
Sustainability Quotes

There are 24345 quotes

"Profit generation that goes back into scaling something bigger is the most sustainable way to make an idea change things in a huge way."
"Businesses and startups are about solving a problem, and instantly you think, yeah, but okay, they're solving a problem to make money. That's not good. But imagine if the solution funded itself so that you could then scale it to even more people."
"Keeping it so that our children can live here too, in the future."
"In order for somebody to adopt and sustain a health behavior for the long term, they should know why they are doing something, how to do it, if they're doing it, and if it's working."
"I need to focus on figuring out a way to live in myself, live in my body, that is sustainable and pleasurable enough that there is a point to my existence beyond service to others."
"Moringa is one of those plants that you can use and it's sustainable without anything else. You don't need to use any other food or plants, all you need is moringa. It has all the benefits that you need in that one plant."
"Focus on building healthy habits that are sustainable to you because in the long run, those healthy habits will help you be more consistent, more self-disciplined."
"A diet really is only as healthy as it is good for the planet, our population, and for other creatures and biodiversity."
"Happiness based on happenings is temporary, but happiness built on habits is long-lasting."
"I care about the world we're leaving behind. I care about the sustainability, the ultimate sustainability of everything, the human enterprise as it were."
"Our goal is for Bayview to provide inspiration and learnings others will use to build more sustainable places that benefit people and the planet."
"If you don't charge enough, you will lose money and you will not be in business very long."
"The healthiest diet is the one that you can actually sustain for life."
"Anyone who believes in indefinite growth on a physically finite planet is either mad or an economist."
"A sustainable life is about being prepared, not scared."
"I think the language of sustainability is the wrong language because sustainability sounds like a liberal philosophy... I think the word that we should be using is resilience."
"Systems thinking is all about seeing situations as democratic and egalitarian and as humanistically as we can because we recognize that anything other than that is not sustainable."
"The zero-waste lifestyle is a gift that keeps on giving."
"Instead of telling people do with less, which is never going to work, we should find a way to do with more but emitting less."
"Instead of buying endless single-use plastic bottles, all you need to clean your hands or house are these little tablets."
"Think about it: an engine that emits only water vapor, harnessing the most abundant element in the universe, hydrogen."
"By combining the familiarity of traditional engine designs with the environmental benefits of hydrogen, Toyota is not just challenging the current EV-centric narrative but is also redefining what sustainable transportation can look like."
"Please, can we start normalizing outfit repeating? So I'm fed up with feeling self-conscious for wearing the same top but I wore five videos ago."
"To have a house in Europe overlooking a river with all that land that you can farm and live off, for me, it's just the dream."
"Anyone who believes in indefinite growth on a physical, finite planet is either mad or an economist."
"The entire concept of the Tesla home is based on eco-friendliness, eliminating the carbon emissions that primarily contribute to the escalation of climate change."
"With its features and cost-effective pricing, the Tesla home promises to bridge the housing crisis in Utah."
"Everything that I've done sustainably has been because of intrinsic motivation. I've genuinely enjoyed the thing."
"Bakus produces no carbon emissions, contributing to environmental protection and sustainability in the wine industry."
"The only way to make a personal brand last is for it to be you."
"We need to have a thoughtful discussion of how many people we can actually bring in and sustain."
"There's no reason for a counterproductive and anti-human pessimism. We could have a planet where there was enough for everyone, and that's within our grasp if that's what we want."
"It's about not wasting the resources you've been given."
"The key test: Do we become a self-sustaining multiplanet civilization while civilization still exists, or don't we?"
"The only thing that this really poses a problem for is those humans, as they are the ones that have developed to depend on the Earth being the way it had been so that their crops can grow and their cities remain out of the dangerous reaches of natural disasters."
"What's required is a change in the way that we live. A change in our style of living."
"We are going to try to eventually figure out how to live off the land to support human missions to Mars."
