
Risk Management Quotes

There are 7014 quotes

"I've gotten very good at cutting my losses really quick."
"Every action has a risk, but we have to consider if people truly understand and consent to those risks."
"Your goal is to do multiple steps to make yourself safe. No one strategy is perfect; it's like a Swiss cheese model where there are holes in every strategy."
"If you've got that tight focus, then there's still no guarantee, but one thing's for sure: if you meander and you try to do all things for all people, you try to do too many different things, then the problem becomes exponentially more complicated and exponentially more risky."
"The logic is, if nothing happens, what have you lost? But if something does happen, it's way too late."
"You are never wrong trying to preserve Capital."
"The spotlight shines on the need for robust risk management strategies and contingency plans to navigate turbulent waters."
"The amount of risks we have in the system, the amount of potential problems we have, is definitely greater today."
"Life comes with risk; it's not some sort of risk-free endeavor."
"The German method is to prepare their kids—instead of trying to keep them 100% safe, but to prepare them to manage risk themselves."
"The best thing that we can do for them is give them the skills they need to manage risk on their own."
"Don't put yourself in a position where one bad day or one bad event can ruin you."
"Diversification does not eliminate risk entirely, but experts can help you manage and reduce, providing a more resilient foundation for your financial well-being."
"It is clear to me that we should also prepare for a worst-case scenario."
"Natural disaster could have major repercussions for our financial system."
"Universal provision against health or employee risks stops the adverse selection death spiral in its tracks, increasing efficiency."
"You need to invest your money; put it somewhere, even if anything goes wrong today."
"Risk is an inherent part of life, but understanding and managing it can lead to more informed and beneficial decisions."
"Without actual accountability... we're going to put ourselves at risk of making those same mistakes again."
"Finance is fundamentally about moving money and risk through a network."
"It's really about risk management where you're not allowing your risk to get out of hand."
"You will have losing trades. I have losing trades; you're going to have losing trades."
"Concentration is what provides the outsize returns; the concentration is what provides the alpha."
"Use this as an invitation for you to try new ideas with low risk of failure."
"The only way that you'll continuously grow your account is if you can keep your losses smaller than your profits."
"The most important things that I try to focus on when it comes down to making money and growing your account month after month and every single trade that you take is to manage risks."
"Risk reversal is making the transaction better than risk-free for the customer."
"Longevity, controlled risk, impeccable risk management – that's how you arrive at consistently profitable."
"That's what makes a consistent, profitable trader. Anything apart from what I'm teaching you here is gambling."
"Don't put your life savings into anything. Never, under any circumstances, do that because it is risky."
"The measure of risk needs to be appreciated and respected."
"FMEA is a preemptive tool that helps any system to identify potential pitfalls at all levels of a business system."
"It's not just about whether a company is 'good' according to some abstract set of values; it represents another way of factoring risk exposure into investment."
"The best part: you can try all this out completely risk-free."
"Human nature drives us in the direction of trying to push away risk by handing over power to experts."
"Calculated risk is even better than being risk-averse."
"I've maybe seen three asymmetric opportunities in my lifetime; I missed one, I got one, now I have Bitcoin."
"Whatever you do, just prioritize: don't lose money."
"Okay, this is how you mitigate risk so you could become a higher status guy. We're going to eliminate all the things that could mess you up."
"Warren Buffett says, 'I want to be greedy when people are afraid and I want to be afraid when people are greedy.'"
"As powerful as Baryon Mode is, it is extremely dangerous if used for too long or recklessly, making this form a double-edged sword."
"Investing with training wheels... it's very hard to completely screw it up."
"The goal of investing is to try to limit as much risk as possible while increasing the potential reward."
"Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful."
"Save money for an emergency, have somewhere between three to twelve months worth of expenses depending on your risk tolerance."
"Inflation becomes the natural remedy... prices start to go higher and higher to reduce that desire for risk and excess demand."
"Be completely upfront about the weaknesses or risks with your plan. You gain trust when you're upfront and honest about potential issues."
"The most important thing is understanding risk, recognizing risk, and controlling risk."
"Nothing is ever random, chance, overnight success. It's calculated risk."
"Diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket."
"Growing the diversity of our customers so we become much less single point of failure exposed."
"It represents a lifetime's worth of savings. That is, you must avoid the kind of error that would put this family out of business."
"I don't want you to simply ignore risk and just live in this Disney Channel fairytale. I want you to minimize and mitigate the risk."
"Closing the insurance gap will certainly help protect property owners living in harm's way."
"There are inherent risks in opening up, we all understand this, but the question is when are those risks well calibrated."
"If you are playing with leverage, make sure you can handle a massive wick."
