
Science Fiction Quotes

There are 5494 quotes

"It's good to read or to watch science fiction to think about concepts radically different from our own experiences."
"The power of science fiction literature is that it inspires us to create the world as we can imagine."
"Does it really matter what makes us human? Not in a biological sense, but in the sense that Philip K. Dick thought of it when he wrote 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?'"
"Temporal dilation: the planet described by Cole was extremely close to the black hole's event horizon, meaning that a second on that planet would equate to a billion years for those in real space."
"Terminator director James Cameron was actually consulted for this movie to discuss time travel and string theory."
"They are evolution on steroids, billions of years of evolutionary advantages distilled into one species."
"The Tyranids are Armageddon given form and represent possibly the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen."
"The sky darkens a sickly shade of red, and the temperature rapidly begins to rise, the atmosphere in turn being transformed into a hot house indicative of the world's imminent doom."
"They are evolution on steroids, the ultimate apex predator, an impossibly intelligent entity that has evolved over billions of years."
"In the Grim darkness of the far future, there is only war, and if our galaxy was to stand even a fighting chance against the Swarm, all sentient species would have to unite together."
"From the tyranid's perspective, in the Grim darkness of the far future, there is only food."
"This latest incarnation takes it into the brand new galaxy, which is the 140,000 universe, in a science fiction exploration of an ancient Old One structure."
"With the current strife and the great rift bisecting the galaxy, this ancient technology is incredibly valuable to all parties."
"Dune takes place 20,000 years in the future where the universe is ruled by the Imperium."
"The history of this agency is marked with broken barriers once viewed as impossible, with science fiction turned reality."
"The Imperium is the largest and most powerful political entity in the galaxy, established for a period of some ten thousand years up to its present date in the age of Warhammer 40k."
"Jedi are probably the best warriors in the galaxy, but they're gonna have a very, very difficult time."
"Sometime later, Eric wakes up in the middle of the LA River with several enormous alien ships hovering in the sky overhead."
"The best type of sci-fi is a philosophical exploration into a theoretical future."
"I do think that this is probably one of the greatest science fiction films ever made."
"Star Trek continues to soar, showcasing an optimistic future of equality and peace in the galaxy."
"Star Trek continues to share bold adventures, inspiring generations with its vision of the future."
"You know, ever since Star Trek originally premiered in 1966, there have been too many memorable moments to count."
"Project Palisade is...a proposal for the SCP-001 slot...but all of the data contained in the file comes from some universe other than the primary one."
"There it is, Piter, the biggest man-trap in all history, and the Duke's headed into its jaws. Is it not a magnificent thing that I, the Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, do?"
"This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Motar and Max Gladstone for this category we really looked at what we felt encapsulated the heart of the fantasy science fiction genre."
"Blade Runner is the most influential because it is the clearest view of what the world would look like."
"In the 1970s, a drunken Englishman named Douglas Adams fell over in a field in Austria, clutching a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to Europe, gazed up with the stars, and had a really good idea for a science fiction story."
"What genres are more political than horror and science fiction, both are two sides of the same coin measuring the fears and hopes of the human race."
"What if I told you that alien technology is not just in the realm of science fiction, but potentially right under our noses?"
"If you love science fiction, then be patient, and you will see your wildest dreams hopefully start to become real."
"I love science fiction because it allows us to ask important questions about the human condition."
"We'll be getting into our social transformation into sci-fi world, which is George Jetson kind of stuff or Blade Runner kind of stuff."
"Trans Newtonian elements, for their seeming ability to break standard laws of physics."
"There are some sections in this book that have given me chills like no other Halo book since the Forerunner Trilogy."
"The 41st millennium, a time of darkness and war."
"Gradually, the Tech-Priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus shed their human weaknesses, replacing their limbs and organs with machinery that is both stronger and spiritually pure."
"The appearance of science fiction concepts in UFO stories doesn't teach us much about the UFO phenomenon itself, but it does tell us about the witnesses and how the media influences them."
"I find that science fiction grapples with the implications of the setting elements more so than fantasy does."
