
Scaling Quotes

There are 467 quotes

"Profit generation that goes back into scaling something bigger is the most sustainable way to make an idea change things in a huge way."
"You want to make your company like in proof what you want to do is expand a thousand X, apply Elon Muskian thinking to your vision."
"It's a heck of a lot easier to have a 10 million dollar company that throws off a 20% profit than a 100 million company that throws off a 2% profit."
"It allows you to scale to financial freedom faster."
"You don't expect to make a million dollars in the next week or in the next two weeks or in the next year. You start bit by bit, and then you start to scale."
"When you really start to scale is when you hire people who are smarter than you."
"This tour... it's just been super inspiring. I'm really excited about it. I want to scale that."
"To get from 100 to 5 million transactions per second, it's not like one improvement. It's actually like a ton of stuff."
"Ensuring that our solution is solving a true problem... scaling that around the world... ensuring that the people of our organization continue to be A+ people."
"We're like 10xing this, we're just really going to like double down on everything that actually works."
"Scaling is the hard thing, but the really cool thing is Luke has had both the blessing and curse of having one medium to large scale creator."
"Scaling down wholesale is actually a good thing."
"How can you take this little bit of money that you're making and scale it into something a whole lot bigger?"
"Tesla announcing their plans telling us how they plan to scale battery production to multiple terawatt hours per year."
"Meaning if I double the length of the list in the worst case, it's going to take me twice as much time to find that it's not there."
"I double the size of the input, it doubles the amount of time."
"So once you find your Breakeven point on your cost per result and let's just say it's at the break even point or you're passing it and you're profitable, this is when you want to scale."
"Experiment small, learn, and scale only when you get it right."
"The deeper you get, the bigger the structure is going to get."
"If chains aren't having problems, they're not growing fast enough."
"The audience size isn't absolutely massive, but there's definitely enough room to scale."
"The damage goes from 25 to 200, it's a ridiculously high scaling damage number."
"And then eventually when you see a big enough change in like how much you're making and how much people are purchasing then I think it's time to outsource it."
"You only want to scale what your bank can afford, so if you can't afford to scale, don't scale."
"You can only do this if you have between two thousand and three thousand."
"Last 20 years, we've had some insane scaling up of technology in all businesses and we've had some insane productivity gains almost everywhere."
"Heirlooms will always scale with your level."
"Sandwich video is collaborating with the companies they work with in order to potentially scale what was once a totally unscalable business."
"Focus on companies that are scaling up to growth not ones that have already had all their growth."
"Echo...just happens to have really really high scaling."
"Setting up look-alike audiences is super important for scaling."
"Polygon network offers cheap and more efficient scaling solutions in the ecosystem."
"AWS Lambda is going to be responsible for scaling your application, provisioning machines on your behalf."
"All of these things that I'm currently working on are going to allow me to be more aggressive and scale this product even further."
"If you follow the steps and become one of the 30% of people who make their first dollar, then when you make your second, fifth, or tenth thousandth, you'll wish you started on a platform that knew how to scale."
"The biggest thing Robert Smith taught me was to scale up."
"Delegating and scaling is so important. I wish more people took it seriously."
"I'm buying 20 units right if it's a single family I'm buying 10 units if it's a duplex I'm buying what? 20. If it was a four-plex that'd be smart. Do it ten times."
"The only way this becomes easier is by going bigger."
"Start with $5 to $10 budget... increase as you see more purchases."
"Sona is actually a pretty strong scaling pick for enchanter players."
"Annihilation is extremely powerful because its damage just scales."
"How do you go about scaling your site so that it can handle thousands or tens of thousands or even more users?"
"Mass plan part three is about scaling... how do we scale to get to a fully sustainable energy economy?"
"Master plan part three is about scaling... how do we get to that fully sustainable economy?"
"Polygon network helping Ethereum scale, making it cheaper and more efficient."
"It just makes sense to get into a business that has more potential and more room to scale."
"Roll-up season is coming. A lot of these competing blockchains for Ethereum are going to be washed out in my opinion because scaling is coming."
"It's a 2.3 000 gold lead... Fnatic's team comp scales real good."
"This is an education platform for anyone who wants to scale their business."
