
Dementia Quotes

There are 256 quotes

"I am happy that there'll be a more holistic approach to dementia care."
"Every 70 seconds, another American is diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia."
"Once you see someone exhibiting dementia, you could do things to lower inflammation, deal with their symptoms, and you could try to slow it down."
"I don't think that you can really reverse it very well yet, but you can probably really put some effort in preventing it from happening, at least."
"The memory she has such profound short-term memory loss but those long-term memories clearly provide her so much happiness."
"Chronic lack of vitamin D is an etiological factor in dementia."
"Every 10 percent increase in ultra-processed food consumption has been associated with a 14 percent increased risk in early mortality and a 25 percent increased risk in the development of dementia."
"My mom was diagnosed with frontal temporal dementia when I was really young, and she battled that for 16 years."
"The lower the levels of vitamin D, the greater the risk of dementia."
"We are working to have fewer people face dementia through the advancement of science and public health."
"For those that are already facing these diseases, we want to make sure we're improving their quality of life as much as possible."
"We want to work on both fronts: fewer people with dementia and better quality of life for everybody who's facing dementia."
"When you've seen one person with dementia, you've only seen one person."
"Stigma around Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia should be all but eradicated."
"There is nothing to be ashamed of with this disease; it's a disease."
"John's Campaign is an initiative to ensure that people living with dementia and other cognitive impairments, or anybody really now in social care settings or in hospitals, have access to their loved ones."
"Alzheimer's is not inevitable. It is not a part of normal aging. Remember that dementia was rare in antiquity, with no recorded cases until 1906."
"The US spends roughly $3 billion on Alzheimer's and dementia research every year."
"Traveling is wonderful, it's incredibly fun, and people with dementia issues can travel."
"Dementia is a scary condition... we fear being left in an empty shell of a body, disconnected from the outside world, totally reliant upon others."
"Dementia is largely a disease of lifestyle and not genetics; rather than worrying about whether you are an apoe4 carrier, you'd be far better off making sure you eat well, sleep well, and exercise well."
"Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia, and it can be a devastating disease."
"One in three seniors dies with Alzheimer's or dementia, and that's a crime when you know that you can fix this, and you can prevent it, and you can reverse it."
"There are gifts in dementia people would not believe that unless they experienced it, but there are gifts."
"We have to learn to laugh about these situations. Dementia is horrible...it's degrading, it robs them of everything."
"Everyone is affected differently by dementia. We're all different and we just treat people like people."
"I truly do believe that we can care and we can care better. There is a difference between care and neglect and abuse, and we better know what that is when it comes to dementia."
"Did you know that dementia, right now today in the world, is the seventh leading cause of death and more than 55 million people are suffering from this disease?"
"If you have a genetic condition, you can be doing something about it. What can we do so we can start doing something about dementia?"
"Most of the people that have dementia don't have the genetic condition. Most of the people that have dementia have chronic inflammation."
"When you've seen one person with dementia, that's all you've seen is that one person because it affects people entirely differently, and every journey is different."
"Every journey with dementia is different, but finding purpose for the person suffering from it can provide a sense of happiness and fulfillment."
"Living with dementia doesn't mean that my life is over, it means my life is different."
"One in nine people age 65 and older has Alzheimer's dementia."
"Dementia is spouts, it's in and out just like when a person has Alzheimer's."
"Exercise is a disease modifying treatment for people with pre-dementia."
"Strength matters... 70% reduction in incidents and mortality from dementia."
"The one thing that you could do to prevent dementia is probably to eat turmeric every single day."
"Alzheimer's is a subcategory of the bigger disease process which is dementia."
"People can live well with dementia - there are ways to take off some of the sharp edges."
"Many scientists believe that dementia, especially Alzheimer's disease, may be attributed to a deficiency of nitric oxide neurotransmitter in the brain."
"Hypertension is not only a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, it's also a very important risk factor for dementia and Alzheimer's disease."
"The easiest way to describe it is childhood dementia."
"When you actually see what dementia looks like, there's nothing more motivating."
"Memory is by no means the only thing that can be impacted in dementia."
"We really can reduce the global burden of dementia."
"Two servings of fish a week lower dementia risk by 70%."
"The dementia was protecting them, you know? They're in a world where they're good, they don't even feel the pain."
"Look, if somebody is suffering from serious dementia, think of where they're going to be in five years."
"Dementia: their emotional needs are still there."
"It's hard to watch your mother not know who she is anymore."
"Caring for someone with dementia requires imagination, quick thinking, humor, and patience."