"Your generation is moving from ownership to access, from markets to networks, from consumerism to sustainability."
"Toyota's hydrogen engines offer a ray of hope... cleaner, greener transportation all without compromising performance or practicality."
"If we have a sharp crack in the globalized system, we're going to lose the ability as a planet to feed 8 billion people."
"Imagine if you had a device that would run your house or even a small pack that would run your car, never having to be plugged into the grid."
"Humanity is going to get on this path where we're going to be sustainable, peaceful, all these technologies will help heal the planet, poverty and disease will be forgotten, and we'll become interstellar."
"Leave the World Behind could it happen in real life? The three steps to disaster are so real: isolation, synchronized chaos, and Civil War."
"I love to repurpose and salvage and reuse wherever I can."
"The only available, affordable, rapidly scalable and sustainable technologies that we have at our fingertips right now are wind, solar, and battery energy storage."
"It's like a timeshare... but it's basically a farm."
"If we're getting to the point of energy scarcity but we're using more energy to survive in the subterranean, it's something which is a vicious cycle."
"It's not about quick fixes... it's about working out sustainably."
"It's important to celebrate that's what allows us to sustain."
"You need a meaning to sustain you through the vicissitudes of life."
"Part of sustainable compassion is figuring out how do you find a sense of compassion satisfaction in the middle of that tragic gap between reality and your aspirations."
"Water is a precious resource in space; we want to know everything we can about water on the moon."
"Markets create sustainability; charity is generally non-sustainable."
"One of my biggest new year's resolutions was to make sustainable lifestyle changes."
"You can have all of these superficial things, but if the core is not there, it's not going to necessarily be sustainable."
"Friendship as a power source is both sustainable and renewable."
"If your business model is reliant on exploiting workers, then it is going to affect your business."
"Capitalism in its current form is unsustainable."
"This is not a zero waste project; it's a negative waste project."
"The fastest route to a sustainable planet could well be the remediation of absolute poverty."
"The big technological, ethical, moral challenge for the human species is to save this planet."
"Turning food scraps into plant food in Just 4 hours."
"You'll never run out of laundry, but now you'll also never run out of detergent."
"While we do need to be as independent and self-sufficient as possible, we don't have very much time left, and so it's really about building community locally."
"ESG is a real thing. It is an absolute thing."
"Meet Lomi, the world's first kitchen appliance designed to turn your home into a climate solution."
"Lomi transforms almost anything you eat into nutrient-rich plant food at the push of a button."
"Build an evergreen business... one that has made money in the past, makes money now, and will make money long after you're gone."
"A true force of nature, phone 2A achieves our lowest ever carbon footprint in a smartphone."
"We strive to improve on everything we do when it comes to sustainability."
"Every country on the planet is facing some form of demographic collapse, and that's really bad because if you don't have a working population, you can't have any social programs."
"The environment and the economy need to go together."
"A business which takes no regular inventory usually goes broke."
"I want to reinvent the business ecosystem so that it uses a triple bottom line: people, planet, and profit."
"Regulations have been implemented to safeguard the stone crab population, ensuring that this valuable marine life can continue sustainably for future generations."
"As vehicles become more efficient and we pursue electrification, sooner or later, there will be questions about whether the gas tax can be effective at all."
"I haven't seen a single fast fashion brand make actual steps to becoming more sustainable and more ethical."
"Their sustainable approach to fundraising means that non-profits can spend less time and money raising funds and instead focus on serving the needs of their communities."
"Native's plastic-free deodorant packaging is made with paperboard and they're committed to sourcing from responsibly managed forests."
"Buying from ethical, sustainable brands, if you can afford to, is awesome. But probably the most important thing you would need to do to shop sustainably is just to buy only what you need."
"You do not need a fancy hydro flask or a swell water bottle. Any reusable bottle will do."
"Indigenous energy sovereignty means enabling indigenous communities to own and operate our own energy systems, to use renewable and locally available energy sources like wind and solar."
