
Environmental Conservation Quotes

There are 362 quotes

"Keeping it so that our children can live here too, in the future."
"If we stop the extinction now and stay to play, this Earth in a few million years is going to have the most extraordinary intelligence on it."
"Nature is declining rapidly with a million species at risk of extinction."
"Regulations have been implemented to safeguard the stone crab population, ensuring that this valuable marine life can continue sustainably for future generations."
"Beyond carbon sequestration, we know that reforestation of native trees can also restore ecosystem biodiversity, support wildlife protection, and even provide agroforestry opportunities."
"What happens to the forests? What happens to the human communities? What happens to all of the actual small human experiences that matter in life?"
"If socialists have to gut up for a second and say, 'Okay, this isn't quite the socialist revolution that I wanted, but I do want to make sure the planet survives,'... we gotta do work we didn't want to do."
"We are losing the most precious thing that nature has given us, which is the connection to her nutrient base through soil systems."
"Making peace with nature is the defining task of the 21st century. It must be the top, top priority for everyone, everywhere."
"If that tax money is going to be used to open tracks or keep more parts of Australia open and beautiful, well then sign me up. I'll pay more tax tomorrow."
"Of course we need to protect the environment, of course we care about species and extinction and disruptions to the habitat, but we also can't take six years to build an overpass in New York City. It's just not going to be functional."
"For everything purchased, they pull one pound of trash out of the ocean."
"We're on this journey for the long run, and it seems that we now have a working tool that we can continue improving to try to achieve this ultimate goal of bringing back these amazing golden kelp forests."
"Land still managed by indigenous people worldwide protect and sustain 80% of the world's biodiversity."
"A UN agency claimed that pollution would need to be cut in half in order to save our remaining wildlife."
"His probably his biggest legacy was actually conservation."
"True conservatives should be conserving natural resources and thinking about downstream generations."
"We're all related to all other life forms. That's a wonderful principle which is important in our age of trying to protect the biosphere."
"Teddy Roosevelt found the uniqueness of our culture to be symbiotically tied to the uniqueness of our land, and to destroy one is to destroy the other."
"Even donating one dollar will get rid of one pound of trash, and my dolphins and I will clear up the trash here and save the ocean."
"Sustainable living: reduce, reuse, and recycle. Not only think of the environment, but it saves you Simoleons too."
"I want clean, healthy wildlife habitat, clean air, clean water, lots of animals, vibrant ecosystems, and I want access to those natural resources if they can be utilized in a sustainable fashion."
"This was the most important moment. We need to listen to the words of the people on the land. Nature is the earth and it is other beings."
"The key to saving our beautiful world starts with you."
"For every Selfless climate impact product purchased, forests around the world will be protected from deforestation through our partnership with Rainforest Trust."
"If this is the last ocean ever, then we need to make sure it looks exactly like the old one does."
"If the salmon is lost, then we're not just losing our roots. We are losing our future."
"Wild boar hunting with hunting equipment in the US isn't only a recreational activity but also a commitment to comply with relative regulations and procedures ensuring safety for all and protecting the natural environment and the nature of America."
"People protect what they value and what I want to encourage is for people to value wild places as a space to mentally, physically, and spiritually recharge."
"Saving soil is vital to maintain life on our planet."
"Little things like this is just a really like great way to get started with trying to be a little bit more sustainable."
"Nature and culture have long coexisted on Socotra."
"One thing is clear: man and nature must find a peaceable coexistence here if both are to survive."
"The world has all but forgotten the old-growth, but I never will."
"Great Barrier Reef Foundation: Malcolm Turnbull gifted 444 million dollars to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation."
"Our great human achievements shouldn't disintegrate the importance of protecting sustaining and maintaining our Green Planet."
"The USS Oriskany spent a very long time in service before it found its resting place as an artificial reef."
"A hundred percent of your donation goes directly to the Arbor Day fund and every dollar is one more tree in the ground."
"There's enough gold in the world without mining more gold."
"We need to be aware that making use of nature should not be synonymous with destroying it or using it up."
"Tonight on Four Corners: The fight for Australia's high country. It's a battle over what we celebrate and preserve."
"I hope you're able to plant two trees for each one you've lost."
