
Interdependence Quotes

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"The most effective way to use gratitude for your own well-being should focus on human interdependence, not things or circumstances."
"Fundamentally, what has always bound human beings together is like, 'I need you, and you need me, otherwise we're not going to survive.'"
"If you want to optimize for your health, you have to optimize your mindset. If you want to optimize for your mindset, you have to take care of your health."
"No man is an island; it's so important to establish and maintain meaningful relationships for our overall well-being."
"Happiness and a sense of purpose in life are intertwined and depend on each other."
"We live in an indivisible biosphere community; there's no escape."
"All the good we have in our lives comes from others."
"We often speak in America about self-sufficiency, but it's an illusion of sorts."
"We are dependent on each other for reality testing."
"It is not possible for you to act in your own interests and have no regard for others. That would be so blind and foolish that any move you made would instantly be foiled by the people for whom you had no regard."
"But there is a step that is beyond independence. And that is, interdependence."
"Even if you're at the top of a hierarchy, you're radically dependent on everyone around you."
"The chain is only as strong as its weakest link."
"Everybody needs someone, right? Everybody needs help. It's what makes all this work."
"This is such a deeply interdependent planet; we just can't have a situation where a billion or a billion and a half people don't have access to primary health care."
"The natural world is profoundly important to us all."
"We are a species of individuals that is also one big, interdependent lumbering growth, a frantic blur of flesh and concrete, a techno sapien powered by imaginations and passions made real by a hallowed faculty we call reason."
"Economic interdependence does not preclude conflict."
"Interdependence means that we can make each other feel things together that we can't necessarily feel on our own."
"We are interdependent with other people and with the universe at large."
"There's a fundamental truth of the 21st Century, within each of our countries, and as a global community, that our own success is bound up in others succeeding as well."
"I'm grateful to these people for making me because I exist because of them. I'm obviously serving some purpose for them, so I'm happy to do that."
"No man is an island; people don't exist in isolation and everyone supports and is supported by a broader social structure."
"But us, we orbit around each other. We're like a double planet."
"Interdependence... means you are independent, the other person is totally independent, you're happy by yourselves but you do enjoy each other's company."
"We're all codependent on one another, and my need to do everything on my own is something that I'm slowly learning to let go of."
"Interdependence Day should be celebrated to realize that, at least in some fields, you aren't independent whether you like it or not; you're interdependent."
"We need a sense of community. This independence culture we have needs to move to interdependence."
"Globalization is a shift to a more integrated and interdependent world economy."
"We really do need each other to create a successful society."
"Science without religion is lame, but religion without science is blind."
"In the wild, we see entire ecosystems that couldn't exist without constant interactions between species."
"We need each other to come to greater knowledge."
"The greatest need in the world to understand how we are all interdependent with each other, what we have in common with each other, from a spiritual perspective, life is sacred."
"People need other people. You just can't say, 'I'm going to be alone,' you know? That's not normal."
"We really don't do things by ourselves. We really need a lot of other people."
"The economy can't be fixed without solving the pandemic."
"Man is not alone on this planet; he is part of a community upon which he depends absolutely."
"But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world."
"Maybe there are no wars because our survival depends on each other."
"Men and women need each other and that's good."
"Control is an illusion. What you want is irrelevant. The fist cannot say to the body, 'I have no need of you.'"
"Your actions have impact on other people and their actions have an impact on you."
"Europe's destiny is linked to Africa's destiny."
"If you want to thrive in life, you need other people."
"Work with your community... rely on other people we're all reliant on each other."
"The female on the planet cannot survive successfully without the male... and the men want the women."
"Optimal human health requires optimal animal and ecosystem health."
"There is a power in each and every one of us that lives by turning to every other one of us."
"I believe that this is allowing us to see the significance that we need one another."
"Indeed we are unique individuals, but we need other human beings to survive."
"We should not think of self-relevance and other relevance or self-love and the love of others as separate opposing things but as interdependent and interdefining things."
"If the insects disappear, we're going to disappear too."
"Strong independent is something I have never really vibed with... I believe in interdependence."
"Hey, depend on your friends just because you have all these awesome powers, you know? Yeah, we still need each other."
"Personally, I think neither are superior. I think there's a reason we both exist and it's because we both need each other. We complement each other."
"All we have is each other, connection, and this life."
"But no man is an island, and even those who rise from nothing owe a debt to their teachers."
"Interdependence is the healthy middle ground between independence and codependence. Be two people standing together, holding hands."
"Dynamic gameplay is a chain which is as strong as its weakest link."
"None of us get through life alone, and it's okay to ask for help."
"We kind of need each other so that's I guess that's kind of everything I've been feeling and everything I've kind of wanted to get out."