"Architects indulging in visionary reveries or science fiction authors exploring the depths of human truth within futuristic realms of fiction."
"At its best, we've always thought that sci-fi was a genre of ideas, of speculation, of dreaming about what's next."
"It's time for the robots to strike back. Humanity doesn't stand a chance."
"Arthur C. Clarke... Childhood's End posits the question: What if we were being watched?"
"Science fiction inspires people to choose science and engineering as careers."
"A good SF universe has a coherence and internal logic that makes sense to scientists and engineers."
"The discoveries of science provide the inspiration for the next generation of sci-fi writers who create even more fascinating stories about our potential futures."
"A virus has gotten a hold of ours and all other dimensions that have been explored, creating monsters and wiping out most of humanity."
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
"Through her actions, Sothis gave rise to the highly futuristic civilization of Agartha."
"The best sci-fi movie since Moon. The best time-travel yarn since 12 Monkeys. And one of the best films of 2012."
"‘Ender's Game’ stands out not just for its science fiction elements but for its profound reflections on leadership and morality."
"'Guardians of the Galaxy' is just my favorite."
"The usual plot of science fiction movies or books goes like this: Computers or robots become very powerful. Then there is a big war between humans and the robots, or humans and computers. And the computers are so powerful, they know everything. They can do anything, but they don't understand the inner spirit of humanity. They don't understand love or whatever. And this is why humanity wins in the end."
"The true genius of what the Orcs are is that they're a species that could show up on a planet with nothing and create plasma reactors out of it."
"The M41A pulse rifle...the weapons steel-jacketed explosive tipped rounds take down the aliens pretty quickly."
"Information can't travel faster than light. This is the part that you're not going to like because, as a Star Trek and Star Wars fan, I absorb what I'm about to say right now: since objects contain information, they cannot travel faster than light based on the laws of physics as we understand them today."
"But humanity has long wondered, could there be a cheat code? Could there be a way to exceed that cosmic speed limit? Could we go faster than light?"
"Time travel, a staple of science fiction, offers a unique spin on the concept of faster-than-light travel."
"The Sisters teamed up with the Custodies once again and aided the Imperium in its goals. They slay entire chaos cults without suffering a single scratch, banish entire demonic armies with only a handful of Sisters, and assassinate alpha-level warp psyches because that's a thing."
"Meteors are falling from the sky and leaving strange structures and alien creatures behind."
"Lots of folks would pay five figures for a vacation up there and you could haul whole film crews up there for months at a time to film a science fiction movie or TV series in actual zero-gravity for a change."
"What we need is a wormhole between Earth and Mars. You just step through it, it's it, and enjoy it."
"It looks otherworldly. I mean, it looks like something straight out of a sci-fi movie."
"Now, far back in the midst of time, when I originally posted the first part of Dark Origins, I tried to lay out, as best I could, some understandings of time and how this could impact our perceptions and interpretations of the warp."
"We know the warp exists as something not just a flip side to our material verse but as something more akin to a fifth dimension."
"Humanity is finally aware of the true dangers the warp represents, and should the Imperium ever falter, all will be lost to a new galaxy of unending nightmares and eternal darkness."
"At the crossroads of science fiction and reality, DART is part of our plan to defend planet Earth against potential future impacts."
"As the makers of this valuable substance, Shai Hulud, also known as sand worms, are considered to be the most important organism in the entirety of the known universe."
"The grand skill of writing science fiction and fantasy is learning to convey information about your world in a way that is interesting and not boring."
"But telling clearly defined, philosophically coherent science fiction stories, that's what can make a show like this something people could conceivably recommend."
"The SCP Foundation wouldn't discover Anderson Robotics until 2007, at which point they began pursuing the group in order to shut them down as they represented a risk to normalcy."
"The hyperdrive is the most useful piece of technology in the Star Wars Galaxy; it brings distant stars and people together, allowing the formation of a pan-galactic society."
"To me, the Holy Trinity of Science Fiction is monsters, spaceships, robots."
"Trade is probably going to be the true cornerstone of any interstellar civilization, be it with your own colonies or alien empires."