"One way to ease demand for new cobalt mining is by recycling the cobalt found in old batteries."
"And one of the things we get from getting that regulation, if we can stop that black market for cartel weed, we're gonna save a lot of wildlife."
"Thank you for caring about our planet and especially caring about our ocean."
"It's become a good environment for wildlife."
"Protecting juvenile fish in these distinct nursery areas, the no-take zone enhances offshore fish populations."
"This is an example of sustainable rural growth in a very impoverished country without damaging the environment."
"Unless we find a way to reduce the sort of voracious demand in the world for the commodities that come out of the Amazon, it's really hard to see how this cycle of destruction will really ever end."
"The deep sea being one of the last ecosystems on this Earth that has been largely untouched by humans."
"Without rain from the rainforest, the Amazon as we know it would cease to exist."
"Nanotechnology really has the potential to do great things for the conservation of our planet and the human race."
"Every Pig we can eliminate from the marsh is saving Louisiana one pig at a time."
"AC Family, something has happened to their refugium, their hidden water reservoir housing an extra team of cleaning plants."
"Established titles work with the global charity Trees for the Future and One Tree Planted to help them plant a tree for every order."
"We need to reinvest in biodiversity and learn from indigenous wisdom."
"American public lands belong to all of us. I grip the mic and start the butts they ever get to the Future and we have to protect them, you know I flow in every direction."
"It's weird that they limited it to 100. I guess they have to strike a deal with the national park."
"Tied with every single poster purchased from their website, this plate has teamed up with the Forest Garden Project to plant trees in Tanzania aiding the fight against chronic hunger, poverty, and deforestation in the region."
"I never imagined 12 yrs later, we’d ever be doing large-scale projects like this to help the ants on a more global-scale, but yet here we are."
"Our planet's health and that of all species living on it depend on it."
"Recycle, compost, rummage, sort out recyclables - all ways to contribute towards the eco footprint."
"On an average, all Indian rivers are depleting by 8 percent per year. If we take appropriate action now, in the next 10-15 years we can bring up the river at least 10 to 20 percent from what it is now."
"The fact that we got to learn about technology that is saving these whales or helping prevent floods, that's amazing!"
"Canal-top solar: Win-win-win for clean energy and the environment."
"Shade balls are an unusual method for conserving water."
"We simply don't have another planet to ship our - right, it's as simple as that." - Underscoring the urgency of environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.
"Maybe they're trying to make contact with us to hopefully save our planet."
"I believe in having a sustainable future for the world."
"I always respect anyone who helps to clean up nature."
"Efforts to improve the eel population include regulating fishing and releasing adult eels back into the water."
"Respect the nature then the nature will respect us."
"If, like Tolkien, you want to preserve the wild places of the planet."
"Creating super salmon to protect wild stocks."
"Coral reefs support jobs, tourism, and fisheries... each year coral reefs pump more than 3.4 billion dollars into the U.S. economy."
"Let the earth repair itself, help keep that green planet and that blue planet together."
"We care deeply about passing our children an environment in better state than we found it ourselves."
"I want to help people out, I want to make sure we can preserve what we have."
"Preserving what is yet left of the planet's life-support systems... We won't be here much longer, any of us, and we will likely take the entire web of life down with us."
"We can't have a stable climate if we keep destroying nature."
"How can we be a positive force in plant conservation?"
"Sometimes, after taking out the harmful parts, these ships are sunk into the ocean for them to become part of the coral reef."
"Future generations will not have the opportunity to build boats like we're building... if we don't take care of them."
"I never thought we would get to 300,000 subscribers."
"Every country has a role to play in ocean conservation and green shipping."
"We choose a future where our children can enjoy the ocean for years to come."
"Preserving our oceans and maintaining livelihoods is not something that's mutually exclusive. In fact, it is part of a virtuous cycle."
"Can any part of the planet's remaining life support systems be salvaged?"
"I love that we are planting the seeds of this massive beautiful tree that will provide shade that we might not never get to enjoy."
"They weren't a threat, they were saying look, don't blow up this beautiful planet."
"Bees in general are important for the environment. They pollinate plants allowing them to grow and produce food."
"It's our problem. We have to preserve this for our generations to come."
"By bringing philanthropy, investment, and concern for the environment together, everyone here hopes to protect it so everyone can enjoy it."