"Most of the responsibility of ethical living has to be the responsibility of the global 1%... if you have the means to do so, if you in any ways can become more sustainable in your individual consumption, do what you can."
"Being sustainable is not a competition, and we should never shame people if they are imperfect because I think we are all imperfect."
"The entire facade of market capitalism looks at the earth as one big inventory at its core philosophical foundation."
"Doing much more with less... this is the ongoing trend and it's something that needs to be pushed forward."
"We're the world's first carbon-negative beer business."
"We became the world's first carbon negative beer business. That means we take twice as much carbon out of the air every single year than we emit."
"Sustainability is the avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance."
"It's not hard to understand edible plants, but you're not going to live off them sustainably long-term. You're going to have to be able to secure meat."
"Their solution is really one to transform our impact on the environment... we're over consuming and because of our consumption patterns, if we can bring down our consumption patterns then we will be able to reduce the impact on the environment."
"Creating a diet you actually enjoy because that's what you'll be more likely to stick to in the long run."
"There is no trade-off; you can have it both ways."
"According to Antor, their heat batteries will be able to be used for 30 years or more without degradation."
"Wealth that comes easily disappears quickly, but wealth that is gathered little by little will grow greater."
"This is a massive problem, and it seems like Tesla's on its way and ahead, but we need everybody's help because it's everybody's planet. We're not going to get to 20 terawatt hours by ourselves."
"If you care about solving sustainability and doing hardcore engineering, definitely come work at Tesla."
"A resource-based economy wants to create a sustainable culture... to support public health directly, not through the movement of money."
"Ultimately it will require making, selling, and buying fewer clothes."
"Reduce means to buy as few things as you need."
"Sustainability, on the other hand, is about slowness, care, flourishing, and responsibility."
"We are built from the foods that the planet produces, so we need genuine replacement parts."
"Imagine a traditional city and consolidating its footprint, designing to protect and enhance nature."
"Sustainability is an opportunity. All we have to do is see it differently, think differently, and seek to understand how we can all make choices that have a positive consequence on the planet."
"When it comes to sustainability, any effort is worthwhile."
"A big portion of the world has now started believing in the fact that sustainability will define profitability."
"Beauty bars are back...a more eco-friendly way of cleansing and bar soaps have always been a good way to do that."
"More aluminum packaging...aluminum is a standout when it comes to recyclability."
"More than 178 countries adopted what was known as Agenda 21, which was a comprehensive global plan for sustainable development."
"We need to bring back some of these different kinds of foods in these complex farms that actually restore soil, restore human health."
"Being able to support companies making sustainable options more accessible is a really good thing."
"Hypergrowth is not necessarily healthy; like everything, growth should have a reason and be sustainable."
"A bidet can be a significant quality of life improvement, offering a cleaner and more sustainable alternative to toilet paper."
"Extracting from people and the planet is not sustainable long term."
"What we do now matters. How we source our energy and our food, how we transport ourselves, how we build our cities, how we relate to our environment matters."
"One of the implications of this transition from printing to assembling is it gets rid of technological trash because you can disassemble and reuse the parts, not throw them away."
"You have to find foods that you love... It's never going to work if you don't."
"There is enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed."
"Choose an activity that you truly enjoy that you can keep up in the long run and that will not result in injury."
"We could... feed far more than 10 or 11 billion people... if we reduced our meat consumption and spent more of that land producing fruits, vegetables, and grains."
"A lifestyle can only be successful in the long term if it is truly that, something that you can see yourself doing for the rest of your entire life."
"Child labour is down by a third since 2000, and 61% of fashion companies have committed to using sustainable fabrics."
"Listen to this statement very carefully: What attracts you to a person will not sustain you."
"We know there's enough energy from the Sun to power the whole world so many times over; it's how do you focus that energy, how do you use it, how do you turn it into something useful."