"I massively underestimated how quickly this company is scaling."
"EK has a very solid amount of base physical damage that scales with its level."
"We have to figure out how are we going to scale up our ability to invent solutions at the same rate that we create the problems."
"Master Yi is the best scaling jungler and champion in the game at the moment."
"So, what this helped with is basically scaled the website all the way up till it filled the whole screen for maybe a smartphone or something."
"The primary reason for using replication is to scale the use of data in a database without degrading performance."
"My business isn't me. My business is a machine, and you have to build a machine built up of processes and people in order to scale."
"Scaling up traditionally meant making the box bigger, but in the cloud, we think about smaller units and scale out, adding more of them."
"Over deliver and you're going to see how much quicker you're going to be able to scale to those 10K months."
"Usually by the time you have your fourth or fifth client you feel like, 'I've got this, I'm awesome at this, I can scale this.'"
"When I get to 30 million, I'm going to go to 300 million a month."
"You're only going to scale as much as you can get high quality people to help you."
"...it has some amazing ideas for you and shops that you could really just take and run with to scale your business to six figures this year."
"If there is any kind of a definition to life, I think life we call Life those things that are really good at scaling those up."
"Scaling a company from 20 million a year to 40 million a year could break you and bankrupt you."
"Following a proven framework to reduce your mistakes and focus on a good process to scale your account."
"Bonus tip number two is to delegate and scale once you start making money."
"I over scaled it. I really probably should have used 135 as I got to rounds 4, 3, 2."
"Scaling up models really, really big, that worked."
"There's this whole talk of emergence, like this ability that emerges by scaling, but the reality is it's always gradual."
"If you want to scale your course to six figures and beyond, then you need to get them to actually complete the program."
"Scaling into trades based on price action is essential."
"Cold start also occurs while scaling up, and there is a hard limit here that lambda will only scale up by 500 execution environments per one minute."
"David consulted his years of experience and asked himself, what is the scarce resource I need more of to truly scale? The answer wasn't actually money, it was compute."
"I want to scale that up, the same way I scaled up my acting career."
"Tactic number two is a regular introduction workshop. An introduction to blank. Every Wednesday, introduction to scaling. Our head of scaling development is going to go through the core principles."
"Are you ready to blank? Answer 10 questions to find out. Are you ready to scale? Answer 10 questions to find out."
"Making the first $100 is the most difficult because you have absolutely no idea how to start. Once you figure out how to make $100, now all you gotta do is keep doing what you just did to scale it up to $10,000."
"If you want to scale, if you want to get to millions of dollars in real estate in your portfolio, leverage is going to be a very necessary thing."
"Long story short, we cannot scale Cooler to the manga or anime continuity, nor can we compare him to previous movie villains like Turles or Lord Slug."
"It's not that Zoro and Sanji were supposed to be scaled way below Lucci, it's just that they were supposed to beat their opponents much easier than Luffy beat his opponent."
"Scaling itself is effortless and why."
"Scaling is effortless so anyone is familiar with the benefit of cloud you know scaling is one of its benefits, right?"
"The best answer here would be C, configure scheduled scaling to scale up to the desired compute level."
"It's really difficult because we constantly or I constantly try to scale my funds now."
"One of the great things about this scaling method is that you can actually scale really quite quickly, and provided that your campaign is delivering good results, which is the only scenario in which you would want to scale anyway."
"Product is the thing that matters when expanding."
"We just cut off all of the things that scale less quickly."
"It's really important that the art scales correctly, so that one in-game pixel translates to a clean integer of on-screen pixels."
"Shopify, they're building a whole ecosystem. It's built now and now it's just scaling and scaling and scaling."
"The scaling of their firebending was insane."
"our business focuses on at least 35 percent of every dollar we spend goes to Black businesses and we continue to do that as we scale up"
"...we've both scaled businesses and we know when you start a business and you expand to the next level, you got to throw the whole rule book aside and you got to write a new one for that."
"Getting from 30 to 50 customers is where people kind of stall out."
"The effect of the matrix is just to scale them. They're the eigenvectors of the matrix."
"The effect of the matrix on the eigenvector is just to scale it."
"The scaling did stretch like we wanted, three in the x-direction, one in the y-direction."