"Safeguarding a natural realm is also safeguarding people's futures."
"The only thing that can save places like Borneo... is that we can make the people that live there have a better, more sustainable future."
"Oh, well conservation is a big key as to what they are doing here."
"Conservation is a big key as to what they are doing here."
"Habitat destruction, degradation, that is the biggest threat to these animals."
"Conservation efforts for the Giant Salamander are imperative for its survival."
"Giving shape to a new national park has been exciting and fulfilling. It has proven to bring meaning to my final years." - Tanya J Powers, Fox News
"There is still plenty of hope; together we can work towards a future where we can keep our quality of life and not pollute our atmosphere in the process."
"Let's learn from our mistakes and not let any more of our natural wealth be lost in something as senseless as greater profits."
"Whales maintain a crucial position in the aquatic food chain and yet have been hunted close to extinction."
"I do not believe that as a people we can justify or afford to remove species of wildlife from the landscape."
"It's not about scale, believe me. It's about the habitat that you offer."
"With this operable technology being declassified, it would save our nation. We no longer will need fossil fuels; we can be traveling throughout the solar system."
"We've gone from hashtag save the rock to hashtag place the rock."
"Beatrix Potter spent the last 30 years of her life buying and protecting land."
"We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren, and children yet to be born."
"People are encouraged to reduce trips, conserve energy, and avoid unnecessary burning."
"To save the rainforest would be one of the best solutions against climate change."
"This is the beginning of the dev log series for Dolphin, a game about a marine biologist and the ocean he's trying to save inspired by a true story."
"ETs were saying please don't destroy this beautiful planet with these weapons."
"Our goal was to create a lot of beautiful but also functional space for wildlife to have habitat."
"A new program that helps ships keep their distance from the gentle giants of the sea."
"Six million in grants awarded to protect wildlife."
"Wolves are essential to the ecosystem. They help keep populations healthy, fact." - Pitchforks Dragon
"The Florida Keys' coral reefs: supporting 25% of marine species."
"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is today."
"New water: water that has been given a second life."
"Continuing to promote catch and release is crucial for sustainable fishing."
"So many layers there to really, really closing our loops."
"I've never run from discussing these issues before and I'll be damned if I'm going to run from them now."
"And if no polluted water ever makes it through the system, there's really no reason to leave it on in consuming power."
"Forest restoration is prevention of horrible wildfires."
"Conservation has been around since the beginning."
"To preserve this structure, visitors are limited, with a lottery only dispensing permits to 16 people per day to hike up to this striking landmark."
"It is so unbelievable to see these ancient relics of our past civilization and considering how we couldn't live without the Amazon rainforest it's crazy to think of a time when it didn't even exist yet."
"What if it was here to help, and they don't want us to destroy our resources?"
"The Earth is an ark and we need to preserve it."
"Nature is a tool we can use to repair our broken climate these natural climate solutions can make a massive difference."
"The landscape thrives on balance, and if you don't have predators, that balance is disrupted."
"We need to combat both deforestation and degradation."
"For every tree we drop, we're gonna plant a new one in spring."
"This year we'll be donating one percent of our Google AdSense revenue to plant conservation."
"Stop food waste which is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases after U.S. and China."
"The Coral Triangle has been called the global center of marine biodiversity."
"It's up to us to preserve what we have and to restore what we have lost."
"Here in the lakes one name will always stand out because by the time Beatrix Potter died in 1943, there'd never been a greater contribution of land to the trust."
"Let nature do the work, give her room, give her time, give her space."
"At Apple, we are constantly innovating to conserve resources and protect the planet."
"We greatly appreciate the work you did to save our planet. Keep it up."
"Most countries look at water as something that needs to be extracted. Our government looks at it as something that we need to replenish and build into."
"We may never see this, but somebody in the future will inherit a huge beautiful place." - Deep South Homestead
"We've got to make this world a better place and protect it."
"A very light touch is critical to preserving the area's natural beauty."
"Trees are the answer to that. They're the most pragmatic, proactive, and large-scale approach to creating a healthy environment." - Bruce Westerman
"Trees are a critical part of that habitat. Having more trees out there creates better habitat, more opportunities for folks to enjoy the outdoors, more reestablishment of species." - Rob Wittman
"Don't make the mistake of going off Trail... it's so important to make sure that these Trails stay open for generations."