"Investment in infrastructure and green technology is crucial for economic health."
"Humanity's need to satisfy its own desires will be its ultimate undoing."
"The whole undertone of the message around Prince William and Catherine is that they want to do something that is sustainable, that's good, that is also good for the royal family."
"We really need to have the three dimensions to go simultaneously such that the end results will be equitable, inclusive, and sustainable."
"It's really important to be sustainable as well and to not feel burned out by doing things that are grueling and maybe contradict our passions in life."
"The Venus Project is about the redesign of our culture, our values, and it has to be related to the carrying capacity of the Earth."
"Unfortunately for Rivian, their variable cost of $94,000 is above their average selling price of $86,000, so at the current trajectory, they will never make a positive gross profit."
"The most important issue at hand is the intelligent management of the earth's resources."
"We're going to have our own food production now, which is awesome."
"Modernity claims technological progress and infinite gain, but the reality is that it promotes slowdown and crash due to burnout."
"Localization is about regaining efficiency and reducing waste by locally producing as much as possible."
"By 2030, we aim to operate on carbon-free energy 24/7. This means running every data center and office on clean electricity every hour of every day."
"Everything we buy takes resources from the earth, energy to produce, and greenhouse gas emissions emitted to ship it all over the world."
"In my personal philosophy of Eco minimalism, you're buying as few things new as you can to have the least impact on the planet as you can."
"I won't be buying any books in 2024 because I have learned how to utilize my library properly."
"Meaningful innovation doesn't stop at the best performance; it also means devices that are engineered to last longer."
"Asparagus is not a quick investment...but it will provide continued harvesting for a good 20 years or more."
"You want to live off the land, have some livestock, feed your family with the livestock on your own backyard, right?"
"There's something real special about growing your own food."
"Social entrepreneurship is the process of creating self-sustaining businesses and solutions that are able to address small- and large-scale problems."
"We must protect the ocean as if our lives depend on it because they do."
"We would be better off if we ate whole food that had been grown or caught near where we are."
"It's becoming extremely hard to ignore how broken our food system is and that's probably a good thing, because things need to change and they need to change now."
"A bloated, duplicative, and wasteful federal government is a threat to America's future."
"It makes sense in some ways to have a massive overhaul to help protect the environment."
"It doesn't matter how much we're taxed if we don't have an Earth to live on."
"You could have a world of continual abundance and reliability... or you could wander down this demented pseudomoral route and break everything while making the planet worse."
"Arcology is a portmanteau of architecture and ecology, coined by architect Paolo Soleri, who conceptualized it as essentially communities that were mostly self-sufficient and sustainable."
"When you're looking at compost self-sufficiency, it's actually a good idea to look at the different types of compost."
"People are still trying to reduce not their consumption necessarily, but at least their output and that is the right thing to do."
"With global warming on track to exceed 1.5°C by 2027, the idea of a 'Shein haul' horrifies me."
"Sustainability isn't a deprivation or sacrifice; it's about joy, fun, freedom, community, connection, meaning, purpose."
"With nuclear, it means that a single can of coke provides enough uranium to provide all the energy that you need for your entire life."
"We can emerge from this...not as victims but empowered, armed with greater clarity to actualize a better, more sustainable, purposeful intentional, and fulfilling life experience for ourselves, for our loved ones, for future generations, and frankly the world at large."
"Prosperity should be viewed as essential to protecting the natural environment."
"It's a no-brainer: shoes that are comfortable, stylish, and sustainable, plus free shipping."
"Optimization is the process of getting the maximum yield for the maximum duration of time from the minimal investment from everything you do today, in the future, and from everything you've ever done in the past."
"Unlike the urban renewal of previous generations, it will seek to improve the fabric of neighborhoods by improving the housing stock, improving the affordability of housing within the entire city, and adding much-needed amenities such as parks and cycling infrastructure, while also improving the urban tree canopy."