"Be careful out there with leverage; every single day, people get wrecked."
"The goal is to leave alive, not Max, profit."
"We will remain attentive to risks, including the risk that high inflation is more persistent than expected, and are prepared to respond as appropriate to achieve our goals."
"Risk can be hedged through long, short, and absolute return investing."
"Smart traders know that they won't win all of their trades and they don't have to."
"Successful traders manage money for a living and keep it as protected as possible while still trying to grow it."
"Play with house money... you reduce that risk to zero if you take your initial investment out."
"There's asymmetric risk. There's not much upside to saying yes to something new, but they could be getting a host of downside risk if it blows up on their watch."
"Mitigation of risk in every transaction is the quickest way to wealth."
"Attention to detail turns a trading idea into a good risk-reward proposition, significantly influencing trading success."
"As investors, we're looking for asymmetric opportunities—more upside than downside."
"Right now, we can take a calculated risk and finally turn the page."
"With the house money strategy, if or hopefully when it doubles in value and our holdings are worth two hundred dollars, we take out our initial $100 investment and let the rest of the money, the house money, ride out."
"What we're talking about is actually that we know that we lost it... It's better to deal with known unknowns than with unknown unknowns."
"Allowing individuals to make their own decisions and allowing individuals to mitigate their own risk... I trust them more than any of these people."
"Vaccines save lives. They prevent disease, they prevent disability. Do they have side effects? Yes. But wisdom resides in the balance of those risks and benefits."
"If you're going into raids and you're getting lots of gear dropped to you, you will run the risk of getting flagged as an RMT."
"Risk management is the most important yet least popular topic in trading. It is absolutely imperative to manage risk because otherwise, you can't trade if your account gets wiped."
"I cannot stress enough the importance of risk management. It is the backbone of any good trading strategy and separates traders from gamblers."
"He's played fantastic chess not taking any risks but just playing good moves."
"Know how to manage your risk, which is the most important thing."
"Trading is about managing risk and making sure that you don't blow up your account."
"Always want to be thinking about what is the worst-case scenario."
"The most important thing to even get anywhere you need a system with Edge...You can have the best risk management in the world, but if you're playing a system with negative expected value, you have a zero percent chance of winning in the long run."
"Risk management is the only key to investing and trading."
"Risk management is the cornerstone of successful trading."
"The triangle to trading success is mastering these three skills: the strategy that provides an edge over the market, risk management, and discipline."
"Finding a strategy that wins 90% of the time is possible, but you're gonna do so with a very skewed reward to risk ratio."
"Risk management is going to be one of the main causes of you either blowing your account or staying in the trading game long enough to become consistently profitable."
"You have to work hard to keep yourself disciplined not get greedy and try to trade with too big of a size and keep your risk management in check."
"Reactive risk management...is really something that sets the big boys from the kids in financial markets."
"Preventative risk management limits the psychological impact of financial markets moving either against you or in your favor."
"You need to have a strategy that gives you an edge over the market that you've tested... and you need to have a risk management plan in place that gives you confidence."
"Those two factors of trading, risk management and discipline, are just as important as the techniques I'm going to show you."
"I've lost more than 8 trades in a row before... with a 60% chance to win, losing 8 trades in a row with my risk management at 1 to 2% per trade does not bother me."
"Our main goal needs to be preserving capital, not trying to make as much as possible."
"I hope you have nothing but green trades, stay disciplined, keep your risk management in check."
"Real trading is based on skill; it's based on learning the basics, then learning technical analysis and strategies, then learning how to control risk with a good risk management plan and having good trading psychology."
"Trading psychology actually becomes pretty easy... if you can master your risk management plan to keep you comfortable and you can have a strategy that you've already back tested and seen to be profitable."
"Staying disciplined gets a lot easier when you have a good risk management plan."
"The greatest loss of New Zealanders' lives in our history, and I will not take that chance."
"One of the best ways to control your emotions in trading is to reduce your risk to a point that you are emotionless about the amount of money you're losing on a trade."
"Courtroom fashion is really about risk management."
"You don't want to do anything that requires you to invest money and you don't want to get into debt. Trust me, making these mistakes is deadly."
"I'm a master at managing risk. A true genius, a magician, Houdini at managing risk."
"We're asking people to take their health into their own hands; get vaccinated if they don't they'll continue to be at risk."
"The whole point is risk benefit... hospitals don't get overwhelmed... what is the catastrophic societal risk now?"
"It's a game of probabilities...knowing to cut your losers early and letting the winners run."
"Everything that we do with regards to space sometimes can look easy and it's boring to some people, but it's a highly risky business and it's highly risky for those crews."