"If they do contact you via signal or ship though, they might go for that classic science fiction approach of landing a ship in Central Park and asking to be taken to our leader just to make us feel more comfortable."
"It was nothing short of a miracle, a terraforming module capable of producing life from complete lifelessness."
"Mass Effect Andromeda is the most risk-averse science fiction story I've ever seen, and that makes for a bad Mass Effect title."
"The entire would-be discovery's greatest legacy today is that it inspired the name of the home planet of the character Spock from Star Trek."
"No one loves sci-fi more than I do. I've watched all the greats on TV: Star Trek, Babylon 5, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly."
"I like those very much. This is apparently going to be a first-person Mandalorian Adventure where you're going through the galaxy collecting bounties and stuff."
"Despite all that has been revealed, the true nature of the Emperor, his intentions, and his ultimate goals, in truth, no matter how confident the theorizing, remain entirely unknowable."
"The Arc is an immense megastructure with a level of technical sophistication which quite simply boggles the mind."
"Wall-E is a beautiful cocktail of science fiction, romance, and animation that would give any human love story a good run for its money."
"Mendicant Bias was the most advanced Forerunner AI at the time of his creation and was in charge of organizing Forerunner defenses against the Flood during the ancient war."
"You just order your tea, Earl Gray, hot, and bang there it is."
"The notion of various benevolent dictators, oligarchs, or seers able to see or calculate a better future is a popular one in sci-fi."
"Though it bears a science-fiction setting, Dead Space drew heavily from survival horror giants like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, sending players into the claustrophobic Ishimura and pitting them against the hostile Necromorphs with limited supplies."
"The best science fiction always takes technology and extrapolates how it's going to evolve and affect our lives and our human relationships in the future."
"For many people, the concept of wormholes and interdimensional portals seems like the realm of science fiction."
"What happens when a [__] alien lands on Earth is what happened. It becomes better than amazing."
"This is the point, Marty, where we shoot off into a different timeline."
"Cortana scans the surrounding space for survivors, finding only dust and echoes."
"If a being is smart enough to travel intergalactically, they're gonna be way smarter than E.T. was."
"This would be a show about the emergence of a new form of life on Earth, and that's not a short story."
"Ghost in the Shell is... predictive in the same way that really good Sci-Fi is."
"When aliens accidentally crash on Earth and obliterate two people, they replace their bodies with living mechanical weapons and grant them godly powers as compensation."
"The Force is actually a frequency, and what are frequencies? Frequencies are light waves."
"The idea that we don't live in reality isn't new; the only new part is the fun sci-fi twist."
"Philip K. Dick believed there are many universes and sometimes those other realities bleed into ours."
"The Imperium employs an approach to defending hive cities that could be characterized as suicidal to the point of madness."
"It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility though for a hive city or even a planetary system to be run by something more like a council of representatives or even something like a parliament."
"Reality isn't so different from science fiction anymore."
"I've long heard the science fiction fantasy that perhaps our entire universe is a simulation, a fake. That perhaps everything we see and know is a gigantic computer game of sorts, created by super smart hackers existing somewhere else."
"We're doing things that are almost science fiction."
"I'm like 85 percent certain that a species of intelligent reptile does not inhabit the earth's crust beneath Antarctica."
"It's distinctly a horror film and a science-fiction film."
"In the furthest reaches of space, there is a shining light at zodiac races that transluminal speeds."
"Imperium versus Imperium, just another day in the 41st Millennium."
"In 2004, a low-budget science-fiction film took Sundance by storm. Primer is quite possibly the most complex time-travel film ever made."
"It's the year 2320, and Jacob Lee and his co-pilot Max Barrow are working for the United Jupiter Corporation, a company specializing in off-world colonization and terraforming of other planets and their moons."
"Walking into the Javits Center, which looked like an emergency hospital after an apocalypse, it looked like it should be in a science fiction movie."
"Hello, I have managed to pull in a tiny particle from a desert dimension; the Zento everything's were totally off the charts."
"Homeworld isn't just a virtual board game about blowing up ships; it's a great science fiction story."
