
Concepts Quotes

There are 642 quotes

"It's good to read or to watch science fiction to think about concepts radically different from our own experiences."
"The idea of universality is the most beautiful idea in computer science."
"The concept we call time begins with the universe."
"The journey through mathematics is one of constant discovery, where even the most familiar concepts can reveal new and surprising truths."
"Operational definitions are basically agreed-upon terms or agreed-upon definitions and conditions that will define something such as happiness."
"Physics is not about remembering equations; it's about concepts."
"It's fascinating how 'mind virus' concepts can significantly affect certain groups of people."
"The essence of concepts is that they have no essence. They are the pure possibility of play."
"Most people misinterpret discipline with punishment."
"Our society does a very poor job of explaining what love is. Our notions of love are very unsophisticated and juvenile."
"As always, we have three concepts or ideas that we want to focus on and for this game, they are: one, equalize; two, trade; and three, win."
"The Intermediate Value Theorem says for any value K, there's at least one point between A and B that will give you that."
"The more words you have, the more concepts you have, the smarter you are."
"Once again, right? The Pixar concepts are genius."
"It's about exploring and celebrating the concepts we find creepy, weird, and wonderful."
"The Matrix franchise is overflowing with amazing ideas and concepts."
"For any multiplication problem on our x axis, our y values will always form a valid sum."
"To be affluent means to flow with wealth. Affluent means wealthy, but it means flow like water."
"Fun isn't just a human construct that men or a talking sponge invented."
"Without concepts, there can be no thought, and without analogies, there can be no concepts."
"All of our concepts are formed and applied through analogies."
"Without concepts there can be no thought... without analogies there can be no concepts."
"Virginity and chasteness aren't quite the same thing."
"There's really a lot of really interesting concepts being explored in great depth."
"Stacking context defines like a new order stacking so it's like a new layer."
"Object-oriented programming marries the operations with the data they're done on."
"We all have a basic understanding of words like joy, karma, love, humanity, but if we dig further into their meaning, they can teach us a lot about ourselves and our world."
"Zero doesn't mean there's none of something, just means it could be on a scale."
"What if instead of being fixed in one spot, the point was free to float around?"
"It wasn't a role model, it was more of a concept. Exactly, I understand. Yeah, it was a concept because the way I grew up."
"The concept that keeps this art world running is authenticity."
"Everything is in conversation with everything else."
"Space begins when we have a body, time begins when we start thinking, causation begins when we apply limitations."
"I just really love the concept and the premise and like the themes it's eliciting which I all found really compelling."
"Thank you all for watching, hope you guys have enjoyed this concept this idea."
"Concepts can impact people, concepts can influence people."
"When God introduces both the concept and the words, it's a positive form of inspiration."
"It deals with some really fun sci-fi concepts."
"Human speech, however, can convey ideas, higher concepts, morality, stories, and traditions."
"Get someone who can help you structure your concepts into a flow."
"Understanding first class functions will help you understand other terms such as higher-order functions, currying, and closures."
"We should be able to treat functions just like any other object or variable."
"A function accepts other functions as arguments or returns functions as their result, that's what you call a higher-order function."
"Understanding these first-class functions will help you understand these more complex terms like closures and higher-order functions."
"Returning a function from another function like this is one of the aspects of what it means to be a first-class function."
"The concept and everything is just very, very fascinating."
"Universes and realities are similar concepts in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"One of those earlier concepts that was attempted but not really fleshed out."
"So it's a great reason to embrace this idea of different timelines."
"There's always a world largely resembling ours."
"Infinite time and infinite space — that to me is the 'ultimate.'"
"But it plays with the ideas of image and perception."
"Equal opportunity to outcome is probably the worst concept and the most unrealistic concept that I have ever heard an intelligent person speak."
"The concept of the hero and devil King are just relics of the past."
"Strange loops are so incredibly profound, you don't even understand how profound a strange loop is."
"Quantum Leap: taking something to a new edge."
"Justification: a new word for a new phenomenon."
"Seven represents completion, perfection, and rest."
"The clarity that you need is the clarity of concepts as opposed to just clarity in your mind."
"What is probability physically, where does it come from?"
"Utterly brilliant concepts in world building."
"So what do we know about bounds? In general, they're quite open."
"I've actually been having a lot of fun with this whole concept."
"Recursion is typically a program referring to itself in its body, so long as I have what I call a base case."
"It's something that is very attractive to people as an idea."
"It’s about time we discussed an obscure concept in physics that may be more fundamental than energy and entropy and perhaps time itself. Ready? Action."
"That's such a cool idea to me. I just, I love it so much."
"Both of them are non-complementary paradigms."
"I think the important thing to realize is that concepts don't give you generics."