"Despite your best efforts, caring for someone with dementia becomes harder as the disease moves on and the person you are caring for becomes more dependent on you."
"Could dementia in the national security workplace create a security threat?" - Rand Corporation
"Patients with essential tremor are more likely to develop dementia as they get older than patients who do not have essential tremors."
"Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia."
"Having high cholesterol can also cause dementia."
"I don't think there's any evidence that statins cause Alzheimer's or any type of dementia."
"This rise in glucose is actually a major risk factor for things like dementia."
"Women who are physically active after the age of 35 have a 30% lower risk of dementia in old age."
"Coffee. Is that wonderful or what? Three cups a day of freshly brewed coffee will delay dementia six, seven, eight years."
"Three cups of freshly brewed coffee a day significantly delay the onset of dementia."
"Dementia is a huge problem, it's getting bigger every single day."
"She didn't look gray and she was social again. She was back to the version of her that had been alive before dementia set in."
"Pain unresolved, just because a person gets dementia does not mean that their arthritis that they've had for 30 years went away."
"It's not just their brain function, it's that their brain function isn't allowing them to communicate what the need is."
"The goals of this lesson of understanding persons with dementia are that a resident's reactions and actions are directly related to how the brain is affected."
"People with behaviors related to dementia can't help it."
"Dementia is not a death sentence."
"Alzheimer's disease is not an inevitable part of Aging, it really is a disease."
"People change, the thing about dementia is that it changes people."
"As you're circulating, you're preventing vascular dementia. And so, again as you improve your circulation to the brain, you're gonna also improve your memory eventually."
"Visual hallucinations are actually especially associated with Lewy body disease, which is another common cause of dementia in older adults."
"If you start having early memory problems, you're still at a stage where you can really be helped, and I think that diet is probably the best route to go."
"As all of us baby boomers age into our 80s and 90s, the social and economic cost of caring for this terrible disease is going to be overwhelming."
"When we change our approach to our loved ones with dementia, we start to see positive change."
"It's not that you're doing anything wrong; it's that when you start to care for somebody with dementia, it's almost like learning a new language to be the most effective."
"The stages of dementia really kind of fall in terms of severity."
"Vascular disease is just a common thing that happens, and it can either cause dementia or can be a contributor to dementia."
"'Together the team gets stronger the tribe gets bigger and we created a society of inclusive individuals who support one another and make dementia not the bad guy in the room but something that we are living with and we figure it out until they figure out a cure.'"
"Diabetes can contribute to the development of dementia through causing systemic inflammation and instability of blood sugar."
"There are also a lot of other forms of dementia."
"Dementia is one of the biggest and most baffling health challenges facing Australians."
"Overcoming dementia is one of the biggest health challenges that Australia faces."
"There is one thing dementia cannot take away from us, and that is love. Because love is not a memory, it's a feeling, and it stays in a person's heart and soul and it never leaves."
"A person with dementia is not never giving you a hard time, they are having a hard time."
"This epidemic of dementia... elders who are supposed to be the holders of memory and tradition and family... are losing their memories."
"Dementia is so big, it impacts all of us."
"If we don't soon figure out how to take the one person who's living with dementia and start to build a community around this person so that the family feels supported, the care partner feels supported and we're supporting one another, the numbers are gonna devastate us."
"Dementia is incredibly different than all other chronic health conditions because there's all these different forms of dementia. Each one progresses differently and each individual experiences different dementias in different ways and you can have more than one."
"There is a good quality of life with dementia, I think you have to go out and find it."
"People who show delirium in the hospital at some point over the age of 65 within 2 years, 50% of them had developed full-blown dementia."
"...your reality will not be right all the time. We don't always have the right answers, we have to know who they are as individuals, we have to know where they are in their dementia..."
"Music therapy, art therapy, horticultural therapy, pet therapy. Use physical exercise for your people with dementia as an intervention, as a prevention for behaviors."
"The most draining part both emotionally, physically and financially has been the laborious task of moving my father into an aged care facility due to his rapidly advancing dementia."
"Dementia is really a group of symptoms that affect one's ability to think, remember, and socialize."
"One of the major difficulties when somebody's assessing themselves for dementia... is that many of the symptoms are not specific."
"...music has a real magic quality to people particularly people who are suffering from dementia."
"Our data...prevent dementia later in life."
"Everywhere at the End of Time represents stages of dementia, with ballroom music snippets simulating memories being corroded into loud ambient and experimental sound collages."
"Dementia to me is a loss of the person while they're still alive."
