
Future Generations Quotes

There are 1106 quotes

"Keeping it so that our children can live here too, in the future."
"For the machines to become amazing teenagers in 10 years' time, we need to become amazing parents today."
"President Xi once said, 'Success does not have to come from me.' I understand this phrase to be about a sense of responsibility... about taking responsibility for the future, for tomorrow, for the next generation."
"What climate change means to me is looking in the eyes of my grandchildren and wondering what kind of hell they're going to pay."
"The truth is that future generations will look back at this precise moment with awe."
"The purpose of Section 3 is to protect our democracy not just for the next election cycle but for generations to come."
"Our children are our future, so why don't we start educating our children."
"The precipice is not only about the existential risks we face but about our capacity for resilience and the potential for future generations to flourish."
"The space station has inspired a generation that is going to take us from low Earth orbit to the Moon and then eventually to Mars."
"I believe the children are our future; teach them well and let them lead the way."
"We have an obligation to preserve this... so the maximum number of human beings has that experience."
"We have to write an ending to our story that we can look back on, that our future generations can look back on, and be proud of."
"If we want the future to be better, then we have to be better people, as parents, as a community, as family. We have to be the models that we want these kids to be because they're watching us, they're recording us, and they'll become us."
"What are these children going to be like because they are the next generation that matters in society?"
"We need to feed our next generation with positivity, good information, whether that's investing, taking care of themselves, health and wellness, in sports."
"I don't want to bring kids into a world like this how it is right now, so if we can change and we can make a change right now, I think it's imperative that we stand up and make that change."
"The decline of western economics is largely based on the fact that we have abandoned the notion that you owe a debt to future generations."
"We together can stop future generations from having to face these problems."
"It is our obligation, it is our duty, it is our job to one another as brigaders, to ensure that we do not allow this to permeate our lives, to permeate our society, and to corrupt the next generations and the future generations after them."
"What would it be like to raise an entire generation of young people based upon what we now know to be true in science?"
"We have to keep speaking up because the next ones are coming."
"Developing a new school system to teach practical life skills is a lofty goal but one that could change future generations."
"The big wallets are gonna thrive this generation. We're gonna have so many kids."
"The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit."
"I hope some 19-year-old here, or at MIT, or whoever, watches the show and goes, 'If steam drive fusion engines, come on,' and then 50 years from now, they're running a department that is building the next generation fusion drives."
"What's the faith of the next generation worth? I think it's worth everything."
"I want to change the world, and I want to do it for my grandkids, your kids, and your grandkids."
"We're not just fighting for our country; we're fighting for our children's future."
"I'm doing everything I'm doing today for my great-great-grandkids, who I probably would never meet, but they will be able to say, you know what man, my great-great-grandfather Anthony impacted a lot of people."
"For our great-great-grandchildren, we have a means of them communicating with us, even if our bodies don't make it forever."
"No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change."
"Do we want to allow our children to walk into a broken planet, a broken environment where they will not be able to thrive, or do we want to make the changes that are necessary?"
"Service Above Self, and we got to restore that in these future generations."
"I didn't build a fan base for me; I built a fan base for the generation or two after me."
"What the scientists are telling us: if we do not act extremely boldly within the next few years, there is no debate about it, the planet we will be leaving to our children and grandchildren will be increasingly uninhabitable and unhealthy."
"Thank you for the inspiration. Your vulnerability and your willingness to be open in that regard is going to create a better future for young men and young women."
"The only way to ensure that future generations remember this as humanity's final option is to ensure that there will be future generations after today."
"We all need to take responsibility for our own existence and existence of the future generations."
"To protect and to cherish; it's not just a duty but a sacred promise to the generations to come."
"In the distant future, our grandchildren's grandchildren will read history books. They will read the documentation of the rise of social media and what came out of it."
"The legacy, the way I view legacy, is what is the gift that you're passing along."
"It's a book that's born of my anxieties as a relatively young father... I began to think about what kind of a man our world will chisel out of him."
"Planning for future generations requires us understanding how much water we have."
"I pray that our children and our grandchildren will not be refugees in another country."