"I enjoy these major concepts of direct and indirect leadership."
"Dependency injection is a concept that a child could understand."
"Basically, when you die, you go to this other reality where you can still interact with your loved ones. Like, they can still see you, like you can video chat with them in like this afterlife."
"The more concepts you get to converge in an area the more secure the more confirmed the entry will be."
"Rates and ratios are types of fractions, so a proportion can be two equal rates or two equal ratios."
"I just think these concepts are fascinating."
"The aim of this message today is to begin the process of undoing and reversing ideas and concepts."
"There must be some social understanding of what gender is."
"I deal a lot more with concepts than I do with specifics because that's really important."
"The base level of your thinking is not language, it's something else."
"I don't think in English or Japanese, I just think in raw concepts, just raw ideas."
"This concept can be applied in so many different other fields."
"A ninja would summon nine concepts with his hands to make his mind strong: power, energy, harmony, healing, intuition, awareness, force, creation, Zen."
"The term mask is going to be used like all over shaders because the concept of using a mask is super super useful."
"Chinese astrology uses concepts like yin and yang."
"It takes some experience to build proper Concepts."
"I think it's creativity. So not necessarily the creatives that they're creating, but the creativity, like the ideas and the concepts that they're coming up with."
"Understanding concepts before you try to memorize them greatly improves your retention."
"So the uncertainty relation is now pretty clear from these guys."
"So the key takeaways of this talk: Remember, functor is something that has map. Monad is something that has flatmap."
"Concepts without percepts are empty, percepts without concepts are blind."
"The cause of all suffering is desires, preferences, concept."
"There's no word for something that's the opposite of fragile in common vocabulary, even though we're aware of that property of antifragility intuitively."
"We shouldn't be hesitant to embrace unknown concepts."
"These concepts will blow your mind and change your life."
"Use vivid imagery... paint a picture... make abstract concepts feel real and relatable."
"It presents the concepts in a clear and focused way."
"Most opposites are actually mutually dependent concepts."
"The reality is always bigger than the concept, even the biggest concept."
"I'll have to give you a sense of them."
"Creating concepts are the most difficult thing to create."
"Everyone thinks it's so easy to push away and everyone thinks it's so easy to accept. It's usually those concepts that we have the hardest time with."
"Concepts will always be limited, and also what's really an important step in the meditative process is when we go from the level of concept to the level of direct experience."
"Concepts are mechanisms for instituting unity within the manifold-ness of sensible experience."
"By these concepts alone can the understanding think an object."
"The concept of this movie is awesome."
"...but with how surreal dreams are in general, even the most outrageous concepts don't usually feel out of place."
"Most of these Eastern thought systems rely on something that the Chinese call the power of the key."
"The existence of concepts in our vocabulary helps us access the world in a very direct way."
"I'm a firm believer in learning Concepts over learning individual techniques."
"Typography knowledge is vast and always evolving. In this course, we provided you with typographic concepts that are perfect to get you started and master it as you learn."
"Doctor Who has a habit, especially the newer Who stuff, seems to just come up with these concepts and ideas and never follows through on them."
"The five things that you need to know about options: options do have a strike price, options do have an expiration, options are either call options or put options, you can actually buy options or you can sell it, and there's the important concept of premium or also theta decay."
"It's strange to see two very familiar concepts merged into one thing."
"Object-oriented programming and its core principles of encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and abstraction."
"The philia and the hamanya are almost synonymous and have an almost identical function and form depending on the source, usually as an animal or female spiritual figure."
"So recursion doesn't just describe mathematical formulas."
"Haku and zabaza presented to us a concept that is repeated over and over again itself an analogy for the endless cycle of hatred Naruto must fight against."
"Doesn't matter what equipment you use, the concepts overall are the same."
"Words convey concepts, which are intellectual abstractions."
"There's an interconnectedness of everything. Our senses and concepts don't really allow us to understand that."
"Pokemon types span a fairly large range of ideas and concepts."
"I thought it explored some interesting concepts even though if you start thinking about it too much some things start seeming dumb until you just have to stop."
"We've devolved into weirder and weirder Concepts"
"Doctor Who is at its best when it's swinging between weird more out there Concepts and more readily accessible scenarios."
"We use concepts of number and quantity all the time."
"I'm just trying to share the uses of this very powerful concept which is not just a concept it's backed up by real data."
"I wrote them a secret book years ago, but I was able to take the basic concepts that I gave them and those concepts are in my book."
"I am a sucker for time travel movies, anything that has to do with time or that sort of stuff I love about concepts."
"I can't destroy the idea of numbers"
"A lot of the concepts you learned today like the forward pass and the backward pass are also directly applicable to neural networks."
"The discovery of zero as a digit was incredibly liberating for all sorts of thought."