"Global crises like pandemics and climate change know no borders and highlight just how interdependent we are as one people sharing one planet."
"There's no such thing as self-made, we all need each other."
"Without the accountants, the basketball players would not make a living, and without the basketball players, the accountants would not make a living."
"Globalization makes it impossible for you to have security when others are insecure."
"As much as I do believe that polar bears and sea turtles have intrinsic value and matter, you can make an argument that like all living things are codependent and as humans we're not capable of surviving without ecosystems."
"Nature didn't make a flower on this planet and a bee on the moon."
"Men and women don't compete all that much. They need each other to keep going."
"Black men cannot survive without their women, and black women cannot survive without their men."
"There's no way out of this but unity the unity of you and the unity of i my freedom is intricately linked to your freedom my life is intricately linked to your life and your existence we are all children of the true and living god."
"All the actions you take matter, the choices you make will affect others."
"You better hope nothing happens to me, because if I die, you die."
"I think human beings are connected at levels that we don't understand and we can't actually directly access but which nevertheless support the idea that we can... exploit this interconnection that may underlie everything we do."
"Racial Justice uh, is integral uh, to workers' rights you can't have one without the other."
"Health is wealth and wealth is health. They both feed into each other."
"The goal in marriage is to be interdependent."
"Economies are individual islands, but the truth is, they are interconnected."
"Even Paul Krugman has to admit that these economies are closer together."
"We need each other, even if it might cost us our lives."
"The lives of women will not change until the lives of men change."
"I can't lose, I can't be defeated, I will win."
"China now recognizes that this era of interdependence might step back."
"The world is complicated, interdependent, filled with black swan events, incompetence, factions that war with each other all the time."
"The other thing is I believe men and women are partners. We're interdependent with each other, and we have to work together and get along."
"Understanding global interdependencies is crucial in today's interconnected world."
"Art and science need one another, they thrive for one another and they build on one another."
"Italy understands that a stable and prosperous Africa contributes to global stability and economic growth."
"As someone who prizes privacy and interdependence, I was taken by the concept of having one space with friends close by, all of us contributing skills and goods and relying on one another."
"The interdependence between human health and planetary health has never been more clear."
"The point of knowing your nature isn't just to lean into your element and ignore or dominate the rest; you should seek balance and learn from others who aren't like you."
"No man is an island. We must draw our strength from others."
"Nobody lives or dies unto themselves; every single one of us affects someone else."
"When the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold."
"We need each other in order to thrive. In fact, we need each other in order to survive."
"Without each other we wouldn't have a relationship."
"Develop healthy interdependent relationships."
"We need each other because we are both uniquely necessary."
"Relationships thrive off of interdependence."
"Every person is needed because without one person the whole body suffers."
"Anything break this link? No, because the two are tied together."
"When China starts to slow down that will have a massive knock-on impact for the rest of the world."
"Humans are sustained by the trees, by the bushes, by the grass, it's still there, you see life was never separate from Gaia ever."
"No man, no woman is an island, no one succeeds by themself, we need each other, we need a community."
"The West depends on Africa; Africa don't need the West like how the West needs Africa."
"We need help, we need other people to hold it with us, to hold it for us and with us and for us."
"A real economy is a tangled web of dependencies."
"There's a codependency between markets and those looking to promote them."
"A man, a heterosexual man, is nothing without a woman."
"Black business can't survive without black politics."
"Everything depends on everything else. You can't understand anything in isolation from its environment."
"The strength of the whole web is only as strong as the weakest link."
"Our destiny as Kenya is inextricably linked to that of our neighbors." - Ambassador and Dr. Monica Juma
"We're not independent beings, we are interdependent beings."
"Your actions have an impact on other people, and their actions have an impact on you."
"Without Shiva, there is no Shakti. Without Shakti, there is no Shiva."
"No man is an island; we all need help."
"Globalization is the increasing interweaving and growing dependence of peoples throughout the world on each other economically, politically, and socially."
"No man's an island... we genuinely do interact with the rest of the world."
"God needs you because without you, there is no God."
"You know you really should be kinder to your neighbors; you never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar."
"We are all living by the shores of the River of Life and we are all dependent upon it."
"In a game so full of the human experience, a story is so defined by the base human need to support and be supported by other humans."
"The security of all countries is inseparable."
"...no man is an island, no man can do everything on his own..."
"There is no future without the other."
"They can't live without each other; they're like Batman and Joker."
"You can't just heal your side of it because things are much more interdependent than that."
"We should at least think of organism and environment not as lock and key but active players that influence each other in the beautiful dance we call life."
"No species is an island, species are members of things called ecosystems."
"We have to rely on each other; it's a necessity."
"We are literally connected to everything and affected by everything around us."
"We are very interdependent, no matter how much society these days is trying to push a very individualistic, separatist mindset."