"New research shows moderate hearing damage increases the risk of Alzheimer's and dementia by three times."
"Women who use hormones are often protected against dementia."
"That's life and what I don't want is the complete silence of the other type of dementia."
"If I can collect a baseline in one minute and then we can measure you against you over time, why are we not doing this? Because everybody does this and this and this and this. We don't want to look at dementia, it's scary."
"Dementia is when you're changing, your functional abilities are changing. But if I don't know what it was before, how am I going to know if you're changing? Well, I've got to wait until it's so profound, then what are we gonna do then? Throw up our hands?"
"At the end of the day, dementia is largely a disease of lifestyle and not genetics."
"Caregivers are the most important resource that a demented patient has."
"So, if a person is starting to have language problems or behavioral issues before the age of 65, one has to say that it's most likely frontotemporal dementia."
"I've got my husband back from dementia."
"Ultimately, do we want to change the word dementia, which means loss of brain, loss of self, because I think it really demeans the condition?"
"When a person gets the diagnosis of dementia, it's important that you start planning and preparing."
"Dementia is terminal and it is progressive."
"People living with dementia deserve better."
"People with dementia have less ability to communicate or explain where they're going or why they want to go somewhere."
"A person with dementia is not giving you a hard time. A person with dementia is having a hard time."
"Alzheimer's disease and dementia in general are very complicated formidable opponents. You should have a jab, a right cross, a left hook, an uppercut; you should have all of the above."
"Wallace began forgetting friends' names and would often seem confused or just ramble aimlessly. Dementia had taken hold and it was brutal."
"You say that your niece suffers from dementia precox. There must have been a more exact diagnosis. Such a pretty name for a disease, sounds like a rare flower, doesn't it? Night-blooming dementia precox."
"Apathy is defined as a decline in motivation, drive, and interest—it's fairly common throughout all of the dementias."
"Alzheimer's Research UK is the country's leading dementia research charity that focuses on understanding Alzheimer's, diagnosing it, preventing it, treating it, and hopefully curing it one day."
"Dementia is unfortunately pretty common, as much as seven percent of people aged over 65 have some form."
"Do you want to improve your cognition, decrease your risk of dementia?"
"...some studies even show it stops the progression of the beta amalo plaques... related to Alzheimer's and Dementia."
"Amyloid changes might precede the onset of dementia by about 20 to 30 years."
"That's so freaking sad because the dude has dementia, physically he's not capable. It's all [ __ ] and it's unfair."
"Just because there's a history of dementia in your family doesn't mean you've got anything to fear."
"Dementia will overwhelm us if we do not figure out how to provide the support and care that people living with this condition and their care partners need."
"Sleep apnea untreated can increase your risk of dementia significantly."
"About 90 percent of Alzheimer's and a great majority of other dementias can be prevented."
"Yes, the answer is yes and for most patients it's not the case that you directly inherit dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinson's disease from your mother or father."
"It's good to check out those other things to make sure it's not something else before you blame dementia with Lewy bodies for it."
"Our focus here is on the person with frontotemporal dementia as well as the caregiver."
"We are close to genetic therapies for these frontal temporal dementias."
"Our main treatment for dementia is going to be increased supervision and helping them retain what memory and function they have."
"And the definition of dementia is, that people have a decline in their memory or other cognitive abilities that is more than can be expected for age, and now starts to interfere with their daily life."
"No one should face dementia alone."
"Dementia actually is a horrible word."
"I would like to see us move towards thinking about maximizing cognition rather than just thinking about dementia per se."
"If we spent just 1% of the money we spend on pharmaceutical research to foster a sense of purpose and meaning in people's lives, we'd be a lot farther down the road toward preventing dementia and easing the symptoms of dementia."
"Dementia should be thought of as stages because it really allows us to monitor the symptoms, plan for the future, and help educate families of what to expect next."
"There's a lot of confusion in that area as to really what stipulates you're reaching the end."
"What stage of dementia am I in or my father is in? Is it mild, simple? Is it early, late, or mid-stage?"
"Even if you've passed the point of prevention, you know, the data, the growing body of data shows that even in people who have cognitive impairment or have full-blown dementia, aerobic activity can actually improve scores on cognitive testing."
"When people get dementia, music is the very last thing to go. It brings back memories and they actually can sing along."
"If you've got a dementia patient, play that music for them because that is soothing to them and it brings back memories."
"There's no sure way... even the most intelligent people can become demented."
"I genuinely thought that she was a demon, but after realizing that she has dementia, I understand and sympathize with her."