"Sentence transformers enable us to search based on concepts rather than specific words."
"So those are our basic criminal law concepts."
"The concept of being an alpha male is not Islamic. It's a concept that is partially right and partially wrong."
"Our very best definitions of evil or good of beauty or justice."
"The essence of concepts grounds these truths."
"These are the incredible lost MG prototypes and concepts."
"The concept of labels and selectors."
"Vectors are a very general concept that appears in many forms throughout mathematics."
"So any category with a single object and how many arrows you want is called a monoid."
"One thing I gotta say, man, Nolan is someone who is just infatuated with concepts."
"Concepts: implicitly creating a template that constrains how a function can be used."
"Concepts look like it will make generic programming a lot more approachable."
"The range library is probably the first significant library that's written in terms of concepts."
"They introduced one of my favorite ideas, the idea of Way Seekers."
"Once you embrace this idea of designing libraries using concepts, you never go back."
"They can be broken down into the same primitives like motion, a source-path-goal, containment."
"And these same deep linking concepts I have leveraged in a wide variety of different scenarios."
"You don't need words to tell a story. Some concepts can't be expressed by words."
"Clifford never even talked about inner and outer products when he wrote his first paper."
"The first movie has these really terrifying, horrifying, realistic concepts."
"Absolute versus relative referencing, really important concept."
"Ideas are inherent fractal which means you can zoom in and zoom in and zoom in and still retain kind of the overall pattern of the idea."
"The core themes of Taleb's work are our misunderstanding of risk and especially uncertainty, the symmetry and asymmetry of life, and the fragility and anti-fragility of systems."
"Learn the concept, not just the answers."
"Constructs comprise a group of concepts and may show relationships between them. One example is emotional intelligence."
"...Well, so many of the concepts, the theological concepts can sound, to some people, so highfalutin, but it's so practical."
"The key takeaway here is that people really like the concept."
"Spirituality is shedding concepts and living a richer human experience."
"Make sure you know all of the major concepts of domain one."
"I spent months researching and experimenting, exploring different concepts."
"The most important concepts for us are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix."
"...there are actually lots of great musical ways that you can apply these concepts."
"ICT and smart money concepts are absolutely useless without this one concept and this is the reason why most ICT Traders aren't profitable and why most strategies don't work."
"The range is a set of all output values... dependent upon the domain."
"...there's yoga books with 400 different breathing practices with all of these crazy names, all of that's great but I wanted to focus on the general concept behind these."
"This is one of the most fun concepts I've ever seen."
"Everything must be an object including classes."
"Concepts simplify the code, they make everything smaller, smarter, cleaner, maintainable, understandable."
"These concepts are manufactured by human beings because they're useful when navigating the environment and surviving."
"What's the difference between a proportion and a mean?"
"It's more important to have just a few concepts very clear in your mind."
"...just to reiterate what we saw today so the main idea is traits traits are the foundational unit by which you organize an api..."
"Take the concepts that I'm showing and make them your own."
"If we have concepts about the real world and it's not possible to cast them into precise mathematical form, that usually is an indicator that some aspects of these concepts have not been well understood."
"Every time this has happened to us before in the history of physics, that some concept we can't even in principle give operational meaning to, it's meant that that concept is approximate and somehow arises in an approximate way from more fundamental ideas."
"Attachment is like this: you attach to your concepts, your story about them."
"I love spooky things and concepts."
"Powers and exponents are everywhere in mathematics."
"We don't really have a name for this thing I'm vaguely alluding to."
"Every album, excluding maybe some of their first ones, are concept albums."
"Relevance realization, autopoesis, and adaptivity are deeply interlocked."
"Actionable and useful notion to have."
"Functions are objects and they can be passed through parameters."
"It learned universal reusable concepts."
"Understanding a new concept is kind of empowering and cool."
"It's really important that we have a clear understanding of both in our minds."
"The very idea of something called 'the economy' is a 19th-century invention."
"This is how you start to communicate a new concept."
"The idea of the Modern Nation is really a very modern idea."
"Pass by value copies the value of a variable, while pass by reference stores a reference to the variable's memory address."
"Concepts have everything to do with action and perception being linked with the same neurons firing."
"We have very different concepts of Honor."
"He's incorporating all of that into the higher concepts here."
"To draw stuff in pygame, you have to understand the hierarchy of four different concepts."
"I do think conceptually this is probably a better idea than a whole different spin-off show."
"Zombie concepts are ideas that just never seem to die."
"It's almost like asking what is truth, what is beauty, what is justice, what is love."
"Our concepts do violence in the world."
"It’s okay to draw on models and concepts that have already been revealed. They’re helpful for understanding the world and for questioning and thinking through important ideas and issues."