"We're all ridiculously codependent."
"Every time China's economy is slowing down, our economy can feel it. Every time the financial market is shaking in Asia, we can feel it. This is our new reality."
"All the time, the subject arises with the help of the object, showing one depends on the other, showing neither is independently real."
"We are all interconnected, we are all interdependent."
"Everything is interdependent, that is the real nature of shata, emptiness of all things because they are all mutually dependent."
"Independent does not mean single until death. Independent means you can stand on your own two feet, and it is a period of time in your life on the maturity continuum where you go from dependent to independent to interdependent."
"You must first be independent before you can be interdependent, because no independent man wants a dependent or a codependent woman."
"From a certain perspective, people are resources. We need each other and as such, we use each other."
"You can't just be this hyper-independent individual that doesn't need anyone."
"Our lives depend on each other, and I don't have to like you, but I do have to trust you."
"God made us all different because each person has something the other one doesn't have, and we need each other."
"I/You can't do it alone, and that's okay."
"Being a human is a interesting role as an organism because we are so phenomenally dependent upon other species."
"People are imperfect and capable of horrible, heinous, and evil things, but ultimately, we need each other."
"Economic interdependence leads to peace."
"Earthships and humans, they need each other, they must live together."
"She needed Lotso, and Lotso needed her."
"No person is an island, and relying on others may not be as bad as you think."
"We gotta depend on each other to survive."
"Fortunately, we're designed to need one another. That's not unfortunate, that's a wonderful thing."
"There's an illusion that we're individuals. We're all babies. We all take a village."
"We now live in a small, interdependent world where the real challenges are global."
"We actually need one another and we need Him to get truly free."
"One who is free, others are bound."
"The Blue Mountain is the father of the White Cloud, and all day long, they depend on each other."
"Anything that arises and falls together cannot be ultimately real. They are dependent on each other."
"You can't survive on your own. No one can."
"We depend on each other's dreams coming true."
"The less you have to feed off, the more you feed off of each other."
"Happiness and suffering support each other. They inter-are."
"Most opposites are actually mutually dependent concepts."
"We need men and men need women. We need each other and we have these needs."
"A woman who is independent but she knows how to be interdependent, that right there makes a man go crazy for a woman in a good way."
"One of the deepest realizations that comes as we meditate, as we pay attention, as we live a life of care and loving awareness and mindfulness and so forth, is the growing sense of interdependence."
"There's a perfect amount of animals. If one animal is gone, all the animals would die."
"Why do we live in a society among eight billion people if we can do everything for ourselves?"
"All knowledge, all relationships, everything is all interconnected and interdependent."
"He doesn't want his church living like that, he wants his church living like this, depending upon one another, looking to each other, meeting each other's needs."
"It's important to recognize that you need others as much as they need you."
"Our world is absolutely rebelling against that distinction which God made, and we need each other."
"We're social animals... we need each other."
"The goal of relationships is not codependency... it's healthy interdependence."
"We can live without each other and we can do very well without each other, but we don't want to."
"You need me, I need you, we need each other."
"We still all need each other. We need each other to survive."
"Interdependence, not independence: the feminist movement has tried to achieve independence rather than mutuality of interdependence, they've tried to avoid dependence and have striven for independence rather than interdependence, and it's been very problematic in our society."
"Insects are our friends. We're not going to be on this planet long without them."
"After all, without Katara, Aang might have never been freed from the iceberg."
"Bees are just Gathering food for themselves but without them the flowers can't Bloom."
"Recognition of interdependence: Practicing recognition of interdependence helps us understand that our actions affect others and urges us to live more consciously and ethically."
"We're interdependent on each other in order for the show to go off."
"A relationship is two independent people."
"Entitlement is a scary thing, and that's what blessing does, is it insulates us from the awareness that we carry of our need for one another."
"I need you to survive. I'm bound to you, and you are bound to me. We need each other to survive."
"Help comes in all areas of your life; embrace interdependence and allow miracles to happen."
"Interdependence means that two sovereign people come together and they are not codependent. They don't lose themselves in the connection, but at the same time, they also depend on each other and they depend on the relationship itself."
"We're still one people and we're not going to make it without each other because without each other we have no place to go."
"We think we're independent creatures, we're actually very social creatures."
"Nothing exists from its own intrinsic existence independently of everything else."
"All things are dependent on one another for being."
"Realize that everything connects to everything else."
"It's time for modern women to give up your independence for interdependence and start playing the long game."
"It's a sharing, cooperative, mutual interdependent relationship."
"We're loving human beings, but we do interdepend on each other."
"We need each other. We are complementary sides of the same coin."
"Being interdependent means knowing how to depend on someone who brings something that you don't have."
"We're nothing without each other."