"From a human perspective, concern number one is can we keep our astronauts safe."
"Whether it's a winter power outage or an earthquake, each prepper is getting ready for risks that are specific to their geographical and personal risk factors."
"It's about where you put the risk... be smart with your risk, be calculated about it. Of course, everything is a risk at some level."
"Only invest what you can comfortably afford to lose."
"Our investment conviction is that sustainability and climate integrated portfolios can provide better risk-adjusted returns to investors."
"You cannot play with money that you are not afraid to lose."
"Never ever ever ever ever ever invest more than you can afford to lose."
"The most important thing is just to have insurance."
"Experienced traders control risk; inexperienced traders chase gains."
"Warren Buffett has two famous rules: Rule number one, don't lose money. Rule number two, don't forget rule number one."
"Prove profitability in a simulator before you trade with real money."
"It's all about probabilities; you want to be the casino, not the gambler."
"Moving any faster would mean acting before we know the impact of each step, which would increase the risk of us having to reverse course and reimpose restrictions."
"Powerful AI systems should be developed only once we are confident that their effects will be positive and the risks will be manageable."
"Risk management: you want to make sure that you're not risking more than three to five percent on any one single trade."
"Safety is everything for these kind of dangerous tasks."
"Rule number one in investing is never lose money, and rule number two is never forget rule number one."
"Every recession, people die, commit suicide... the more money you accumulate, please go to safer vehicles that are available to you."
"Retiring a lot of risk by launching it uncrewed, getting it refueled, and delivering it to lunar orbit ready to go before any people get on board is a very safe way to handle this."
"We never want to put all of our eggs in one basket."
"Regulatory agencies...can have a bit of an asymmetry where they are punished a lot for something going wrong but not rewarded enough for something going right."
"You cannot hope to have a functioning financial system if there are no functioning risk-free curves for people to price assets or hedge assets."
"Be as conservative as you can because bad things sometimes happen. If you're conservative, if you have positive cash flow that you're building up, you will be able to overcome any problems that come along, you'll pay it off, and you'll have a lot of money."
"Many people pointed out that I should have made it safe for losing one million subscribers as opposed to for passing one million unsubscribers."
"Imagine what a massive climate event would do to insurance and to risk in general. We're not just talking about tornadoes and floods, but the notion of insurance and property insurance."
"It's my belief that if we take every step possible, we can reduce your risk to that of anyone else."
"The desire, the risk management act is decided like any law under a reasonable man; we are expecting that persons will act in a way to protect themselves and others."
"Mark Twain famously said there are two times in a man's life when he should not speculate: when he can't afford it, and when he can."
"We give you permission to trade our capital any way you want as long as you stay within the risk rules, but once you're going outside of risk rules, we view that as an ethical lapse."
"What we're trained to do is focus instead on not abstracts but on actual hard facts...Better training, better experience, better fear management, or what we call risk tolerance, all of those things are really what make the difference in true life or death situations."
"Understanding the risk of false diversification, understanding what are the true strikers, what are the true goalkeepers and defenders."
"It's like fear management, but it's important to acknowledge the risk."
"The risks of overdoing it, the risks of providing too much stimulus, are smaller right now."
"It's better to do something about a false alarm than to do nothing about a building on fire."
"In the money options...are less risky trade. There is a higher chance of success."
"The beauty behind a runner is not letting a good trade go bad by greed."
"Understanding the risk and reward of different vertical spread strategies can significantly enhance your options trading expertise."
"Never risk more than you can afford to lose."
"Trading is not just about making profits but also about managing risks and being disciplined."
"Thinking about options as insurance is the best way to understand the way they are priced."
"Past performance does not indicate future returns in the stock market."
"Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy, like Warren Buffett said."
"He never enters a trade unless he knows his exit position and how much profit he can make."
"Invest you must. The biggest risk is not investing at all."
"A margin of safety is necessary because valuation is an imprecise art, the future is unpredictable, and investors are human and do make mistakes."
"My strategy is pretty simple and that is whether for me it's taking 10 projects that I really like across that network and starting to allocate an equal amount of funds into each of those 10 and letting those projects run, knowing that one, two, three, five of those projects might go to zero might not do well."
"If your option today is to either invest in the stock market at an assumed 7% rate of return with the risk of losing money or get a guaranteed 5% rate of return with treasuries, all of a sudden those treasuries are starting to look like the better option."
"Corporations do estimates like this all the time. Settlements and payouts are much cheaper than actually fixing the problem."
"Diversify, hedge, and have part of your portfolio allocated to the 'okay, what if I'm totally wrong' thesis."