"Removing the cap on Social Security taxes could ensure its funding far beyond our lifetimes."
"Nuclear energy, based on everything I've seen, seems like the obvious way forward."
"My values would definitely be sustainability, human well-being... wanting the human race to go on long after I'm here, wanting people to struggle but struggle well so that they can be tough and be resilient."
"We have the responsibility to take better care of the environment which we all share."
"The raw effectiveness of her business model is proving that creating opportunities is far more sustainable and empowering than offering people handouts."
"Learning to reuse and give new life to clothing that you already have not only helps you save money, it can also have a large-scale impact on the environment."
"We need more local farmers, we need to buy local food, we need to stop the inhumane practices of factory farms."
"I wanted to permanently integrate social good into this collection."
"Financial independence is essentially when you're able to sustain yourself indefinitely, you don't have to work."
"The current trajectory is unsustainable, so the future has to be about conscious capitalism, multi-stakeholder firms that are providing for the well-being and care of others."
"Our version of a farm would be different: plants, wildlife, livestock, all working together."
"Protecting the planet and being green isn't about not having nice things; we can still have nice things."
"The healthcare, it was a lovely idea to give free healthcare, but that's a bill we can't pay."
"Clean, abundant energy can free us from the chains of scarcity and environmental degradation, allowing us to heal the wounds inflicted on our planet and create a sustainable future for all life."
"For the global economy to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide or CO₂ emissions, electricity, primarily from renewables, as well as hydrogen and biofuels are expected to be important in the future energy system."
"We can only meet a net-zero target as part of a world that is also heading to net zero."
"We don't want to depend on investors, we don't want to depend on donations, we don't want to overprice and underdeliver."
"We want to be sustainable, we don't want to be beholden to someone else, we don't want to take that gambling sponsorship."
"All the grain that's used in this country alone could feed 800 million humans, which means we could eradicate world hunger just with the grain that's fed to animals in this country alone."
"De-growth means restructuring the economy to minimize exploitation and adjusting consumption to be more sustainable."
"We are limited not by trade relations but rather by our ability to grow without destroying the planet."
"I made it a priority for myself that this is going to be a lifestyle change so I can't do anything that I won't be able to sustain forever."
"Megastructures are living constructions; they're not giant static and concrete monuments; they change over time with some parts living longer while others cycle quickly as people's needs change."
"Permaculture is the idea that everything within your homestead in some way supplements or complements everything else."
"Product quality is the only way to be successful, and therefore the only reason we're now in a position where I think we can invest so much in sustainability, social impact in people."
"Make a lifestyle change, not just a quick fix to lose weight, because you'll probably end up back at square one."
"Everything Bullet and Branch makes from bedding to blankets is made from pure 100% organic cotton."
"These technologies have the potential, if used only for peaceful purposes, to give us a new and sustainable civilization on earth, free of poverty and pollution within a generation."
"They're really committed to sustainability and working alongside the community to accomplish what they want rather than coming in and just imposing a solution on everyone."
"Humanity needs to think in terms of a dynamic notion of sustainability, where the goal is to get onto a trajectory that is sustainable indefinitely."
"We don't really need to eat animals at all to survive."
"We can't address climate change without thinking about buildings."
"We need actually a new target at the top of this hierarchy, something better than Net Zero. It's what I'm going to call net positive."
"If you are in the building industry... you have the opportunity now to be a leader, to go beyond green buildings, to create the projects that aren't just trying to be less bad but actually make a positive contribution to the world."
"Strong wage growth is a good thing, but for wage growth to be sustainable, it needs to be consistent with two percent inflation."
"A group of benevolent politicians, philosophers, farmers, and urban planners have come together to solve all the ills associated with cities by making them 100% self-sufficient and sustainable."
"The long game involves building your wealth the right way from the ground up, ensuring stability and sustainability."
"Our lives are all dependent on our fish and would be completely changed without this wonderful resource."