"The entire premise of Earth 2 is that they're making an exact replica of Earth 1."
"There's no aliens. He's the Martian, you see, because he's stuck there."
"Apparently it took six months and five million dollars worth of electronic equipment to have some of these crew members unfrozen."
"The entire purpose is to hit a golf ball so hard that it leaves the planet at light speed, it destroys the sun."
"We should introduce you to the infinity machine. You two would get along great."
"The Red Scare and the dread of communist infiltration into American culture are commonly seen as metaphors in the 1956 science fiction classic, Invasion of the Body Snatchers."
"This is a murder mystery...it's got sci-fi elements and time is played with in a really fun way."
"We're the Adeptus Mechanicus, and we're on planet Epsilon 96B 38472, digging a big hole, and we found something... a sheet of paper that says, 'Context matters.'"
"Yuri chooses to test it on a wall, and to her astonishment, the wall develops a massive crater."
"He often talked with friends about the concept of a racially diverse crew and an airship exploring the world, inspired by Jules Verne's 'Master of the World.'"
"It was here the phrase 'Wagon Train to the stars' was coined."
"To love Star Trek is to love science, cowboy diplomacy, complex moral dilemmas, and questions about the meaning of existence."
"This is Ripley, warrant officer, last survivor of the commercial starship Nostromo, signing off."
"Imperial Star Destroyers looking like sharp teeth of the jaws of a beast, chomping down on the stars, devouring the galaxy."
"Without his presence, if he were to finally die and not immediately be reborn somehow, the Imperium would likely tear itself apart through power struggles."
"The Emperor sits upon his Golden Throne, he is the corpse God, he is the protector of humanity, the ultimate savior."
"And so, the human soldiers were victorious. Through their sacrifice, they defeated the parasite and ensured the survival of their race and the galaxy at large."
"Science fiction loves time travel. So many stories can be told."
"Ray Bradbury's sci-fi is really terrific and still an underrated writer."
"A sound of thunder... discusses the butterfly effect. Somebody goes back in time, steps on a butterfly, and it has these dramatic ramifications across time."
"Making science fiction not fiction forever... is what fires me up the most."
"Jurassic Park: What can you say about it? It's a classic story of science growing with nature, sort of a monster movie meets family adventure."
"Computers in our pockets, libraries at our fingertips, concepts that were once relegated to centuries-old science fiction are now ordinary, even blasé."
"Many of these sci-fi stories, especially the great ones, are more than just mere warnings. They remind us of human ingenuity, our infinite capacity to deny these potential futures."
"Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war."
"There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."
"There's something about just a regular man with a laser rifle being told to charge the horrors of this universe and willingly doing so for his God Emperor. It's just poetic."
"The lore and setting of the 40K universe is pretty awesome."
"The iconic Space Marines, genetically enhanced superhuman warriors, represent the pinnacle of human modification and military power."
"You might look at a Space Marine and think to yourself, 'Okay, I get it... what else is there to understand here?' But then you find out in the canon that they can breathe underwater and also spit acid."
"The orcs of the 41st millennium are an ever-present threat and to be honest one of the most successful races in the galaxy."
"So, something you're gonna quickly learn about me is that I love science fiction."
"There is no other story more important to the genre than Dune."
"This would make the discovery of the marker a force that even the most skeptical scientist would question, leading to faith, which would lead to fanatics."
"The movie Her seemed like absurd science fiction a decade ago."
"To be an Adeptus Astartes is to be seen as an angel of the God Emperor made flesh."
"Science fiction is written for the societies we're going to live in decades from now, and that these policies are the ones that are policies of an advanced society."
"So, what does this mean? That the pokerus is inviable? That it's not a virus and it couldn't exist? Oh, absolutely not."
"Alternate timelines, or parallel universes are never, ever identical."
"A common objection to the prime directive, and one we explored more in Smug Aliens, is that taken to an extreme is not very ethical either."
"The final goal of the Prototype is to turn itself back into a human, and we're the perfect lab rat for his experiment."
"Out of them alone, you could build a planetary empire that dwarfs most of the interstellar ones we see in science fiction."