"I hold your commitment to fighting for the future generations of this planet in the highest esteem."
"If we don't take care of our children, these debates will die with us."
"Our successors are gonna need the secrets of the past and those secrets are in danger of slipping through our fingers forever."
"The world is really their future, and we owe it to them to do what we can now to make sure that the world is saved."
"Respect our future generations and gather the wisdom for intergenerational coexistence."
"We think that we have to be responsible towards future generations."
"Build that road to space so that the future generations can unleash their creativity."
"We're trying to build a legacy for our children so that they can have a better life than what we've had."
"We want to make sure that our kids all of our kids inherit a country that is rich with opportunity and is just as vibrant as the one that you and I [inherited]."
"Someday this will all be gone, and all we can do is make the most of the time we have and try to minimize how much we mess things up for whoever or whatever comes after us."
"Rather than just the next two years or the next four years for an election, is anyone thinking about the next century?"
"Together, we'll ensure a future where you and your children, your grandchildren, can live the legacy our founders left to us."
"We are essentially living on an ecological credit card that our kids will have to pay."
"It's about what we're going to leave behind; what's our legacy."
"You're obliged to assure a peaceful future for your children. Our grandchildren will never forgive us if we fail to stop Russia now."
"Hopefully, future generations of researchers and archaeologists can continue to work on this site with open minds."
"We are at a crossroads; we have a common cause that is leaving to our children a world with a better social environment."
"As people from the Earth, we need to make our world better; we need to make the future for our kids."
"The only thing I'm concerned with is good government and making sure that our kids love America the way that I love and have hope for their future."
"It's always been about our next generation, our children, and it is our babies who you will hear from that will pay this price for the governor's relentless political witch hunts."
"We've got a lot ahead of us before new generations with more critical skills can come of age."
"The kids are our future and we have to pay attention to our kids, not trying to be their friends."
"What we're hoping to do is to build the road to space so that future generations... will be able to do amazing things in space."
"I don't want to live in a world where my great grandkids can't be up and close with reptiles and other animals, and that they don't maybe even care because they haven't understood what these animals are."
"This historic legislation will ensure future generations can enjoy our national parks and public lands."
"If you don't know and you don't know by the time you die, you leave it for the next generation to pick up."
"This is probably gonna be the first generation of children who are going to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents."
"This is a moral issue, my friends. We have to take the responsibility of making sure that the planet we leave our children and grandchildren is a planet that is healthy and habitable."
"It's so critically important because the kids are our future. That's our future, not 68-year-old grandmas like me. It's your kids, it's my grandkids, it's kids. They are our future, and we have to show them a better way."
"This is about our children...this is about the inheritance that we leave them."
"We want to make sure that there's an abundance of wildlife for a beautiful world for the generations."
"We must rebuild this country for the future of our children."
"Think about the next generation and leave a better world for our children."
"I record the knowledge of our ancestors for future generations."
"We need to fight for our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren. I want to see this country flourish again."
"You say you love your children above all else and yet you're stealing their future in front of their very eyes."
"Together as one national family, we can continue to be the light of hope for future generations."
"True conservatives should be conserving natural resources and thinking about downstream generations."
"This is the only way for us to carry out the paramount mission of our organization and provide a decent life for present and future generations."
"If we love our children and our grandchildren, we have to move toward energy efficiency and sustainable energy now."
"I am going to plant this tree whose shade I know I will never sit beneath because, in 50 years, the children will be able to and their lives will be better."
"The greatest gift that you could give to future generations is their birthright, which is the United States of America."
"It's not killing history, it's preserving it for future generations."
"Why do you want to leave a legacy behind us of crippled children and destroyed world?"
"Sustainability is just humanity's ability to satisfy the current wants and needs of society without negatively impacting the future generations' ability to satisfy their wants and needs."
"The prospect of our blundering into a nuclear war, either by accident or political miscalculation, is probably the greatest risk we face."
"I can't think of anything better than leaving our descendants, all of our descendants, and everybody's descendants a healthy planet."
