but if this book fails... they're gonna go, 'See, nobody really cares about small business.'"
"One person can change everything about your business."
"This is so phenomenal, this is gonna put us on the map."
"Translating through other languages is like such an easy thing to do with such a big impact."
"Customer reviews are really, really important."
"You're in the business of changing people's lives and business life."
"If every person who got the tattoo followed through on the offer for a free 8 lunch every day for the next 50 years of life then Casa Sanchez was going to be spending just shy of 6 million on free burritos."
"Optimus addresses the $30 trillion Global labor market."
"Local businesses are also affected, facing declining revenues and even closures."
"A good review can put a company out of business."
"They're examining whether the crime may have been directed at the star Ballroom as a business or at people connected to the studio."
"Acting like an idiot and threatening small businesses is not the appropriate way to deal with this."
"The value of the entire inventory supply of this company has been made worthless because of the rising efficiency of the modern world."
"This would have sold like hotcakes if only you hadn't killed off the most interesting character."
"The pushback is strong enough that even these big businesses cannot withstand it."
"We've overturned Roe versus Wade... you've got a big business fighting for survival."
"The Chinese Communist Party is a real and urgent threat not just to our democracy, but to your businesses because they don't want to just compete, they want to put you out of business, and they don't play by the rules."
"Unemployment benefits are not crippling businesses."
"We'll be more than 40 nobody called no cancellations they just didn't show unfortunately a night with no customers hits an all-you-can-eat twice as hard as."
"It means canceled culture and partisan activists are coming for your business."
"The most probable resolution is a settlement... a win for Ripple would promote the widespread adoption of XRP."
"I think that they've blown the roof off of this thing."
"It’s truly amazing to think of the influence this company could have had if they became a major monopoly of Japanese imports."
"Nobody in the world has been able to match what these great companies have been able to do."
"The vehicle of business is going to be one of the prime vehicles that God uses to advance his kingdom and advance his agenda."
"This is big news. This is, to give you an idea, like the flagship 31 Rue Cambon store in Paris being closed down."
"Peter Seidler's death is a significant loss to the world of baseball and business; his visionary leadership, business acumen, and passion for sports have left an indelible mark."
"It wasn't about how could I scale a business to be successful and make more money, it was about how do I do something that impacted me just like the military did."
"Blockchain technology can have huge impacts on global businesses."
"YouTube is life-changing if you run it as a business."
"The fastest way to kill off demand inflation is to kill off companies."
"They're just totally disrupting these farmers' production, their business, their lives."