"The Large Hadron Collider has become a portal to a realm where ordinary rules cease to exist."
"Empire Strikes Back... stands as a great second part of a trilogy and it stands on its own is a great science fiction movie!" - Mark And Draco
"Wall-E is a charming, awesome love story... It's the best science fiction movie of all time." - Mike Carlson
"Terminator 2... did that for everyone... examining what it means to be human." - Danielle Radford
"Should I fake it? Absolutely fake it, because what's the worst that could happen?"
"Planet Earth has been under a detailed survey by several extraterrestrial civilizations."
"It's an open world kung fu sci-fi post-apocalyptic RPG adventure."
"Life simply goes on, taking Garibaldi, Franklin, Jacar, Lita, Sheridan, and Delenn to places beyond the station."
"You're actually implanting a complex idea into a clone's head using a few chemicals."
"Legion is the only character in The Mass Effect universe who gives us a direct window into Geth culture."
"Is it possible that other Prothean stasis pods exist somewhere in the Galaxy?"
"The world is a lot Stranger than what we think it is. There's a lot more going on than we might think. We need to just embrace that idea and then try to process what it is that people experience in an honest way."
"Science fiction is like televangelism for the alien worldview."
"This is about a disruptive interference in private affairs of a stage two culture using any section of the Prime Directive without approval from the High Council of the Galactic Federation of Worlds." - Thorhan
"Europa could become a wonderful Water World."
"What bruce banner has managed to achieve here goes beyond anything anybody has done."
"We found a frozen leviathan that's infected with Carra."
"Destiny's narrative was utterly incredible, it was exquisitely written, brilliantly creative, deeply philosophical, and all around one of the best sci-fi universes ever created."
"We watched our show reach a pinnacle of success rarely seen in science fiction television."
"I will literally be showing you how to make an invisibility shield."
"The planet Buster: a powerful bomb that... will immediately explode its core and turn into a giant flaming ball of death."
"The idea of living on Mars is nothing new—it's been a staple of science fiction since the 19th century."
"Why did the Illusive Man spend billions of credits trying to resurrect Commander Shepard if all this time he had access to this Hot Topic space ninja?"
"Colony ship has a really interesting setting and world to dig into centered around a generational ship in space."
"Mars... was a beautiful and compelling read from start to finish."
"I think nebulae have a relationship that they have built even though they won't have the same relationship with Gomorrah."
"The ones of many faces are almost certainly the remnants of free Tlalaxu."
"The benny jesuit initially is averse to this idea, they believe that the butlerian jihad left too great a mark on humanity for this to be true."
"The crossover begins when Earth and 26 other planets are stolen by the Daleks with Davros's help."
"This video is part of a series... let's get started and see what geopolitics among the stars would be like."
"The old ones were gone and the necrons had finally achieved their vengeance."
"Symbols at the bottom could be translated from orash to read Order 66."
"Dune is often considered the greatest science fiction novel of all time."
"Dune is considered one of the most influential science fiction sagas ever."
"I feel like this thing is gonna accidentally create a wormhole."
"The Mandela effect: some people had somehow managed to splinter off and shift between parallel dimensions."
"Unitology's appeal lies in affirming connection and meaning in a bleak world, cleverly blending humanistic ideals with outlandish science fiction."
"A blade will pass through a shield. That's a great simple mechanic you can apply to a sci-fi setting to reintroduce melee combat."
"Welcome to today's Biographics in which we'll learn about the life, works, and loves of Herbert George Wells, one of the fathers of modern science fiction."
"The concept of a multiverse has never been shied away from in science fiction."
"Sometimes people from One Universe can cross over into another, and that usually leads to a catastrophe."
"The scientists of the Marvel universe don't really have a problem creating super soldiers."
"Divorced from all these questions of unborn-ness and bodily autonomy the actual question kill the moon asks us to consider is: is it moral to end one life to save billions?"
"Space: the final frontier according to Star Trek, but it's a pretty big frontier to say the least."
"I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is a point-and-click adventure game based on the 1967 post-apocalyptic science fiction short story by Harlan Ellison."