"What is dementia? It's a surprisingly interesting question. There's a big reason why that's a very important nuanced question."
"If we can perhaps address things that are known to cause brain tissue damage, we can hopefully reduce the risk of exacerbating dementia."
"We're starting to set it up so that there's a network so that we can actually impact the global burden of dementia."
"Fighting dementia one step at a time."
"A person-centered care approach considers the needs, goals, preferences, culture, traditions, family situations, and values of the person with dementia."
"Increasing evidence suggests that non-pharmacological interventions are effective at managing behavior and psychological symptoms of dementia."
"These are the stories of care blazers, the stories of husbands, wives, sons, and daughters whose world is forever changed since caring for their loved one with dementia."
"Caring for someone with dementia can be especially challenging when family members do not necessarily understand Alzheimer's or dementia and the symptoms that might present as a result of the disease."
"Dementia is a decline in mental ability that's severe enough to interfere with daily life."
"My grandmother had dementia, my grandfather had Alzheimer's."
"Doctors really rely on patients' families in cases of dementia, Alzheimer's, and memory issues; the patient is an unreliable narrator."
"We are in the midst of a tripling of Alzheimer's and dementia."
"Dementia is kind of an umbrella term, so there are many different types of dementia or causes of dementia."
"A very warm welcome to this webinar around dementia MRI interpretation towards quantitative assessment."
"In dementia, the coronal images are really important to look at the medial temporal lobe including the hippocampus."
"These imaging biomarkers provide useful information for differential diagnostics in dementia."
"What we want to recognize when somebody has dementia is that this is real sensitive."
"Dementia risk is increased with Parkinson's disease."
"Dementia is a clinical term for the loss of memory or other thinking skills that significantly interferes with one's daily life activities."
"Memory Lane TV is actually a multi-sensory intervention that uses audio-visual, aromatherapy, training, and education to help not only the people living with dementia and Alzheimer's but also their caregiver and Care Partners."
"...that person still is entitled to their dignity regardless of what their dementia is causing or doing to them."
"The joy that comes from people with dementia and Alzheimer's when they are put in an environment to thrive is infectious."
"Dementia means if someone has a change in memory and thinking that is different from before, it's a decline and it is severe enough to impact day-to-day life."
"Little tiny strokes can lead to dementia."
"Inflammation major cause of depression and dementia."
"It is neurotrophic; it actually partially reverses dementia and/or cognitive decline."
"We might actually see a tiny decline in dementia some decades from now, just because we had this opportunity in the middle of our lives to actually restructure everything."
"Normal pressure hydrocephalus... it's a nice kind of dementia to have if you have to pick one because it's pretty easily reversible with surgery."
"Dementia is not just a disease for the person who suffers from it; it affects everyone."
"Dementia is generally chronic or progressive in nature and entails a deterioration of cognitive function beyond normal aging."
"Most of our search and rescue work has been more for people with dementia, people with autism, lost children."
"Dementia doesn't just impact people who have it, it impacts the family and friends who love them."
"Dementia is an umbrella term... significant changes in cognition that are affecting your ability to live independently."
"FTD is the most common form of dementia for people under the age of 60."
"Behavioral variant FTD... affecting behavior, personality, judgment, often affecting motivation."
"Primary progressive aphasias... a spectrum of language disorders."
"The biggest impact we can make as a caregiver is how we can have an impact on the emotions of our person with dementia."
"FTD is the second most frequent cause of early-onset dementia after Alzheimer's disease."
"Yelling at dementia patients only makes things worse."
"Now with modern medicine being able to keep us alive physically longer than we can keep the brain intact, most people will have a period of dementia before they die."
"Dementia is going to be the new heart disease."
"Oral hygiene is incredibly important for people as they progress through their dementia."
"Dementia is worse than having angina, stroke is worse than a heart attack, so you should really be worried about your brain."
"Preventing decline and dementia is possible."
"It's been recently associated with other problems such as dementia, not just vascular dementia from cerebral embolism but also any type of dementia."
"For people who have dementia, it's their routine that keeps them oriented to life."
"Bringing in personal items for them or having family members there very regularly... these are the things that actually do benefit these patients."
"There really is a difference between dementia and delirium."
"People with dementia are particularly vulnerable to elder abuse."
"Just because you're getting older, that doesn't mean dementia is going to happen for you."
"It's about people understanding people with dementia, people who live with dementia."
"Many of these individuals, however, even with these astonishing rates of dementia, remain resilient, apparently even in the presence of neuropathology."