"We have a marvelous home planet that gives us everything we need."
"Always try to keep minimal impact in your hunting spots. Get in and get out one or two times a month before the season and don't go back."
"By recycling, you are not only conserving resources but also helping to keep unnecessary garbage out of landfills."
"We must protect the forest for our children, grandchildren, and children yet to be born."
"In wildness is the preservation of the world."
"If we can all do one little thing to save the planet, then why not do it?"
"Why would anyone object to making regulations clearer, more straightforward, or improving implementation of the Endangered Species Act?"
"It's cool to see a billionaire apply their wealth towards keeping our planet."
"Hopefully they'll walk more in nature, connect more with nature, and then work towards efforts of preservation or conservation. Or compost, or google Permaculture."
"Together we raised almost half a million dollars for animal rescue collective Wires, WWF, and a bunch of other environmental programs."
"We have to save this planet which we are living in."
"Respect for nature and animals is key to maintaining balance and harmony in the environment."
"Let's just preserve the wood that we do have up."
"The National Parks have been dubbed America's best idea because they took huge swaths of American wilderness, protected it from development, and kept it open to the public for their enjoyment."
"Our goal at the Savory Institute is to heal the grasslands of the planet."
"We've got to come up with some limits for some of these behaviors."
"The destruction of the passenger pigeon should serve as a poignant reminder to learn from the mistakes of the past."
"Guys, if you ever see bees, please make sure you don't kill them."
"China planted 7.12 million hectares of trees in 2020, bringing the total forested area to 70.4 million hectares."
"A shrine to human foresight, the strength of its granite, the persistence of life, and the tranquility of the High Sierra."
"So for every new subscriber that we get from this video we'll donate $1 to The Nature Conservancy, up to 1,000 people, so by just hitting that red button you can help to protect coral reefs all around the world."
"If we can't save 30% of our oceans and our land, then what is up?"
"The preservation of the environment is a problem in which everybody needs to become involved."
"Preserving Green Spaces Amidst Urban Density."
"Mangroves pull far more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than most trees on land."
"Out of everything, I gotta say I think it's so cool that Minecraft donated a hundred thousand dollars to support real-life coral reefs. That's awesome."
"The Amazon rainforest is the largest one in the world and actually accounts for more than 50 percent of what remains of our planet's rainforest."
"Respecting animals and protecting our vast and diverse ecosystem is just so obviously important."
"It's all about natural regeneration of ecosystems, it's about letting nature take control."
"It is nobody's interest to destroy the planet."
"Palawan, Philippines: voted as one of the most beautiful islands in the world thanks to the low amount of development."
"Experts say saving food waste can do more for the environment than turning the lights off."
"If more of government experts and locals work together for our wildlife in cities then I'd hope that efforts like these can be replicated across the country."
"We all need to do what's right by these fish."
"No matter the species, it just isn't large enough."
"Costa Rica effectively banned recreational hunting."
"Shark Week started out as an effort toward shark conservation."
"Old-growth forest, they don't want to mess with that. But we need more power."
"This is it for the Fjords' main, this is... well, it's not it for the Fjords being completely, but it's a lot of their Lords done for."
"The fight to get rid of pigs is not just the fight to save the rainforest, it's the fight to save the whole system."
"Just like the good old days, all right. Super Crash, kill all the turtles! Just kidding, don't kill turtles. Turtles are very kind and gentle."
"Every space where we can have native plants is a valuable space." - Jack Pizo
"Four Ocean picked up 25 million pounds of trash over the past five years."
"It's important to remember that the natural world is not just a resource for human consumption but a delicate ecosystem."
"Turning what was once a conventional nursery to reliable habitat and food source for insects, birds, and wildlife."
"Dippin' Dots could actually be a big component in saving the Earth."
"I'd like to tell you about team trees, which is an amazing collaborative fundraising challenge aimed at raising twenty million U.S. dollars by 2020 to plant 20 million trees."
"Investing in forests is actually intimately tied with the agenda 2030 attempt to take total control over all resources and economic activity on the planet."
"My goal is to start a conversation by giving people who cherish these fish a chance to share their insights."