"As we celebrate our nation's founding, we're reminded once more of our profound obligation to protect America's extraordinary blessings for the next generation."
"We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations."
"What do they want to leave behind? Don't they want something that their children and their grandchildren will be proud of?"
"Steve Jobs once said that the storyteller is the most powerful person in the world because the storyteller sets the values and the vision for the generation which is to come."
"Every one of you has a page in the history of the world. What is that page? How do you make that page which is going to be referred by the prosperity?"
"Creating a future that our young can't believe in is the most insidious attack there is. It attacks their sense of hope, and that is one of the worst things that could possibly happen."
"The youth, those young rebels, they have the best outlook. They're right, their progressive, which is correct, and they're the future."
"Sustainability is a commitment to future generations, ensuring they inherit a world not depleted but enriched."
"We're not doing this just for us. We're doing it for younger girls behind us."
"I want this next generation to be the best educated in American history."
"We are writing a record we will have to explain to the next generation."
"The decisions that we take now are going to have a major impact on decades to come."
"We will pass the future Generations the knowledge that they can further on build on that and go beyond where no one has gone before."
"These are the leaders of the next generation."
"I want my kids to know they have moral authority, they have the ability to shape the future."
"I wonder if the next generation of workers in Japan will take on the mantle of risk-takers."
"Every day it gets worse... What's happening to the environment... My seven grandchildren, they have no future."
"Are we going to miss something because of the way that we're raising our kids? Yeah, we are."
"The person that's going to be suffering from this... is the kids 10 years from now."
"Among those of us who share the goals of liberation and a workable future for our children, there can be no hierarchies of oppression."
"I believe the children are future give them strength and let them lead the way."
"I do believe the children are our future. I really do."
"The younger generation is literally the future."
"How will you restore a society that ensures that its youngest citizens will be better off than their parents?"
"We're going to keep fighting for our children and for generations to come."
"We want a country that we can be proud of, one where we are confident that our children will grow up in Freedom."
"Our children are worth fighting for and our future is worth fighting for."
"It's so important that the next generations get better and better and better."
"All of this emanates from the question asked in 2009: who is optimistic about the future of America for your children?"
"The real casualty there is the next generation who really have our future in their hands or not so much their hands but in their dreams."
"We all inhabit this small planet, cherish our children's futures, and we are all mortal."
"We will bankrupt the next generation if we don't reform entitlements and we stick with these kind of command and control systems."
"This isn't about us. It's about our children and their future."
"Adding value to ensure that we have a country that we can be proud of and a future for the coming Generations."
"Your country is at stake. You have the power with your vote to save the American dream for your children, for your grandchildren."
"What sort of world do we want to leave our children?"
"We commit to use our voice for the ocean, to protect and restore it so our waters are free of waste, to save marine life for the next generation, to protect our future."
"We need to protect future generations and those struggling right now."
"I'm genuinely worried that the American Dream isn't going to exist for my two sons and their generation unless we step up and do something about it."
"The only way to not guarantee that the world goes to [ __ ] is to put good people in it."
"We must act now to protect the American Dream, to preserve the pursuit of happiness for future generations."
"The world is a dark place I know but it doesn't have to be always and the more we push back the better we can make this for the Next Generation."
"My grandson cannot possibly hope to inherit a sustainable, peaceful, stable, socially just world unless every child today also has that same expectation."
"Our great friendship will last 1000 Generations."
"Continue to fight for what matters for future generations."
"It was as if the beings were trying to warn the children of the future of the planet if humanity continued its devastating policies towards the environment."
"Goose fights fights for the children of the future goose fights for us"
"Sustainability is the ability to meet her own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs."
"The wealth of knowledge that we glean from the moon will inspire a new generation of thought and action."
"Crypto is essentially the last chance we have to improve the quality of lives for ourselves, our families, and our future generations."
"You don't build a garden for yourself right now; you build a garden for future generations."
"I'm gonna set up my kids to have a much better life than I have!"
"We want to make sure that our grandkids live in America that we can recognize."
"Freedom is always but one generation away from extinction. It's now our responsibility to preserve, protect, defend freedom and liberty for our children and grandchildren and future generations."
"Towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren."
"We all want to move in the same direction towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren."
"Independent media is going to be the new teacher for the kids coming up."
"But at the end of the day we are the future."
"Space inspired me, and so my hope is that Space Lab will inspire the next generation."
"One thing that I believe that we should do is ensure that whatever energy we bring to or whatever children we're raising we're going to put them in a situation where they can be better human beings."
"Everything that we do, everything that we say, everything that we think has to be done for the sake of those who are coming behind us."
"They're just going to be very smart, very intelligent, very very very intelligent."
"This future child of yours is going to be a caretaker of the earth... they care about getting things together."
"We have to act on climate for the good of our children and, by the way, for the good of our economy."
"Our children are our future and they're our most precious resource."
"We have a choice to make, and what hangs in the balance is our children and our grandchildren."
"Investments and decisions made now will reverberate for generations to come."
"We have a once in a generation opportunity to make a qualitative improvement in the kind of education we give to our children."
"You've got to fight for the next generation, and that's what we're here for."
"Is this who we are? Is this who we want to be? Is this what we want to pass on to our children and our grandchildren?"
"We are all accountable to future generations for the decisions for the steps and processes we put in place to create a better future today."
"Classic games should be preserved for the future."
"That's not a world I want my children to live in."
"The next generation of researchers and scientists are going to be flying with their payloads and I'm so excited for what's to come."
"It's not about us, it's about our children and their future."
"It will take champions and care families communities... to give our children the very best future."
"You are the future and we need kindness so please keep spreading this word."
"When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population more of our children can breathe clean air and drink clean water."
"We owe it to the children and future generations... to stand up for freedom."
"It's necessary to question everything we've been taught and build a better world for us and the next generations."
"Imagine if we could be the turnaround generation that actually started putting humanity back on track into that space."
"I don't want that for your kids. I really don't. I don't want that for you. I don't want that for anybody."
"We have to do better if not for ourselves, for our children."
"Now's the time to finally meet our moral obligations to provide every child a world-class education."
"The future generations of our world depend on a stronger relationship between the countries of the United States and China."
"This is for the babies man... every generation takes you to the next level."
"If it's illegal for Donald Trump Jr. to get information on an opponent from a source that is not a US citizen, how can the Clinton campaign pay Fusion GPS to gather information using a former British spy?" - Glenn Beck
"You know we're kind of deciding whether or not there will be a future, you know for the planet for not just future generations but certainly our children because things are accelerating to that extent."
"Space exploration has an incredible capacity to inspire future generations."
"There's something really wrong about a society that leaves as an inheritance to its children a lot of debt."
"Everyone, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren everywhere deserve a better crack at a more peaceful and equitable world."
"Our children are going to be the next generation leading the world."
"We must reach far beyond our own lifespans. We must think not as individuals but as a species."
"Climate change will force far harsher changes on our kids."
"Why the moon? Because the missions of Tomorrow Will Be sparked by the accomplishments of the Artemis generation today."
"It's not only important to create a successful business because we have another balcony but to create a more sustainable future for him and future Generations."
"A new baby... deeply significant and important to future generations."
"In this election, we have a chance to change the course of history."
"Years from now, this moment will have passed, and our children and grandchildren will look in our eyes and they're going to ask us, 'Where were you when the stakes were so high?'"
"It is no exaggeration to say that this current session could completely reshape this country and redirect our future for generations to come, and not in a good way."
"This is for the next generation of fighters."
"The freedoms that you give up today are freedoms your children will never know existed."
"Mercy is our strength, our mercy towards future generations."
"I just want a lot of kids. I think I'm pretty cool, so if there's like five of me running around, it'd be even cooler."
"This is the business of this generation to create conscious human beings."
"Create a conscious planet so that we will live something that we are proud of for the next generation."
"This is a piece of history that human beings should be able to enjoy millennia from now, not just in the next few decades or centuries."
"Do we rely on the benevolence of a few to guide our children's future?"
"Mixed kids will be the peacemakers of the world. Y'all watch and see."