"You have to make calculated risks and you have to be smart about those risks."
"If you can't handle the heat of these hot stocks, stay out of the kitchen and consider investing in index funds."
"Survival is about staying out of danger, not flirting with it."
"Please remain very adaptive to the CPI report; you got the cheat sheet, and let's be following our trading plans, assessing our risk, and whether our prediction is right or wrong, making sure we can still grab a nice high probability piece of the pie, grab some crumbs out of the pie, make our money, and live to trade another day."
"We're gambling potential future economic loss from which we could recover against a certainty of loss of life."
"The optimal strategy in a game of chance may not just be about the numbers, but also about managing risk and understanding human psychology."
"Gambling is an inherent part of life... we have to make decisions with hidden information, we have to deal with uncertainty, we have to balance the risks against the rewards."
"There is no sure thing with regards to investing; there is always a risk that you're taking on, no matter how confident you are that something will play out."
"It doesn't make sense to put your personal finances, your personal wealth, your family's financial future in harm's way if you don't need to."
"I think that every place is risky, which is why I like the notion of diversification."
"Diversification is one way to do that. It's to basically spread your risk across a number of securities, and portfolios can do that."
"Don't get greedy. Don't try to squeeze out every nickel, protect yourself."
"Expansion...as an entrepreneur, my one of my strongest skills is being paranoid that something's going to happen, so I put a redundancy in place."
"The greater the margin of safety, the higher your returns."
"Trading with leverage and trading with margin is aggressive and risky, and you shouldn't do that with real money unless you already have proven that you're a profitable trader."
"For every time that happens, you're going to have 10 more times where the stock ends up tanking, and you're going to be really glad you took your profit off the table."
"Everyone that makes money trading in financial markets has these three skills mastered: a strategy that they can stay consistent to and that makes money over time, a risk management plan, and good trading psychology."
"Understanding price action and risk management are the two very important milestones that really helped me become profitable."
"Your job is to be the casino, not the guy walking into play games. Trading is not a game."
"The triangle of trading success is composed of a strategy that's rules-based and easy to follow, a risk management plan that keeps you from blowing your account, and the discipline to follow these other two parts of your trading plan."
"You could have a Lamborghini of a strategy, but if you're missing risk management or you're missing discipline, that car won't go anywhere."
"You could have awesome risk management, but if you don't have a strategy that produces a consistent profitable edge over the markets, you're not going to go anywhere."
"Once these two things are perfected (back testing and risk management), then you're comfortable and you have no other choice but to be consistent because you're comfortable with your system, your strategy, and with the amount of money you're gaining and losing."
"The key to long-term success in options income trading is controlling the size of losses."
"Understanding how to trade options can help you both lower your risk and make more money in your investments."
"Losing is not a capital offense. The greatest traders here are losing all day."
"We don't expect people to break into our houses, but we still lock our doors and windows because, hey, it might happen. We at least want to make it a little bit harder for those who might do it."
"Almost every skydiving fatality occurs under perfectly functioning equipment, meaning the person flying the equipment makes a shitty decision."
"Consider the risk and ease of undo. Make decisions that have high upside potential, low downside potential, and are easy to undo."
"Now is not the time to strive and speculate for gain; it's really a time to sort of batten down the hatches, preserve capital."
"The more you know, the more books you read, the more videos you watch, you're going to lower your risk."
"Recognizing your own risk-reward ratios and then going out and acting on them, that's what freedom is."
"It's better not to make money than to lose money. FOMO is a huge factor that drives many to invest with emotions rather than logic."
"You don't want to take on more risk than you can handle."
"Statistically, the chances of going bankrupt, investing just 5% of your money in each trade is one in 3.49 billion."
"Don't invest more than you can afford to lose."
"Your trade size should be no more than 1-5% of your account balance."
"In this week's video, I'm going to go even deeper into understanding risk and the business of options trading."
"So again, how do we break the cycle of the zero sum odds? It's really simple. #1: We talk about volatility and strategy. And #2: We talk about waiting for profits."
"You don't always get punished every time you make a mistake in the Premier League."
"What we are gambling is potential future economic loss from which we could recover against a certainty of loss of life."
"It's because you can't predict the future that you should insure against it."
"Your brain's job is to protect you, so it will do whatever it can to magnify the problem."
"Hopefully this video serves as a great guideline for options pricing, and just the idea that we need to be more cognizant of how much money we're taking in, relative to the probability of actually losing on the trade."
"Maximizing the chances of good strong AI occurring over bad strong AI, we need to take more precaution."
"High omega-6 compared to omega-3 led to risk of these issues; high omega-3 compared to omega-6 led to suppression of the risk of these issues."