"So any 2.7K footage will just scale up 142.5% to match 4K."
"Now, if you wanted, you could change the scale of all of these instances based on where they are on the curve using the spline parameter."
"If you want to scale fast, if you want to get to six, seven figures fast, you need to delegate and Elevate."
"We just want to 10x or 100x that kind of over the next year."
"Efficient delegation is key to scaling Power Apps."
"...the vast majority of that goes nowhere but then you find something that does work and you're able to scale it 5, 10, 15 times up and that's where the money starts to come in."
"Always work big because you can scale down easier than scaling up."
"We want to help you scale service to new levels, we want to help make it better for your team members to become more productive every interaction that you drive with your customers."
"We've spent the last 15 to 20 years building out the foundation of the asset management business and we're now turning our attention to scaling it up."
"I'm gonna press s to scale to scale the plane down to the head."
"Let's talk about now how to simplify your criteria, how to in a really easy way to scale."
"A great way to scale - relatively hands-off and dynamic."
"You've got to figure out from zero how do I get my first user, how do I get the second user, how does that go to 10 users, how's that go to 100, then a thousand, then a million."
"If you can do that, you still have to blitzscale, but it's the easy kind."
"It's the easy kind of blitzscaling."
"Scaling a business is about being able to make better decisions and to give yourself the tools that you need to make those decisions."
"If you see something doing well, you scale it aggressively by launching similar ads and many more campaigns."
"Eventually we had hundreds of these Pentium 90s in racks gorilla racks all lined up."
"There's this extraordinary regularity in the proportions as you scale up and turns out that phenomenon permeates life around you."
"Can we keep scaling large language models up and up all the way to human-level AI or are there still fundamental discoveries to be made?"
"We see this company actually scaling in many cases better than some tech companies."
"You can't scale by yourself. You wouldn't get to this point without your team."
"Delegating is the only way you're gonna scale. You can't scale by yourself."
"The thing can't fly so if you inspire he gets under him and throws him in the air that doesn't say he bodied that's not biting him or knocking him out and that's not scaling him to him and strength that that's just a no."
"Results are the most important factor to scaling an online course business."
"It was scaling to Big models now now it's scaling to the world, it's scaling to a billion people moment right because these Transformer models and others they've only been used by a few million people."
"Scale a business and make a lot of money."
"We are all about scaling, and to scale, you have to know your core audience and you have to serve them at your highest level."
"The biggest and easiest way to scale on Amazon is with the lowest hanging fruit being items at retail price."
"...Travis is the best I've ever seen at understanding how to frictionlessly scale... a startup."
"Adding those other services is what is going to help you scale and grow faster."
"You can definitely do it with just striping, but adding those other services is what is going to help you scale and grow faster in the shortest amount of time."
"There is literally a character that is the embodiment of the basis of all the scaling, even lightning."
"She has durability scaling to Asta's full black form as well."
"...the way the plane feels is just really docile it does you know everything scales up especially out of foam board in your favor when you start building bigger it's when you go smaller is where it gets a little difficult."
"Scaling up is considered vertical, that's when you're adding more computer power to the actual host computer."
"This is a really great way to scale up your subscription boxes."
"Once you start to get more subscribers to your subscription box, you might want to start ordering things in bulk from Alibaba."
"How do you effectively scale a blog from zero without spending a ton of money?"
"Duplicating winning ad sets to scale."
"Scaling is not required for distance-based or tree-based algorithms."
"Now here's the thing, start at the bottom there and scale the whole platform to get all the way up there."
"It's when you're scaling it doesn't make sense to be in the weeds of your own property all the time."
"You could clip some of that out and use it for scaling."
"Get out of the self-employed mindset and into the CEO mindset to scale."
"I think scaling is a wonderful problem to have."
"Founders really value that advice especially as they start scaling because very few companies have gone through hyper growth and have had to deal with all these things."
"The faster you can get reviews, the quicker you can start scaling your business."
"Magna actually still has good scaling besides this."
"This is only one product. As you can imagine, you can find a lot of products similar to this. And then really, once you start selling three, five, ten, twenty, thirty products on Amazon using this method, it can really add up to some very serious dollars."
"Time is money; it's all about business automation nowadays if you want to be able to scale in profit successfully."
"...how I actually managed to scale to ten thousand dollars a month..."
"I'm going to show you guys literally how to scale your agency."
"Systems and automation are truly the key to scaling your business."
"If you can find success using it, you can scale up over time."
"Every time you double the size of a city in any given urban system, all socio-economic metrics increase to the same degree by approximately 15% per capita."
"Your greatness isn't working on the transaction...it's putting deals together...do that at scale."
"To understand how to scale in the trade, you must first understand the most important foundation of trading."
"Underlying this extraordinary scaling of quantities is, in fact, the dynamic of social networks and social interactions."
"Every time you double the size of a city, you don't need twice as many gas stations or twice the length of the roads; you only need 85% as much."
"There is a new concept of exponential organizations where companies like Uber or Airbnb are scaling as fast as technology can scale."
"So, if I was running your business, how do I take it from 7 million to 70 million dollars in a year?"
"Enjoy the automation, enjoy the extra scaling, and enjoy the extra sales and profits."
"If we go up in scale, say another factor of 10 or 20 above GPT-4, will that be a dramatic improvement, or a very modest improvement?"
"We had to design most of the components by scaling photographs."
"It's the team around them that scaled the business."
"What if our infrastructure cost could be linearly related to the business that we're having to come in?"
"Transistors do not have to scale any smaller than they are right now."
"In less than 10 months, I scaled a creative agency from $0 to $100,000 per month."
"The question I ask founders is, 'What's the scale of your ambition?'"
"What has always worked: if I notice something, I do it small, and if I can replicate it small, I make it a little bigger."
"We were able to grow and scale the business."
"Starting from a home brewer, it's the same process, just on a larger scale."
"We have scaled by several orders of magnitude the number of cells that can be studied in a single experiment."
"Going from zero to a million, you can do that by yourself, but going from one million to ten million, now you need a team."
"If we could just build an AI researcher and an AI engineer, maybe we could speed that up and scale it further."
"I'm going to show you how to scale your business from zero to 100, and when I say 100, I mean a fully booked calendar in less than six months."
"I hope that this presentation has given you a framework to think through how to scale a Kinesis stream."
"Set up a scheduled scaling to increase Lambda provisioned concurrency."
"What adjustments do we need to make to our policy to enable these innovations to really get to scale?"
"The end of Dennard scaling means that power and energy become the key design constraints."
"By using EMR managed scaling, you can rely on EMR to automatically resize your cluster for best performance and resource utilization, which ultimately leads to better costs."
"We've got to stop talking about starting businesses and really focus on scaling them."
"Have enough dry powder, have enough money to be able to scale the business very quickly."
"You can get to seven figures without having processes for continuously improving the conversion of your listing, but you can't get to eight and nine figures without having a process that guarantees the continual increase of the conversion of your listings."
"We scaled our SMMA to $425,000 per month using the new hybrid AI model."
"Old SMMA is dead; the new hybrid AI model is what we've done to be able to scale so quickly."
"They were able to scale and make seven figures a month."
"From zero to one thousand is really, really hard, but one thousand to ten thousand is not."
"If you change one thing, how do other things scale with them?"
"If you have a hyper-scaling industry where the number of users and developers is going to 20x, you don't need to capture any of the existing users or developers."
"The unintended consequences of your scale cannot be dealt after the fact; they need to be dealt with while you're scaling."
"You're going to scale so much quicker than other agencies."
"Verify a funnel through organic first, just get it working, get it to 10K, 20K, 30K, then when you take that to cold traffic, you are gonna make money and scale very, very quickly."
"In order to scale, you have to automate."
"With RAID 0 and these SSDs, we're really seeing a very linear scale here, so that's kind of awesome."
"If you want to scale fast, unless you have unlimited capital, you'll have to get good at raising money from other investors."
"If you had to 10x your output... how would you do it?"
"Imagine for a second that you've helped create, launch, and scale five courses to $100,000 per month profit each."
"The whole point is that you should be able to sight line it and learn how to scale things yourself."
"That's going to grab my scale tool, and then you'll see these little transform handles."
"You can boost productivity, secure and quickly scale automation."
"The only way to scale your company is to build systems for your company."